جنبش سبز مرد

آگهی تسلیت


جنبش سبز مرد
by Nadereh Afshari

با «نهایت تاسف» درگذشت بخش حافظ نظام جنبش 88 موسوم به سبز را به آگاهی هموطنان نازنین میرسانم. این بخش از جنبش که مدتها با تزریق داروهای فریبکاری و دروغپردازی، در پی حفظ نظامش بود، متاسفانه موفق نشد و رخت به «ابدیت» کشید. ما «وفات» این نوزاد عجیب الخلقه ی متعلق به قرون وسطی را [که در جوانی «ناکام» شد و به رحمت ایزدی پیوست] به بازماندگان و جاماندگان این افتضاح بزرگ تاریخی تسلیت گفته و «همدردی» خود را اعلام میداریم.

یادآوری میکنم که این بخش از جنبش، با تاکید یکی از سرکردگانش، جناب آقای دکتر آیت الله سید محمد خاتمی رئیس جمهوری دو دوره ی حکومت کهریزکی اسلامی، به رفیق اعلایش حضرت امام خمینی «زحمت الله علیه» پیوست!

برای این که این بیماری و این «عارضه» به دیگر بخشهای جنبش 88 سرایت نکند و باعث مرگ کلیت آن نشود، فهرست وار بخشی از دلایل مرگ «جانسوز» این «جوان ناکام» را به آگاهی بازماندگان متوفی میرسانم؛ شاید عبرت بگیرند؛ فاعتبرو یا اولی الابصار!

– بخش حافظ نظام جنبش سبز زمانی مرد که آقای اکبر گنجی در ناف امریکا، ایرانیانی را که پرچم شیر و خورشید نشان در دست داشتند، با زبانی تند از محل اعتصاب غذا بیرون کرد.

- بخش حافظ نظام جنبش 88 زمانی کله پا شد که تظاهرات خارج کشوری مخالفان حکومتی در ناف امریکا و اروپا از سوی متولیان صادراتی بخش حافظ نظام این جریان، تحمل نشده، به درگیری کشانده شد.

– بخش حافظ نظام جنبش 88 زمانی رو به قبله شد که رهبرانش از بازگشت به دوران طلایی خمینی سخن گفتند و خواستار اجرای «بی تنازل» قانون اساسی جمهوری اسلامی [که براساس صغارت ملت و دست دوم انگاشتن زنان و دگراندیشان است] شدند.

- بخش حافظ نظام کهریزکی اسلامی زمانی ریق رحمت را سر کشید که متولیانش نه «سنگسار» را محکوم کردند و نه کشتار دگراندیشان و دگرباشان را و کلی هم برای این کشتارها آیه و حدیث به خورد ملت دادند.

- بخش حافظ نظام کهریزکی اسلامی وقتی «شربت شهادت» را سر کشید که حضرت آقای آیت الله دکتر محسن کدیور در ناف امریکا، به مردم «سور» زد و شعار «نه غزه، نه لبنان، جانم فدای ایران» را با یک شعار تقلبی من درآوردی جابجا کرد.

- بخش حافظ نظام جنبش سبز زمانی به پایان عمرش نزدیک شد که جناب علیرضا علوی تبار مدعی شد که در ایران «چیزی» به نام «جنبش زنان» وجود خارجی ندارد.

- بخش حافظ نظام جنبش سبز زمانی به لقاء الله پیوست که رهبران آن، شعار حکومت ایرانی و جمهوری ایرانی را «ساختارشکنانه» ارزیابی کردند و از آن «تبری» جستند.

- بخش حافظ نظام جنبش سبز زمانی کله پا شد که جناب آقای میرحسین موسوی، به عیالش خانم زهرا رهنورد [با آن حجاب گلگلی] لقب مهمترین زن روشنفکر ایرانی را داد.

- بخش حافظ نظام جنبش سبز زمانی دار فانی را وداع گفت که حضرت سید محمد خاتمی، خواست کلیدی آزادیهای اجتماعی جوانان و زنان ایرانی را «ولنگاری» ارزیابی کرد.

- بخش حافظ نظام جنبش سبز زمانی سر به نیست شد که متولیانش کوشیدند این جنبش پرشور را به دعواهای درون جناحی متولیان حکومتی تقلیل و تخفیف بدهند.

- بخش حافظ نظام جمهوری کهریزکی اسلامی وقتی کله پا شد که سر کار علیه بانو شیرین عبادی برنده ی جایزه ی «جنگ نوبل» شیخ حسینعلی منتظری را پدر حقوق بشر نامید؛ چیزی که حتما خود معظم اله را کلی در گورش به خنده واخواهد داشت!

مرگ «البته نابهنگام» این «نوزاد عجیب الخلقه» را به عزادارانش «تسلیت» گفته، میکوشم بیشتر مواظب بخش غیرحکومتی جنبش 88 باشم؛ بخشی که از همان آغاز برای رسیدن به آزادی و دموکراسی و شهروندسالاری تلاش میکرد و میکند و خواهد کرد؛ بخشی که همیشه زیر دست و پای این «هشت پای حافظ نظام کهریزکی اسلامی» دست و پا میزد [که امیدوارم دیگر نزند] بخشی که در قرن بیست و یکم دیگر نمیخواهد به خرافات و دعواهای درون جناحی حاکمان جنایتکار ماضی و حال و مضارع حکومت کهریزکی اسلامی تن در دهد و ایران را آزاد و آباد و مدرن و متمدن میخواهد.

نادره افشاری


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more from Nadereh Afshari
Mola Nasredeen


by Mola Nasredeen on

"The Green Movement is dead

Long live the Green Movement!"

Cried out the crowd.

areyo barzan

Dear Mash Ghasem

by areyo barzan on

Please note that no one doubts the sincerity, bravery and brightness of all those young men and women who have participated in GM.


Of course there are many brave, bright and clever people in the fabric of our society who are beckons of hope to each and every one of us. Of course Iran has to be saved and rebuilt in the hands of young Iranians and only Iranians and finally of course we all want to get rid of the backward murderer regime that is IRI.


However there are such things as right strategy and wrong strategy and that is (with all due respect) where our paths apart.


As you mentioned yourself the hopes and purposes of the participants in this movement was totally different to those of the “leaders” of this movement and in my humble opinion this was the fatal flaw that would have lead to the inevitable collapse of the whole mission.


Again I erg you try to think logically. Be cold, calculated and do not let your emotions to get the better of you.


Because unfortunately in real life this is the case that all such events as much as we would like to think of them as exciting and spiritually uplifting, have a cold calculate plan behind them. In order for us to get what we want we need to understand these plots and promote them when in our favour or stop them dead in their track when working against us.


Please note that for every mechanism to work right there needs to be a logical distribution of functionalities. Each and every part of the machinery should have to work on the same goal otherwise the system will come to a halt at best or will tear itself to peaces at worst case.


More or less the same logic goes for a democratic movements. In these movements there is such thing as leadership responsibility. A “leader” is called a “leader” for a reason. This title gives them a certain leverage to be able to direct the mission to what ever direction they feel best. It does not matter how the foot solders of the movement and ordinary people think or what they want. At the end of the day it is the person at the helm or the “leader” who chooses how to stir the ship and where the mission will end up. This is the reason why it is absolutely essential to understand whom we are following, what is their stake in the whole affair or where they are trying to lead us to.


In case our hopes and inspirations differ from those whom we are choosing to follow then we have really doomed ourselves to defeat and despair and that is the cold logical fact of life


Unfortunately this has been the classic mistake made by us Iranians over and over again during the past century.


Before selecting and appointing someone to the role of leadership we first need to know their ideology, to know about their past and how it can be beneficial or an obstacle to our goals. We especially need to know about the dark points in their past and how they have changed course to become a different person. They even need to be tested by us to see if what they say is actually what they really mean and are not lying or like Khomeini by doing “Khod-e”. Finally we need to make sure that what they are perusing is actually what we want, as at the end of the day none of them will stop to ask each and every one of us about what we want or the direction we think they should take


Now I understand that you might think of this as an idealistic approach and say no one can fit this bill and my answer is that may be to address this problm we should not look for one single leader.


May be we should demand from our leaders to sit together around the same table and try to firstly unit around their common purposes and secondly to resolve their differences by making compromises, and of course the final decision should belong to us the people and through a fair transparent battle box. And if they are half democratic as they claim to be they should not have any problem with doing so


However following someone blindly just wishing that they might do the right thing in spite of what they say is right down naive


Mash Ghasem

Yeh Gheron Bekhr Ash, Beh Hamin Khial Bash

by Mash Ghasem on

As with any other social movement within Greens we have a base and a leadership body, which have not always been in exact correpondence with each other.

Not to mention that the Green's base has always been more divers than the leadership.

Not to mention ordinary people who have often went way beyond Greens demands and chants.


جنبش ملت


جنبش ملت ۳۲ سال پیش با سبز شدن تصاویر خمینی بر روی اسکناسهای کاغذی سیاه شد و مرد. و تا زمانی هم که این طلسم کاغذی از بین نرود جنبشی دیگر صورت نخواهد گرفت. ولی وطن همیشه سبز بوده و همیشه سبز و خرم خواهد ماند.

Maryam Hojjat

Areyo Barzan, Excellent analysis

by Maryam Hojjat on

I believe in what you said.  It really makes sense.  WE Iranians are very naive and very seldom learn from past.  History has been repeated over & over.  In case of IRR/IRI we still have not learned about their brutal tactics.

areyo barzan

Same old Same old

by areyo barzan on

Before any thing I would like to thank the author for writing such excellent and refreshing article. It is always refreshing and constructive to be honest.


However I would like to add that Green Movement could have Never died because it was already dead from the beginning.

This was a misshaped Zombie resurrected to Serve IRI in identifying and eliminating its enemies who could potentially be dangerous to its existence.


Having said that I would like to emphasize in the strongest way, that I am not in any way trying to belittle those brave young men and women who participated and risked everything so honestly and bravely as I would consider myself to be much too insignificant to do that


But being in the line of work that I am I would like to analyse everything from a cold calculated logical point of view. Now my analysis might as well be very wrong as well and that is always open to debate.


To understand the purpose of the orchestrators behind Green Movement at first one needs to understand the monster (dictatorship in general and IRI in particular) that we are dealing with.


By having a look at the history of the IRI and other dictatorship we observe such movements are orchestrated one every often by the agents or at least one “defected” part of the dictator regime.


Now you might ask what is the use of this and why should a dictator regime want to stir trouble and make life hard for itself. The answer is simple.


This is simply because such movements function as a life insurance for such regimes. Now! Please let me elaborate a bit more.


Every dictator regime knows better that anyone else that it has many enemies in the fabric of the society and as the pressure builds up and these enemies become more sophisticated and effective they present a more eminent risk to the structure of the regime. They also know that the general public is very angry with them and this anger could only be contained so far before it explodes to a full scale revolt


Hence once every often they stir an artificial trouble to enable the ordinary people to let off some steam and perhaps more importantly to lower their active opponents to open and identify them.


Having a brief look at the IRI history we can easily see that they performed such acts in 1980 with MKO and Communists, then ten years later they did it with the remainder of the MKO. A few years later their agent Khatami served them to do it with the activist students and the latest trick was the double scrooge team of Karoobi and Mosavi.


Now the one million dollar question is “Where does this leave us”. Well! In my humble opinion this should makes us think before acting and base our actions more on logic and less on impulse. To be fair to Khatami, Karoobi and Mosavi they have never changed their word or position. Their purpose always was to protect the regime at all cost and they have as well managed to do it.

The problem here was WE and not them. It was WE the people  who did not listen to what they where saying and just followed them wishing that may be what they say is not what they mean and this is not some thing new. We did this in the time of oil nationalisation movement by choosing Kashani over Mosaddegh, We did it again in 1979 by following Khomeini without knowing him or even listening to what he said especially in the controversial speech in Behesht Zahra, we did it again by following a vizel called Khatami without listening to his words and the latest episode of this saga was following Mosavi Karoobi double act without ever listening to what they say. Or asking ourselves that why is it that the IRI killing machine that does not even hesitate  murdering Ahmad Khomeini when we starts to present real danger to its existence allows these two to do as they are pleased and call for demonstrations all over the country and stir trouble is they are pleased. Could it have been for any purpose other that identifying and eliminating the potential leaders and activists who could be a real danger to IRI existence?


But let’s hope that we have all learned a valuable lesson from this episode of our history and by trying to know whom we are following and really listening and pausing of their words before throwing everything we have behind them, we could prevent another repeat of the same old story



by Shokaran on

جنبش سبز در حقیقت حکایت شتر سواری دولا دولا... یا به عبارتی یک ضربه به میخ و یکی‌ به نعل بود و در واقعیت برا فاطی تنبون نشد!..(با احترام به تمام انرژی و احساسی‌ که مردم تو ایرون از خودشون نشون دادن)