Fatemeh Mohammadi

On Gaza flotilla attacked by Israelis

Mohammadi "is an Iranian-born American citizen, lawyer & activist, whose credits include being a National Organizer for Viva Palestina USA, a public defender, and a former human rights official in Idaho, was onboard the weather decks of the the Mavi Marmara when the Israeli commando attack began and now gives her eyewitness account of what happened."


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more from Ghormeh Sabzi

Why doesn't she accompany Tehran protesters ?

by IranFirst on

What has this "Iranian-born lawyer & activist"done for IRAN and
Iranian freedom fighters? Her lack of even mentioning the 50000
thousands arrested in Iran (just last year), many tortured and killed,
shows her Islamic bias and support for the barbaric Islamic rule in
Iran, Like many Islamists, no allegiance to the country of birth (Iran)
and adopted country (USA), Only allegiance to barbaric Islam and
Islamic causes.


Israel driving palestinians towards more extremism

by jasonrobardas on

  Not vey smart .