Mansour Osanloo

Bust drivers union leader talks about torture in prison

Says his interrogators cut his tongue and neck to instill fear in others and his supporters:


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Mr. Osanloo demonstrates the

by Suomynona on

Mr. Osanloo demonstrates the power of spoken word. May he be blessed to continue to speak in favor of freedom and justice.


ولد چموش................




ولد چموش رو گذاشتن مدرسه، روز اول معلم خواست الفباء رو یاد بده، از همه خواست تکرار کنن....الف، ب، پ، ت.......

همهء بچه ها تکرار کردن غیر از «ولد چموش»!

هرکاری معلم کرد که این «ولد چموش» نسناس  هم مثل بقیه تکرار کنه نکرد که که نکرد!

وقتی ازش پرسیدن چرا؟ گفت.......

اگه امروز بگم  الف، ب ، پ، ت.....فردا نوبت جیم، چ، ح، خ........ و پس فردا نوبت..........

اینه که باید این معلم رو همینجا جلوش رو بگیرم اگر نه بعداً نمیتوم از پس خواسته هاش بر بیام!!


«ولد چموش» بی پدر و مادر وقتی بزرگ شد شد ولی فقیه!!


چی انتظار داره این آقای اصانلو؟  حق صنفی بگیره در جمهوری اسلامی؟اگه از فرداش بقیهء صنف ها، د انشجو ها، زنها.........اعتراض کردن و «حق» خواستن چی؟ زهی خیال باطل!


mullah's are smart

by MRX1 on

mullah's and their masters in Europe and U.S know that strong and united workers with great  unions will bring down this regime in no time so they crush workers, union and organziers like him. Sadly he is not palestenian so the usuall crowd are not here embracing him.


Sandika Chai

by Parham on

Osanloo is in jail and supposed to get out in two and a half years.

Ali P.

What a remarkable man!

by Ali P. on

But what is this?

Why is he half naked?

Who is interviewing him?

Why did they allow it?

Nothing IRI does makes sense...


This isn't new video. It was

by Sandika Chai (not verified) on

This isn't new video. It was posted Jan 2008. But I love this video, seen it before. Osanloo is great and he did so much. I don't know where he is today but I am sure he is sruggling for freedom (as he explains in this video) and people love him.


Thank you Mr Naficy

by IRANdokht on

It's criminal to treat innocent working people with such cruelty. Osanloo is a hero and I hope he's released soon to return to his family and be safe.
There are long term emotional scars and health problems that he would have to face even if he survives this ordeal... Such a shame!

Ari Siletz

A hero

by Ari Siletz on

But Osanloo keeps referring to international entities. He should keep the labor dispute local.  Iranians have historical reasons to distrust the word "International." It carries connotations of agendas outside the welfare of Iran's people.  

Regardless, the arrest and assault were contemptible acts by the IRI.


This breaks my heart too.

by desi on

This breaks my heart too.  This draconian regime in my opinion is desperate and on the verge of implosion.  Why else would it resort to such disgusting tactics to instill fear in its citizens.  



by Anonymous00000 (not verified) on

Some people like Abarmard and Mehrnaz should watch this video clip and see whether they feel ashamed to care more about Palestinian than their own brothers and sisters in Iran.