پرتاب گل به سوی آرامگاه کورش بزرگ در لحظه سال تحويل
در تخت جمشيد و پاسارگاد هيچ امکانات رفاهی نيست. سازمان ميراث فرهنگی و سازمان های مسئول ديگر در ايام نوروز هيچ نوع امکانات رفاهی در تخت جمشيد و پاسارگاد تهيه نمی بينند. هيچ تبليغی برای رفتن به آن جا نمی شود، به ندرت وسيله ی نقليه عمومی برای رفتن به آنجا هست، و به وسايل نقليه شخصی اجازه پارک در پارکينک های اطراف را نمی دهند
آرامگاه کورش نه چلخراغی دارد، نه فرشی. نه ادعای معجزه ای دارد و نه کسی از آن معجزه می خواهد اما چندين سال است که در آستانه ی نوروزجوان ها با رنج راهی طولانی و با پای پياده خودشان را به آنجا می رسانند تا تحويل سال نو را در کنار آرامگاه کورش سر کنند. روز زمين سفره هفت سين شان را روی زمين پهن کنند، و در لحظه تحويل سال نو به سوی آرامگاه گل پرتاب کنند.
Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
Dear IRANdopkht
by Behrooz (not verified) on Wed Mar 25, 2009 10:22 AM PDTAlthough I understand and fully respect your position, we can not ignore the dilemma that all Iranians are facing today.
On one hand we are trying to be tolerant and respectful towards other beliefs and more or lass most of us are tolerant toward all other religions. On the other hand at the same time the followers of one of these religions (namely Islam) are using every dirty trick in the book in order to undermine us and destroy our identity.
Now the one million dollar question is that
“How can we tolerate and respect a religion and its followers who are determined to destroy our identity and even our country and nation”
For example: How could Jews in 1930’s tolerate and respect the views Nazis and try to coexist with them while the other side was mass murdering them. How can we respect a religion which does not respect us and does not let us to live our own lives in our own country they way we meant to. How is it possible not to argue and challenge their misdeeds when all the history and facts about our past and identity keeps being twisted and manipulated by the other side in order to destroy our identity?
It seems much easier to be respectful at time of piece or be merciful in victory, however I do not know how one can respect one’s enemy in the battle field when the other side is determined to destroy you
To be honest I do not have the answer my self and I guess that was why Cyrus was such great king and such exceptional human being
Islamic colonization
by organic (not verified) on Wed Mar 25, 2009 10:21 AM PDTColonialism
Dr. Michael James Yellow Bird (2001)
Colonialism is the invasion by alien peoples into territories inhabited by peoples of a different race and culture for the purpose of establishing political, social, intellectual, psychological, and economic control over the peoples and their territories. Invading peoples are driven by greed, ethnocentrism, religiosity, and depletion of their own lands and resources. When control is accomplished, colonialism becomes a system structured to appropriate and exploit, often through force or deception, the lands, resources, wealth, and power of the Indigenous Peoples. Under this structure, Indigenous Peoples experience accelerated loss of life, wealth, culture, lands, and inherent sovereign rights.
Colonization is the process phase of colonialism and refers to the formal and informal methods used to maintain domination and subjugation of Indigenous Peoples. The creation of laws and policies, by state and federal governments, to maintain and expand the social, political, and economic power of the colonizers are “formal” methods. Whether intended or not, such colonial practices result in the oppression and control of Indigenous Peoples.
In the past, policies were passed enabling colonizers . For instance, in 1899, Commissioner of Indian Affairs Thomas Jefferson Morgan issued a policy called “Instructions to Indian Agents in Regard to Inculcation of Patriotism in Indian Schools” (Prucha, 1975, p. 180). This policy directed agents and teachers to make it clear that “students should be taught to reverence the flag as a symbol of their nation’s power and protection,” and they should “contribute to its prosperity” (p. 181). Today, Indigenous men and women are disproportionately represented in this nation’s military, despite this country’s failure to honor and protect the sovereignty, lands, resources, and rights of Indigenous Peoples.
Replace Indians with Zoroastrian-Iranians and Thomas Jefferson with Arab Caliphates who ruled Iran over 300 years and change "Instructions to Indian Agents in Regard to Inculcation of Patriotism in Indian Schools” to teaching of Arabic and Koran to the indigenous people of iranian pleateau in order to inculcate submission to a different culture and Relgion. We need to understand our Islamic colonial past and examine and re-examine it to free ourselves from this transplanted and inorganic affliction. When a foreign organ transplanted and it is not of the orginal DNA of the organism, the body tends to reject it the translplanted tissue unless we artificially keep it in place with massive doses of drugs and medication. That is what's been happening to us Iranians. The first 1000 year we were sunnis, then we became Shia for the past 500 years. God willing, in the next 500 years we will decide to go back to our roots having suffered gravely from the invasion of foreign body snatures..
Even it takes a thousand years, it's worth it.
Arrow goes forward only after pulling into backward
Bullets goes forward only after pressing the trigger backward,
Every Human being will get happy
only after facing the difficulties in their life path
So do not be afraid to face your difficulties
They will push you forward
by Anonymous Observer on Wed Mar 25, 2009 10:41 AM PDTHere's the video of the event as first noted by Darius Kadivar on another thread:
What a beautiful tribute to the founder of our nation, and what a courageous group of people, especially the speaker / leader with the long hair. I just hope that by putting the video and the photos out, the thugs of the IR regime in Iran do not 1) arrest these people, 2) ban the gathering for next year or 3) bring in a bunch of “chaghoo kesh” next year and set up some rozeh khooni or sineh zani ceremony.
by Rajab. (not verified) on Wed Mar 25, 2009 10:00 AM PDT55555 said:
You are the ones stuck in 2500 BC. You are the ones who are still mad at what happened FOURTEEN centuries ago for God's sake.
2500 BC = 4500 years ago! Get your math right at least. And yes, we, the Iranians, are still mad at what happened 1400 years ago when soul of iran was destroyed, and islam brought us 1400 years of disaster.
Iran is awake. Iran has been progressing and developing and struggling while you people were sipping your champagnes and badmouthing everything positive about it.
Yes, iran has been progressing but backwards! A picture is worth a thousand words, and that progress shows in the following pictures clearly:
You are the ones who need to wake up. The Persian Empire is ANCIENT history. "EMPIRES" are simply not compatible with the 21st century. We are at the age of "globalization", not "Empires".
Empires are not compatible with 21st century, but Kingdom of Vali-Faghih to tell you how to dress, not to show a thread of hair or else you may be kidnapped, raped, and murdered IS compatible with 21st century?
Just imagine how laughable an Italian would sound if he still cried over the disintegration of the Roman Empire.
Aha! But Roman Empire was replaced with a decent “country”, one of places where Iranians escape to to run away from Islamic republic. Iran is a country no more, but an occupied territory. Need to review history books to see that iran has been ruled by arabs and turks for almost all of the past 1400 years.
You are still acting like filthy racists towards arabs and muslims. You are still denying 14 beautiful centuries of you own History which include the construction of beautiful Islamic monuments like in Esfahan, a wonderful mystical (erfaani) literature (Sa'di, Molavi, Hafez), a rich language...
Iranians have not culturally occupied arab territory for 1400 years, but arabs have been occupying iran for 1400 years and kept it as a backward third-world country. You have a lot of reading to do! The beautiful monuments in Esfahan are falling apart due to neglect. If you have not been there recently, I have: broken ceramic rooms in Chaharbaagh Madreseh is covered with dried mud and rain stains and rented to resident little mullas in seminary. And metro is being built next to them to destroy them via train vibrations.
The wonderful literaturers all cherished pre-islamic iran, some disliked Islamic iran and some hated it and some ridiculed it. You better re-read Hafez to see if he ever praises islam or anything Islamic, but often longs for “deire moghan”. Better re-read Rumi’s Mathnavi when he compares Shia islam to a stable of mules and donkeys (story of a deer in stable of mules and donkeys), that he ridicules Amr beh maroof va nahy az monkar, when he suggests to care for your neighbor instead of going to Hajj, when he opens his Mathnavi with the sound of music that is Haraam in islam (Beshno az ney chon hekayat mikonad…) instead of allah and mohammad. And while you are at it, don’t forget to read Khayyam and Ferdowsi to see how they hated islam and glorified pre-islamic iran.
This veneration of past idols and Empire is just terribly silly. It's a social disease.
And it is not a social disease to ask dead emams for healing, to tie your member to Emam reza to heal your impotence, to kidnap and rape girls for showing threads of hair? So cherishing anything Iranian is a social disease but endearing any non-sense Arabic or Islamic is not?
I bet that most of these people could not even name ONE author or poet from the pre-Islamic era.
Probably true, but why? Because arabs destroyed anything Iranian. Saad-Ibn-Abu-Vaghaas wrote Omar after the victory at Ghadesiyyeh that what should we do with the Library at Madaen with 60,000 books? Omar replied, burn them! We have Qoran, we need no other text [see Tabari]. When people of Kharazm rebelled against Omar, his army was sent there and gathered all who could read or write Persian and killed them all to destroy means of communication and coordination in Persian [see Biruni].
They would not know the difference between Sasanian and Ashkanian if you asked them. They are just trying to artificially manufacture a culture for themselves while denying what they already have (at least 14 centuries of it).
You are taking a lesson from Dr. Abbasi, the re-writer of history in Islamic republic who claims that iran became iran only after safavids when Shia became widespread, aren’t you?
Yes, 1400 years, but what do we have to show for 1400 years? A third world country, an illegitimate government, mastered in torture and hanging by cranes, raping female prisoners before execution, having the largest per capita youths on death row, or an islamic republic passport that we hide from public and show to authorities with shame with a tilted head?
They seek an identity by creating contrast with Arabs, not by focusing on who they really are. They don't even believe in their own customs. It's all artificial. They put a "Shahnameh" on Haft-sin for God's sake! How authentic is that?!
But it is authentic to appeal to Mahdi in a well. To claim that Narges, the Iranian slave of Emam Hassan Asgari raped by him, but did not show any sign of pregnancy, but the following morning gave birth to Mahdi who suddenly disappeared. See here:
Why is it that anything Iranian is bad and anything non-iranian is endeared? Is it because some really do not feel Iranian, do not want to be Iranian, although they were wrongly born in iran instead of in arabia. Still they are not willing to leave iran alone, but want to assure continued destruction of anything iranian the same way that their ancestors, Omar and Osman, wanted a defeated iran, militarily, culturally, and historically. They never defend islam on its own merits, yet want it to continue to suppress and enslave iran.
Az Chal-e Dar Bia Bioft to Chah
by Fatollah (not verified) on Wed Mar 25, 2009 09:55 AM PDTWhat the F...! Can somebody tell us the difference between an Akhound, a Mobed or a Mogh??? Wolves in disguise !!!
to: anonymous55555
by everyday (not verified) on Wed Mar 25, 2009 09:52 AM PDT"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margart Mead
by IRANdokht on Wed Mar 25, 2009 09:49 AM PDTNow Cyrus the great and Norouz are hijacked too. How easily they change something this positive into a political agenda.
Why are these groups trying so hard to divide the people? Why insult other people's faith to make your point?
How dare you claim Cyrus the Great and be intolerant and divisive? is that what Kourosh Kabir was about? then you don't know anything about our history!
what a shame
Opportunists are already highjacking your symbolic resistance
by Mehrban on Wed Mar 25, 2009 10:01 AM PDT"70% of Iranian population is under 30 and" ripe to be picked by the opportunists of this group or another. Keep your eyes open this time.
Society for reversion to our roots
by clickhere (not verified) on Wed Mar 25, 2009 09:09 AM PDT//www.bozorgbazgasht.com/
About us:
Organisation of Bozorg Bazgasht (Big Return) is established and developed by Iranian Zartoshti (Zoroastrians) and by newly converted Iranian Zartoshtis in Europe spreading throughout the world. 70% of Iranian population is under 30 years of age and they are returning to their roots and to ancestor's religion because they feel the empty vacuum of their Persian identity being distracted from an invading ideology. We have proudly helped many to learn the faith and to convert to our ancestor's religion. If you wish to learn or convert in Zoroastrianism you may contact us by E-Mail and we will arrange the conversion service free of charge no matter where your location is. This organisation is a non-profit organisation and relies on donations from lovers of Ashoo Zartosht and enthusiasts of ancestor's religion who believe that our effort will make a change. If you have any questions, suggestions or you like to donate so please contact us by E-mail. Zoroastrianism and Iran will recover their splendour again and it will be a big surprise for the world.
Dorood to people who go there
by Nokhod on Wed Mar 25, 2009 09:00 AM PDTA great idea for SAL TAHVIL!
Cyrus the Great embodies everything Iranian
by Fatollah (not verified) on Wed Mar 25, 2009 08:27 AM PDTWhy are you people so astonished!? Why does some of the people residing outside Iran complain over a bunch of "harmless" Iranian kids visiting the tomb of Cyrus the Great on Norooz occasion? Or even question the practise of this beautiful and ancient tradition!?
Personally, I wish people left Cyrus's tomb alone! But, I understand their sentiment.
Some of you brag about democracy and enlightenment, but can not even bear a 100 delusional North Tehrani rich kids gathering there? delusional, rich, north tehrani, do you know that for a fact?
What is artificial? Bending 3 times daily in the direction of Arabestan, babbling mumbo jumbo in Arabic, not even knowing the reason and comprehending the meaning of the act!?
Cyrus the Great was larger then life, a Colossus and thus he doesn't only belong to Iran and Iranians if you ask me. There is absolutely nothing wrong in idolising Cyrus the Great and Iran's ancient and glorious past.
ps! don't blame the youth, blame the culprits (Islamists)!
We are at the age of Islamic Khilafat
by H.M. (not verified) on Wed Mar 25, 2009 08:00 AM PDTThe Persian Empire is ANCIENT history, that is correct my brother since we are at the age of "Islamic Khilafat" or "Islamic Empire" and the Supreme leader of Iran is the Khalifah of all Muslims of the world.
Bravo Farzad, Happy
by Mitra Khuzestani (not verified) on Wed Mar 25, 2009 07:21 AM PDTBravo Farzad, Happy nowrooz to everyone and long live IRAN. You made my day by sharing these photos. I see many people dressed in traditional Lori and Bakhtiary Chogha, this is great we all need to be proud of our Persian heritage once again. PAYANDEH VA PIROOZ BASHID
Anonymous55555, Why so worried??????
by Behrooz (not verified) on Wed Mar 25, 2009 07:04 AM PDTTell me mate
Why are you so worried. Could it be the fact that when more and more Iranian are being awaken and say no to foreign and specially Arab culture and influence. When they start to look into their own identity culture and historical heroes, your interests in Dubai Syria Lebanon and Gaza is being threatened.
Now,I am an Iranian living in Iran and I can assure you that the scale of this movement and awakening is way beyond a hundred or a thousand or even a hundred thousand. furthermore, you can bet your bottom dollar that this change of mentality is gathering momentum far quicker within the poor and deprived. After all the rich and wealthy can afford much easier to be unconcerned or not to careabout it all, while living in their expensive houses and drive their luxury cars.
Everyday many of our people specially the young generation in Iran are awakening and realise the impact of 1300 years of savagery, suppression and injustice imposed on us by foreigners and treators alike specially Arabs and their agents, and more importantly the disastrous impact and the social, cultural and economical devastation that it created for the past 30 years.
Hence they are looking into their own identity and the values within their history and culture to show them the way out of this cultural and social disaster of your so called "revolution".
Now, This phenomenon is getting a lot of those who are profiting from the current climate and prefer the state of statuesque very worried and that is why they use any dirty trick from insulting our people for valuing their culture and history to belittling our historical figures and cultural heritage in order to get in the way of our progress.
I guess for these guys the idiocy of the well in Jamkaran or the weird and stupid culture of Hajj about which they do not even have the first clue on where it has originated from and whom it belongs to, makes more sense and presents more dignity
But I assure you that neither you, nor your Arab masters can stop what has already begun and if you think by spewing such nonsense you can discourage us from going through this road I can only tell you
by Anonymous9999 (not verified) on Wed Mar 25, 2009 07:00 AM PDTYou are a funny Mullah boy. Yeah boy, our last 1400 years of history is very glorious, we learned how to stone people to death, we learned how to cut people's limbs, we learned how to hang people in public and we learned that we can have 4 wives and many sygaahee. That is all what Islam is about it, killing and raping. You are right, We should be very proud of our post-islamic history. You are so right boy when you say: Islam has created our Hafez, Saadi, Ferdowsi and ....., you better get a life before your Islam goes in the Mostraah(WC), forever.
You're absurd. You sound so ridiculous. Thanks for making us laugh by your silly comment.
Be careful, we can get carried away
by Mehrban on Wed Mar 25, 2009 06:37 AM PDTI hope Cyrus here (in this Norroz gathering) is only a symbol of resistance to the injustices of the Islamic Republic and also an admiration of a glorious history of our country. As we have shown in the revolution of 1979 we can get carried away to our own detriment. I hope these acts of resistance are not meant to and will not resurrect the "Kings and Subjects" system and mentality again in Iran.
by Ano (not verified) on Wed Mar 25, 2009 06:11 AM PDTMr. Anonymous55555,
Actually, I know many Italians who talk and glorify about how they had the Roman Empire, I know many Greeks who talk all about ancient Greece and curse the turks, I know many Turks who say they had the Ottoman Empire, I know many Scandinavians who are still proud of their viking ancestry. Its not about being "stuck in the past," its about recognizing culture.It is great that these "rich upper class Tehranis" even know who Kurosh is. Are you to say we should forget who we were, forget our poets, scientists, architects, etc. Fine, then let the whole word speak english or arabic and start globalizing to be one, if that is what you want. Who cares about the past, our culture, what we have achieved, or what anybody else has achieved. Forget that the Chinese and Egyptians invented paper, lets forget all those ancient greek philosophers and scientists who contributed to modern thought. Let us forget about Ferdowsi, Rumi, Khwarezmi, Avecinna, etc. Let us forget the struggle that many of these "ancient people" made to get us where we are today, that would be "being in the past." Let us forget that if there was no Kurosh, there would be no Iran. Let us forget Ferdowsi's struggle to keep the Farsi Language. Their struggles aren't relevant anymore are they?
Get over it already! About a
by Anonymous55555 (not verified) on Wed Mar 25, 2009 04:41 AM PDTGet over it already!
About a 100 northern tehrani delusional rich kids gather around Kourosh's tomb and you all think it's "Iran awakening". Come on.
Iran is not sleeping. You are. You are the ones stuck in 2500 BC. You are the ones who are still mad at what happened FOURTEEN centuries ago for God's sake.
Iran is awake. Iran has been progressing and developing and struggling while you people were sipping your champagnes and badmouthing everything positive about it. You are the ones who need to wake up. The Persian Empire is ANCIENT history. "EMPIRES" are simply not compatible with the 21st century. We are at the age of "globalization", not "Empires".
You're absurd. You all sound ridiculous. You would make other people laugh at you.
Just imagine how laughable an Italian would sound if he still cried over the disintegration of the Roman Empire. What would you call him (other than filthy racist) if he called Turks nasty names because they took over Constantinople? Yet you delusional people are still mad at the demise of the Sassanian! You are still acting like filthy racists towards arabs and muslims. You are still denying 14 beautiful centuries of you own History which include the construction of beautiful Islamic monuments like in Esfahan, a wonderful mystical (erfaani) literature (Sa'di, Molavi, Hafez), a rich language...
This veneration of past idols and Empire is just terribly silly. It's a social disease. I bet that most of these people could not even name ONE author or poet from the pre-Islamic era. They would not know the difference between Sasanian and Ashkanian if you asked them. They are just trying to artificially manufacture a culture for themselves while denying what they already have (at least 14 centuries of it).
They seek an identity by creating contrast with Arabs, not by focusing on who they really are. They don't even believe in their own customs. It's all artificial. They put a "Shahnameh" on Haft-sin for God's sake! How authentic is that?!
That's just pathetic.
the last min. of the video!
by water (not verified) on Wed Mar 25, 2009 04:22 AM PDTSomeone is saying: "Aghaye Reza ro dastgir kardan".
They showed on the Haft Sin (in the last min. of the video) the Pahlavi Iranian flag.
I was wondering why?
Didn't they just want to celebrate Norooz?
Why did they put the Pahlavi flag on the Haft Sin?
I do not wonder that "Aghaye Reza" as they said in the last min. of the video was arrested.
This 2500 year thing is soooo "demodeh"...get over it and look
by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on Wed Mar 25, 2009 03:36 AM PDTahead.
* sorry, mission impossible. please be aware: we are "IRANIAN"s. Greeting
Facts: Islam, IRI, and IRI supporters are ........
by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on Wed Mar 25, 2009 03:31 AM PDT..........the enmies of iran.They counted 1978/79 only 30 millions. Today they count 7ty millions and live in their Islamic republic of Iran. bUT the most honest lovers of Iran and of Iranian Oil, Iranian Gas, Iranian NUCs, Iranian Sattelits, Iranian Shahabs,and of course of Persian Gulf, of Iran modern technical abilities are those dirty, stinky strange creatures named by the honorable and heroical Iranian Nation the great satan who is not great any more. It lays in its death bed. Is snapping its last drops of air and has a dull, a bruish face. It has got this face allready on Feb 1st 1979. What a wonderful day. Greeting
هيچ تبليغی برای رفتن به آن جا نمی شود
lucifercus (not verified)Wed Mar 25, 2009 03:14 AM PDT
-رستشگاه آناهيتا، ايزد بانوي آبهاي روان،زيبايي،فراواني و برکت يکي از هزاران جاذبه تاريخي کرمانشاه است که از گذشته تاکنون بويژه در تعطيلات نوروز همواره گردشگران بيشماري را از سراسر جهان به سوي خود فرا مي خواند.
the battle for iran is
by Anonymously on Wed Mar 25, 2009 02:02 AM PDTthe battle for iran is between the "2500" and the "1400" camps, both of the taxonomy of idiot-cratic, idol-worshiping, anthem-chanting, myopic mob-mentality. there is no end in sight to the idiocy of these competing camps!
پرتاب گل به سوی آرامگاه کورش بزرگ در لحظه سال تحويل
luciferous (not verified)Wed Mar 25, 2009 01:51 AM PDT
ستاد دائمي تسهيلات سفرهاي کشور روز سه شنبه از آماري سخن گفت که به استناد آن در يک روز بيش از هفت ميليون و 700 هزار نفر سفر تردد هموطنان بين استان هاي مختلف کشور ثبت شده است.
civil disobedience
by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on Wed Mar 25, 2009 01:43 AM PDTدر تخت جمشيد و پاسارگاد هيچ امکانات رفاهی نيست
I think it is up to us "IRANIAN"s to instalt the facilities. In order the civil disobedience can be continued. in a civilized way. by throwing floweres and likewise nice things arround. In a few hundred or thousands of years there exists no Islamic Republic of Iran any more. Cheer up poeple, cheer up, just go ahead. you will see. Dont mind what should replace this glorious country and its heroical nation. Dont bother about these just negligible senseless questions. main point is: the islamic Republic of Iran disappears. In order some "IRANIAN"s get rid of their frust and depressions. A tyoical state for deserteurs. Greeting
خیلی ممنون!
مسعود از امریکاWed Mar 25, 2009 12:17 AM PDT
اولین بزرگ مرد تاریخ ایران .....
by Nader Khan (not verified) on Tue Mar 24, 2009 11:16 PM PDTlong live Iran.
Javid Persian Empire.
Mordeh Parasti and demodeh
by Anonymousx (not verified) on Tue Mar 24, 2009 10:29 PM PDT(1) This is a historical building and there is no "mordeh" inside it. I have been inside the building.
(2) How come this single "iranian" "mordeh" is "mordeh parasti" and the estimated 1000s of "emamzadeh" across iran is not mordeh parasti. Have you visited Emam Khomeini shrine to see how it is decorated? Let's see if we can encourage iranians to stop mordeh parasti by stopping visiting thousands of emam-zadeh, asking for shafa.
Same goes for calling 2500 years "demodeh". That demodeh was far more modern that the "modeh" that has been suffocating iranians for past 30 years and has turned iran into a third-world country open to Mongols and Tatars for 1400 years. Iran had two female kings then and the post-islam has never had.
To Humble Iranian
by Majid on Tue Mar 24, 2009 10:25 PM PDTحد اقل مزار کورش رو میتونی ببینی ، یا ترجیح میدی شکایات و صدقه و نذوراتت رو بندازی ته چاهِ (بی انتهای) جمکران؟
میتونستن برن سر آرامگاه کوروش یا برن سر یه چاه تو راه قم ، و (خیال کنن) یه بچه که تو پنج سالگی گم و گور شده(طبق روایات !» فردا یهو ظهور میکنه و دنیا رو لبالب از «عدل و داد» میکنه؟
به این میگی مرده پرستی ؟ این مرده یی هست که بعد از دوهزار و پونصد سال سنگ و کلوخ آرامگاهش باعث میشه خواب بعضی «زنده ها» پریشون باشه! دم این مرده گرم
Brillian idea! Why bother going to God's house in Mecca when we
by gol-dust on Tue Mar 24, 2009 08:33 PM PDTcan go to Pasargad? At least the money would go to our own country! Mordeh parasti? If that's the case, then why do they celebrate Jesus and Mohammad etc. birthdays, and why not the world's leader in human rights? It was his ideas and good deeds that would never die!
Doesn't it make sense for all those people around the world who push for human rights and those who complain about that to pay a tribute to Pasardad? Since I never went to Mecca since i den't want to spend a penny for the Saudi royal family, Pasargad would be where I would be next year, God willing!
God bless his soul!