
Nonviolent action

The Center for the Study of Strategic Nonviolent Defense is a virtual center that represents an international network of researchers, translators, writers and activists with the common goal of promoting the education of nonviolent action as the most effective method of causing social change >>>


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hezbollahis like this Mehdi

by sarbaz (not verified) on

every time there is an uprising big or small people like this Mehdi will blame a foreign government
his comments about Israel are like direct instructions from his beloved Khamenei...
blame UK, America, Israel and any one you like dude , this time it has nothing to do with foreigners and everyone except a basiji fool knows it..keep fooling yourself since you aren't fooling anyone else
this is an uprising by young Iranians and any one that is sick and tired of this regimes bull just like comments like yours that they have been fed for years..


But MKO hates non-violent action

by Mehdi on

Also Israeli right wing is really hoping that Iran will descend into a civil war so that they can rip off Iranians longer. Non-violent action is only good for Iranians. So these guys keep spreading falsehood and lies, hoping to fuel more violence and get Iranians to kill each other. Accusing is easy, you know? Som epeople have a thirst for blood (see comment).


to payam

by sarbaz (not verified) on

my dear hamvatan
I have nothing against the koombaya approach you speak of and wish for the people that would work.
I have seen all the reports and videos and heard of the reports you speak off as well.however in dealing with IRI thugs and Basijis who will back down by violence against them or by oppressing the crowds to their will only.
I see this uprising going two ways , one it will die down due to overwhelming force and violence by Basisji forces or will become bloody by killing many basijis , 30 years of IRI government should have thought most Iranians at least this, this government is not going to give up their seat at the thrown by a kind word..
peace to you


Nonviolent Actin

by Payman (not verified) on

Absolute rubbish. The only way to deal with Iranian government thugs is an arm uprising. One and only one solution. Kill them. Death to the dictator.


To Sarbaz,

by Payam S (not verified) on

Sarbaze aziz, You are suggesting similar actions carried out by the Tyrants whome you despise so much. There is a huge fallacy in your assumtion that only violence is effective for ousting tyrants. Let's say that people start hanging current IR officials off of light posts or what not, what kind of society do you think these killers will create in the future? one based on peace and brotherhood or one based on the idea that violence and brutality will fix policital and social problems. This is a disturbing mentality.

I believe you have seen the video where the Iranian protesters had captured a young "basiji" soldier who was beating people with a batton. Well not only did they not hang the young man but they protected him from other protesters who would have potentially brutalized him. This is a way to the peace that you are desiring. There are reports (on which explained how some of the armed military soldiers were protecting the protesters from the fanatic hezbollahis simply for the fact that the protesters were nonviolent and that they had created an affinity between them and the armed forces. Plus the soldier is just another poor person trying to make a living, and if not just another person who has been decieved and mentally controlled by the establishment. This is a soceital issue which is not based on individual basis. We are all products of our environment which dictates our decisions arising from our "free will".

Let's look at things as adults and stop suggesting tactics out of anger and weakness.

Violence is always a sign of weakness; if one has confidence and strength (such as the protesters on the streets) there is no need for acts of violence.

You cannot wash blood with blood.
An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind.

In Peace and Solidarity,


non violent against basij ??? wishful thinking

by sarbaz (not verified) on

unfortunately for young Iranians under 30 yrs of oppression and the nature of Basij and pasdaran the only way to freedom is going to be by starting to hang the basijis and their supporters and bosses on street lights .
then we can talk about a non violent creation of a free society, peoples revolutions against tyrants generally and unfortunately are violent in nature.

I miss some Koktel Molotov action

by on

 I know non violence is nice. But these nasty akhunds are pure ruthless beasts and they won't just stop from hearing nice gestures and words. When I see the images  of these protests and see the nasty pasdars, I tell myself, I wish the protesters had arms too! That would be fair. So far all that the west has done is give the Ayatollahs space and time to kill and provide them with Nokia technology to spy and imprisson innocent people.  Enough being nice.






by freenet on

Pls set your
Twitter accounts to Tehran time to stop the IR auth from tracking the
kids who use it. Please ask your friends too. Thank you!

obviously you can reset it to your local time when this is no longer needed.


agreed, the bit about non-violent action, however

by Anonymous77 (not verified) on

but violent re-action against violence to oneself is a human right

rosie is roxy is roshan

It has to work. There is no other choice.Please read

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

carefully my views I posted on  Jahanshah's newsfeed about the new violence this morning.  

A general strike is in order.I also believe the women should wear

the most bleak and covering black chadors on those days ALL

of them.   

Far worse..

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

At least the new protest shows the people got back their stamina after the lull on Sunday following Saturday's arrest of hundreds.

The worst is that someone fed that they violently broke up the 'illegal' memorial for our girl. MPD was right. They ARE Darth Vader.

i didn't feed it because so far there has been only one report on it but it is hard to believe anyone would lie about that. And of course it was..'illegal.' So of course they woul do it..

But I sincerely believe they are waaaaay overyplaying their hand. They've gone...insane.

My hope was after the lull on Sunday and this grief, that the focus would shift to the general strike which has been in the air. It seems this is what is happening. Until/unless these internecine power struggles are resolved either there will be violence upon violencce or worse sitll resignation  and either way is horrific.

It is time for the third way.

The entire world is watching and waiting and...thinking. The stakes are far greater than 'just' Iran.


I agree but won't work in iran

by Lili on

It's a hopefull proposition, but won't work. You can't compare British forces and Ghandi's peaceful revolution with Islamic Republic. Mullas are cruel than the British were in India. Even without khoshoonat, they will arrest and scare people. Mullahs are too smart to allow social movement or a velvet revolution. At the same time, they have been able to maintain stability in Iran. Unstable Iran will turn into Iraq or Afganistan.

Unlike British in India, Mullas are part of Iranian society and removing them is complicated. People are too tied to their Islamic believes giving longevity to the clerics' regime. In the future, they will either be violently overthrown or remain in power for another 30 to 100 years.