Full Hejab Ban in France

Women in face veils detained as France enforces ban

BBC: At least two women have been detained in France while wearing Islamic veils across their faces, after a law banning the garment in public came into force. Police said they were held not because of their veils but for joining an unauthorised protest against the ban. France is the first country in Europe to publicly ban a form of dress some Muslims regard as a religious duty. Anyone caught breaking the law will be liable to a fine of 150 euros (£133; $217) and a citizenship course. People forcing women to wear the veil face a much larger fine and a prison sentence of up to two years >>>

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I think the hejab is

by comments on

I think the hejab is a form of propagating Islam more than a personal belief, and there is a long history behind wearing a hejab.  So they have to forbid all the preachers to preach in all religions if they want to forbid this type of hejab.  I totally against spending so much money to preach on TV.  So many chanels are dedicated to that, and god knows the expenses behind that.  I like that the lady is taking the case to the court.  In my opinion, yes, this is discrimination.


Forget the equality and religious questions for a moment

by Reality-Bites on

Covering one's face also causes problems of identity and security.

For example, if your face is covered, how can police check who you are if you have committed a traffic offence when you've been pulled over? How can they prove it later? How can your bank be sure it is YOU opening a bank account and later on it is also YOU drawing money from it? How can anyone be sure what your sex is when you use a public restroom? If you are a wanted criminal, but dressed in a full barqa how can the police, on the lookout for you, or even members of the public have any hope of recognising you? If you verbally abuse anyone, say call them racist names etc, how can anyone give evidence against you, when they can't prove it was you because you were totally covered?

There are literally hundreds of potential situations when the covering of their faces allows people to get away with all kinds of things that they couldn't otherwise. Islamic extremists, including males have used the barqa to hide themselves on numerous occasions.

Aside from the criminal and legal issues, facial expressions are part of the most fundamental ways we communicate with fellow human beings. They help us to recognise and assess how and what people might feeling at a given moment and what their state of mind maybe. They help us bond, empthaise and share emotions with others. They help us make judgements about their character and gauge their honesty in all kinds of situations from personal relationships to work performance to taking part in politics or various causes etc.

Freedom is a wonderful and precious thing and it should be cherished. But in no society can one have absolute freedom to do as one pleases regardless of the consequences. The covering of the face is one of the most irrational and ridiculous acts that I've come across and it is one freedom too many because it requires too many compromises from the rest of the society, compromises that no sane person or system should have to put up with.

How can a society hope to function properly and progress (in the full sense of the word), when potentially half of its members hide themselves from the World? What insanity is this?

And don't get me started me on the repression of women and trampling of their rights angle......


Tit for tat

by ariane on

It's only fair that if non muslim (or even muslim) women have to obey the cultural values of islamic society and wear a hijab in public places there, the muslim women have to obey and respect the values of the western societies and not wear hijab in society there too.

Is it only me seeing the muslim hypocracy here?

Plus if France is such a bad place, pack up and go back where ever you have to wear a burqa in public. Can't have it both way.  



Well, they should David Jan... they should

by Bavafa on

And some do exercise this right on the public beaches in France, Spain and other sea ports.




by Shemirani on

Its not a law about clothing its about being with a mask all day anonymous 24/24h 7/7 ( in streetsn shops, city halls schools, train....) which is ridiculous !!!

David ET

People are not free to walk naked in the streets either

by David ET on

This is not about Freedom but safety and abuse


Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

Both sides are ridiculous...


Pseudo liberal Pseudo intelectual,Pseudo human right defenders..

by Shemirani on

 please don't fool yourself and others !!!!don't start with this freedom of choice YOU KNOW PERFECTLY there is no a true choice just a brain washed male dictation !!!

You will never find a little girl who will tell you  my dream is wearing a chador .....Its just a brain wash from parents  (..) you don't believe me ask a little girl around you ITS NOT A NATURAL WEARING and looks like a Potato bag ! ITS AN INSULT TO FEMINITY !

Ps: Maybe its very hard for you to feel what is to be a woman and being imposed islamic rules ! It really never bothers you  and perhaps deep inside you like it that noone can watch your propriety ...SOOOO SICKKKK



Islam and Muslims lift the ban

by mahmoudg on

which forces women to wear the hejab and the rest of the world will follow suite.

Anahid Hojjati

Guys, Burqa was even extreme in Iran of Islamic Republic

by Anahid Hojjati on

I remember in Tehran in early 1980s that very rarely women covered their faces and when they did, every one looked at them as if they are from another planet. Burqa or any other device that covers someone's face is a security threat and should be banned.


Viva to these women

by Bavafa on

For standing up for their rights to dress as they choose.

The most ridiculous law in the 21st century if it is done voluntarily and if it is not voluntarily then there are laws against forcing people against their will.



Laws regarding clothing

by bparhami on

I am against laws that regulate people's personal behavior, such as what clothes they wear. But a law banning the hijab is no worse than a law that makes it mandatory.


Great Law, Vive la France !

by Shemirani on

"in Rome, do as the Romans do" if you can't go to live in saudia arabia ! France is a place for women emancipation not for retarded ninjas (submitted to backward men )