February 14: Solidarity Rally

Mousavi & Karroubi bid to hold "pro-Egypt, Tunisia, rally"

Reuters -- Iranian opposition leaders have applied for permission to stage a rally in support of revolts in Egypt and Tunisia, their websites said, posing a dilemma for a government which stamped out their own mass protests a year ago. The figureheads of the Green movement said they wanted to organise their rally on Monday, February 14 [See Facebook page]. "To announce our solidarity with the public movement in the region, especially the freedom-seeking uprising of the peoples of Tunisia and Egypt against tyrannical governments ... we ask for permission to invite the people (to a rally)," read a letter to the interior minister, signed by opposition leaders Mirhossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karoubi and reproduced on their websites >>>


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End does not justify the

by alimostofi on

End does not justify the means. The means justify the ends. If people wanted bloodshed a civil war would have happened a long time ago. We have to live with them after they are removed. Show you are united peacefully. Peace marches with White flags of Damavand. That sort of symbolism is great.

Ali Mostofi




Great comments Amir19.

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

Couldnt agree more. The pressure on regime must be kept up, any oppurtunity should be used. Any person or organisations who is against the regime should be welcomed into our Ranks.

Yes, there were set backs and there will be even more set backs, bloodshed. But that is no reason for pessimism. Division amongst our ranks would only serve the islamist regime. This is what they want. They are terrified of our united Ranks!

There is no doubt whatsoever that the will of masses will finally prevail. The islamist regime will be sent to the trash can of history.

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


As I said, the only way to

by alimostofi on

As I said, the only way to remove this system is to use our strength off the street. The street is not the beginning of freedom. We have freedom of thought in ourselves. Anything that gives an excuse for the US to call the Greens an Iranian movement is wrong. We know they are a fake opposition. Let them come out. Take pictures of them. They want an Islamic Republic not an Iran. Some people think you can turn their demonstration around and take the system on. Boycott your work. Tell your boss to shut down the shop. Draw the curtains. Create peaceful Iranian symbols and they will know, that is the world media will know. Your enemy is the media.

Ali Mostofi



David ET

22 vs 25

by David ET on

  ۲۲ بهمن در خانه ، ۲۵ بهمن در خیابان


Re: "Why Permit"

by aynak on

"If these people really have an intention of any demonstration why would they ask for permission?"

Good question.   Because the regime said they support the Egyption uprsing.   More important, after Khamaneh-ee said that, it was broadcast on ALjazeera that Khamaneh ay supports the Egyption people.   After Mousavi's statement, that was also broadcast on ALjazera.   So now, the whole world will see how geninune Rahbar is.

Remember, no demonstrations is allowed in "free Islamic regime"  so, now Khamaneh ay has to decide?

1-To let people get out, which could easily get ouf of his hands and he knows it.

2-To not allow its, and that proves what fasict he really is to Arab masses.

It is called lose lose situation.

May we all have good dreams.


درخواست از همه گروهها و اشخاص سیاسی


درخواست از همه گروهها و اشخاص سیاسی : لطفاً در مورد حرکت اعتراضی روز 25 بهمن اعلامیه پشتیبانی صادر کنید

ایرانیان گرامی ! مبارزین راه آزادی
احزاب ، گروهها ، تشکل ها و بزرگان عرصه سیاست .
دوستان ، یاران ، عزیزان ، سروران و آزادیخواهان :
می دانم همه شما از جریانات مصر و بالطبع از درخواست مجوز آقایان موسوی و کروبی برای راهپیمایی در روز دوشنبه 25 بهمن در مسیر میدان امام حسین تا میدان آزادی خبر دارید .
مصر را همگان دیدیم : رمز موفقیت ، پایداری و اتحاد است . می دانستید در میان این جماعت حداقل 25 حزب و گروه سیاسی شناخته شده وجود دارد ؟ کسی از آنان صدایی شنید ؟ خیر
برای آنکه مقدم بر هر چیز سرنگونی دیکتاتور است .
من ، بعنوان یک ایرانی ، بعنوان یک سرباز راه آزادی میهن از همه شما عاجزانه تقاضا می کنم برای یک بار هم که شده گذشته را به دست فراموشی بسپارید و یکرنگ و یکصدا به حمایت از این خیزش عمومی برخیزید . امروز ، روز وحدت است . روز اتحاد است . روز همدلی است . امروز ، دشمن مشترک همه آزادیخواهان آنجا نشسته و در غیاب یک اتحاد فراگیر از جانب ما کماکان هل من مبارز سر می دهد و رجز خوانی می کند . خواهش می کنم لختی بیندیشید . بگذارید اول ایران را به اتفاق آزاد کنیم ، اجازه دهید امروز فریاد اتحادمان گوش فلک را کر کند بعد به دعواهای گروهی و سیاسی مان بپردازیم . مطمئنم زمان مناسبی برای این کار خواهیم داشت . بشتابید که درنگ موجب پشیمانی است . پاینده باد ایران و ایرانی

hamsade ghadimi

آره، این موسوی

hamsade ghadimi

آره، این موسوی و کروبی خیلی‌ زرنگن.  دارن برای "نظام" پرونده‌سازی می‌کنن. اون هم چه پروندهٔ کلفتی‌. بیا و تعریف کن. بسیجی‌ها و عرب‌ها مردم رو به ضرب و شتم نکشیدند که کشیدند. کهریزک رو به پا نکردند که کردند. مردم رو بدون وکیل محاکمه نکردند که کردند. کسانی‌ که تظاهرات کردند زندانی نکردند که کردند.  اعدامشون نکردن که کردن. اگر اجازهٔ تظاهرات بهشون ندان که دیگه غوغا میشه. این پرونده رو میدن دست لاریجانی و دیگه آبروی "نظام" و رهبر میره.  میگی‌ نه نگاه کن.



by Golinedairani on

"چون ايران نباشد تن من مباد"  It is very simple why they ask they want .. to one pass the information all over which is not easy when it is not publisized they want to go hand in hand with our constitution which allows us to have freedom of peaceful assembly.. this not that they believe this is followed but this will prove their point and stance.. that they will say no and they will not allow what their own laws protect... it is simple you have to speak and disprove peoples own points.. ZENDEH BAHD RAHE SABZ!!!!


I say, a clever move by Karoubi and Mousavi..

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

Islamist regime will not agree to their request, knowing darn well that if Iranain people are allowed to come out to the streets to demonstrate freely for one single day, that could be the end of the islamist regime. This will make the regime sponsored "demo" a mockery. 

Good, well done. 

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."



by Rea on

"If these people really have an intention of any demonstration why would they ask for permission?"

That's precisely my point.


Why permit?

by afshinazad on

If these people really have an intention of any demonstration why would they ask for permission?

Why they are not asking for demonstration against poverty and unemployment and corruption and executions and freedom and equality and what is their agenda again and again?

Another day of reformers service to Regime and another deception and another step to neutralize the movement and every time regime is feeling danger and every time these stooges come out and either will give a nonsense speeches or articles and stupidly will come ask for permission to demonstrate and they know that regime would not give them a such permit and knowingly why they are asking for it?

These people from last 32 year keep fooling people and they think Iranian are bunch a morons and don’t know more than that and keep insulting Iranian inelegant. And I tell you they have all the rights to do whatever they want to because we are corrupted nation and we like government to push us for whichever way they want to, because we Iranian majority have not been evolved yet and still they are playing religion card with us and last year they were accusing some one burned the khomenies picture and these three stooges condoned the public if they have done so and still they didn’t understand that people are out and shouting dead to regime and they hate every one of this regime from founder to existing people who claim that they are the gods.

Esfand Aashena

Hamsade you quote from your own article, where he said it.

by Esfand Aashena on

Copy and paste from your own linked article where he said his Goverment was a "failure"?  This is the closest I found:

In a 47-page "letter for the future", Mr Khatami said his government had stood for noble principles but had made mistakes and faced obstruction by hardline elements in the clerical establishment.

Yes I acknowledged that he admitted to his failures which I said was good.  What part of my statement is complicated.  People make mistakes and admit to mistakes so others know what are the mistakes and don't repeat them.

Yes I know we've had this discussion before. Is there a topic about Iranian politics that has not been discussed before?!  People change as a result of how life treats them.  You can't blame people for saying something 10 or 20 years ago and sticking with it come hell or high water.

You're just against Khatami and there are millions like you.  Millions also ackowledge him like I do. 

Everything is sacred

hamsade ghadimi

esfand, it seems that

by hamsade ghadimi on

esfand, it seems that you're the one going in circles. many of the points that you're making (for second or third time around) have been hashed and re-hashed in previous blogs with you.  you can refer to your previous blog for the same exact conversation we had: //iranian.com/main/blog/esfand-aashena/reformists-past-present-and-futurepage3

i'll repost the article that khatami claims his presidency was a failure unless you like to be a mola loghati and differentiate between failure and "total failure" as you put it (just a reminder, the latter term was yours and not mine).  //www.guardian.co.uk/world/2004/may/04/iran

and just to brush up your memory in response to that claim where you admitted to khatami's failure.  here's what you said before: "I take his admission of failure as a good thing.  In fact, during the last presidential election he made this statement many many times.  He even ran for presidency again noting the failures and then folded in favor of Mousavi and put his support behind him." so what is it?  you don't think he admitted to failure or you do? :)

and you keep repeating 2009 was a "seed."  you totally ignored my comment that khatami said the same thing about his presidency 10 years prior, 'tadarokchini'. in other words, preparation.  in other words, "seed."  but it's like the bob marley song "every time i plant a seed, he [khamenei] said kill it before it grow, he said kill them before they grow, [so i did]."  you can imagine either mousavi or khatami singing this modified version of marley's song.

my advice to you: don't try so hard to win an argument.  be true to yourself and everything will fall into place.  you can look up to moosavi or any other khamenei/khomeini crony for leadership if you want, just be true to yourself. :)

Esfand Aashena

Hamsade you want the truth?! YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!

by Esfand Aashena on

Just kidding! hehehe.  You want answers? Here are my answers straight and to the point.  Whoever likes them likes them and whoever doesn't doesn't.  Whatever!

1. Khatami never claimed his presidency was a "total failure".  I credit him for bringing many individual personal freedoms and lax of Islamic rules to certain extent.  The same freedoms and laxed religious rules that during Ahmadi are being fully enforced.  Just last week they're trying to ban women to participate in sports.  They stopped women from going to movie theatres during the Asian cups.  And many more.  To me the individual freedoms that people achieved during Khatami are no small feat.  My take and I know many disagree.  Is my position clear enough or do you want me to labeyk with Khatami to the nth degree?!

2. I believe Mousavi's reference to the "golden age of Imam" is a reference to all political parties coming together for the goal of removing the Shah.  I believe at this stage and after the aftermaths of the 2009 elections he believes and has said that Islamic Republic is doing worse than what Shah did during his time with political prisoners.  I believe religion will always have a big role in Iranian politics for the forseeable future.  When we get to the 22nd Century things will change!  My position clear enough?

3. The 2009 election and the protests were in fact the "seed" for future opposition and justified demands.

4. Vliayat Faghih is a thing of the past and I believe Mousavi and Karoubi and many other religious leaders, such as Grand Ayatollahs, having seen what vilyat has done, will join others in asking for it to be banned. 

In the end you may say but these are not what Karoubi and Mousavi are saying.  Well that's your take.  As I've said before I am all for the removal of the Islamic Republic.  I'll support an opposition movement to tear it down and start over.  Dishing Mousavi, Karoubi and Khatami in my view is counter productive.

I think I'm done.  We all know where we stand.  When the time comes we'll support any opposition.  We all have our quirks.  Reform is a hot button issue in iranian.com!

Everything is sacred


No execution!

by statira on

"Darzamane Amirolmomenin ye edamieh zan ham nabodeh!"

It's  because they would kill all of them. Can these guys stop talking what Ali o Hassno Hossein were doing. Ina ke ba een slumeshoon hesabi gand zadand.

Kill Mouse Traps

so surrealistic

by Kill Mouse Traps on


hamsade ghadimi

esfand, i don’t like

by hamsade ghadimi on

esfand, i don’t like khatami, mousavi or karoubi.  however, you’re the one who likes to credit them from khatami’s own claim that his presidency was a failure (you think his claim shows what a great guy he is and that’s after denying khatami’s presidency was a failure!) to mousavi’s clamming up in his compound and daydreaming about the ‘golden era’ while his followers are perishing in prison or hanging from ropes.   i think you’re the one who should get over seyed ali’s nochehs. 

so what is it?  do you think the 2009 uprising was the “seed”?  or do you think that khatami’s presidency (not his 2009 so-called candidacy, his PRESIDENCY for two firggin’ terms) was the “seed” (as he called his fruitless years in office as ‘tadarok-chini’ [preparation])?  try to give a straight answer with a straight face.

the young people in iran will come out again and bring down the velayat faghih.  they’re not waiting for a leader with a turban or an old baseej like mousavi who has blood on his hand.  meanwhile, i’ll just show my support for them through various means. ;)  they’re not waiting for my biaanieh.  and please don’t get upset.  ok?  you’re good at dishing it out but a bit sensitive on receiving it.  regards.

Shifteh Ansari

مدارس و دانشگاه‌ها 25 بهمن تعطيل است

Shifteh Ansari

به گزارش خبرگزاري فارس، وزارت آموزش و پرورش در اطلاعيه‌اي اعلام كرد: مدارس كشور در همه مقاطع تحصيلي، يكشنبه 25 بهمن تعطيل است.
در اين اطلاعيه آمده است: مدارس كشور يكشنبه 25 بهمن كه بين دو تعطيلي رسمي قرار گرفته، تعطيل است.

از تابناک

Esfand Aashena

Rea about "announcing" protests.

by Esfand Aashena on

This Egypt protests is causing so much comparisons!  First of all the protests in Egypt is focused in one Tahrir Square!  You don't have national protests, just one Tahrir Square!  So it is easy for Govt to focus on one Tahrir Square and let the people to knock themselves out!

In Iran in 2009 it was different. It was streets battles all over Tehran and yes there were "annoncements" on when and where to gather.  Passed by word of mouth and the pictures actually showed up on many Green newspapers of the time until everything was clamped down and brutally attacked and shut down.

In Iran in 1979 the revolution was nationwide and organized national strikes shut down the Government and paved the way.  Now it is a different time and different circumstances.

From what I can see the main thing the "alternative opposition" is focusing on is to ridicule Mousavi!  No other plans!  This "announcement" is a tactic to see what happens.  If the regime says yes, you try to bring as many people to the streets.  If they say no then it's be another nail in the coffin.  A coffin takes a lot of nails not just one!

If you're asking why ask for permission?  Well don't ask for permission, who is up for some protests?!  Let's go! One by one, let's march!  1! 2! 3! 4!  I don't know but I've been told!  Islamic Republic got to go!   1! 2! 3! 4! 

Everything is sacred


Karroubi can't even speak Farsi properly

by Shutruk on


An Azeri and a Lor...these are the "representatives" of the opposition.

Esfand Aashena

Shah vs Mousavi re: being blamed for bloodshed

by Esfand Aashena on

Hamsade jaan you're mixing the roles!  First of all Shah was the Commander in Chief.  He left!  By the time Khomeini landed in Iran Shah was gone and left Iran for whoever wanted it.  The Army lost its Commander in Chief! 

Second Khatami in 2009 was a "candidate" so you can compare him to Khomeini during Shah.  Now did Mousavi has as much support as Khomeini did during Shah? NO!

Third on the question on bloodshed issue every decision on its own merit.  On the question of "asking" people to come to the streets and continue the protests, when you don't have enough support and know that the only outcome is bloodshed asking people to come to the streets means just that.  More bloodshed and no progress and ultimately Mousavi ending up in jail, which by the way he accepted including dying in this cause.  It is not up to him anymore.  He can't back down so he is by default the "opposition" leader.

We can go in circles and on and on for ever and I don't want to go on and on.  My point in this debate is to screw Mousavi.  Imagine him dead.  What's stopping people from choosing someone new or go to the streets and topple the Islamic Republic?  Mousavi can't always be blamed and the boogie man!  Offer your own solutions.  Organize your own opposition.  Get over him!  

Everything is sacred


Esfand, all I'm saying is

by Rea on

Egyptians and Tunesians didn't need a particular date announced on F/book, they did it, full stop.

Now, OK, Iran is a complex country, not comparable to Egypt and Tunesia. But the whole thing is kinda funny.

They announced 12 February, then, they changed their mind. 

I'm not gonna do it Sat, relaxing after my prayer. Not on Sun either, my family day. May think about it Monday.

Finally,  Iranians may not be as unhappy as the Western media make them out to be.


Leaders or Ladies Gossiping

by Ski-Ab-Ali on

  Has it come to this! Three fossils two with turbans sitting and “dard-del mikonan”. Our motherland needs a fresh young blood in its vain to pull it from the retched condition it is in.Please someone point out where in their talk was any constructive statement regarding running the machinery of the state. 


Green Movement should be called the Brown Movement.

by AlexInFlorida on

Caca in... Caca out...

These are not our democratic leaders.

IRI and sepah are all Iranian freedom lovers enemies. 


کی روی کی رو کم کنه آقای کرّوبی


good comment! HG.

hamsade ghadimi

seeds of dogs

by hamsade ghadimi on

2009 uprising was not the "seed."  khatami, a.k.a. mr. tadarokchin, calls himself the seed.  also shah is credited for something he didn't do: stay in iran and cause bloodshed.  now mousavi is being credited for not doing the same thing by simply not doing anything.  ahmadi is credited with a phd for not going to school.  it seems that the greatest accomplishments of iranian statesmen in the past 30 years have been inaction.

btw, here's mousavi's last biaanieh: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=vels4rfytVM

Esfand Aashena

COP jaan I think the green movement of 2009 was just the seed!

by Esfand Aashena on

Everything is sacred


NOT Blaming Esfand, Stating The Facts

by Cost-of-Progress on

I agree (hey, how about that) that redicluing these so called leaders is not usefull. I also believe that the Green movement as defined in 2009 is gone - finished. 

My point is that these "leaders" are not Iranian's ticket to a true democracy and freedom (I also know that Freedom is defined differently by different folks).

Cheers pal. 


