Merry Embroidery

Photo essay: Embroiderers' exhibit in Victoria, British Columbia

by Azadeh Azad
The origins of life and embroidery are lost in time. Embroidery is the art of decorating fabric or other materials with needle and thread or yarn. Recently members of the Embroiderers' Guild of Victoria, British Columbia, celebrated their 40th Anniversary by exhibiting their works in the Sussex Place Art Gallery. Some of the women artists who had felt constricted by the traditional style of embroidery, i.e., working on a grid as a format, have been doing Free Form Embroidery where they incorporated the use of new materials such as melted or burned fabrics, layered or painted fabrics, metals such as brass and copper, raku buttons, and different kinds of fibers and textures, on a painted or raw background cotton. These photos display the works of only five women embroiderers from among the many. They are Jo Ann Allan, Diana Caleb, Barbara Gilbert, Susan Purney-Mark, and Dominique Sevin.

more from Azadeh Azad
Shazde Asdola Mirza

Thanks these are nice

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

Sorry, just like so many other "real men" I am art-blind, but these certainly look nice.

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

من ... هیچ وقت میانه خوبی‌ با رنگ‌ها نداشته‌ام ! غیر از سیاه و غیر از سفید.. بقیه را تخیلی‌ میبینم !

وقتی‌ که سعی‌ می‌کنم گرافیک، طرح ،کولاژ جدیدی ایده پردازی و سپس بسازم،مجبورم ساعتها به کاغذ و یاد مانیتور خیره شوم تا به دنیای پوچ رنگ‌ها وارد شوم... تا اندازه یی ورود برایم به این دنیا آسان است که چرا من پروانه‌ها و گلها را دوست دارم و اینان مولونند !

ممنون آزاده جان.



Very beautiful

by ramintork on

The texture remind me of the guilding on Gustav klimt painting. Thanks for sharing.

Azadeh Azad

I love them too :-)

by Azadeh Azad on

Thank you, Ari. That is my favourite too, plus #3.

My pleasure, Darius jan.

Monda jan, as long as the E-cards are not sold, I'm sure the artists wouldn't mind it at all.




Gorgeous concept and work of art

by Monda on

Thank you for sharing Azadeh.  (I wonder if the artist would mind my using her work on E cards?)

Darius Kadivar

Beautiful Azadeh Jaan

by Darius Kadivar on

very attractive. Thanks for sharing.


Ari Siletz

Incredible use of the medium

by Ari Siletz on

#6 is my favorite.

And nice work with the photography.