Spy ring linked to Israel

Iran says assassins of nucealr scientist arrested

Reuters – Iran has arrested a "network of spies" linked to Israel's Mossad intelligence service which it blames for the assassination of an Iranian nuclear scientist in 2010, Iran's state television reported on Monday. Tensions are running high between Iran and Israel, which has not ruled out military strikes on the Islamic Republic if diplomatic efforts fail to resolve a row over Tehran's nuclear program. Iran has vowed to retaliate for any strikes with missile strikes on Israel and U.S. targets in the Gulf. "The Intelligence Ministry ... has identified and arrested members of a spy and terrorist network linked to the Zionist regime," state television quoted a statement issued by the ministry as saying. Iran does not recognize the state of Israel >>>


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re spy ring

by Delavar1 on

Highly doubtfull that Israel or America may have done this.False confessions in the republic of Islam are nothing new and are very common. When they threaten any political prisonor that they are going to rape them like they do in Republic of Islam , they will tell you anything they force them to tell and confess, let alone all the torture and beatings.

 Even before the revolution, the Islamists under khomeini burned Cinema Rex in Abadan killing hudreds of innocents and blamed it on the shah's government. All documents proved that khomeini was the culprit. As for after the revvolution everybody knows the story....

few examples include  is Killing of Foroohars and blaming it on America, later killinh Ali Emami who did the killing for the Islamists to hide evidence, killing of Farrokhzad, pushing students off the road to the valley and pretending this was an accident, killing Bakhtiar, Killing of Rafik Hariri (the Lebanese president) and blaming it on America and Israel. The killing of Ayatollah Taleghani was also proven to be the job of the Islamists and there are ample evidence found regarding the killing (including what was proven postmortem by legal medicine)



by Delavar1 on



re spy ring

by Delavar1 on



re false confessions

by Delavar1 on



Buzzards and Sharks are spies too

by Escape on

Isreal can turn a smart Arab dumber than a rock,quick as lightning..



by Sayyed on

This poor guy widow is not that bad looking. If she gets ride of her Hejab and put some makeup on and color her hair blonde, I would give it to her so hard that her screm reaches Mossad training camp in East Jerusalem. Or wait I think the spy said it is in West Jerusalem.


for once we all almost agreed in this page ( except Tavana,)

by opinionpost on

I am kinda happy to see we are getting to think a like, is this Iranian.com 's efforts...

to harmonize our thoughts....

hehehe, conspiracy theory.... 


may be... he has been cut a deal...

by opinionpost on

I believe Israeli intelligence service is very aggressive and strong. And they could very well have done this....

so, I won't be surprised if he really is being trained by them, however I wonder why he looks he just had a very good meal...and he just came out of a hotel room instead of Jail cell. 



by Abarmard on

You seem to have all the facts and the rest is opinion. And that's that.

Jonny Dollar

Mossad, may be, but this is a cheap IRI production! A joke!

by Jonny Dollar on

This is not a confession, this is poor acting and production. Pay attention how they show the guy for 4 seconds and then they show the lady for a few seconds, then the photos of accident, then back and forth throughtout the whole thing. This looks like a TABLIGHATI short film. You can see that only if you put your biases against both Mossad and IRI aside.

First of all the guy is too good looking to be doing this. he looks like Greens. This makes me more supecious that IRI was behind this one. Mossad, IRI...who knows, all the same trash!

"God is love!"


I am an Iranian and NOT an

by Arthimis on

I am an Iranian and NOT an Israel supporter, but can't help noticing this guy looking comfortable as a spy in this I.R. show! He could be one of the I.R. people himself !! I.R. is great in making cheap movies, you know... If he was really who they said he is, he would have been beaten to death and you couldn't see how he looks like, trust me... C'mon people, I.R. beats and tortuers Iranian who protest on the streets for an election result, What do you think they do to Israeli spies and Terrorists especially!!! For love of GOD, Think for once!!! Mardom Iran digar khar nemishan hajis...

Free Iran and Iranians.



by Tavana on

How did you find an "opinion" in my comment??? Are the questioning of the "non-existant" regime's credibility & inquiring about the "proof" of your "highlighted" "proof" forming an "opinion" in your "opinion?" When was the last time the regime's own reported news become an evidence for the proof of their own claims????? 



by MRX1 on

Let me guess: this idiot will confess to some hocus pocus they told him to say, then they will execute bunch of people including him and then everything will go back to normal. I wonder if mossad is going to assisinate the 16 year old girl who experimented with yellow cake in her basement as well@! cause you never know those jews are really tricky.

Sargord Pirouz


by Sargord Pirouz on

I apologize. I just don't seem to have the patience to educate y'all on matters of national security and espionage, like I usually do.

Besides, the censors here at IC are losing patience with me, as well.

So let's just agree to disagree on this one. 



by Simorgh5555 on

If you believe this then you need to get a life. 



by Abarmard on

Without reading more news, My reasoning makes more sense than yours. I'll take Iranian News Agency and its official report over your opinion any day. Interesting that the news reflects my note here, which makes sense. They would have not shown his face if they were not sure, just like Rigi:


As far as your question for proof, the equipment used and perhaps more analysis were available and documented. You have not read about them it doesn't mean it's not there.


Sargord Pirouz

He's an alien from outer

by Sargord Pirouz on

He's an alien from outer space the Iranians picked up to mimic an Israeli spy--they're so good at it, don't you know.

You people are pathetic. 


This guy is probably acting for his life, grasping ...

by reader1 on

... the last straw of hope that his life may be spared by the confession.  He may or may not have had a direct role in the assassination of Dr Ali-Mohammadi, but if the past is any guide to the future, he will soon be led to the gallows in the presence of victim’s relatives and some cheering crowds. If he was indeed an Israeli agent and had a direct role in the assassination, I hope his cold blooded handlers in Tel Aviv bear some responsibility for his tragic fate.



by Simorgh5555 on

So the terror regime picks this hapless individual like a rabbit out of a magician's hat and parades him on TV as a spy for Mossad. According to the accused spy he flew to Tel Aviv and then was trained to handle explosives by being taken to a Mossad HQ in Jerusalem surrounded by electric wires (straight out of Ian Flemming's James Bond. 

1) Why would the Mossad take an untrained  Iranian national to Tel Aviv and give him VIP treatment and reveal to him the location of the intelligence HQ 'in Jerusalem'? They would more likely to have bungled him in the back of a car blindfolded so that the 'top secret' location could not be revealed if he was later captured. That is the whole point about Mosad. It is supposed to be secret you fools! 

2) Believe me, booby trapping a car with explosives, is perhaps one of the most easiest tasks which an operative can carry out. Why would this Iranian national be trained in Israel for it? A rookie agent can be trained how to do this any where in the world and there are plenty of Mossad agents stationed in the Middle East and elsewhere who can organise this. Do you honestly believe there isn't a Mossad agent anywhere in the world, especially Iran, who cannot plant a bomb underneath the seat of the car? 

3) Why would this captured 'spy' be briefed about the nuclear scientist from Israel. It would be more likely instructions would have been received from Iran itself. It is like saying any Al-Qaida terrorist wishing to attack a target in the West has to first go to a cave in Pakistan and ask permission from Osama Bin Laden first. LOL. tha is not the way terrorism and counter terrorism work.  

Pure fantasy BS from a regime which brought you the 'confession' of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtani and the hundreds of other Jackanory stories.




by Simorgh5555 on

So the terror regime picks this hapless individual like a rabbit out of a magician's hat and parades him on TV as a spy for Mossad. According to the accused spy he flew to Tel Aviv and then was trained to handle explosives by being taken to a Mossad HQ in Jerusalem surrounded by electric wires (straight out of Ian Flemming's James Bond. 

1) Why would the Mossad take an untrained  Iranian national to Tel Aviv and give him VIP treatment and reveal to him the location of the intelligence HQ 'in Jerusalem'? They would more likely to have bungled him in the back of a car blindfolded so that the 'top secret' location could not be revealed. That is the whole point about Mosad. It is supposed to be secret you fools! 

2) Believe me, booby trapping a car with explosives, is perhaps one of the most easiest tasks which an operative can carry out. Why would this Iranian national be trained in Israel for it? A rookie agent can be trained how to do this any where in the world and there are plenty of Mossad agents stationed in the Middle East and elsewhere who can organise this. Do you honestly believe there isn't a Mossad agent anywhere in the world, especially Iran, who cannot plant a bomb underneath the seat of the car? 

3) Why would this captured 'spy' be briefed about the nuclear scientist from Israel. It would be more likely instructions would have been received from Iran itself. It is like saying any Al-Qaida terrorist wishing to attack a target in the West has to first go to a cave in Pakistan and ask permission from Osama Bin Laden first. LOL. tha is not the way terrorism and counter terrorism work. 

Pure fantasy BS from a regime which brought you the 'confession' of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtani and the hundreds of other Jackanory stories from the World's Favourite Terrorsit regime. 


1 to 3 per IRI's Intelligence!

by Tavana on

Here is boys & girls: "This is a proof not for your eyes only but for Israeli intelligence to see the truth in their news." And where is the back up for such exciting!!! announcement? None. Juat play the video for the "morons" viewers, follow 1 to 3 steps of our own "Abarmard's" reasons, then read ISNA own news! Now go back to sleep children!

PS. When was the last time that IRI presented any proof behind any of their accusations to the international community? Why is we ourselves are never presented with any evidence & we only hear the "tailred" confessions of the so accused assissins/spies/plotters? Do we have to remind ourselves of "Kahrizak's prison" accusers' trials!! behind the closed doors?


Reason for this broadcast

by Abarmard on

I disagree with those who think this is fake. The reason can be analyzed and government future follow up actions will determine the truth further more.

This is a proof not for your eyes only but for Israeli intelligence to see the truth in their news. They are showing the face and declaring that they have the guy and all the information with it. As Iran did with Rigi.

Most probably this broadcast is a warning of retaliation or sending the signal of :

1-Iranian Information gathering and intelligent is powerful and active

2- the follow up plans are gone for good

3-this is not the end. Iran will do something with this

According the Iranian Intelligence agency, Iran will first peruse legal international channels with the proof that they have gathered and go from there. More to come

ISNA writes:




Mossad, A Terror-east Group?

by Tavana on

As a subsidy of CIA of the Terror-West, Mossad of the Terror-East had been running SAVAK in our country during Shah's kingship of 25 years. The Intellegence Ministry remained intact upon Shah's departure & Mossad became stronger than ever in its work. Without the Intellegence Mafia (CIA, KGB, British Intellegence, etc.) of the New World Order, IRI will evaporate in a blink of an eye. And it makes no difference whatsoever to Israel our acceptace or rejection of it as a  terrorist system.

PS. If our people could accept Khomeini & Khamenie as their leaders then the acting of this imposter on the video is that all they get as a real Mossad agent until the next TV episode! 


Nobody doubts Mossad being a terrorist group

by Mehdi on

The only question we all have is weather these guys are actual Mossad terrorists or not. But nobody here has displayed any doubt that Mossad is in fact a murdering terrorist group that has been given green light by the US to murder and commit any terrorist activity it wants, against any country. Interesting how we have all accepted that Israel is a terrorist system. 


Terrible liar

by Peace on

I like to read people and see how they behave when they're lying.
Notice at 0:59 in the video and read this.


spy " NOT"

by fullback1 on

The Islamic occupiers of Iran are Lieing AGAIN. As it has been a past practice with these Islamist Vultures, they Prade one of their own Agents before the Cameras and in this case he States whatever the Occupiers want. This too bit Thug is A Basiji , who can not even lie. Its all a poor ACT.



by fullback1 on

Tell me beside the allegation of Islamist Occupiers of iran , tell me WHAT HAS ISREAL DONE TO IRAN?? to justify Isreal as ENEMY IF IRAN???



by hirre on

They would never let a true spy come close to the public... Just imagine the people who simply took pictures of the wrong places, or confused Iran borders with Iraq borders, all of them are kept hidden in the country for security reasons...

You never make a public display like this in the world of national security, because there is a lot of things that can go wrong and at the bottom line you jeopardize lives...

Also the "spy ring" is not busted, because since it's Mossad that is behind it, you also need to identify and verify Israeli agents (connection) in the ring...


You make me sick

by fussygorilla on

All of you. 

opposition o.k. but siding with Israel, the no.1 enemy of Iran and making sarcastic remarks about Iran are sickening. You are all either fools or paid by Iranian enemies to make such comments. 

Whether one agrees or disagrees with the Iranian regime in power, should not make you all speak as enemies of your own country. Shame on you all.

maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

what scientist ?

if a 15 yrs old can make yellow cake in her basement (qouted by amadinejad) that's not science.

why should any foriegn government get involved in an external assasination not of one of their own national?

for what reason ?

this clip is more suitable for an IFC up coming movie.
