Shirin Ebadi

Speech at Maryland University human rights conference


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Darius Kadivar

Are you saying 90% of population suddenly became Namak Nashnas?

by Darius Kadivar on

Yup !



And as You can see our Household beer drinking Cyber Jihadist Sargord is one of it's clueless Offsprings to this day ... 




کلاه مخملی

شیر زن کامل ... :) !

کلاه مخملی

آفرین .. !




Darius Kadivar

by norooz on

Obviously, many didn't get some of the NAMAK you were getting back then and some got them on their wounds. Otherwise, there wouldn't be no revolution.  Are you saying over 90% of population suddenly became Namak Nashnaas?

Even Shah himself admitted to his mistakes, but the bones are so tasty to you mouth that you don't.  What happened to Mrs. Parsa is what was happening to others by SAVAK as well.  So how does that help your case?  If you are such a hard believer in NAMAK, then how can you blame others in different groups? They like you are being NAMAK SHENAAS. 

People fight for their rights in different ways. Mrs. Shirin Ebadi has taken the right, wise, and civilized way, otherwise, she wouldn't be alive today either.


Darius Kadivar

pas-e-pardeh Jaan On His Call ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

REZA's CALL: An Iranian Solidarnosc...


RESPONDING TO REZA's CALL: An Iranian Solidarnosc in the Making ...

No One is Insulting Her But simply Underlining her contradictions: 

Such as dedicating her book with a Quote from the Founding Father of the Islamic Republic : Shariati ...

ROYAL CURTSY: Shirin Ebadi Greeted by Monaco's Prince Albert II at Geneva UN Panel (2008)
So Of course She Supported the Revolution like the majority of our fellow compatriots For all the wrong reasons.  A Small Minority or maybe even a Silent Majority Didn't:    
Copy & Paste in your browser to watch:     //               And for Good Reason:  
Mahshid Amirshahi speaks about Shapour Bakhtiar's political legacy and criticizes the Diaspora Intelligenstia's silence
pictory: Bakhtiar Denounces Bazargan's Provisionary Government in exile (1979)

SPIRIT OF RESISTANCE: Iranian Intelligenstia Remembers Shapour Bakhtiar
But it is never late to Learn ... As Such Mrs. Ebadi seems to be taking the Steps in the Right Direction  .    I welcome that ! ... Except when She get's Her Priorities Wrong along with most of her fellow likeminds: Copy & Paste in Browser to Watch:     //           So No it is not about insulting her or bullying her but underlining her contradictions. We all have ours ... She or anyone else is free to underline mine or our contradictions. Debating in an openminded way does not mean we have to share the same views.   As such I Like to Keep : Ma Liberté de Penser ...


Now would love to carry on this conversation But I Really Got to Go to Bed. Maybe I will come back later if it triggered a debate or thoughts of interest.   Good Night !  DK 

PS: You Should Really Look Through the Links I provided. You could learn a great deal. ;0)     PSS: Sorry if my  Editing Sucks ... Can't seem to get over it.  Hope you get to read it properly.

Sargord Pirouz

Darius, unfortunately I

by Sargord Pirouz on

Darius, unfortunately I missed the sunrise this morning. It is my favorite part of the day.

So go ahead, now: tell us about your bitter experiences as an Iranian exile. We're all ears.  


DK, On what do you rest your case?

by pas-e-pardeh on

I skimmed some of your links and didn't see what makes Shirin Ebadi "namak-nashnas". 

Are we so far ahead in our struggle that we can afford to insult and alienate a Noble Peace Prize winner?  I can see other ignorants doing it, but you?  Have you no clue what an asset she is?  Or, how bravely she has fought for Iran & Iranians all these years?  If you don't, the world does.  And, this fact matters.

Shirin Ebadi was not a revolutionary.  She didn't OPPOSE the revolution.  THat's all.

We all have to recognize that none of us has a clean sheet of record. We have to let go of our "oghdeh's". I'm glad Shahzadeh Reza and Shahbanou welcome shirin ebadi with open arms and appreciate her because their aim is to UNITE Iranians and take advantage of every weapon in our national arsenal.  Goal is not to charge into our own lines.  Goal is to take Iran back.  

Darius Kadivar

pas-e-pardeh Jaan what goes around comes around ...

by Darius Kadivar on

Well It's my "dahan-kaji" Vs Her "Namak Nashnasy" ...


Or Would You Prefer if  I said Alzheimers ?

JAVIDAN: Farokhroo Pārsā (1922-1980) 



But We All Learn To Forgive Don't We ? ...


NAMAK-NASHNAS NOT: Jamshid (Jimmy) Delshad Greets Shahbanou Farah


NEO CON WARMONGERS ? Tehrangeles Demo in Support of Iran's Greens


I Rest My Case ;0)


Recommended Blog ( Of someone equally remarkable Also Present at This Conference):


Mahnaz Afkhami: A Women For All Seasons (VOA/BBC Interviews) 



by pas-e-pardeh on

someone like you should not make faces at anyone who has potential for serving Iran.  Your comment tasted like "dahan-kaji".  Is it time for this kind of thinking, talking and divisiveness?  

Darius Kadivar

Why Sure SPink Jaan ... But First YOU Tell me ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

If YOU Saw The Sunrise This Morning ? ...





Immortal Guard

Cho Iraan Mabaashad Taneh Man Mabaad!

by Immortal Guard on

Hey guys the other link is missing:



Sargord Pirouz

No, you tell us, Darius: how

by Sargord Pirouz on

No, you tell us, Darius: how bitter does exile taste?

Darius Kadivar

Khob Aghar Abad Bood Chera Enghelab Kardeed Khanoumeh Mohtaram ?

by Darius Kadivar on

So that you end up by quoting from the Shahnameh ... 30 Years Late ...  

Welcome to Tabeed Mrs. Ebadi ... Now you know how bitter exile tastes ...    
SON IRAN: Golshifteh Farahani on "Sokoot" (BBC Persian)