Fatemeh Mohammadi

On Gaza flotilla attacked by Israelis

Mohammadi "is an Iranian-born American citizen, lawyer & activist, whose credits include being a National Organizer for Viva Palestina USA, a public defender, and a former human rights official in Idaho, was onboard the weather decks of the the Mavi Marmara when the Israeli commando attack began and now gives her eyewitness account of what happened."


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more from Ghormeh Sabzi

hasbara hasbara

by Darveesh on

kettle, meet pot



Irani Irani


by Irani Irani on

Beautiful Gaza is the favorite propaganda topic of the IRI regime and its supporters who live in the West. The Islamists who support this "cause" represent the worst of humanity and are a rotten bunch. Every decent human being should be opposed to these bunch of Islamist low lifes. If they want to sail to Beautiful Gaza, let them go. But, you have to call a spade, a spade: Islamists are scumbags. Period. Thank you.   


actually this is the latest update:

by Darveesh on



JERUSALEM — A Jerusalem planning body on Monday approved a plan to raze 22 Palestinian homes in east Jerusalem to make room for an Israeli tourist center, a decision that could raise tensions in the divided city and deepen the conflict with the Obama administration.


added by poster:


The inhabitants, owners and people living in these house are to be escorted to concentration camp called Gaza, all in the name of safety and security of israel. in day or so Obama administration will shut up and will resume  kissing  his master's @ss and send them few billion dollars for the inconvenience.


Mola Nasredeen

UN: Israel needs to move quickly to ease closure

by Mola Nasredeen on

This is the latest update (speaking of updates).

Students in Nusseriat refugee camp (Gaza) study in stifling hot metal shipping containers, and there's no space in the crammed U.N. classrooms for thousands of incoming first graders because Israel's blockade of Gaza has kept out supplies for building schools.

At Gaza's largest hospital, dialysis patients live in fear of frequent power cuts, and the CT scanner is used only for the most urgent cases because there are no spare parts to fix its failing cooling system. //news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100621/ap_on_re_us/gaza_blockade


O Mola of beautiful Gaza

by Darveesh on

Ewwww irani iarni of hasbara........


aghalekan liveresho dashteh bash ke begi chi hasti


"O West-residing IRI Groupie, care to join her on the next ship?

by Darveesh on

do they scare you with aspring and band aids ?

Irani Irani

O Mola of beautiful Gaza

by Irani Irani on

Every day, you have an update about how many days I've been on Iranian.com. Who cares? Not that it matters, but I've been on IC for a lot longer than my profile reads--from before when Rosie was Roxy was the moderator, when Shah Gholam was around, and when I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek (aka Marge Simpson) was around, etc. I seem to recall that you posted some time ago that supposedly in the 1980s or so you saw a group of Chicanos protecting an Iranian guy who was about to get beat up by some "rednecks". Yes or no? Like I said, it doesn't even matter how long I've been here. But in the few years I've been here I've seen you for the West-residing IRI Groupie that you are. Naturally, IRI Cyber Groupies living in the U.S. adopt as their own "cause" the IRI's favorite propaganda distraction, i.e. Falasteen, ya Falasteen. Okay, now buzz off, O Cyber Groupie. Thanks  .-)

 Just like you, Gaza lives within my heart forever.   


"are they all women? Is it because Islamists are trying to make

by Darveesh on

"are they all women? Is it because Islamists are trying to make Israel
look bad?"


israel does not need any hep in that area they are doing a fine job all by them selves


"This person is not Iranian"

by Darveesh on

and you are?

Iraneh Azad

This person is not Iranian

by Iraneh Azad on

She has a right to her opinion but something about her is not right. She is not Iranian even if her father was.

Mola Nasredeen

I ran!, I ran! you've been here fro 3 weeks and 3 days

by Mola Nasredeen on

Stick around and we'll teach about Iran, Iranians, and iranian dotcom among other things. Why don't you go ahead and write something wothwhile instead of screaming 24/7. 

Irani Irani

Islamists calling others "reactionaries" :-)

by Irani Irani on

There is no ideology or political orientation more reactionary than Islamism. Wanting to recreate 7th Century Arabia seems a bit reactionary, don't you think? If this Islamist wants to wear her "hejab" in the U.S., so be it: unlike the Islamist hellhole of IRI, America is a free country. But freedom also means that people opposed to the rot of Islamism will criticize the likes of her and her Hamas Fellow Travelers in that insignificant little sewer pit called Gaza. Poor Islamists, boo hoo hoo, they are being "victimized", just like beautiful Gaza  :-(

Mola Nasredeen

The reaction of the reactionaries is obvious

by Mola Nasredeen on

They deny her courage, her determination, her honesty and her humanity all because she's wearing hejab, no wonder these losers will never get a shot at changing the Islamic regime of Iran. They know it and it's driving them mad.


Mola chicken

by Onlyiran on

can you tell us the last time you were on a Gaza bound ship?  

I'm sorry, I can't hear you.  When was that again?  What?  Never?  What was that again?  Oh, you live in the Zionist supporting Southern California, paying tax dollars so that the U.S. can arm Israel?  

I thought so.... 

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


are they all women? Is it because Islamists are trying to make Israel look bad? Oooh big bad Israel beating up on a bunch of poooor Islamist women. 

It ain't gonna work buds. A terrorist by any other name or face is still a terrorist!

Irani Irani

O West-residing IRI Groupie, care to join her on the next ship?

by Irani Irani on

What a brave shining example of an Islamist propagandist you are. "Regardless of her choice of clothing", she has chosen to throw her support behind a bunch of murderous Islamist fanatics. Our country Iran is ruled by a bunch of murderous Islamist fanatics. Every time I see Islamist killers, the Zionists start looking better and better. Whatever Islamists support, I support the opposite. Okay now, please keep the dispatches from Gaza News Network (GNN) coming--with IRI Cyber Groupies on Iranian.com, it's all Gaza, all the time.

Mola Nasredeen

What a brave woman!

by Mola Nasredeen on

A shining example of a courageous Iranian women regardless of her choice of clothing. Meanwhile a bunch of cowards are holding their b.... in their hands and whining about her achievements.


Irani - You are correct, IRI is

by Onlyiran on

chicken s**t through and through...

Irani Irani


by Irani Irani on

This is the typical Islamist Rapist manner. Islamist militaries, like the IRI's, are best for killing and raping their own people. When faced with a modern navy, they will back down from a fight. Personally, I wish the IRI had a little courage and would send their ship to try and break the blockade. I would be interested to see what would happen and find out what the IRI's boasts are really all about.

Irani Irani

More dispatches from GNN (Gaza News Network)

by Irani Irani on

"Lebanon permits Gaza-bound ship to sail to Cyprus"

So, the "Gaza-bound" ship is actually "bound" for Cyprus. Hmmm, that's actually kinda funny. Was there something wrong with the ship's radar? Or do these people not know the difference between Gaza and Cyprus and simply need a geography lesson? From what I hear, Iranians in IRI vacation in Cyprus or go to the U.S. embassy in Cyprus to try and get visas to the U.S.--just some way to escape from the Islamist hellhole. Going to Cyprus is the best thing to happen for these women, as hanging out with Greeks and Turks is far, far preferable to hanging out with Hamas Islamic terrorists.   


IRI is scared and backs down from sending ship to Gaza

by Onlyiran on

leaving the glorious tasks of helping the needy in Gaza to the "infidels" from the "West":



Mola Nasredeen

Lebanon permits Gaza-bound ship to sail to Cyprus

by Mola Nasredeen on

"Julia" is one of two ships planning a blockade-busting trip from Lebanon to Gaza this month. Another ship called "Mariam," named after the virgin Mary, is also planning to make the voyage, carrying some 50 women activists including Arabs, Europeans and four American nuns as well as cancer medication to Gaza. //news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100621/ap_on_re_mi_ea/gaza_blockade


IRI Fears Gravestones

by Onlyiran on

IRI Fears Gravestones 


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

You are no king. You also don't get what I say. Why not name yourself "Gholam Ali" or something more representative? Iran is not Islam get it. Iran is a nation full of potential. Iran is my nation and I never said it was bad. You are unable to distinguish between Iran and Islam. It is your limited mind that  makes that incorrect and wrong connection.

It is radical Islam that is bad and IRI is partly because it is radical. Islamism teaches people to be violent and primitive. In addition IRI rulers are also plain criminals. Put simply: Iran GOOD; Islamism BAD; IRI BAD.

Regarding Farah Roosta thank you for the complement.



oh, and iri don't fear women

by humanbeing on

imf, have you seen the blog here on the mannekins whose breasts were removed? i guess not, your thing is armaments, not women/men, breasts, all that jazz. 'no fear' was right (yes, he was!) about you guys getting turned on by weaponry. (in the thread on the saudi denying flying rights blog).

anyway, iri's fear of women has made them behave nihilistically, or rather, their pathological nihilism has cristallized into a fear of women. analyze it as you will.


Zionists fear women

by IranMilitaryForum.net on

Israel Fearful Of An All-Women Aid Flotilla





gaza flotillas 'out', freeing iran 'in'

by humanbeing on

what are all the other planned flotillas going to do now that the blockade will be lifted? why not mobilize people to focus on getting the iri to back down? all this adrenalin of activists now should not be wasted. i'm not being cynical.


some tell this veiled beauty (NOT) to move to Gaza

by mahmoudg on

so she can live with the same terrorists she is trying to shelter.  Israel has every tright to protect itself against brainwashed individuals like this moron.  Living in one of the greatest democracy's in the world and instead of using the little talent that she has towards the betterment of humanity, she decided to take stuff into Gaza to undoubtedly aid Hamas than any one else.


user ID "dariush..." says:

by fooladi on

"You bunch here argue that Islam is bad, Iran is Bad,  IRI is bad"

No, No, no,  you must have problem with your english reading skills goochi bassiji joon. .... "we bunch" say you is a feik ID hiding somewhere in the vest, your eslamik regime thing is kiddin no von anymore, viht it's leaders looking for places of assylum from bejing to toronto, and you is in disperate nid of some inglish language clases. :)

Got it????

Dariush The King


by Dariush The King on

First of all, Yaser Arafat that you speak of is the ancestor of Mahmoud Abbas that is now being supported by creatures like you, west and Israel, not Hamas and if you are so much against it, why supporting Mahmoud Abbas?  

Secondly, general public shouldn't be punished for the mistake of a few in government?  That is like punishing Iranians for the mistake of the government or Iraqis for the mistake that Saddam made and ......

Thirdly, There is a difference between a mistake and systematic mistakes as west and Israel do.  I must also add that even the mistakes made by Saddam, Arafat and others are as the result of that same systematic mistakes or I should say plans by West and Israel. I don't expect a creature like you who has attended the school of Farah Roosta to comprehend this, but what the hell, I wasted a few more minutes on you.

You bunch here argue that Islam is bad, Iran is Bad,  IRI is bad. OK, then how does Israel become so good with all the crimes they have committed against defenceless men, women and children? You are contradicting yourself.