Every once in a while a new study surfaces in the United States or some other western country, indicating that the attitude towards Muslims is not only negative but is trending worse over time. A tiny minority in some of these countries even believe that Muslim civil liberties should be curtailed. The response of established Muslim organizations as well as some individual Muslims, generally, is outrage sprinkled with accusations of Islamophobia.
A prime example is the protest in London and elsewhere against the Danish Cartoonists or the murder of Theo Van Gogh the creator of the 10 minute movie “Submission.” In Pakistan, several people died during demonstrations against the cartoonists, and in London one could hear crowds of protestors chanting slogans such as “Behead those who insult Islam" and "Europe is the cancer, Islam is the Answer.” Such behavior not only lends support and credibility to the critics of Islam but, rightly so, brings into question the peaceful nature of Muslims--and as a result Islam.
This further gives rise to frequently asked questions such as: Why are such violent reactions as described above rare among Jews and Christians? How many people in this century died because somebody drew a cartoon of Jesus or burned a Bible as a political statement? How many Christians or Jewish coverts to Islam have had their lives threatened by their former congregants? Why do many Muslim countries not allow churches to be built? Why are Jews and Christians not allowed in Mecca whereas Muslims have no problem visiting almost all the holy places belonging to Jews and Christians? Why are many subjects such as archeological research related to the Quran and Islamic history viewed as “off limits” or if not proscribed, why does one rarely see scholarly works critical of the Quran by Muslims unless the author has been branded “mahareb” or the one who turned away from Islam?
Many Muslims in an attempt to answer these questions resort to apologetic tactics combined with poor excuses in the hope that the problem will go away quickly. All this brings us to the question of this commentary--at what point in time will the Muslims be enlightened enough to accept responsibility for their behavior and condemn these actions en masse? In addition, what factors are needed to bring about this enlightenment and how will we recognize that Muslims have embarked on this journey when it begins?
There are several examples throughout history to look at for clues. The best way, perhaps, is to consider the period of Christian enlightenment. By some accounts the age of reason or enlightenment in the West is pegged around the 18th century although some believe it started earlier in the 15th century and sprang up as a consequence of Luther’s Protestant movement. However, many believe the greatest contributing factor to what made Christian enlightenment possible was the attack on religion. Paul Hazard the 19th century French Scholar states that the aim of the Enlightenment was to ‘put Christianity on trial’. Similarly, Peter Gay Professor of History at Yale (The Enlightenment: An Interpretation (1969), described the Enlightenment as a ‘war on Christianity, and liberation of man from the tyranny of myth.’
When analyzing the Christian example these questions come to mind. Are the right factors in place for an Islamic enlightenment? Considering recent events, particularly after September 11, it is difficult to argue Islam and by association Muslims are not on trial. Muslims have been involved in many high profile indiscriminate attacks in the west not mentioning thousands of Muslims killed and tortured in Muslim countries at the hands of Muslims. It was Muslim terrorists, who bombed a train in Madrid Spain; who held a school hostage in Russia, killing scores of children or attacked a subway in London resulting in 55 people dead.
For Karl Popper, enlightenment is “the effort of men to free themselves to break out of the cage of the closed society, and to form an open society.” It would be short sided and mistaken to assume that the majority of Muslims have an aversion to western globalization and structural changes required for modernity and an open society. However, Muslims have to face the fact that in the twentieth century some of the most oppressive and inhumane societies happen to a be in Muslim countries; the Taliban being a good example. Today, there are still Muslim societies that consider the West the greatest threat to their existence and root their survival in opposing an open society. The philosopher, Henri Bergson who coined the term “closed society” in his writing in 1932, suggested that the reason societies are unable to evolve into “open”, is because religion acts as a mental habit binding human intellect. Some societies are just simply incapable of freeing themselves from the chains of their “cultural constraints.” One can see examples of these mini societies in some Muslim enclaves in Europe and elsewhere where repression of women and forced marriages are the norm.
Karl Popper goes further in ‘The Open Society and its Enemies.’ He states that ‘closed’ societies are profoundly inimical to the idea of human freedom. A fact demonstrated over and over again in recent years in Muslim countries, which are not only slow to adopt new technologies but even try to ban the use of the technological tools of an open society such as Internet, Twitter, and Facebook . When leaders of a closed society feel threatened, technologies such as the Internet and cell phone services are often the first to be shut down, even before the expulsion of reporters. This reinforces the fact that these countries view the open society as a menace, as it encourage an informed population supporting what Kant defines enlightenment to be, “the emancipation of the human consciousness from an immature state of ignorance and error--a mental liberation and human self-knowledge no less.” Open societies morph bigotry into tolerance and then to acceptance, marginalize the self righteous and are less susceptible to be tainted with self destructive dogma.
But what completes enlightenment and prevents its corruption according to the seminal 7 page essay by Kant (What is Enlightenment) in 1784 is Critical thinking, a “declaration of independence” for the open mind. Critical thinking interrupts conversation with cultural norms and moves towards independence in pursuit of intellectual freedom and enlightenment. Without a critical mind according to Kant we become “placid" and "dumb cattle" who cannot think for ourselves. Man becomes incapable of using “his understanding without direction from another”, gravitates towards accepting other’s ideas as his falling into the trap of religious emulation and blind following. "I need not think" Kant writes, "if I can only pay." Enlightened man is not subject to any authority without the use of critical faculty and reason, will not surrender to ignorance and misguided. This brings us to the sad state of critical thinking in Muslim countries. Any critical analysis of the Quran or Islam is generally frowned upon by the Muslim establishments. Up until a few years ago the few critical publications by Muslims had to be published under pseudonyms because of the real threat of physical harm by fellow Muslims that accompanied such writings. There is not a single skeptic organization similar to the internationally known organization “Committee for Skeptical Inquiry” (//www.csicop.org/) in a Muslim country. All archeological work that relates to the Quran or the Islamic theological past is either forbidden, destroyed or conducted undercover. The results are invariably not published widely. Kant correctly reminds us that the enlightened is not afraid of “shadows.” How long would Nietzsche have survived had he been living in a Muslim country today writing “God is dead?”
Considering the factors necessary for the enlightenment to take hold as outlined above namely: attack on religion, open society and critical thinking, Muslims have barely begun the journey. Although some might argue that the attack on Islam is in full swing, there has been little progress in opening Muslim societies or embarking on any form of self criticism; one of the vital ingredients of critical thinking.
However, there is hope. It took 16 centuries before the process of Christian enlightenment started and a few more centuries until as Gay describes in the “Revolution of Reason” gave way to critical thinking and open societies. Muslims are approaching the mid 14th century, according to Islamic calendar and traversing through one of the most spectacular technological era in human history that leaves little room for closed or uninformed populations. Therefore, by all indications Muslim enlightenment is not only inevitable but will come to fruition faster than it did for our Christian brothers.
How will we know that we have reached the shores of enlightenment? The answer is simple; when the large demonstrations by Muslims turn into protests against miscreants like Ben Laden and Anwar Al Awlaki. When talk of enforcing Sharia law is reserved to a few outcasts without the general support of Muslims. When there is no talk of oppression of women in Muslim countries and women are afforded equal opportunity. When burning a Quran is not worthy of news anymore and Muslims can study the book with a critical eye and without the fear of persecution. When the news of rigged elections in Muslim countries is studied in history and not as contemporary events and no Muslim can arise and declare himself representative of God on earth. When Muslims can freely condemn superstitious practices and realize salvation is through self reliance and not through reliance on a hidden Imam at the bottom of a well, as some believe. When Geert Gildner can express his opinion freely while Muslims will engage him in a lively civil discourse. When the right to choose ones path to hell is considered sacred and not interfered with. When synagogues, churches and other non Muslim places of worship can be built in Muslim countries without government opposition. When Muslims can convert to any religion without fear of being murdered. When centuries of traditions (hadith) and Quranic exegesis are openly questioned by Muslims without fear of reprisal and ultimately the final test could be when in a Muslim country a Jew or Christian candidate has equal opportunity to participate in presidential elections or may be better when there could be a gay parade in Saudi Arabia.
Fereydoun Taslimi
This paper is an expanded version of a presentation made by the author at International Conference of Critical thinkers for Islamic Reform, Oxford University June-11-13, 2010
Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
Re Taslimi's smart questions to muslims
by Kooshan on Sun Jun 12, 2011 02:03 AM PDTAs far as I heard from muslims who act violent in retro to the situations you have paused as question, there is only one answer which is really easy to understand. They believe that Christianity and Judaism are already refined and lost their holiness. They are touched up to the taste of bunch of authorities to be used as a theraputical medicine. They believe they have the green light from God to defend Islam. This is the issue at hand! How do you want to solve? Do you want to leave them alone? No because muslims are big weight in world's equation.
I think they have recently waken up after years of sleep and oppression and now they are waking up.
I think we are treating them like the indians couple of centuries ago. This is not going to go well especially under the banner of "Democracy" and "human rights". Unfortunately the root of the problem lies in the word "Human" - We believe we are humans and they believe they are humans. There has to be a middle point where we both believe that we are all sons and daughters of the Adam and Eve! It is a matter of simple shift in our vision!
Islam is NOT the problem, ultra Aryan nationalism is
by Iran 2050 on Sat Jun 11, 2011 09:21 PM PDTCost-Of-Progress,
You are wrong aziz.
First of all, our flag is not the only flag. Here’s a question for you to answer: which language is English written in is US and England, the two most advanced nations in the world today, is it “English” writing or Latin? Isn’t Latin the language of Romans who fought the Anglo Saxons (Ancestors of English and Americans) for centuries? Didn’t the Romans invade England?
Second, if you’re saying that our culture has “suffered” 1400 year ago and after all these generations we were not able to repair it, then, according to your logic, our culture is way less vibrant and energetic as I thought.
Third of all, isn’t some of Iran’s best historical heritage from the Islamic period? Have you been to Shah Mosque in Isfahan? These beautiful sites. Are we to ignore or destroy these crucial part of our heritage because they have “non Aryan” roots? What’s the difference between us and Nazis then?
Fourth, Iran’s culture has always been at its peak when it was in interaction with other cultures, including the great Arabic cultures which predates Iranian cultures for thousands of years. Whenever Iran was isolated, for example during the Acheminian, Sasanid, Abbasid periods, science and culture has suffered. That’s true for all cultures; look at the countries of US and England again. Don’t you see a connection between these two countries being the most multi cultural and being the most influential cultures of our time?
Sixth, who said Iranian culture is better than Arabian culture? Based on what? Arabs had and have great civilization. Their civilization pre dates Iranian one. They had queens in Yemen long before Iran ever existed. They gave the world things that even Europeans admit their greatness. They gave some of the best examples of wise leadership and ruling in the world. In every culture, there are good aspects and bad aspects. Iranian culture is no different.
This whole fake “Aryan” ultra nationalist culture created by Reza Shah is one, if the not the biggest reason, Iran is in a hole right now. We became a Fascist racist nation. Tolerance swept away from our culture. Once tolerance went away, so did the spirit of Iran, and the unity among people. The revolution was just a reaction to this madness. Why are so ultra proud of Koroush and our pre Islamic culture? We are bordering Nazism in this matter. We need to change that. If we go from religious Fascism that we have right now to National Fascism, we have achieved nothing. We have gone from one hole into another. Might as well keep this regime. At least innocent lives won’t be lost!
In 2050, I hope that Iran will be a tolerant nation with tolerant people whom are proud of ALL aspects of their civilization but tolerant enough to accept criticism and don’t think they are the best and god’ chosen people. We are NOT the best race in the world. There is no such thing. I want an Iran that is democratic and free. I don’t want to have religious Fascism like it has right now and I don’t want it to have national fascism like it had during Reza Shah’s time. In Order for these to happen, we ourselves have to change first.
Now You All Know why West Wants Islam for Middle East
by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on Sat Jun 11, 2011 09:40 AM PDTNo one could do the harm Islm is doing to Iran than Islam.
Yes it produces a closed society, well pointed out, both shia and sunni forms.
No individuals will not speak out en masse against its leaders brutality.
Islam is the Golden Goose for the West... UK/France/USA/Germany
It accomplished what foreign armes accomplished during old colonialism, keeping societies repressed and backward. Islam is the new tool of neocolonialism and the thought that the west will let go of its golden goose is ridiculosly naive.
Having a militant Hezbollahi side helps the west prolong them in power because the radical side looks and acts strong and creates support, all while no one acknowledges how they new ever win in any way and keep the societies more retarded.
Hezbollah they can handle, just add one division to Israel. But Free, educated, wealthy people... they could not compete... with as they discovered with Iran during the time of the Shah.
Islam won't enlighten, that's why the west loves it.
Iran 2050
by Cost-of-Progress on Sat Jun 11, 2011 06:22 AM PDTAs far as Iran is concerned, the root of our problems is that we embrace the religion of those who invaded us, raped our ancestors, murdered our fathers and stole our coffers. We pray in a language that is alien to us and "our" flag is the only flag in the world with foriegn language on it.
BTW, what do you think Iran will be like in 2050???
by Cost-of-Progress on Sat Jun 11, 2011 06:16 AM PDTpositive that Islam is the religion of peace...LOL
BTW, I'd deport every single one of these peace-lovers back to the hellholes they came from.
What these people are doing in Europe?
by Siavash300 on Sat Jun 11, 2011 02:33 PM PDTI still don't get it. These people beg from western countries to get a visa to enter in those societies and then they have hard time to adjust with those western values and way of living. Why these people don't go back to Pakestan or Saudi Arabia. They feel more comfortable over there than to be in Europe.
Islam in NOT the problem
by Iran 2050 on Fri Jun 10, 2011 06:18 PM PDTThe problem is not with Islam. We, as Iranians, have to deal with some cultural traits that are result of the socio-political structure of the Iranian society that goes back before Islam. We need to be more tolerant towards each other, we need NOT to be racists, we need to get the thug mentality out of our system.
These are the peoblems Iran deals with. Stop blaming it on Islam, Arabs.....the problem is within us.
Iran with its shite fundamentalism (Which has nothing to do with Islam) started Al Qaeda and Hezbollah and ....They started, ar at least brought tu surface, political Islam.
The time is now
by divaneh on Fri Jun 10, 2011 06:10 PM PDTI am not sure about other societies but Iranian society has certainly reached the enlightenment. It is kept in chain for now but chains will soon be broken and then Mosque will go the same way as the church forever in Iran.
Islam, like medieval Christianity, owes its survival to brutal suppression of any challenge to its beliefs. Unfortunately dictatorships in all these backward countries have sided with the mullahs and those challenging the barbarity in Islam have paid dearly. Fortunately it is now becoming more frequent and sooner or later they have to give way.