"25 Years of Service"

Pahlavi-era government publication

by Darius Kadivar
Book published in late 1960's by Iran's maternity services organization. Includes photos of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, his wife Farah and son Reza.

more from Darius Kadivar

"King Killer"

by aryamehr11 on

You leftover bacheh mosalmoons and tudehis really do a good job in outperforming each other in terms of showing your sheer ignorance for historical facts! I congratulate you on that since Iranians would not expect much more from such offspring of Mohammad and Stalin! Now to address your utter fabrications and lies that your ilk continues to spew out after all the death and destruction you have already caused. PM Mossadegh was appointed to the Premiership by His Imperial Majesty Shahanshah Aryamehr. PM Mossadegh was not an anti-monarchist as you bacheh mosalmoons and tudehis would like to portray - in fact he was very pro-monarchy but with the King acting within a Constitutional framework. Now during his short Premiership Mossadegh appeased the Tudeh faction to a point where it endangered Iranian national integrity and his radical foreign policy had isolated the country to a point where Iran was experiencing an economic disaster across the nation. It's at this time that the King steps in and strips Mossadegh of his Premiership - refusing to step down, even after the national parliament has rejected him - Mossadegh proceedds to dismiss the parliament in an illegal action in essence staging a coup against the Government of Iran. The counter-coup against Mossadegh was lead by Sepahbod Zahedi as head of military operations and the support of the Iranian people who had felt the hardships of Mossadegh's policies! This is the history which you knuckleheads have chosen to turn a blind eye to and fabricate your own fiction to mislead Iranians. You can try as hard as you want but you can't change the facts. I look forward to the day when you knuckleheads are dealt with in a democratic fashion in courts of law for the lies and hardships you have caused the Iranian nation.

Bedaaneem, Beandeesheem, Bepaakheezeem!
Beedari, Paaydari, Peeroozi!



Ariamehr NOKAR SEFFAT stop making up history as you go.

by king killer (not verified) on

You can not call anyone names cause they did not read history the way you want it to be.
Any opposition in Iran used to be called communist,
Dr. Mossadegh was not a "Komoonist", that was excuse for old regime to get rid of him and make it look good
and he was not Ousted by people ,It was a qoudeta(overthrown of government) ,that was the only republic government we ever had ,and if they let it continue we would not be in the shit we are today thanks to American and British and dogs like Zahedi shboon jafari and other Vatanfroosh ha.
If you give other side a chance to express them,
Go ahead and read their facts too, do some research from impartial sources you might have different opinion about this made up history which is your source.
Can not be your way or highway, this is what we have in Iran right now.

My advice to you is to go fuck yourself, badbakht waiting for one to rule 70 millions ideology and way of life. I do not think you know how a government of people by people should work all you want is an asshole run your life for you.

We are in big shit today because of assholes like you so called SHAHOLLAHI,if you think insulting readers make you push your shity opinion ,I can do that every other day to you ,,see if it works FUKING CHAPLOOS,
nokar sefat you and asshole called Darius Kadiver biting the dead horse, its not coming back this is the people choice and respect it ,(25 YEARS SERVICE TO WHO)..Cheap oil to cartels and so called MONTAGE culture.....shah was not people choice weather its hard for you to digest or not,(or else people kick khomein out in no time) majority do not wanted him back and respect that.
I am not bache mosalman (as you called ) and I do not talk through my ass .(your dad do that whom create such a piece of shit like you)
More comment you make more it shows how out-dated your ideology is. Shut your trap...



by aryamehr11 on


I know thath you bacheh mosalmoona/toodehia have a habit to speak out of your asses, so listen carefully dear. It was Sepahbod Zahedi who crushed the wet dreams of communists in Iran by eliminating Mirza Kuchak Khan's puppet soviet republic in Gilan! And it was this very same patriot who brought that Taazi seperatist and British puppet - Sheikh Khazal - to Tehran for his execution! This very same nationalist was arrested by the British occupying forces and was exiled to Palestine for some time! Finally when the Allied Occupation of Iran ended and Sepahbod Zahedi could return he would continue to serve his country in various positions - he even supported PM Mossadegh in the nationalisation of Iranian oil from the hands of the British! However he did not accept PM Mossadegh's increasing tolerance for the Communists! It was Sepahbod Zahedi who staged a COUNTER-coup with the help of the Iranian Imperial Armed Forces and the Iranian Public against PM Mossadegh after he had refused to obey the rule of law! This is a nationalist which you enemies of Iran cannot even come close to tarnishing; his exemplary service to his country is the only defence he needs! As for his son Ambassador Ardeshir Zahedi he as well served his country well in the foreign affaires corp's. When will you leftovers of communists and muslims give up on your lies and deceits? Have you not had your go at this nation? Have you not inflicted enough damage on Iranians? When will you let go?

Bedaaneem, Beandeesheem, Bepaakheezeem!
Beedari, Paaydari, Peeroozi!



Facts base on Bullshit

by minoo (not verified) on

This is the first time I heard this:

"when Mossadegh was removed from office by royal decree and by the WILL OF THE IRANIAN PEOPLE!!!"

According to Who

Ardeshir Zahedi..The architect of selling Iran to U.S . and British...
and his father Sepahbod Zahedi a liaison between Brithish spy agancy and CIA.

Not a reliable source ,loyal to his father in law rather than his nation.I agree with the other guy his facts were more solid and clear.

Rosie T.


by Rosie T. on


Just LOOK at this conversation below!  Can't you see it's WORLD's ahead of what was on this site a month ago?  Progress...not perfection.  As the Zen Buddhists say:  Oh Snail, climb Mount Fuji, but slowly, slowyly...

Yavaash, dustam, yavaash...


Sambooseh pay attention!

by aryamehr11 on

Sambooseh, ablah, khoob goosh bede. I put things into context (Pahlavi's achievements) and your little brain couldn't process it so you found refuge in your usual bullshiite of "1953" when Mossadegh was removed from office by royal decree and by the will of the Iranian people! You continue to insult the Iranian Nation with your bullshiite that a few hundred hoodlums sponsored by the CIA as your sources claim overthrew what you believe was a popular government! Akhe martike why don't you see the idiocy in what you are saying!? Have you ever come across this quote: "Numerous books were published on the events surrounding the counter
coup, often mixing facts and fiction. Sober reflection sheds due
scepticism on assertions that two foreigners and a few local
cooperators should have arbitrarily manipulated masses of
(traditionally xenophobic) Iranians into action. In light of the fact,
e. g., that the CIA later claimed to have lost all documentation
relating to the coup events of 1953 in a fire, circulating narrations
(often self-congratulatory) of alleged participating agents and other
"insiders" need be regarded with due caution." Does it make it you question your fallacious logic?! With so-called Iranians like you we don't need any external enemy! the most potent enemy has always been from within!



Bedaaneem, Beandeesheem, Bepaakheezeem!
Beedari, Paaydari, Peeroozi!



Re: Khasmgin you are way out

by sambooseh (not verified) on

WHO GIves a shit about CIA , please read the whole argument ,There was a moron here ,who's comment was "MOSHT mikoobam danndoon khord mikonam"If anyone says: Shah is not good(Its breifly what he ment).
This guy has no Idea where shah came from and who put him in power ,IF you have not read the whole thing pleas Stop name calling I do not know you and I did not call you any name,(unless you are the same moron with different name) this is not the way to exchange opinion or inform each otehr.

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

I, too, truly enjoy Darius's contributions. As I told him once, his posts are like having a museum that comes to us.




I seriously doubt these fools will ever change their views. I have all but given up on thinking that there is any hope for us as a people. 70 million people going in 71 million directions, all of them leading to nowhere. We are only here on this earth for a finite period of time, and I, for one, am sick and tired of trying to reason with people who are afflicted with terminal stupidity and profound ignorance. By calling them knuckleheads, rest assured I was being nice.


Another View

by Observer (not verified) on

I know all about shah and criticism of him, but I do not fully understand the animosity towards him when he is gone for ever. Here is why I have respect for him - and I know you anti-shahs will gang up on me and insult me.
(1) I came from a very humble background, and I got the best education for free at home - at the time, students were calling the fully-paid education "bribe of the government". Cost of the same education is unbearable today under mullas for a lot of people. Guess what, contrary to shah's regime, mullas do not "bribe" anyone, they only receive "bribes": e.g., rafsanjani runs for-profit aazaad schools. Even high-schools are expensive.
(2) I easily got acceptance from a top school in the west, once in the west, I realized that the education in iran could compete quite well with that in the west, even the text books were essentially the same (but were free in iran); except that our laboratories in iran were far better equipped than those of the top school in the west.
(3) I came with the promise of scholarship from shah's regime, but... revolution happened, scholarship doomed and mullas said that they did not need educated people, and that they had plenty of educated people at home.
(4) When people had the chance, they selected emam over, say, bakhtiar. That is what they really wanted, a religious regime. Majority of people that did not like shah was not because of the corruption, etc., but because of his progressive efforts and breaking of taboos.
(5) People of my religious town did not like shah because they did not want to hear music on radio, did not want to see sinful scenes on TV, did not want to see girls without hejab, did not want to see bars, did not wat to see discos, did not want to see mixed genders in buses and cabs, did not want to see cinemas, did not want to see beer and wine served in restaurants, did not want to see Norooz celebrated, etc., etc. People would insult you if you go shopping for sofreh-haft-seen on norooz's eve. They would call you names because you are celebrating what they considered un-islamic. You would not believe it but that is how people thought at the time.
(6) Blame should be placed equally on people rather than fully on shah's shoulders. Anti-shah elite really did not know the masses, likes of those 17 millions who recently voted for the current al-president.
(7) There is no doubt that shah with all his flaws was way way way better than mullas for the country and the people. We did not have many choices, we only had two choices - shah or mulla. Maybe we were not ready for a better-than-shah regime. Now we have lost 30 years looking for utopia. We may have to wait for another 30 years to maybe we get someone as good as shah or maybe marginally better. Had he remained in power, other doors could have opened with his then-soon passing, that could have been much better than what we have now.
Remember this beautiful poem from rumi:
Aan yeki khar daasht, paalaanash naboud;
Yaaft paalaan, gorg khar ra dar roboud.

Sometime we are so naive and tied up in emotions and chasing the impossible that we fail to see the reality. That is why it is so hard for me to bite the hand that fed me and insult the shah.


Re: Samboosee Angoosee

by khashmgin (not verified) on

Samboozee Angoozee, chera hala to enghadr az dare koone CIA mikhori vaseh ma? ey ahmaghe pofyooz, az key ta hala CIA shodeh "manba'e movasagh"???
in olaagh ham az toobreh goh mikhoreh ham az akhoor. martikeye pofyooz belakhareh begoo bebinam, CIA is good or bad?


Thanks : More on how old Regim came to power by CIA

by Shahab (not verified) on

Good documentry do not ignore

Step by Step ; overthrown of MR. MOSSADEGH government HER:

More Detail:

More on Iran TPAJAX Qoudeta:



Aryamehre e shootex .. bekhoon Fahmet berh bala

by Samboose (not verified) on

THis is part of document ,sorry that I read CIA files on my country rather than "Enghelab e Sefid"

this is what PAHLSVI's bosses think of him,

"But the young shah, agency officials wrote, was "by nature a creature of indecision, beset by formless doubts and fears," often at odds with his family, including Princess Ashraf, his "forceful and scheming twin sister." Also, the shah had what the C.I.A. termed a "pathological fear" of British intrigues, a potential obstacle to a joint operation. "



Dar e tu bezar gohe ziady ham nakhoor


Aryamehr BACHE MOZALLEF por roo nashoo

by BacheieTehroon (not verified) on

whos the hell is a kiss ass here called Aryamehr and the other guy who said :we deserve to be govern by Dictatorship cause other Arab countries are doing the same, rast rassty ke domocracy ro gher ghereh kardi va tof kardy biroon. We were hostage by old regim cause no one could critisized tho old regim or they would ended up in Evin Prison and so on...If aryamehr does not know who Shah,s bosses were at that time ,I recommend reading CIA files too ,Turky is a repulic next to Iran even Pakistan has a so called Republic government and they are somehow Muslim too,this guy Aryamehr is same as Shabon bee mokh ,whom his Eftekhar was killing 400 of opposition
with his own hand(woopy doo).I expected from some retard person whom call himself Aryamehr to say so Not from you my friend.

Rosie T.


by Rosie T. on

Exactly.  They can't see the importance of preserving history and the BEAUTY of the documents Darius continually provides us with.  Suggest you omit the use of "knuckleheads" in the title line and save it for the body..in a constructive post.  All we have on this forum are words so language is everything.  What would you rather do, insult a thousand "knuckleheads" who've already been insulted with far worse thousands of times, or change the hearts and minds of even one or two "knuckleheads" because due to your choice of language, they could actually HEAR you?

See my point?  I LOVE these photoessays of Darius.

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

The original post is that of a book published in the 1960s. This is of a historical value, and some of you people can't see past that, which is why our homeland has been in the toilet since 1979.

Rosie T.

Andres / Muslim country...

by Rosie T. on

It is erroneous to characterize Iran as one of many Muslim countriws. It is a SHIA Muslim coutry and its brand of Shiism is itself a hybrid with ancestral Zoroastrianism.  It is unlike ANY other Muslim country in the world in its history and in its religion.That's why this strange beast the IRI, half theofascist and half parliamentary started there, that's why they had this "Revolution" in the first place, because it's very different from the other Muslim countries.

Sunni Islam operates from the premise that justice has already come and been implemented and now must be obeyed while we wait for Judgement Day.  Shia Islam operates from the premise that justice has not come yet but it will come. Zoroastrianism operates from the premise that justice is already coming, as one by one, person by person, wisdom is chosen over ignorance.


The Iranian Revolution was an attempt to implement justice.within  "Islam"...a seriously bungled  and grotesque attempt but an attempt nonetheless.


Reply to:Iranian History, the Monarchy and the Pahlavis

by Andres (not verified) on

My previuos Reply was meant for Mr.John Carpenter.
By the way, one more thing: Ok God Bless America, but please keep out the Americans from the Middle East. They (Mr.Carter, Mr. Andrew Young etc. etc.) have given Iran to Khomeini in exchange of cheap oil. Nobody would care about Iran and Middle east if it was not for oil.


I agree with the first part

by Andres (not verified) on

I agree with the first part of what you say, but I regret saying that Iranian people like all in the arab world and the middle east are not ready for democracy in the way you intend it. Just notice: there is no muslim country in the world that can be considered democratic in the way you mean (like Germany, Italy or the United States). Why?? You judge for yourself!! The Shah made many mistakes: the greatest??? To give european style of living to people who did not want it. You believe all the bullshit about oppression, lack of freedom, the savak???? The Iranians got more oppressed and less freedom with the revolution and, after 28 years, they still are more oppressed than before. Iran needs a king(or lifetime president)like all the other muslim countries just becouse this is how the middle east works. The Shah was simply unfit to be the ruler of a muslim country. He would have been perfect for Liechtenstein or Luxembourgh.


The reality of things..........

by Sasha on

 The reality of things is that when a change in government does take place in Iran which it will happen. I truly believe that it will come to pass. The new government will have to understand that Iranians have  varied religions and beliefs. In the new Iran there has to be room  for all of them if it is to be successful. Objectivity, logical thinking and tolerance will be necessary. Making accusations, mud slinging and making death threats will not be productive.


Natalia Nadia


Samboseh zerre ziadi nazan...

by aryamehr11 on

Samboseh, i couldn't read past your first incomprehensible sentence before I lost interest. Badbakht CIA is not a source I go to get information about my country, that's there for you badbakht leftists to believe that a few hundred "thugs" overthrew a "popular government", rather than accepting the reality that there was a popular uprising against the dangerous policies of PM Mossadegh which endangered the territorial integrity of Iran! You still are to some degree but without Pahlavi's you'd be a complete illiterate disease-stricken superstitious village idiot you twat. Learn to pay respect to the hand that fed you, created opportunities for you to go abroad to study so you can write a few incomprehensible sentences! Without Pahlavi you'd be even less insignificant than you are today! With idiots like you holding our nation back it will never be able to prosper and reach its full potential. Boro zerre ziadi nazan azizam.

Bedaaneem, Beandeesheem, Bepaakheezeem!
Beedari, Paaydari, Peeroozi!


Rosie T.


by Rosie T. on

how can Monarchists possibly be holding Iran hostage to anything?  This makes no sense.  Either they are a bunch of old fools, as some claim, an irrelvant dinosaur minority opinion, or they are not.  If they are, then they certainly don't have the power to hold anyone hostage.  And if they're not, then they're relevant, and their attachment to the Shah speaks for many people, either because of the 2500 year old legacy of kingship, or because of something the Pahlavis did which people liked, or at least liked better than the IRI. or both. So then they're not holding anyone hostage, they're expressing ideas and feelings held by many, which must be scrutinized in the light of day.

I have no conclusive opinion whatsoever on which one is the truth. That is not my point.  Please think about my point. Don't you think Iranians can think for themselves?   How could these people possibly be holding them hostage?



Reply to: moron whom calle me IDIOE

by Samboseh (not verified) on

Get off of thid bulsh...with made up name from old dictatorship Aryamehr,first checke it up; it is not if farsi dictionary this name was made by bunch of kiss ass people like you ,Second please read some CIA archive and see why and how in 50's they had to send back Shah to IRAN and make him ruller of Iran,if you read it compeletly you might have second thought if you have any brain to think befor you get emotional and open your mouth (you also advise to break another witter's MOUTH and tooth for expressing his opinion (sorry those days are gone).Third; Technology is a wave which most of conuntries will use it wheather rich or poor countries,We were a rich country no matter who will run it, our mony will get us access to technology and new science.There was no TV on Ahmadshah or NasseredinShah time we did not get access to tv technology because of shah we would get it eventualy ,so whoever comes next will bring tv to our country,I still belive kiss ass like you hold my country hostage to old regim for so many years ,READ CIA FILES ON IRAN,it might open your mind to other dementions too.

Rosie T.

John Carpenter, hamvatanam:

by Rosie T. on

Democracies like the US????   Under Bush????  The decimation of Iraq and New Orleans, bought and rigged elections, the Patriot Act, Abu Ghraib, Camp X-Ray, democracy?  And your suggestion to bar monarchists from Iran sounds very democratic indeed. A good beginning for a fledgling democracy, to expel its own citizens for their political beliefs. Political beliefs contained, by the way, in the governing structure of some of Europe's greatest parliamentary democracies, which are monarchies.  Not that I'm a monarchist, but let us get real here. These people have a right to their convictions.

The disconnect between your earnest good intentions and the ruthlessness and blindness of your agenda never ceases to stun me.


Iranian History, the Monarchy, and the Pahlavi dynasty

by John Carpenter (not verified) on

As an American born of royal Iranian ancestry I view the Monarchy as more than 2500 years of misuse of power. Iran should have become a democratic republic 10,000 years ago. The monarchy was a waste of time. A third world country like Iran can not afford to give away free money to a parasitic welfare recipient who wants to be king. To hell with the monarchy and monarchists. Iran and Iranians deserve better. Iran should model itself after democratic republics in the west. Germany, france, the United States, and Italy. The Monarchy is useless for the poor Iranian. Iranians don't need titles politicians with titles of nobility. They need a president that will help the economy and create jobs for poor Iranians throughout Iran. Iranians also deserve freedom of religion and freedom of expression. The Iranian Revolution was good in that it abolished the monarchy once and for all. What Iran needs now is freedom of religion, freedom of expression, a boost in the economy, an end to poverty.
And for heavans sake, never let any of these "Pahlavi people" back into Iran, they have done enough damage by handing over the country to Ayat'Allah Ruh'Allah Moosavi Khomeini. The Shah has been dead since 1980. Thank God. And God bless America.


Idealist idiots

by aryamehr11 on

"Sambooseh", you are your clique of idealist leftists will not be satisfied with anything so long you are alive. Akheh badbakht bichareh do you have any idea what state Iran was in before the Pahlavi's decided to do something about it? Do you know how far the Pahlavi Kings were able to bring Iran out of the shiite it had been drowning in for 1400 years?! And you expect paradise and democracy to be delivered to you in the span of 40-50 years (and that in the historical context of WWII/Cold War/Islamist insurgence) after 1400 years of Islamic brainwashing that has led to a backward society?! At least try to use your brain for something useful rather than wishful thinking.

Khaak bar sareh to va amsale to.

Bedaaneem, Beandeesheem, Bepaakheezeem!
Beedari, Paaydari, Peeroozi!



About this shah thing

by sambooseh (not verified) on

Get a life man,

You do not have to insult anyone when they do not think like you,all leaders are open to critisizim and
questioning. for example ,If I am not agree with Monarchy(Phalsvi's) runing (owning) my country,and do not like Islamic regim either, does it mean that I am as you called it Communist(komoonist),grow up and get a life ,for your info shah is dead (Javid shah) is past time,we treid it; Pahlavi did not work ,Islamic republic was worse ,lets look up to future.

Rosie T.

Oh, Mouse....

by Rosie T. on

do I strike you as an "either with us or against us" type of person?

Tell me that, just tell me that please, before I try to answer your post. Because if I do sound like that, after all the things I've posted here, and surely you must have read some, as well as all the conversations I've had with you, I just don't know if it's worth it to go into all this...I mean, I really appreciate the time you took to reply, but the issues you've just raised are complex, so tell me, just tell me, do I strike you as an"either with us or against us" type of person?  And if so, pray tell, who would be my "us", for I would dearly love to know.  I sometimes feel like I could use an "us" here...It sounds...so...comforting.. so appealing...



Rest in peace Father.

by aryamehr11 on

Dorood Bar Ravaneh Paakeh Shahanshah Aryamehr!

Bedaaneem, Beandeesheem, Bepaakheezeem!
Beedari, Paaydari, Peeroozi!


Brick of common sense

Every country has a bad past here and there......

by Brick of common sense on

some have pasts are worse than others. Remember the world is not in black and white, it is gray. Governments are not all bad they do bad things yes but they also keep the world in a semi controlled state. Governments are half and half at best and tipped towards bad at worst. For example the U.S. was created for rights and freedom-good. In the major slave days to even the 1960's and beyond black people were lynched- bad . In china there were several dynastys that brought order to china -good, the fact that most of these dynastys had some cruel emperors- bad. In africa there are small armies called freedom fighters they may sound good but they are not they kill people by the thousands rape women,kill injured people and even kill children. They put them in camps where they slowly die but wait you might say that in war there are no rules but if that were really true we would not really exist because we would have killed everyone. If you know your history you might not repeat it but remember the majority of history is written by the winners not the losers. Today we can see both sides of the arguement (if we are smart enough to see past our differences) but back in the past we only have manuscripts to go on which very well might be written by the losers of war but most likely by the winners of it. To everyones statement of looking at the past and remembering--(its good to look back but only take a look because you might stumble in the future). Well there is my comment on this.


It is okay :o)

by Sasha on

 It is okay. I just wanted to make sure you knew the difference. I guess Rosie T. and I are always replying on the same threads.


Take care now. :o)



Natalia Nadia