Parazit: Ali Akbar Mousavi Khoeini

Interview with former Majles deputy &...


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Jeesh Daram, guess why ...

by Kashk on

Opposition visa + good positions doesn't come cheap. These guys still have friends in Iran who provide an insider information to the US government. There may be many others qualified for the Stanford position ... but not all are informants.

Jeesh Daram

opposition visa

by Jeesh Daram on

United States, Britain, Sweden and  other countries keep bringing our oppositions figures out of Iran. Although such transport of assets appears a humane gesture, but in reality it handicaps Iran from those rare voices of opposition that counts.  70 million Iranians are represented in the parliament and among those representatives perhaps 10% voice their opposition to IRI. By bringing a percentage of the opposition abroad, foreign governments only make them obsolite or on their way to move behind the scenes. They like the rest of us have to rely on second hand news out of Iran, diluted with personal injections and analysis and sooner or later they become homesick, lonely and out of touch.

At the end of the day, even a marginal opposition figure in Iran is far more effective and stronger and genuine, than what we call on this side of the world as think tanks or watchdogs.

Our scientists migrate abroad

Our artists escape to foreign lands

Our voices of opposition are given visa to leave Iran


And here we are hoping that Facebook and Twitter carry on the revolution for us in Iran.  I welcome this gentleman to the United States and like Mr. Sazgara, I wish him a happy retirement in this land of milk and honey and best of luck in his persue of happiness and retirement.



He's one of the clever ones who has legged it already!

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

He knew the time was up at least as far back as 2003!

He reminds me, in much smaller and different sacle of around 1996-1997, when I was working as a Junior research engineer for a US corporation. I used to be given piles of resume's from physicists, electronics researchers, mathematicians, all much older than myself, highly experienced and talented in their own fields, desperately seeking a Job in USA and passage out of the collapsed Soviet Union. Somehow, to my personal dismay, very very few of them seemed suitable candidates for our work. To me  at least, it was a shocking and sad experience. Not anymore though.

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."

Darius Kadivar

Bar Aks Eeshoon Gozashteh roh Moroor Nakardand ...

by Darius Kadivar on


He is sitting outside of Iran and asks opposition to be peaceful

by Kashk on

Peaceful means the end of akhoond maslak and he knows it (being one himeself). The only way out is people becoming active. Remember 79 revolution? If people sit quite/peaceful, more young people are thrown in jail and more getting executed.




یک چیز رو ما نفهمیدیم، اینها تا توی ایران هستند همش "مرگ بر
آمریکا"، "شیطان بزرگ"، "آمریکا جنایتکار"، .. میگویند، ولی‌ تا یک چیزی
می‌شه همه اینها می‌‌دوند میرون آمریکا، بعد هم از اونجا دستور میدهند که
اینجوری تظاهرات نکنید که یک موقع انقلاب بشه. اینها همه لجن‌های همون
حکومت هستن که برای نجاتش همه کار میکنند

Jahanshah Javid

Lucky Stanford

by Jahanshah Javid on

I heard from someone that Mousavi Khoeini added "Khoeini" to his last name in order that people would confuse him with the famous Hojatoleslam Mousavi Khoeiniha, who was the "spiritual" leader of the students who took over the US embassy in 1979. And thus increase his chances of getting elected to the Majles. And it worked!

Now remember I said, I HEARD someone say that. I don't know if it's true or not. But I'm hoping it is. It would show he understands politics. But not just that. He's a politician with noble principles and willing to stand for them in the middle of the den of lions.

His 2003 speech directed at the Vali Faghih himself and broadcast live from the Majles is a classic. A classic example of true courage. Which so so few of us, in the entire human population, have. //

And Mousavi Khoeini of today, in exile, is far away from where he was in 2003. In the direction of secular democracy. If that's not progressive and open-minded, what is?

Any educational institution that takes him for research or teaching purposes is pretty damn lucky one.



by Doctor mohandes on

These Individuals are always introduced as some Fellow scholar or Researcher at one of these top notch Institutions.  I mean what the hell do they conduct they research on???

I bet you they sit by the computer in the office ( or a little cubicles around the corner) Or in the computer lab chit chatting on facebook, keeping busy!

The state of california should deprive such institutions of their Grant money and I bet you they can balance the state budget in no time.


West residing Islamists

by Pahlevan on

West residing Islamists, like Mousavi Khoeeni, are much worse than Islamists living in Iran, IMO. At least Islamists who live in Iran (or other Islamist countries) are honest about their barbaric ideology. West residing Islamists, on the other hand, are hypocrites, living like leeches and parasites in secular societies!


از این اصلاح‌طلب‌ها شارلاتان‌تر و وقیح‌تر فقط خودشونن


از این اصلاح‌طلب‌ها شارلاتان‌تر و وقیح‌تر فقط خودشونن. اینا از ۳۲ سال جمهوری اسلامی، ۲۶ سال سرشون تو آخور جمهوری اسلامی بود و بدترین جنایتات رو بر علیه مردم ایران مرتکب میشدن. تو دوران اون شارلاتان جنایتکار، خاتمی، هم که به عنوان سوپاپ اطمینان عمل کردن و به قول خودشون "حفظ نظام" کردن. حالا هم که دیگه سرشون تو آخور نیست و تو جنگ قدرت شکست خوردن (دستشون از قدرت قطع شده)، میخوان از مردم سواستفاده کنن تا به قدرت بازگردن. ولی‌ از اینکه مردم نظام فاشیستی جمهوری اسلامی رو سرنگون کنن شدیدا وحشت دارن! چون به خوبی‌ میدونن که در ایرانی‌ آزاد، این خط امامی‌های متعفن (همون اصلاح‌طلبان) یک درصد رای هم نمیارن. به همین دلیل هر کاری از دستشون بربیاد می‌کنن که از براندازی جمهوری اسلامی جلوگیری کنن.


US Visa Requiremets

by Demo on

And what R the US Visa Requirements for the current/former IRI's officials? None. They all already have US Citizenships/Residencies & other types of Visas. Otherwise they had not possibly passed the strict CIA's security clearance to become an official  anywhere in the world! The regime change of 32 years ago in our homeland did not mean the CIA's goodby there. Did it? That is why they call it now "homeland security" both the same in IR of I & in US of A!

Jahanshah Javid

Hacker wars

by Jahanshah Javid on

By the way, VOA's website was not the only one hacked. Several prominent IRI sites were temporarily knocked out by hackers as well.

It's war. Fought by both sides.



by Doctor mohandes on

Excellent point!

If i had a nickle for everytime that question had crossed my mind... i would be askin Donald trump to ...well  Never mind. :))

Looks like the americanos disregard all requirements and regulations when it comes to the chosen ones. Go figure.

Jeesh Daram


by Jeesh Daram on

Somehow names like Khoeini, Mousavi, Khomeini, Khamenei, Noon-khamei will never leave us alone.


This is a serious question: After four decades in this country I wonder what credentials does Staford requires from Iranians to go there and become experts and chairs and deans, only to get involved with interviews and write books that offer nothing? Does anyone know, what is visa requirement for a former member of the parliament of IRI to come to USA? What about for a cancer patient?  

ebi amirhosseini

This week on Fox News Sunday: (2/27/11)

by ebi amirhosseini on


Don't miss them. 

Ebi aka Haaji

Fariba Mirzaie

Thank you

by Fariba Mirzaie on

You are playing a very important part in this movement.