Quran Burning "Stupid and Dangerous"

Church's pledge angers Muslims, rankles officials

BBC: A small US church says it will defy international condemnation and go ahead with plans to burn copies of the Koran on the 9/11 anniversary. The top US commander in Afghanistan warned troops' lives would be in danger if the Dove World Outreach Center in Florida went ahead. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the church's plan was "disrespectful and disgraceful". Muslim countries and Nato have also hit out at the move. And the US Attorney General, Eric Holder, called the idea "idiotic and dangerous". But organiser, Pastor Terry Jones said: "We must send a clear message to the radical element of Islam." >>>

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Immortal Guard

Unintended Consequences like The Iraq War!

by Immortal Guard on

The media were also in cahoots with the defense establishment when it came to promoting the war in Iraq and getting rid of the Iraqi Hitler Saddam Hussein! But now even the respectable media vehemently question the wisdom of invading Iraq because of the unintended consequences. Watch Charlie Rose interview of Tony Blair:



Now as far as Koran is concerned it is the book of an Arab Religion. We Persians take pride in fighting Arabs like we fought their combined forces in the 1980s. We have acquired immunity to Arab Islam. Our Shiite Islam is a Persianized form of Islam or one could say Shiite Islam is an Arabized form of Zorostrianism. Those who appease the Arabs and buy their favour and bend over backwards to them by calling them Arab moderates should be afraid of this Arab Religion particularly given the fact that they don't have the same immunity to survive as the Persians do! They will eventually have this Arab Religion along with its book shoved down their throat!


Burning any book is wrong, be it Playboy or Quran

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

It could create a wild fire hazard risk. I personaly avoid doing this and constantly tell my kids not to play with matches either.

Immortal Guard

So what will come next?

by Immortal Guard on

Ku Klux Klan (KKK) burning of black men???


How did this issue in a remote area get national media coverage? Ask who owns the media!

The kind of radicalization being promoted in the United States could have unintended consequences namely blowbacks!


Hey...they are handing out ...

by Midwesty on

free publicity kits...anyone interested? It's easy...let's burn a book and get free publicity worth millions of dollars! 


Recycle Your Old Qurans

by Faramarz on


Just put them by the curbside, every other Wednesday!

Burning books, any book is wrong. Just close the book and put it away.

I once burned my old copies of Playboy (no recycling back then) in the fireplace. I still feel the shame as Miss February was looking at me!



by Saman on

Mashaallaah common sense!

When the neck is red ... the neck is really really red.


So stupid!

by farokh2000 on

Who said there was a shortage of morons?

There is an oversupply of stupid morons, here, there, everywhere.

They just wear different attier here than the criminal Mullahs. Other than that, there is no difference.


nothing wrong with that

by mahmoudg on

I have not burned the Quran, though maybe i should, but i have it in my library next to Satanic verses and Mein kampf.  the point is the Quran is no more valuable than any other book and that is what this burning intends to prove.  nothing will happen, and the world won't end.  lets put an end to Islamic terrorism and hold on people's psyche once and for all.  We will then pave the way for a world without any religion.



by Datis on

The book, in my opinion is a pile of cack but they must not do this as there are millions of sheep out there who have not read a single verse of it (at least in their own language) and appear to have no other joy in their life than demonstrating, burining flags and possibly take the life of innocent people who probabley had no involvement in the event.


Not forget

by MRX1 on

Let's not forget that islamists burned the library in Iran and in alexandria egypt when they invaded both places because to them the only book that mattered was quran. Now they are getting upset if some one does the same, be it to only one book not an entire library!


hillary clinton and quran burning

by mehrdadm on