

What is the origin of the polite confirmation "chashm"? It comes from "ghadametaan bar rooye chashm".

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Ari Siletz

Rosie, just in case

by Ari Siletz on

"Chashm" is traditionally a polite and very taarofesque term.  Like ghorbanat it goes way overboard to imply your wish is as important as my eyesight.  Redwine explains it better in his comment.  

My explanation for the term comes from Skeptipedia Iranica which has a spout and a picture of a yellow dressed girl with an open umbrella.

hamsade ghadimi

یعنی‌ آنچه که

hamsade ghadimi

یعنی‌ آنچه که شما میگویید پدیدار است.  به چشم آمده است. به روی چشم. چشم.  نوعی چاپلوسی، تعارف، یا اطاعت صمیمانه و یا غیر صمیمانه.

فرهنگ قدیمی‌

Anahid Hojjati

Both Ari and Anonymouse are right, it depend on how you say it

by Anahid Hojjati on

Even though Chashm means OK but sometimes it can be said sarcastically. For instance if someone advises me in something that it is not their business, I might sarcastically say:"Chashm" but it certainly will not mean that OK, I will do as advised. However, I could see instances that I might say Chashm as OK. But Anonymoue, as I am writiing it, it seems to me that using Chashm as OK is becoming less common.



by Rosie. on

i know it is not polite (formal, tarof) and that puzzled me. but the phrase following it sounds polite and antiquated. so i figured i'd have a shot at it. i do it mostly to bug...well, anyway i give myself afarines for the statue regardless of how this all turns out. as for the grain of salt, what you began with is NOT a transliteration. it is a simple translation which you put through a whole salt shaker. A transliteration would be 'cheshm' or 'chashm' itself.

C'mon Ari, you know that.You are too smart. Sometimes your brain must get too packed and things fall out of it.



Ari jaan I'd word associate Chashm with OK. Simple ok.

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred

Ari Siletz

Polite, my eye

by Ari Siletz on

Chashm is a recent Farsi transliteration from the English phrase "my eye," itself a euphemism by body part replacement. There are minor differences in intent however. In English the phrase often indicates strong disagreement or incredulity, whereas the Farsi chashm--often spoken in mock submissiveness--is closer to the English "ain't never gonna happen," or "who died and made you boss?" (for non-Farsi speakers: add a grain of salt to this explanation.)  


Also a good decor 4 a therapy desk! Or an anniversary gift!

by Anonymouse on

Somehow it exudes a calm effect! 

Everything is sacred



by Rosie. on

he probably got it here:


hint: google image search 'statue bowing'

when i did it it was on page three. as of now it moved up to the first image. 



by Rosie. on

Agreement, acceptance of a suggestion (or order!)

  • چشم [chashm] lit. 'eye' = 'ok; yes sir; I'll do it; consider it done' - once it was accompanied by the gesture of putting hands on one's eyelids to show that you'll 'look to it' and not forget to fulfill the request or order
  • چشمتان بی بلا [cheshmetān bi balā] 'no calamity on your eye' - a customary reply to the aboveine

source: //


  • If Red Wine already said this, please exxxcuse the redundancy. whether it's right or wrong.


This would be a good avatar! Where did it come from?

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred

Red Wine


by Red Wine on
