Reza Pahlavi: Green Movement

New York City, September 25, 2009

YouTube intro: Friday September 25, 2009, Rockefeller Center, NY I got to interview Reza Pahlavi on our third day in NY, where we had flewn to in order to protest Ahmadinejad's stay in NY and talk at the UN. On Friday, around noon, as a group of us GREENs were in front of the NBC building in NY watching Reza Pahlavi's lecture, I got to get an interview while he was on his way out. The interview was necessary since some Pro Monarchy groups have been compeletly against the GREEN movement and as a journalist I needed to hear what Mr. Pahlavi himself had to say. To my surprise, he is very pro green and even wore the GREEN wristband my sister handed to him. This clip clears up a lot of issues that have caused rifts between our people outside Iran. Hope we all unite in solidarity with the people of Iran. Video & Copyright by Bita

Part 1

Part 2


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Wow I am 24 from Iran

by nazanin111 on

We are in such a blak out here in Iran from information that we have no idea mr. pahlavi was support us for a free country.

the regime and propoganda here in Iran make him sound bad, but now that I have internet and filter break  I am starting the see his messages and videos.  He is amazing.  I voted for Moussavi because it was a vote against the regime.

I went to the streets every time.  trust me if we hear mr. pahlavis message for deomcracy in Iran he will be very popular.

I have no idea about his father or past, all I know is I am a desparte 24 years old in Iran with no hope or future.  He just gave me hope.  Also I am not a rich person or anything, I come from middle class very muslim family in central tehran.

Long live jomhouri irani with mr. pahlavi support we can change iran.

once the young people learns about him more like me they will like him a lot.

thanks.  pray for us in Iran. 



I am glad to have helped the rating! (to Kadivar)

by kharmagas on

Kadivar says: "I Know it Makes you Kharmagas aka Donkey Fly and your friends Jealous ! ;0)))"

you got to admit I have been the number one contributor this the hits .... not sure why you think I am jealous!?

BTW, ...., I have not disrespected RP2, here or in the other article, have I? Joone Tina khanom dorogh nagoo!




by capt_ayhab on

یک سوال؛ چرا وقتی‌ رضا پهلوی سخن پرانی میفرمایند بلاگ این طوری شلوغ می‌شه؟

جواب.....   چون اقای رضا پهلوی مظهر بی‌ عرضگی و حماقت تام تشریف دارند.


-YT <<<< Sailin' away

DK no offense to your person ha refigh


Let’s give credit, were credit is due….

by PERS66 on

I am not a monarchist and personally believe that ideology went out of fashion long ago like dust in the wind, but I truly believe we must be fair and give credit where credit is due!

 The truth is, at the turn of the century Iran was back ward third world country in shambles, struck by poverty,disease, bandits, superstition, with no stable and credible army and economic infrastructure and ruled for too long by the lazy ass Ghajaar dynasty that was too busy partying, eating chello and getting laid….

Have you ever thought about this??? For good or bad, if it wasn’t for Reza Shah and Mohammad Reza Shah’s efforts to modernize Iran, build schools, hospitals, factories, build and beef up a modern day army, teach people how to read and write, wash up, wipe there ass and and the long list goes on, (They practically launched Iran into the 20th century, gave it a name in the world and put it back on the map of the world) Iran today would have been a carbon copy of Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Let’s give freedom a chance, let’s respect one another, let’s try really hard to be Democratic.


Oh Kharmagas....

by Souri on

You seems to be very much attracted to Tina,

I'm getting jealous, lol

But, granted she is very attractive, never mind if she is shahi :))


what is your take -not RP

by vildemose on

what is your take -not RP take- on who he is in our political arena?

He is just another human being who just happen to be from a former Royal family. But it doesn't change the fact that he is still   victim of circumstances as are we all in the diaspora. 


i can tell dariush is a basiji

by seannewyork on

these claims of his crimes are amazing.  as i said i am not a monarchist or anything like that.  But people that get on and say the guy is a criminal are discrediting themself.

how can a guy who left iran at age 18 have committed anything.

please show proof.  this kind of crap does not work with us young people.  maybe the old school generation would fall for it but not us.

go green mr. basiji 


Dariush: Do you think in an

by vildemose on

Dariush: Do you think in an international court of law who would be charged and convicted with collaborating with the enemies of Iran who have committed unspeakable rape, murder, against Iranians?, You or Reza Pahlavi??

Your Islamic Republic does not represent all of Iran or Iranians. Don't you ever forget it.

Darius Kadivar

Well RP2 Seems to have Got More Hits Than Obama ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

I Know it Makes you Kharmagas aka Donkey Fly and your friends Jealous ! ;0)))

Take A Look :


389 reads For Obama VS 1877 reads for RP 2






Mr. benross

by capt_ayhab on

You are so correct, reza  pahlavi is no slave of monarchy  since there ain't one. But slave of some other puppet  masters... yes.




we have many monarchists and more! (to Souri)

by kharmagas on

Souri, yes ... , we have many monarchists and more importatntly our monarchists have their own version of Ann Coulter, ....., Tina Khanom, who in my humble opinion is even "better" than Ann!



by NOT_AK69 on

"[He] should be charged with number of crimes and be sentenced accordingly under the law."

What crimes, he has done nothing but give speechs?




by benross on

Silly really? why he should be subject of our discussion as a normal citizen at all? what is the attraction?

No dear vildemose. This is the residue of our generation hatred. He is not a slave of monarchists, with that stereotype of monarchists in your mind. He never has been. But does it change the fact of who he is? My focus is not on RP2 and what he does. He does quite good. My focus is everybody else, who don't even see their hypocrisy. Yes, RP could be a political 'celebrity' for being a crown prince and then denouncing monarchy. He didn't do that. He could be an apolitical 'celebrity' for just being the son of a well known family. But he didn't leave the political space for a second. Then what is your take -not RP take- on who he is in our political arena?

This rotten generation of ours can not see the hypocrisy. But the new generation can. 


Reza is not green, he is

by Dariush on

Reza is not green, he is yellow. 

In some of his interview he has been saying, he will not run for office, he just want to serve the country as a citizen, now he is finding the pond muddy and trying to fish. Clearly another one of his lies. 

Talk is cheap, It all starts with sweet talks.  That is how all presidents and kings get elected.  Some turn out good and serve the public,  some turn out bad and service the public, like Bush ,Mohamad Reza and Khamenei.  The only way to be sure is the individual's track record, actions and thoughts, not today and yesterday, but most of their lives.  Thanks God Iranians are awake and fools like this Clown have no chance to ride Iranians. 

This Clown Prince should be charged with number of crimes and be sentenced accordingly under the law.  I am sure as a American, if his actions were against American, he would get a life sentence under this freedom loving, democratic U.S. laws, for treason and supporting war against his/her country,  let alone crimes associated with his family members. 


Mr. maziar 58

by capt_ayhab on

Sorry ha , but you may not ask.



Doroud Bar Reza Pahlavi

by NOT_AK69 on

The best interview of him I have seen. In the street and not a studio; very ad hoc/impromtu. I like what he states becuase he does not vear off his stated objective, role or principles. None of this pseudo-democracy or psuedo free of speech that pollutes so many Iranian minds.




Good move

by Abarmard on

It's great if Former prince appear more often among regular citizens and voice his democratic ideas.



by Souri on

What a surprise!

I didn't know we have so many Monarchists in this site!

Guess what guys:

We did a revolution some 30 years ago! Where were you at that time? Wake up!

Reza Pahlavi seems to be more up to date than his pals :)




benross: You sound silly.

by vildemose on

benross: You sound silly. Why do you think Reza Pahlavi is the monarchists' slave?? Bichareh RP, baba velesh konid. He is human being first and foremost...



by benross on

Reza Pahlavi is sincere in this interview as he has always been. He is saying the same things that he was saying 20 years ago.

Back then, we had this dream of modernism and secularism for OUR generation. A generation which was subject to the most atrocities of Iranian modern history. But it didn't work out or we failed to make it work. There was just too much hatred in the air to cut through and get to the substance. Now the same dream is revived for the new generation, which is about the same age that we were back then.

Something that bothered me then, and it bothers me now is this undefined persona that Reza Pahlavi has chosen to be. I understand what is the logic behind it, and clearly, viewing this video, I understand that it works. Those who are not monarchist start to like him because he doesn't pretend to be the monarch.

There is an inherent hypocrisy that suits well the green supporters abroad and this vague persona that Reza Pahlavi has adopted is very convenient for them, to carry on with their hypocrisy. But this is not healthy in the long run. You don't interview an Iranian citizen at random, asking whether he wants to become Shah of Iran or not. You are asking this question from Reza Pahlavi because HE IS THE CROWN PRINCE OF IRAN.

If Reza Pahlavi is taking this persona to convenience those hypocrite bunch, I think it's wrong. It was wrong back then and it is wrong now. Unless there is other issues involved, such as the conditions imposed by host countries to avoid this title for diplomatic reasons. I can live with that if there is a case of similar nature. But hypocrites should be reminded that they don't go interview people at random asking whether they want to be a king in a future Iran.

Now I said somewhere in this site I guess, that my motto was always 'god save monarch from monarchists'! this is to say I don't see myself a typical monarchist, same bunch that had always grievance against RP2 for his lack of attention. But I should emphasis that my motto is about saving MONARCH not a citizen called Reza Pahlavi. If RP2 can not come clear about this issue for some undisclosed reasons, that's fine. But if he does it to get acceptance from non monarchist militants, it is not healthy and it is not fine with me at all.


I will join the etehad too! (to abolzar)

by kharmagas on

Abolzar, ......., if Tina khanom is a monarchist, this magase hagheer also will become a fully certified Aristocrat monarchist and join you!


Greens for Mr. Pahlavi - He is not a monarchist but a nationalis

by seannewyork on

I am a part of the green movement and never knew the views of this man til the recent days.

He is a nationalist all the way.  I think he left the monarchists in the dust.

Welcome to the Green Movement Mr. Pahlavi.

Thank you for your support.  Dont listen to the naysayers because us young people are accepting and willing to listen. 


Iranian style "discussion" to the bone

by Faramarz_Fateh on

Do you ever go back and read the entire thread after some one posts a blog?

And we want democracy?!   LOOOOOOOOL

We would not know what to do with democracy if it was handed to us in a silver platter. 


emrooz faghat etehad!!!

by abolzar on

aghaye pahlavi chand sale pish ba hamin shoar aamad jelo. oon moghe mardom motevajeh nashodand che ghadr in adam ayandebin va roshanfekr ast. emrooz darim mibinim na tanha che ghadr harfesh ba arzesh bood va hast balke faghat harf nabood va nist. aghaye pahlavi ba amalesh inja neshoon dad ke vaghan mikhahad yek hamchin etahadi be vojood biyayad.



maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

he is entitle to his personal saying and as you see under his real name.

SO WHO IS    -yt  aka  capt ayhab  may I ask.?           Maziar

Darius Kadivar

FYI/RP's Article Reviewed by IRI official news agency ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

I just read this comment by Kaveh Parsa on another thread:

The fact the Fars news Agency (IRI official news agency) feels the need to comment about this article speaks volumes about the impact that he is having.






I am surprised Ayhab!

by kharmagas on

Ayhab, you surprised me ..... I thought you were a monarchist!?

..... anyhow I find him much more honest than absolute majority of his supporters, the ones I have talked to in person and the ones I have seen around here, many of whom are closet war mongers or explicit war mongers.

Iraneh Azad

Good Job Reza!

by Iraneh Azad on

I liked what he said even though I am not a fan of monarchy. He is still an Iranian patriot unlike the apologist IRI dreamers we have here.


a pretentious liar

by capt_ayhab on

Reza Pahlavi is nothing but a pretentious liar who want to catch a free ride in the backs of true Iranian heroes who did not listen to his calls of boycotting the election. Now all of sudden he has become green.



Reza Pahlavi, the same man who had called for boycotting the election and repeatedly called for sanctions against Iran, sanctions that hurt only ordinary Iranians, and in many cases, such as we saw in Iraq, have eventually led to war, suddenly started shedding tears for the demonstrators, the voters whom he had done his best to discourage from voting. 

End Excerpts


Shame Mr. Reza Pahlavi, learn to become a man first.


Tina Ehrami

This is exactly what Prince

by Tina Ehrami on

This is exactly what Prince Reza Pahlavi is all about! Bravo! 

I have great respect for this man. He's sincere to the bone.