Once again, the strange habit of doing things in an inherently flawed and inelegantly designed "Iranian Method" has shown, again, that our stubborn insistence on departure from tried and true, time tested and proven, methods of political and social reform, won't ever work.
Yet we keep doing the same thing over and over again, and like a tangled Roomba robotic vacuum cleaner stuck on that nasty white fringe string of a Persian Carpet, keep "Zooring" for nothing.
Metaphors like the Definition of Stupidity ("Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result"), or The Difference Between Genius and Stupidity ("Genius has it's limits"), or my personal favorite, "Egotism is the anesthetic that dulls the pain of stupidity.", all apply to the Iranian approach to this relatively simple problem.
In our case our stupidity seems to be in the "Magic Solution", almost everyone seems to think exists in ridding Iran from the Supreme Leader and the entire concept of the Velayateh Faghih system that is firmly topped by the weight of the Prophet's stone, then locked by the Prophet's belt of Chastity, and finally sealed with the Prophet's soon to be announced Nuclear Arsenal of Allah.
Our level of stupidity now has reached an extra 11 on the scale (out of 10) as we enter the phase of Total Enlightened Delusion, with this concept of the "Magic Solution" that virtually everyone seems to think exists.
Namely that Iran will, and can reform without an actual freely organized opposition.
Many have put far too much faith in Karroubi (a mollah) and Moussavi (a former cog of this incestuous system). Apparently I was spewing heresy when I refused to vote in the last election. Called a traitor (a proud moment at the time, and now an outright honor!) when I made the argument that it was in fact the duty of every Iranian NOT to vote in the election, precisely because it wasn't one, if the choice between Mahmoud and Mir-Hossein were being dictated to me by DJ ALI-K.
You see I prefer other music to Gangsta-Ahmadieh-Rap.
But back to our stupidity and current level of deluded self indulgent misplaced optimism.
Here's where we are today, and tell me you can't believe it.
We have brilliant minds like Hamid Dabashi, Abbas Milani, I will throw in Khoeini just from the size of his balls, Trita Parsi, Reza Aslan, and possibly the best we've got, Omid Memarian, just to sprinkle some youth-juice on the bag of mixed nuts. And I'm sure you can add in no less than 50 more of the brightest minds in the territory that we will call "Free-Iran", which although is mostly located in the US, is actually more of a State of Mind, than any actual State.
But, these geniuses are also in some ways the Elite Guard of the Stupid Brigade that we have mustered against the enemy of freedom and justice, the Outright Imbecile Corps.
Our bright halogen bulbs that are mysteriously flickering at bare candle strength, seem to all espouse and agree on various levels of belief in the "Magic Solution".
Instead of standing up and creating a coalition of thoughtful opposition, one that analyzes and dissects every cockamamie Faghih idea that the Velayat can utter, and proposes an equal and opposite answer that needs to be delivered like a good slap in the face, they are wasting their precious ivy league educated breaths writing books with the word "Pomegranate" in the title, and giving "Green" titled seminars, and offering "Strategic Perspective" analyses to CNN, the Daily Show, and other useless commercial media, in hopes of what? Getting invited to the Oprah show? What? Money? Dudes, wake up, there is no money either. Well not big money anyway.
Facebook page upon Facebook page now offers Iranians dizzying amounts of posts, blogs, and "reports" by self appointed "reporters" not on Iran, but on the up to the minute progress of the Egyptian, Libyan or Bahraini protests.
Sadly all of this is I hope you can now see, useless, but nevertheless ample fodder for my liberal use of the word "Stupid" in this even less than useful piece. Because I know, that once again, I am pissing in the wind. Although it feels more like vomiting in the wind.
Here's the deal. We need to stop deluding ourselves that Iran has a "Magic Solution". Like Santa Claus and Amoo NoRouz, there is no Magic Solution. There is only Truth.
The Truth is Iran cannot today, nor tomorrow, nor the next day change under this system of insane zealots, that thinks everyone else is crazy. If they think we're crazy, and we think they are crazy, we've a got a bigger problem, than waiting for peaceful reform to change the game.
To change the game you have to show the other side that you are equal to the challenge. The challenge is that a real alternative to this form of government exists, is espoused by a large group of Iranians, large enough in alternative ideas, answers, better solutions, and in actual numbers to make a real play for power.
The internet is a good way to show strength in numbers. But ideas and counter arguments to the currently objection-less retardation spewing like unregistered bovine jiz from the brainless heads of Iran's technically least experienced and even less qualified Jurists, are nothing without an organized opposing group that stands together and stands firm on nothing more than a single priceless principle, Freedom.
If the Dabashis, Milanis, Parsis, Aslan's and Memarians see themselves as the Kings, Cornell Wests, Mandelas, Malcolm Xs, and Hunter S. Thompsons (No wait! I want to be Hunter S. Thompson!) of Iran, they need to put arm in arm and start marching.
I would even start this march in symbolic Selma, Alabama, the real Birthplace of Civilization. If you ask me.
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What are we waiting for?
by Siavash300 on Tue Mar 01, 2011 12:17 PM PSTThat is great idea. I am ready for it. Thanks for the post.
Khodis by defintion can't be characterized as opposition:
by vildemose on Mon Feb 28, 2011 02:44 PM PSTThe 14 Defining
Characteristics Of Fascism
*Khodis= Basiji/zob shodeh/ansar hezballah et al on welfare, IRGCm, reformist oligarchy and tribe
Thanks for your suggestions.
by Mohammad Ala on Mon Feb 28, 2011 02:54 PM PSTThanks for your suggestions. A good idea to join forces.
On another subject, you spelled Nowruz, differently in Amoo NoRouz. You used to prefer Norooz.
I have written an article on political vs. corporate economic dictatorship. I have addressed your concerns in a different perspective. My artilce is in queue to be published at OpEdNews.
Here is a quote: The richest person is the one who needs nothing.
bad policy or bad system?
by Joe L. on Mon Feb 28, 2011 01:13 PM PSTin civil rights movement americans fought against bad policies believing in the system. in iran people fighting bad policies being against the system. problem with iran might be that they dont care about necessary steps to fix policies and dont trust the system. maybe there is good reason for that but generally thats more costly. confusing thing to me is the voice of iranian opposition has been from the system!!? does that mean the regime has developed pieces that are pro change? it seems so. dictatorial systems are not capable of doing that. mosavi and karubi didnt fight right. they shouldve instead formed a political party. thats my opinion of course. if mosavi, karubi and rafsanjani are trained from this regime then how can you say reforms are not possible? are there any prominent opposition figures then mosavi, karubi, and khatami? anyone talking about any other important names? so the opposition today is feeding from people that are from the regime! thats mostly ignored by you guys.
what if tomorrow other members of regime join the people? with political stability and normal conditions i dont see why not. if more political parties are formed then wouldnt you say more democratic laws and policies will follow? i see that happening, you dont? please let me know what i am missing.
Great Opinion Piece
by mrramin on Mon Feb 28, 2011 10:37 AM PSTThanks for taking the time to write this nice piece. I also want to add that what I see wrong with the opposition movement in and outside of Iran is that masses of people don't see/know what exactly they are going to DIE for (or at least beaten up and jailed for).
I am not sure why all the so called "Iranian Think Tanks" are not coming up with something like a "Bill of Rights" or some sort of a frame work for the next system of government that is supposed to come after this. I also don't see any discussions about what kind of government we will have for future of Iran:
Just to name a few....
For more you can go to:
You might think I am jumping the gun, and over throwing the government first should be the strategy; but I believe the elite and big thinkers in the Iranian society still have to answer the questions above for the average Iranian first to have a real impact.
The first things these
by vildemose on Mon Feb 28, 2011 08:21 AM PSTThe first things these group of elites need to do is to convince their the Leftist CIA faction (Breizinski faction) that Iran does not need to be "Islamic". The US wants an Islamic Iran: Islamic Lite under Rafi faction or MKO. Repeating the American realists' prescription for Iran without even perhaps being conciously aware of it make these so-called elite servile not savior.