On 8 March 2012, International Women’s Day, the Nude Photo Revolutionary calendar is being published in homage to Egyptian atheist, student and blogger Aliaa Magda Elmahdy who posted a nude photo of herself, which she described as ‘screams against a society of violence, racism, sexism, sexual harassment and hypocrisy’. At a time when free expression and women’s rights and bodies are under attack by Islamism and the religious-right, nudity is an important form of resistance and defiance. The women in the calendar stand firm in solidarity with Aliaa Magda Elmahdy and the countless women across the world who are denied basic rights, freedoms and dignity. >>>
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salman farsiWed Mar 07, 2012 05:15 AM PST
اگر دارای هيکلی زشت و صورتی نازيبا می بودی، آيا کسی حاضر می شد که فقط به اين علت که زنی روشنفکر و دانا هستی، تصويرت را بر جلد مجله ای چاپ کند؟ آيا در اين صورت کسی را می يافتی که از تو درخواست کند تا به بهانه خدمت نمودن به زنان، مهماندار هواپيما شوی؟ آيا کسی را می يافتی که جهت تبليغ هر کالايی تصوير چهره ات را بر پوسترها چاپ کند؟ آيا کسی پيدا می شد که از تو بهانه کمبود وسائل تعليم و تربيت دفاع کند؟ پس بدان که آنان فقط می خواهند از چهره زيبا و صدای لطيف تو بهره مند شده و لذت ببرند. پس هرگاه اين خصال را در تو نيافتند، همانند کالائی کهنه و قديمی که مدت صلاحيت آن به پايان رسيده است تو را رها می کنند و فراموش خواهی شد.
و به کسی که کور کورانه مقلد ديگران بوده و بدون هيچ بصيرت و هدايتی گام بر می دارد اين سخن رسول خد (صلی الله علیه وسلم) را گوشزد مي کنيم که فرمودند:
«لا يكون أحدكم أمعة يقول: أنا مع الناس، إن أحسن الناس أحسنت وإنأساؤوا أسأت ولكن وطنوا أنفسكم إن أحسن الناس أحسنوا وإذا أساؤوا تجتنبوا إساءتهم».
(معنی): «مبادا که يکی از شما دنباله رو مردم بوده و بگويد: من با مردم هستم اگر خوب شدند خوب می شوم و اگر بد شدند من هم بد می شوم. ولکن نفس خود را استقرار و اطمينان داده و اگر مردم خوب شدند شما نيز به احسان رفتار کنيد و اگر اسائت ورزيدند از اسائت آنان دوری جوئيد».
For an Islamic democracy
JR is right
by Fatollah on Wed Mar 07, 2012 03:22 AM PSTsome with short memory:
I'm really sorry for some women
by Kooshan on Tue Mar 06, 2012 11:50 PM PSTOne way or the other, women gets exploited by men:
Some in the name of freedom and equality;
Some in the name of dignity and sacredness!
I love the strong women who do not think they need to be saved by men behind their chador or be approved by some other men going nude!
سال نو مبارک
onlyinamricaTue Mar 06, 2012 11:41 PM PST
فرخنده نوروز به همه دوستان با ممه و بی ممه مبارک باد
Why not full frontal nudity with open legs and shaved pubic
by JavoonDeerooz on Tue Mar 06, 2012 10:25 PM PSThairs? If you are truely against all restrictions put forth by IRI, you need to go for the full monty Ta mosht mohkami bar dahan rahbar bezanid. Shotor savari ke dolah dolah nemisheh.
Mr. Jasonrobardas...
by Disenchanted on Wed Mar 07, 2012 01:03 AM PSTOur men are so backward!!!
by jasonrobardas on Tue Mar 06, 2012 09:49 PM PSTThe hateful comments on this site regarding these revolutionary women shows how bckward our men are. It also shows why we are where we are and why our women have been treated with so much disrespect , why they are so tightly controlled and suppressed in their everyday lives ...
These are the same brand of men who slandered women when they took off their sacarfs and demonstrated en mass . These are the same brand of men who shouted "Ya too sari Ya roo sari!
This brand of men who comprises the majority of our male population, can not stand the concept of gender equality ! Even the most liberal ones who claim to be democratic are misoginistic due to their cultural upbringing .
Let us face the facts guys !!
بالاخره گلشیفته به حرف من گوش داد
ahosseiniTue Mar 06, 2012 11:29 PM PST
گلشیفته گلشیفته<<<<<<
ای دخترفرهیخته
دستم بدامان تو باد
کن دست ها آویخته
Call me an old fashion if you like, While women liberation is in the heart of our movement and I admire womens fight for equalty and justice, I don't think any of these has anything to do with women liberation. In Egypt it did. The young lady was brave to do what she did. I think Golshiftah's one was just a Hollywood commercial and a Hollywood women liberation type. I just don't trust Hollywood and anyone associated with it.
This is a caricature of Aliaa’s brave action in the heart of Altahrir square. She risked her life, Golshiftah is making a lot of money if not directly, indirectly through fame and glamour portrayed by Hollywood. Those who are 100% against women liberation and use women as object for sex and profit have no part in our movement. Hollywood is sponsored by most backward conservatives who do everything to suppress women’s right.
Just a nude in Hollywood
Believe in a democracy that leaders and representatives are controlled by members at all times.
اگر این مه مه است چرا این همست
SialashgarTue Mar 06, 2012 08:00 PM PST
زنای ایرانی قشگترین زنهای دنیا هستند
too radical and unacceptable by the society
by Sheila K on Tue Mar 06, 2012 06:39 PM PSTthis is a copy cat. nudity is not the issue. the issue is if this movement is too radical to accept by the Iranian society who still believes in Najest O Paak; Ghosl, Ghesaas; Bekaarat; Sigheh;...
Is there a longer version?
by Jeesh Daram on Tue Mar 06, 2012 06:25 PM PSTCan't wait till the DVD hits the market.
۸ مارس
SouriTue Mar 06, 2012 05:56 PM PST
باز نزدیک ۸ مارس شد و جی جی شروع کرد به تصویر زنهای لخت رو گذاشتن رو صفحه اول!
بابا، این کارها دیگه دمده شده.........
چقدر بگیم آخه
آخه بابا بسته دیگه
یه حرف نو تر شه دیگه...........
باز دوباره سونامی میشه ها، یا زلزله میاد...
حالا دیگه خود دانی
I agree with Fanoos
by Souri on Tue Mar 06, 2012 05:49 PM PSTNot only they don't represent Persian women, but they don't even represent the today's international feminism movement.
These is a copy of the feminism of 50 years ago in France (or Europe in general)
A copy, is never something original!
I have nothing against the nudity but, like everything else, I like it at its own place. We have the real revolutionary women in prison, and these nude pictures, can not help them, unfortunately!
"Real women revolutionaries are in jail:" Amen to that, sister!
by fanoos on Tue Mar 06, 2012 05:04 PM PSTDear Disenchanted, these women live in the comfort of the West, freely engage in promiscuous sex, and when they get bored with their multiple partners they decide to show off their contorted bodies. I am a 50 year-old woman with a body of Madonna but I am never ever presumptuous enough to show them off.
Real women revolutionaries are in jail:
by Disenchanted on Tue Mar 06, 2012 04:54 PM PSTگزارشی از برگزاری راهپيمائی روز جهانی زن در لندن!
Roozbeh_GilaniTue Mar 06, 2012 04:47 PM PST
ليلا پرنيان از فعالين تشکل زنان هشت مارس نيز به ايراد سخنرانی پرداخت. ليلا در بخشی از سخنرانی اش به اين موضوع پرداخت که :" ... سال گذشته ما شاهد مبارزات مردم در خاورميانه و شمال آفريقا بوديم. ما شاهد قدرت مردم درسرنگونی ديکتاتورهای منطقه بوديم. در عين حال می بينيم که نيروهای اسلامی با حمايت کشورهای امپرياليستی � همان کسانی که پشتيبان و اربابان اين ديکتارتورهای سابق بودند- می خواهند ميوه چينان مبارزات مردم اين منطقه شوند و قدرت خود و قوانين شريعت را بر زنان اعمال کنند.
ما زنان ايرانی از خود سوال می کنيم که آيا تجربه ما بار ديگر در حال تکرار شدن است؟
ما زنان ايرانی با پوست و گوشت خود با قدرت گيری يک رژيم ارتجاعی اسلامی و اعمال قوانين شريعت را لمس کرده ايم. قدرت گيری نيروهای بنيادگرای مذهبی يعنی ستم بيشتر بر زنان .....
دردوران انقلاب 1979 که ما بخشی از آن بوديم، به ما گفتند که مساله زنان از مسائل مهم انقلاب نيست و بگذاريد برای بعد از انقلاب و اين گونه شد که ما بزرگترين اشتباه تاريخی خود را کرديم و از طرح خواسته هايمان خودداری کرديم....
پس از انقلاب زنان اولين نيروئی بودند که رژيم جمهوری اسلامی به آنان با تحميل حجاب اجباری حمله کرد، ما نيز به مبارزات خود ادامه داديم و بزرگترين تظاهرات عليه حجاب اجباری را در 8 مارس 1357 سازماندهی کرديم. از آن زمان تا کنون برای مطالبات پايه ايمان مبارزه می کنيم. ما به اندازه کافی از مبارزاتمان آموخته ايم که اولين قدم در مسير رهائی امان با جدائی کامل دين از دولت که تنها از طريق سرنگونی رژيم زن ستيزجمهوری اسلامی بدست می آيد، ميسر خواهد شد....
سازمان زنان هشت مارس (ايران-افغانستان)- انگلستان
6 مارس 2012
Faramarz, Why can't Iranians come up with something origional?
by Oon Yaroo on Tue Mar 06, 2012 04:31 PM PSTWhy do we always have to imitate the westerns?
The concept of ordinary women taking their cloths off in public actually started with a bunch of British women taking collective nude calendar pictures in support of the breast cancer stricken folks.
Fast forward to the Egyptian uprising last year and that young Egyptian woman who got naked on the street.
The next thing you know were a bunch commie Iranian women in Europe who in imitation of the Egyptian women took their cloths off.
I say enough to this Iranian imitation. Let's be a pioneer in something!?
I say let's a bunch of us Iranian guys take our pants off and show the rest of the world's women what they have been missing. A true two-legged donkeys or rather three-legged! What do you say Faramarz?
This is in fact an act of blackmail!
by Disenchanted on Tue Mar 06, 2012 04:46 PM PSTSome are better wrapped in Chador!
by anglophile on Tue Mar 06, 2012 03:48 PM PSTThis is a great revolutionary act
by jasonrobardas on Tue Mar 06, 2012 03:30 PM PSTThis is a symbolic act of defiance . A very brave iconoclastic action stating that the woman herself is in charge of her own body . Only it is up to the woman herself to do what she wants to do with her own body . This is a sign of protest to the male chauvinistic system that rules over women and their bodies ...
These women are truly revolutionaries .
Scientifically Speaking!
by Faramarz on Tue Mar 06, 2012 02:56 PM PSTI have been studying the Iranian women breasts closely since the early 1980's and I have to say that these pictures are in line with what I have encountered out there.
Iranian women have beautiful breasts and they are generally referred to as the “swooping” breasts, but they do not have what’s called the "pancake breasts".
How pointless and maskhareh!
by Yana on Tue Mar 06, 2012 02:32 PM PSTThey call "this bull-shit" protesting! I call it an insult to real women who are fighting the regim wiht their lives, who are being raped and turtured in Iran prisons and please do not encourage these morons for further maskhare bazy.
shad zee
What is the big deal about women bareing their chests?
by erooni on Tue Mar 06, 2012 02:16 PM PSTHumen were first were walking around naked till they came out with clothes.
by Disenchanted on Tue Mar 06, 2012 02:16 PM PSTWe are Men
by Aladin Katoor on Tue Mar 06, 2012 01:53 PM PSTDo you want to prove it?
More power to them ....
by Fatollah on Tue Mar 06, 2012 01:07 PM PST.
I like it
by iamfine on Tue Mar 06, 2012 12:38 PM PSTI like Iranian women to be a little on the choppy side. More power to them
The Time Machine!
by Demo on Tue Mar 06, 2012 12:22 PM PSTSeems like a few of the Nasereddin Shah's 85 wives are back:
A real nightmare, indeed!
Masih Alinejad?
by Ali P. on Tue Mar 06, 2012 12:17 PM PSTThe first lady in the video sounds very much like Masih Alinejad, the Iranian journalist and writer.
Is that her? Where is her hat?
Ok Anahid you are right... we shouldn't ....
by Soosan Khanoom on Tue Mar 06, 2012 11:53 AM PSTI am not sure if only Iranians or not? Whatever it is I wished they had at least combed their hairs ... it seems that most are having a bad hair day.