25 Bahman

Latest videos from February 14 rallies in Iran


25 Bahman
by Ghormeh Sabzi

Latest videos will be posted here as they become available. See news and more updates here. Also direct reports from Iran in Persian here.

Videos posted earlier >>> PART 1 -- PART 2

Face-off between protesters and guards

Tearing down Khamenei poster

Another large poster torn down

Security forces roaming the street

Pro-Khatami slogans in his hometown, Ardakan

Basiji breaks car glass, attacks people:

Protests as viewed from a bus:

"I'll kill the one who killed my brother"

"Freedom or Death"

Tear gas attack in Teharn:

Protester arrested in Rasht:

Disabled man hit in the head by police:

Sharif University, "toop, tank, basiji digar asar nadaarad"

Protests continuing into the night

"Death to Khamenei" slogans

Basiji bike set on fire

"Irani mimirad, zellat nemipazirad

Chanting "Death to diktator" on Tehran's Azarbaijan St

Protesters escape security forces

"Independence, Freedom, Iranian Republic"

Beating up regime supporter

Shot protester taken by ambulence

Marg bar Diktator...

Barricades and making bonfires

Sharif University:"Death to Mahmoud the traitor"

Sharif University studnet rally

Motor oil on the street to prevent against basijis on motorcyle

Tehran: Chanting Khamenei is next to fall

Security forces turn back people

Blood from injured protester

Singing "Yare Dabestani"

Motorized forces preparing to confront protesters

Protesters cheer as Khamenei poster brought down

Tehran protests continue into the night

Protester's leg covered in blood

"Marg bar Khamenei"

MORE 25 Bahman videos >>> PART 1 -- PART 2


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more from Ghormeh Sabzi

Re: Vildemose

by Kooshan on

No; I'm an engineer.

Very poor in journalism, but I like rich persian literature heritage.


Enemies of IRAN, who are they?

by Siavash300 on

Who are enemies of IRAN? The one who is imprisoned, raped, tortured or executed by stinky mullahs or the one who is promising to come back and celeberate on the misery of our great nation for 33 years?

30,000 or our brothers and sisters were being executed in summer 1988 by half breed arab bastards so called "Sayyid" such as Sayyid Ali Khamenie. Needless to say our virgin sisters were being raped the night before their execution. Were they enemies of Iran or those who wants to celeberate 33 anniversary?

You don't need to be Einstine to answer these questions. Every things is crystal clear. Shame on those who sell their brothers and sisters for money that they're receiving from Islamic criminals in Iran. Shame on them. For these traitors I have to say that their slave master Khomanie never used word "IRAN'. Instead,  he always referred to "Islam". Now I see they are changing the shift from Islam to "IRAN". What a progress.  The izi  is saying ...."Iran has nothing to worry about" No, You should say....Islam has nothing to worry about. Why don't you follow Khomanie the founder?


Z-izi jan, oh!

by ImtheKing on

You're saying that you are like bears? That you wake up every year at the same moment?

Well, at the speed of inpopularity your regime is facing, by next year I don't know which clip you'll show us to prove that people still support this regime of jahl o jor? A clip from 1978?

HA HA HA ...

Hopefully, time is our best ally. You can begin to think about the color of your minijupe. Not too flashy, OK?


See you guys next year on the 33rd anniversary of IRI

by izi on

Well I will be going again. I came here last year and you losers were telling me that it was over and I promised that I will be back on the 32nd anniversary of the great Iranian revolution where the Pahlavi dynasty was washed out of Iran.So please you great opposition forces of Iran continue to do your pointless complaining and keyboard warrior fighting. We love you for being so useless and incompetent. As long as Iran’s enemies are incompetent oppositions like you guys then Iran has nothing to worry about.Farewell and I will be back next year on the great 33rd anniversary of IRI. 

Mash Ghasem

DET:خامنه ای بدونه // بزودی سرنگونه

Mash Ghasem

خامنه ای بدونه

بزودی سرنگونه.

مجموعه ای بسیار خوب ، مرسی


An amazing success story for the green movement!

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

Greens: at least a  million (despite threat of bassiji mercenary bullets, knives and battons)    Islamist regime: few tens of thousands (despite lots of sandis and sandwiches on offer)!

 This demo has shaken the islamist regime right to it's core.  They simply did not expect anyone, let alone at least a million to turn  out after executing close to 120 political risoners in the last month alone!

No wonder their paid west residing cyber dogs have been yapping non stop since monday. Felanjashoon bayad bad joori misoozeh!

Long Live Iran

From Cairo to Tehran, Down with all  Dictators!


David ET

چهل ویدیو از تظاهرات مردم ایران (25-11-1389

David ET

1. //www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJuYXQntDi8&feature=player_embedded
2. //www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBZ8x1lw1bM&feature=player_embedded
3. //www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DBL2LwPrpU&feature=player_embedded
4. //www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6k83bT05Dc&feature=player_embedded
5. //www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbeA9VOBApA&feature=player_embedded
6. //www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJuYXQntDi8&feature=player_embedded
7. //www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugnEn6fshuI&feature=player_embedded
8. //www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTcRDfYNlpo&feature=player_embedded
9. //www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHbfOi3b8vo&feature=player_embedded
10. //www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hcWeeqNzjg&feature=player_embedded
11. //www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MZrFeLNEr4&feature=player_embedded
12. //www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_XvhNazdDQ&feature=player_embedded
13. //www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGhNzV9A4WE&feature=player_embedded
14. //www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAMn17aFP-U&feature=player_embedded
15. //www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayuzOORTi5g&feature=player_embedded
16. //www.youtube.com/watch?v=vssSYTu5dAw&feature=player_embedded
17. //www.youtube.com/watch?v=bst2GARwyfQ&feature=player_embedded
18. //www.youtube.com/watch?v=ueRB8ixg394&feature=player_embedded
19. //www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFNAWuT2zow&feature=player_embedded
20. //www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFNAWuT2zow&feature=player_embedded
21. //www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkVFvcMvdPI&feature=player_embedded
22. //www.youtube.com/watch?v=hM8FD2urHd8&feature=player_embedded
23. //www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWri7zoJUU0&feature=player_embedded
24. //www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSI8dTjB_yk&feature=player_embedded
25. //www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uzo6x9XRrqw&feature=player_embedded
26. //www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WNW0nw1y7o&feature=player_embedded
27. //www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQFETVxNXcQ&feature=player_embedded
28. //www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHV-qO8tC-k&feature=player_embedded
29. //www.youtube.com/watch?v=id6u4m0X7po&feature=player_embedded
30. //www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1ulqSk96ok&feature=player_embedded
31. //www.youtube.com/watch?v=yp9cZNYPjOo&feature=player_embedded
32. //www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCuHpXlAr7s&feature=player_embedded
33. //www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2g79i1BtW8&feature=player_embedded
34. //www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCL7kwtQjNM&feature=player_embedded
35. //www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHHAdoKaRps&feature=player_embedded
36. //www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJL7yjc8y-U&feature=player_embedded
37. //www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjP9K0iFqOg&feature=player_embedded
38. //www.youtube.com/watch?v=TalRXADXe0k&feature=player_embedded
39. //www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfyNFXvkLUk&feature=player_embedded
40. //www.youtube.com/watch?v=CN3AytYnMuw&feature=player_embedded


Z-izi jan,

by ImtheKing on

How can you count 5 millions of people on a single clip? Either you don't know what 5,000,000 persons represent or you cannot count! Oh, yeah I forgot, you cannot count ...


But still;

If you imagine a street of 50 meters long, that's a big street ain't it? If people stick together, we would have at most 50 persons per row. Now, if you say that in a slow walk, the speed of people is 1 meter per second; that each row of 50 persons move one meter every one second. In one minute, you'll have 50x60=3000 people who would walk in front of a fixed camera. 3000 people in one minute, 3000x60=180,000 people in one hour. 180,000x24=4,320,000 people in one day and finally 5,000,000 people would pass in front of your camera in 1 day and 3 hours. Now tell me, Hajieh khanoom, did your clip turned one day long, Hala didi, zarb o taghssim balad nisti?

At the end, according to some sources inside the regime, there were more than 1,000,000 people outside Tehran chanting Freedom, Azadi, etc. in 25 Bahman, You had it bad, ain't it?

Ha ha ha ...

Mash Ghasem

شمار تظاهرکنندگان که در نشست محرمانه کميسيون امنيت ملی مطرح شد

Mash Ghasem

27بهمن : شمار تظاهرکنندگان که در نشست محرمانه کميسيون امنيت ملی مطرح شد

ندای سبز آزادی:در نشست محرمانه روز 26 بهمن ماه که در کميسيون امنيت ملی
مجلس برگزار شده است، شمار تظاهرکنندگان روز 25 بهمن در تهران بيش از يک
ميليون نفر تخمين زده شده است.

به گزارش ندای سبز آزادي، يک منبع موثق در گفتگو با خبرنگار ما ضمن
اعلام اين مطلب گفت: " اين جلسه با حضور مقامات عالی رتبه امنيتی و پليس
برگزار شد و اضطراب و سراسيمگی حضار در آن موج می زد.

کارشناسان مسائل اجتماعی در ايران بر اين باورند که اعلام حضور بيش از
يک ميليون نفر در تظاهرات روز 25 بهمن توسط سران امنيتی نظام معنا و مفهومی
جز بالاتر بودن رقم واقعی حضور آنان ندارد.

برخی گمانه زنی ها از حضور 2 ميليونی مردم در اين روز حکايت دارند.

اين در حاليست که فضای رسانه ای در کشور به شدت ضد جنبش سبز است و حضور
ماموران پليس و امنيتی در روز 25 بهمن در خيابانهای تهران و ديگر شهرهای
ايران بی سابقه گزارش شده است.

در عين حال برخی منابع نزديک به ندای سبز آزادی عنوان کرده اند که آيت
الله خامنه ای در نشستی که با سران نظامی و امنيتی و وزير اطلاعات داشته به
شدت از دروغگويی آنان نسبت به مرگ جنبش سبز اعتراض و انتقاد کرده است.



by izi on

You can’t have it both ways. You can’t tell me that those still photos show the whole picture of the 22nd Bahman and ignore the clip I posted. Tell me then who are those millions of people in that clip? Where did they go then?Additionally you cannot at the same time argue with me (as you did in your previous posts) that all those millions of people were bused in for a sandwich. You can’t have it both ways. I know again you are going to ignore the clip but if you were honest you have to tell me about the millions of people who came out to support the IRI.-          Here I will post it again, looooook at it – -           //www.youtube.com/watch?v=HbYqckFvUJI&feature=player_embedded-           That is the problem of you guys you have been saying the same things for 32 years but every year you guys eat your own words and continue.


Kooshan are you still an

by vildemose on

Kooshan are you still an editor-in-chief of Caspian organization ( I don't recall the exact title) publication for IRI??


Re" AO...

by Kooshan on

In principle, I'm not sure if anyone would disagree that justice and humanity should be served. There's a delicate anomaly here though. I think power corrupts anyone and everyone. Freedom, Justice and human-rights are unfortunately misused as a tool by many different entities, including IRI, US, Opposition, etc.


My ideology may be too obsolete for you, but it works for me. You need to find a god that can help you in life, and most probably you have already found it. 

The problem with Democracy preached by US (which is being digested by some) is that it is infested with hypocracy and self interest. Take the example of the popular Government Gazza people  voted for and still are sacrificing their lives to maintain it.

In the meantime, there has been no human-rights and freedom issues in the friendly countries such as Saudi, Egypt, Jordan, etc.


So, until you resolve this issue, I do not think it will work.


Love freedom and human rights for what they stand for not how they serve our interest against others!!!!!!!!!!!!




Z-izi jan,

by ImtheKing on

It's Hajmin who posted that photo!! The photo from Google, circulated all around the web just few minutes after 22 Bahman 1388, in Iran, begun. If you had your head deeply stuck on Keyhan and that you passed beside, that's your problem. I also saw the photo, released by Google in 22 Bahman. If you see carefully, the square is half empty, by adding Arazel + Greens who were present on the streets. You can full the square, and as I tried to do the calculus for you, you come to the conclusion that, in 22 Bahman 1388 no more than 50,000 people were present and that despite, all the Sandiss Mamooti distributed that day!!

Otherwise, we are not talking about 22 Bahman 1388 here, the purpose of this post is 25 Bahman 1389, the day when Iranians kicked you a## so hardly that you are still whinning here, HA HA HA!

... AZADI ... AZADI ...

Stay tuned hajieh khanoom, stay tuned!

Anonymous Observer

Ahhhhh, the humanity "Kooshan"

by Anonymous Observer on

I long for freedom, justice and humanity!

 Yes, “Kooshan,” humanity and justice, IR style…like thisthis, this,  this, this, this, this,or this.  And no, I won’t call you an IR agent now,even if you are one (highly suspect it). I will, however, call you a person who was once human, but who has sacrificed his / her humanity in favor of some obsolete ideology. 

PS- How long have you been "longing" for justice and humanity in Iran? Too "long?" 




by izi on

I am sure you have that Google picture tattooed to your chest and have a poster of it on your wall because that is the only satisfaction you can have of your 32 years of incompetence.However I have 2 questions for you:1)      What time of the day was that picture taken? 2)      How come you are not showing us the Google picture of the streets leading to the square?You can hide you head in the sand but the fact is the clip I posted and anyone with the least honesty would see the millions came out to support IRI.But Like I said keep up whatever you are doing because as long as there are oppositions like and the likes of you Iran and  the Iranian Nation has nothing to worry about.

Maryam Hojjat

Guys, Please not with "IZI"

by Maryam Hojjat on

You have more class to argue with this brain washed "IZI" who serves IRR/IRI.  Just Ignore her! 

BTW:  I have not heard from TAHGORD for a while,  May be he is dead in the hell!

Maryam Hojjat


by Maryam Hojjat on

for posting the video of Shahram Homayoun with this brain washed besigi. 

Mash Ghasem

Koshan, all you could say is this

by Mash Ghasem on

alas you remain one of the most ignorant people on this earth, for the simple fact that you have "seen" the events of the past day, and yet you're still as obtuse, desperate, and basically out of it, as it seems to be your M.O.

A short recap perhaps: just in case you missed it:

1) The size of the crowds even surprised the greens themselves, and it wasn't just what happened in Tehran but also ALL OVER IRAN.

2) Despite greens commitment to reform, from begining to the end there were cants and slogans against the ENTIRE edifice of Islamic Republic of Hell. This was not your typical reformist crowd.

3) Qualitative growth and augmentation  in people's self-defense:

again, your a bit too obtuse and I really don't have time to go over all these details but, just take a good look at the videos and read as many eyewitness accounts as you can, you'll find out that in every neighborhood and community there was a sense of renewal and hope, a feeling of a new begining.

To make a long story short, start looking for a new job.


Comments of few brain

by Shemirani on

Comments of few brain washed people over here its just like this guy, aghl haam khoob chizie LOL


We all know your problem is about Iran's oil money going into your pockets you just don't want to loose it !



All the propaganda tell nature of protest in Iran!

by Kooshan on

We need to realize that the time for a foreign Government to create muddy waters for fishing, especially in the middle-East is passed!


All I can say is that the green is hijacked by some special interest groups and is loosing it's popular support. Just compare the last three major protests. You will see that the support is receding just like the time thatMojahedin khalgh started playing with fire 30 years ago.


Also, It does not matter where it is, I'm all for peaceful protest but anyone who tries to vandalize and make street fight, shall meet the Law and Order. This is true in any civilized country whether it is USA, Europe or Iran.

Go right ahead, you will brand me pro IRI, but I know I long for a free spirit - Free of prejudice, Aroogance, Bigotry and Injustice; I hope that I'm part of the "silent majority" who has grudges against IRI but does not think the grass is greener on the other side!!!

I long for freedom, justice and humanity!



Z-izi jan

by ImtheKing on


It's you who's desperate, Hajieh khanoom.


I like to see facts by myself.  Google photo is an unquestionable source. Thanks God, I have a brain and a 3rd dabestan math level and the conclusion comes by itself.

Otherwise, You're like your masters, a God send thing to make us laugh in this hard times. Now, keep on safsateing, facts speak by themselves.I don't know if you think you had convinced one single soul here, if yes it's because you like pinbeh daneh a lot, LOL!

Yesterday, people defied the theocratic monsters, they came to the streets. And that made you so angry that, you even forgot your 3 level maths. Hahaha. It's just the beginning.


Now our second objective is to have 20 more comments, in order to beat the blog (Iranian bi-gheyratand) that blog was boosted by a ma'er for nothing.



by izi on

I showed a clip of the 22nd of Bahman. You can ignore it if you want but it doesn’t change the fact that 5 million people came out to support the IRI.-          Here just for you again://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HbYqckFvUJI&feature=player_embedded -           Secondly, if I have to come here in this topic to increase the traffic you guys are more desperate than I even thought. :) This topic is supposed to be incredibly important but all day there has been only hand full of members who have come to debate. So pathetic, so pathetic.No wonder for 32 years you have done nothing. Keep it up.  


25 Bahman, among the most discussed items, YES!!

by ImtheKing on

Thank you Z-izi jan, I didn't know how to boost the page better. It's important that people who hadn't time to see the videos come and see them. Mer30 haj khanoom,


doctor mohandes

by izi on

Like I said your posts speak volumes about your intelligence and state of desperation. :)  


Z-izi jan,

by ImtheKing on

You read Keyhan a lot, kalat khereft shodeh naneh!

I don't know how to do more simple. Let's make another try:

a x 1 = a  (1 is the neutral element for multiplication)

then a / 1 = a (Hamin digeh)

Now you initiate a = 50000 and you get the result.

Now go girl, thanks to you this page about 25 Bahman will be among the most discussed items. Akheh ke cheghadr bahali, naghola nakoneh you're a Green and a bit shy to admit it, han ;))



by Doctor mohandes on

Harf nabashe!!!

Don't change the damn subject! I don't care abouit no Opposition or Supposition or whatever position (unless of course you know...)

Ye chayi beeereez beenam vase Hajit. Saflafe o maghlafe o mal hafe bazi o bezar kenar.



by Hajminator on

I don't know if 22 Bahman 1388 took place in Jamekaran or not?, but if it was in Azadi square then look at the satellite photo, go to the wikipedia page and check the area of Azadi square yourself.

It has nothing to do with desperation, but a math level of 3 dabestan!  I know that women don't like maths. But, the calculus is simple ImTheKing showed the equation. I'm sorry if you cannot apprehend that.




Master Izi

by Doctor mohandes on

We want a winner like yourself and people such as yourself and within your range of intelligence and intellect so... How much are we talkinghere? Rial or Dollars? Deenar is okay too. I will Just have to email the sheekh to do it for me. Takes about a sec.

I want you to trasnform our Philosophy and Spirituality (dorost spell kardam?) teach us your winning tactics. As you can see, we are desparately need help. we need help. specially in the photo editting dept! I can not blame AO for a bad Job he did since he is doing this on the side and getting paid for it under the table:))))) dittos AO.:)

So post your numbers, give us a figure we can work with. You got any pimm... I mean agents? I mean dollar amounts (don't get any ideas now) so we can start the negotitation process. We are an Equal opportunity Scre.... I mean empolyement Organization. Certfied and verified and dignified by The BBBBBBB and CCCCCC. (yeah. that last one is a new one. bet ya never heard about it)




Agha doctor mohandes

by izi on

With intellectual debate that you and the likes of you have is there any wonder why for 32 years you have been sitting around and crying and predicting every year that next year is it. :)I thank you and the likes of you for your opposition because as long as there are oppositions like you Iran has nothing to worry about.So keep waiting for your tea :)  


Hajminator - yes this is only 50,000 people. so desparate, :)

by izi on

You can lie to yourself as much as you want but it doesn’t change the fact. Again here is the celebration of the 22 Bahman 2010.-           //www.youtube.com/watch?v=HbYqckFvUJI&feature=player_embedded-          Apply your calculation to this.