
Haleh Sahabi

Daughter murdered at father's funeral

iranhumanrights.org: Interference by security and plainclothes agents in the funeral of prominent Iranian political activist Ezatollah Sahabi, including beatings of mourners, led to the death of Sahabi’s daughter Haleh, who suffered a fatal heart attack at the event today. “The shameful actions of government thugs in this incident reveal a deep contempt for traditions that belong to all Iranians, and they have resulted in a tragedy,” said Hadi Ghaemi, spokesperson for the Campaign. The Campaign called upon the Iranian Judiciary to investigate the incident at Ezatollah Sahabi’s funeral, and for Iran’s highest political and religious authorities to forbid security forces from any physical or psychological assaults or any other form of interference in funeral observances, regardless of the political views of the deceased and their families. A journalist present at the funeral procession of Ezatollah Sahabi, a prominent political activist, dissident, and a member of the Freedom Movement, told the Campaign that there was a large group of plainclothes and security forces present at the ceremony who beat a number of mourners >>>


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Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

According to Rastgoo

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


All of us including me; Siavash; MG; Roozbeh; Amir; all have problems. The only one who is perfect and without a fault is he/she. Where did this person get their vast knowledge of all of us?

Then signs it "peace" which reminds me of another IRI apologist: Niloufar. When she was told to stop insulting people "be tirije abash bar khord" and "gahr kard". Just to return? Not sure but sure sounds like it.

Anyway the only peace IR brings is that of death. No thanks keep your peace to yourself. As for my anger mine is nothing compared to that of Iranians back home. Just watch as the Basiji go what happens to the Mollahs.


"راستگو" جون، تو هم که عین دکتر جونت ما رو کشتی‌ با ناز و عشوت


I ask for the proof of your claims on how popular the islamist regime is and you refer me to some wiki page ? nowhere in the link you provided there is proof for your claims. Lets face it, you have no proof for your claims, because there is none!

But never mind the popular suppoort.If this fascit islamist regime had even a future, it's supporters like yourself would come and post their defence of the regime under their own real names proudly displaying their own photographs, instead of oxymoron names and avatars such as yours. 


Mr. Rastgoo, my parents are deceased !

by Siavash300 on

"You could probably suit your parents for brain washing you and win.  Let me know I can refer you to some good attornys" Rastgoo

My father was pro- Tudeh party and very active during nationalization of oil in 1952. He ran over the tree once army started to shoot the crowd in Maydon-e-baharestan (30 tir) On the other hand, my mother was pro-islamist and after riot in 1963 she was wishing one day khomainie comes back to establish Islamic republic. Both are deceased. Now, I educated myself and find out the truth through research and reading our history. I suggest strongely you do the same. You may start with Shahnameh (King's letter). That will elavate the your sense of Persianism or rather patriarism. Our rich history comingled with monarchy or padeshahi. No one can deny that. Your mixer of  Allah which is completely arabic word with Shah which is Persian is completely wrong. The correct word is "patriatic people". At the end, I hope you feel better about your upset stomach,Let me know if I can refer you to a good Gastroentrologist. In fact, he is muslim and follower of all those mumbo jumboos.


Mash Ghasem

and peace be upon you brother

by Mash Ghasem on

and I hope I'm wrong and you right. You still didn't tell us what you thought about the article about Ahmadinejad's demotion, with my last post. Not sure why you think I'm angry, I just find you less than informed on the conditions of the working class and the poor in Iran, have a blessed day,

P.S. Those 'polls' you refer to were ALL done by IR's agents. What you ought to recall is how during the night of the election itself, while they were counting the results and they saw Musavi ahead, the whole program was interrupted. for four hours, then resumed with the 'blessed' news that AN was the winner. How they could count 24 million votes in four hours is in itseld another 'blessed' advance in IR supercomputers, ( that was before the German worm) cheers


To the gentlemen of the extreme right

by Rastgoo on

1.  I am Iranian.  I don't call myself Persian because Iranians comprise many different ethnicities and I don't think Persians are superior.  Sorry:( I don't look at any group of people as inferior to the others.  I'm afraid to tell you this but.....I don't hate Arabs.

2.  As Shokaran has stated in his post there are more hues than just black and white (although technically black is no color and white is all colors).  You have to realize that just because somebody disagrees with you it doesn't make him/her your enemy. 

3.  I am not a hateful person and not bent on revenge.  However, if I could travel through time I would seriously hurt Khomeini and the rest of his barbaric clan. 

4.  I do not categorize myself as right, left, monarchist or mujahed.  I am an independent thinker who believes in truth.  Nothing irritates me more than unfounded allegations because they end up wasting everyone's time.

5.  I am in full 100% support of the Green movement with the corollary that it would lead to the dismantling of the IRI regime and it's replacement by a secular Democratic regime.  Nothing would make me happier than to see Khamenei on a fair trial.

6.  regarding my allegation of the popularity of the regime I refer you to the tens of polls that were taken both from inside Iran and outside Iran and you can see that the margin by which AN won is pretty much what those polls were predicting.  I'm sorry. I'm disappointed too.  But don't kill the messenger!   Go to the wikipedia and look up Iran's 2009 election and it is a very fact based article that has all the numbers in it.  Polling is real evidence.  It is not circumstantial.

7.  By lying to ourselves that this regime will fall any time (implying that it is unpopular) will only lengthen the regimes life.  Look what happened to the MKO and the armed resistance.  They thought that the regime would fall anytime.  Look at Nojeh coup.  Look at the Monarchist generals operating from Turkey.  Why haven't they overthrown the government?  Because the government is more popular than unpopular!    

Finally some personal recommendations:

VPK:  You have serious anger management issues.  It's OK you'll grow out of it.

Siavash:  You have some serious superiority issues.  You could probably suit your parents for brain washing you and win.  Let me know I can refer you to some good attornys.

Mash Ghasem:  You....You're just angry.  Calling me all kinds of names.  That's not polite and you know it!  Remember, I hate AN, otherwise I wouldn't call him "AN".  Get it?  

Roozbeh:  Please refer to the wikipedia article about the polling before the elections.  If you don't believe that then do your own search and you will find that the polling before the election predicted the election results.  Please before you get angry, do keep in mind that I don't like AN.  I think he stinks.  


Brothers this has all been in good humor.  I hope I'm wrong and you're right.  Please disregard all the negative comments and attribute them to some stomach upsets that are driving me insane!



Amir 1973, Your Question left Rastgoo in a tough spot

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

I mean you kind of put rastgoo on the spot, of course rastgoo has no non-circumstancial evidence for any of those regimes support or lack of.

Not exactly a Rastgoo eh!

By the way guys I have 100% proof that less than 1% of Iranians were muslim/islamic before 1950.  Want to know why?  Because less than 1% could read and write before 1950, so how could they be muslim, did they accomplish this somehow without reading the Koran.

Logic, sucks for muslims.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


There is a dreamland where these happen:

  • People who lie call themselves "truthful aka Rastgoo".
  • People think that being murdered at a father's burial makes Iranians happy.
  • The picture of Shokaran is handsome.
  • Iranians just love being poor and marginalized.
  • Having massive drug additions indicates a happy population.
  • Having millions leave Iran means people are happy.

Siavash jan khoneto kasif nakon; ina adam nemishan.


Mr./Ms. Shokaran and dreamland

by Siavash300 on

From 17 iranians one is drug addict according to the washington post newspaper. Stinky mullahs promoted prostitution in large scale by making Segheh left and right. One has 16 segheh. The standard of life drastically fallen since these Islamic bastards took power in Iran. Poverty, misery threating our nation. Now, is that make you happy. Sure if you're arab or Pakestani because I remember in Apartheid regime the Europeans were treating you guys like a piece dirt in Sout Africa. At the same time Persians had equivalent right as people of European decendant.  That was from smart leadership of our shah. Paki, arabs, they were all jealous of Persians. I remember those days. Your happiness from seeing our nation is sinking to dirt could be well explained in that context. That is historical fact, not dream or wishfull thinking. Now, any one who are against happiness of our nation is devilish. you got that right. They are.



Shah and Allah, 2 contradictory terms Mr. Rastgoo

by Siavash300 on

These 2 words don't go together. It is like saying snowy hot summer. Either it is hot or it is cold and snowy. These 2 doesn't go together my dear.

Behind word SHAH, There is over 5000+ years Persian history. 

 Behind word ALLAH, there is a nomad, barbaric tribes of Arabs.

 One is a messenger of glory, civilalization and Great monarchy such as Nader and Reza Shah the great

and the other one is the  messenger of death, barbarism and cruelty.

I don't know your nationality Mr. Rastgoo,  but I am Persian and I am proud of my heritage and my rich history which is intimated with Padeshahi. SHAH has been symbol of unity, integrity and strenght of our nation for over 5000 years.  My ancestors introduced monarchy as the first  political system to the history of mankind. I am proud of that. I never put myself and my people next to lizard eater arabs. No comparison between Great Persian civilization and bedraggled tribe of Arabs.

Payandeh our Aryan Land Iran.


Dear Rastgoo!

by Shokaran on

 These guys are living in a dream, don't interrupt them! this is the only thing they have, Their momy and popy told them everything would be O.K. soon! They believed a simple story which Prince will find Cinderella at the end and life would be sweet! They are taught that there is just bad people and us!!..If anybody says anything against us is devilish and wrong!...They think IRI should go soon! as same as AN is already gone!!!..Sometimes even they dream about ruling the country too!..In their logic there is no colour beside black and white! So don't try to explain anything, let them dream!....Shshshshsh


"Rastgoo" Prove one claim before making any more.

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

You failed -not surprisingly- to present an iota of proof on your claims of  "only 40% of Iraninas are against the regime", and  "poor and working classes support the regime", yet you go on making another sweeping statement that "regime is popular"!!!

Well I cant take you too seriously.

BTW, The Irony of your user ID "rastgoo" (the one who speaks the  truth, in case you dont speak Farsi......) reminds me of the girl, way back in my student days in londonistan who was available to any of us guys  wanting sex, after a drink or two. her name was "virginia"!

Get it? No? well, nemever mind......!!! 

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."

Mash Ghasem

Doroghgo, you're extremly arrogant, condecsending and

by Mash Ghasem on

ill informed. You easily qualify as a 'Kant,' but not sure if you're into the Kantian school of thought.

Before you, or for that matter anyone on this site, wants to teach 'the poor' in Iran, you ought to educate yourself to the realities of Iran. Mainly:

Majority of the population voted for a candidate that ( in his own confused ways) went agaisnt the system.

For the past two years the only thing between this regeim and death in the bayonet, but even that  seems to have exhauasted itself, and has come to an end. See below on why your buddy boy AN is on his way out.

The working class and the poor in Iran, do not lack education, morality or ethics. We lack freedom, a comfortable life worth living, and equality. Before any two bit element of 'diaspora' starts their mighty mouse 'enlightenment' fantasies, they shall recall: the meek shall inherit the Earth. And don't drink too much.

چرا احمدی نژاد میرود؟



Questions for Rastgoo

by AMIR1973 on

Do you have "non-circumstantial evidence" for the lack of popularity or support of other regimes in the world other than the IRI, particularly non-democratic ones? For example, do you have proof that the Leader of North Korea either has or lacks popular support? Do you have proof for or against the popular support of the regimes of the following countries: Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Algeria, all of the little Persian Gulf kingdoms (we'll make an exception of Bahrain, where protests have recently been defeated), Burma, etc, etc?

Is it possible to find "solid proof" that the majority of people in those countries are either for or against their regimes? For if such "non-circumstantial evidence" is forthcoming in the IRI, then it would stand to reason that it should be forthcoming in those other countries as well.

I look forward to a well-reasoned response using logic and evidence. Regards.



by Rastgoo on

I'll have a drink with you, an Alcoholic one;)  You shouldn't be angry at me because I'm saying the truth.  In truth I doubt that you dislike the Mullahs more than me.  Don't listen to the idiotic opposition political parties and personalities that have been feeding us all garbage for 32+ years that this regime will fall any day.  To get rid of this regime you and I have to go back and educate the poor.  But before we can educate them we have to integrate them by not treating them as slaves.  Now, before you write back, please take a deep breath and think hard!


Oh boy I have insulted a Shaholahi

by Rastgoo on

Apparently I have touched some raw nerves with Siavash.  I'm sorry had I known that you worship "his highness reza Pahlavi" I wouldn't have expressed my opinion which has stayed unrefuted:  The Islamic regime is, to my dismay, more popular than the Greens.  Don't you think that your worship of the "Shah" is no worse than the Baseej's love for the Vali Faghih?  If you live in the US I really suggest that:

1.  You brush up on your English writing skills: at the very least use a spell and grammar check program like MS word.

2.  You learn about Democracy and free intellectual discourse and preventing dictatorship by not worshiping any one man be it the Shah, Khomeini or Rajavi.  In essence: Shaholahi=Fundamentalist=IRI supporter.



Under the curse

by Siavash300 on

To my dear fellow country men/women:

There is a esculation of murders, rape, poverty, torture, forceful disappearance,  misery for our nation since shah left the country. This story continues till crown Reza Pahlavi take the office. The most  important factor is to bring shah's remains to Iran from Cairo in the highest respect from each Iranian or state funeral.  Till then people will never see any happy day in their lives. 

As far as Mr. Rastgoo concerned, there should be refrandum in democratic atmosphere to see if any political party has any followers. I make it clear for you in one hypothetical example, Supposed Crown Reza takes the office next week, then I love to see how many people will vote for none sense barbaric Islamic law. To make you happy, I have to say just few uneducated people who think they might go to heaven after they die. There are always retarded people is in any country.

Is that what you want to see or you refer to them as a supporters of barbaric republic? or

 Is that what makes you think those animals on power have followers?


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Talking to you is like talking to a rock except worse. Think what you prefer I do not give a ***. Time will tell.

When the mollas are hanging off the trees; I will have a drink to it: an alcoholic one!



by Rastgoo on

There you go again with your funny "evidence".  Then you call me the "mouthpiece" of the regime only because I question the unpopularity of the regime.  No matter how much I disapprove of this regime's barbarity and mismanagement, since I disagree with you I must be their "mouthpiece".  Come on now just because you don't agree with me it doesn't make me a supporter if the IRI, does it?  Is it "khodi" and "Gheir-Khodi" with you too?  I don't know how long you've lived in the US but I really hope that you learn Democracy and its most important pillar: tolerance.  Having said all this in vain to you, your atomic wedgie will come at the Iranian.com conference:) 


مردم عزادار


"از طا یفه رستم و سهراب و سیاوش  هیهات که صد مرد عزادار به جا ماند" هیلا صدیقی  

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


All those *** who betrayed the Shah and Iran are paying. But so are many innocent people like daughter of Sahabi. It is not her fault that her father was a fool. But it is interesting to see the regime eat its own.

The Shah rewaerded those who supported him. Often forgave his opponents as well. Islamists like to murder; it is in their religion. They will kill their friends; enemies and themselves. That is why Islam will fail.


Shah tears in Mehrabad airport

by Siavash300 on

It is interesting to see all shah opponents one way or the other punished during last 32 years. It started from MKO ,then left wings such as Fadaeyans, tudeh, then Melis and Mosaddeq followeres and now all those who were supporters of Khomainie at one point such as Mosavi,Karubi,  Rafsanjani, etc. One after the other paid for what they did. There is a curse on each and every one of them. I have never been supperstitus, but now I believe in God exist and shah's tears in airport when he left the coutry was not absured.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


You are easily amazed I guess,  So 10% of Iranians are wealthy and secular right? Shah must have been doing pretty well to make so many of us rich.

Reality is that Iranians I know include people of every class. You do have one thing right. The majority are Iranians are poor. Because your buddies in IR are robbing them. That is why they are poor. Being poor does not mean being stupid. And being religious does not mean supporting IR. Everyone hates IR. The Muslims hate it because it has ruined the name of Islam. Seculars hate it because it forces its versions of Islam on people.

Poor hate it because it keeps them poor. Rich hate it because it destroys their chance for international commerce. My friends was in Tehran the other day. She almost got run over by a motorcycle. She asked a police why is nothing done. The police responded: the regime does not care if you or I get run over. Even the police hate the regime. You are their mouthpiece so I do not expect any more from you. Shame on you.



by Rastgoo on

You never cease to amuse me.  I hope that someday we have an Iranian.com conference, so I can give you an atomic wedgie for your frequent lapses of logic:

1.  I ask for non-circumstantial evidence and you cite "I hear from people in Iran....".  That's called here say and is not admitted in any reputable court.

2.  You claim that 10% of the Iranians have left and that is proof for regime's unpopularity.  What?!!!  The people who have left (like you and I) belong to the well-off secular middle class.  The overwhelming majority of the Iranian people are too poor to afford a "chelokabab" once in a life time let alone be able to leave the country.

You are way out of touch with reality and your logic is making Ibn-Sina shake in his grave.  This is all in good humor brother:)


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I gave proof you are just refusing to see it so be it. I do not owe you anything. Amir Parviz may speak for himself. My proof is once again what I hear from Iranians in Iran. If that is not enough then you go worship the Imam.

The other proof is that 10% of Iranian population has left Iran. The rest are lining up for visa to whatever "Great Satan" will take them. When Shah was in power this was not so. Sure some people left but not 10% of the population.

The last proof is that a full 50% of Iranian American "Muslims" left Islam. They hate the damn thing. Just as I and my whole family does. I have been to many Iranian gatherings. I have never seen a chador and only a few rosari. 

Regarding Florida Land. It depends where it is. Try buying land by the coast. It is valuable. That is the land I would buy!

No more proofs. We all know everyone hates the IR. Other than a handful of paid cyber groupies who write for money.


Mash Ghasem

A protracted war of atrrition, that's how we'll overthrow you

by Mash Ghasem on

Last two years, have been only an insurrectionary rehearsal.

Inject that.


I have to inject a break-for-oldies here

by پندارنیک on

On the subject of the regime collapse at any given moment, I do remember one specific Wednesday which was rumored to be the then-new regime doomsday; even the market froze on dollar which was sold for 120 Rials...apparently it had something with General Ariana in turkey...On Thursday dollar jumped up....Sorry for this dots-worthy comment...



Amir Parviz and VPK

by Rastgoo on

Sorry guys but you have no evidence for the perceived non-popularity of the regime.  I asked for proof.  Proof is tangible and may be tested.  You have offered either derision or at best anecdotes.  For 32+ years we've all been waiting for this regime to be deposed any time!  How many times have we heard that this regime would fall anytime?  It's all non-sense because it is being propounded by the intelligentsia which is out of touch with the majority of the Iranians.  If you want to make the statement that this regime is unpopular back it up with real evidence.  True that no one wants his kids to die but if you come from a culture where kids are beaten in class for talking or chewing gum you expect punishment for being out of line.  We have serious cultural and class division problems in Iran that must be addressed before the regime falls.  I guess the difference between you and I is that at this point in my life I'm smart enough not to have bough the land in Florida in the first place! 

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Yes this regimes is real popular! I am in close touch with Iranian from Iran. I was just visiting some who came to USA a month ago. They are not fans of IR. I have spoken before of my villager friend who was taken at 16 never to be seen again. I assure you his family is no fans of IR. What mother wants her son taken away; murdered. Probably buried in some mass grave in an unknown place? Are you really serious? From rich to poor to middle Iranians hate IR.

Do you really think Iranians like being beaten and raped. Do they like seeing the daughter of a man murdered at her father's burial! You must be living on some other planet.

amirparvizforsecularmonarchy: I already sold him the land in Florida! You should try the Brooklyn Bridge :-) Rastgoo is delusional.


Rastgoo, you are hilarious you believe AN was rightful winner

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

I have some land in florida, i need to sell... interested?

Though you have a point about the islamic govt having a base of support, and controlling the country with the 300 billion they get from oil revenue and running sections of the economy/all bureaucracy.

But their base is not secure, though their ability to instill fear is good, but one more mass uprising and the regime is gone, the problem is that won't happen for a while due to massive suppression efforts. 

You are right we must work on convincing the poor that they are poor because of this
regime's gross mismanagement, corruption and state economy to just name a
few.  Anger must be directed at both regime and mullahs in general or else the UK/USA will have another group of mullahs ready and waiting to be backed, like they backed mousavi/rafsanjani/khatami in the failed green coup.

No to mullahs, yes to secular, yes to progressives, yes to human rights, yes to leaders with no link to regime, yes to freedom of speech, yes to womens rights.  And Yes to Freedom for Shah to return and freely express himself.



Roozbeh...This regime is popular

by Rastgoo on

You are turning the argument around and telling me that the burden of proof is on me.  Fine.  I believe that the elections were not far from the truth.  I believe that AN won by the stated margin which I have rounded to 60% in favor of the Greens.  Hence the statement that the Greens are no more than 40%.  The truth of the matter is that the pre-election polling both from inside and from outside the country showed about the same margin.  

To my dismay and many free Iranians who want to see this barbaric regime fall, there is not a shred of non-circumstantial evidence that there was the alleged large scale systematic cheating in the elections.  The reformists may have been at 80% during Khatami (as polling showed) but they lost their support due to Khatami's inability to deliver on his promises.

I think that we Iranians of the diaspora and the generally well off sections of the Iranian society are out of touch with the majority of the Iranians:  the working poor.  The working poor are in favor of this regime because it gives them hope of an after life due to their realistic lack of hope in this life!  If we want to overthrow this regime we must work on convincing the poor that they are poor because of this regime's gross mismanagement, corruption and state economy to just name a few.

My challenge remains:  Please indulge me with solid proof that the majority of the Iranians are against this regime of "Arazel va Obash".  Nothing would make me happier.