
Mass executions?

Sender claims protesters put to death at Evin prison

According to a sender from Iran on Facebook, this picture was secretly taken in Evin prison in Tehran/Iran on Tir 28 (July 19). HOWEVER, this photo is actually from Iraq.


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Islamist caucus

by Fred on

The lady Islamist has posed a question, as typically  off-the-wall rhetorical Islamist question as it is, as soon as her caucus achieves quorum a response will be forthcoming.


Fred, why not holocaust pictures?

by Jaleho on

The responsible Iranian.com should post all of the holocaust pictures and war in Sudan right here as examples of atrocities done in Iran. After all, IRI is capable of everything, and Ahmadinejad is Hitler incarnate, no?

Iranian.com , CNN, and twitter with the help of people like you and Amir Taheri can spread any BS in the name of what goes on in Iran in big pitures and title pages. If one person in a hundred,like Peymaneh here, proved that it is all propaganda, it doesn't matter. The picture and the headline news had the impact on the mob that the dirt desired anyway. Then DIRT like Makhmalbaaf can go and BEG the EU Parliament for more sanction on Iran, and warn them that a "nuclear Iran" is clear danger to all of them, and they should stop Iran's scientific achievements!

I have never heard any neocon give a more dangerous anti-Iran speech in AIPAC than Makhmalbaaf 's speech in EU parliament, and the MOB here said "hoorah!!"


Dear Moderator

by Mehrban on

As per the link provided by Ms. Amiri, the above photo is from 2007 and in Iraq.   As a sign of respect for the true Iranian victims of IR and the deceased Iraqis in the picture please remove this item or accurately recaption.  Thanks



by capt_ayhab on

Fundamentally I agree with you in regards to the atrocities that IR has committed in Iran, and is committing.

However as Ms. Peymaneh pointed out, care must be taken in order not to discredit the street freedom fighters in Iran. She has provided the link where the original photo is posted, and in fact it belongs to Iraq, as heart breaking as it is.




Ms. Peymaneh

by capt_ayhab on

Thanks for your vigilance in providing the information regarding the photo, however heart breaking it is.

We should not allow items like this, and the alleged video[people being thrown from the roof tops - Iraq again] which was circulation week ago to discredit those brave young women and men in Iran.

Best regards madam



Dariush aziz everyone is lying correct?


I have been following your comments on other blogs and other post you are accusing anyone who is posting against this regime as lie and propganda.

Ok lets say this picture is not authentic, which I truly belive is. 

But do you agree with these facts?

-IRI regime is a dictatoirial regime

-IRI regime is a fascit regime

-IRI regime has killed thousands of people and hundreds just recently in the demonstrations

-IRI regime torture, rapes and executes people

-IRI regime burns the house of bahai people and rapes their mother and daughters

-IRI regime treats women like second class citizen and discrimiates against minorities

-IRI regime is brutal and cosnists of Killers.

 darish I have been asked not ti use profanity and I have promised but believe while I am writing this I am think of all teh words I like to tell you and your IRI regime.

see you someday hopefully soon 







lol....somepeople make fun of themselevs

by Benyamin on

The picture could be abywhere in Iran but not in Iraq, the bricks are Iranian style brick and even the color matches that of Evin prison for those who don`t know.

But even if the picture is not accurate the news coming out of Iran matches the discription of what is going on in Iran. I believe we are wittnessing is just the tip of the iceberg and it will be horrifying experience in coming days.

My condolances to all the families. 



by Benyamin on

According to RadioFarda; Mohsen Roholamini the son of senior councultant to Mohsen Rezaee has been exacuted or killed under torture.

He was arrested on July 19th by the IRI thugs and his family was notified by the Evin thugs or Etela~at persons. Yesterday his family was notified that they can recieved his corpes.

Not to Dariush



thanks paymaneh Amiri

by Dariush on

That is how it all starts, with a lie, then becomes a major crime.  If some are willing to use false information and lie today, they will do the same and more tomorrow. so don't take people as fools and post accurate information!

Paymaneh Amiri

Iraq, 2007

by Paymaneh Amiri on

This picture is from a morgue in Iraq's Diyala Province, taken in 2007. 

It is so important for us to be judicious in what we see, watch, read, and believe these days.  Hundreds of people are still unaccounted for in Iran after the recent arrests. There are reports of horrible things happening in prisons in Iran and families are daily informed of their loved ones' deaths. If we don't examine things carefully and propagate inaccurate news, we will give IRI a chance to ridicule and deny reports of the REAL crimes against humanity which are taking place in their hands. Please be careful and check things out if you can.

Here's the link to this picture's story on IPS:


And here are the first 3 paragraphs of the report:

BAQUBA, Jul 17 (IPS) - The largest morgue in Diyala province is overflowing daily. Officials told IPS they have had to dig mass graves to dispose of bodies.

More and more bodies of victims of the ongoing violence are being found every day in Baquba, capital city of the province, 50km northeast of Baghdad.

"The morgue receives an average of four or five bodies everyday," Nima Jima'a, a morgue official, told IPS. "Many more are dropped in rivers and farms -- or it is sometimes the case they are buried by their killers for other reasons. The number we record here is only a fraction of those killed."


Maryam Hojjat

Fred is Right!

by Maryam Hojjat on

The IRI is brutal & have no marcy on anybody.

Down with IRI 

Shifteh Ansari


by Shifteh Ansari on

This is a horrible scene.  Whenever and wherever this happened, it should be told to the world, but we need to confirm that this is a recent picture. Falling prey to inaccurate stories does not help all the horrible real stories which need immediate attention and it puts a bad light on the 'citizen reporting' which has been working pretty effectively.

Looking at the picture, something looks a little odd about the clothes. The trousers on the man with khaki pants don't look contemporary or like a young city man's clothes. The first six men aren't wearing jeans and that might be odd, considering most people arrested are young city boys who would most likely have had jeans on. Nobody seems to have green clothes on, either, but that might not necessarily mean anything.  Could this be an old picture from 1980's? Just asking us all to think and to be vigilant.


Irrelevent & immaterial

by Fred on

The authenticity of this photo is irrelevant and immaterial. Based on preponderance of the evidence the Islamist cutthroats republic has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is fully capable of and in fact has done mass murders for the entirety of its thirty year rule.