10-Jun-2010 (8 comments)
Do you all remember what happened to the mighty elephant in the Shahr-e Ghesse theater piece?>>>

Video: Mottaki speech disrupted in Dublin

Shifteh Ansari

Three men are arrested over Iran protest in Dublin

recommended by Shifteh Ansari
10-Jun-2010 (2 comments)

Young Kahrizak doctor strangled

Interesting read

Darius Kadivar
10-Jun-2010 (6 comments)
It's Nine Years that the Lovely Yet Lonely Princess of Iranzamin passed away. Rest In Peace Leila Jaan ... >>>

Drawings In Prison

Darius Kadivar

Clotilde Reiss shares souveniers of her detention in a series of drawings done in prison / Jean-Pierre Perrin Dessins Clotilde Reis
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Sahameddin Ghiassi
09-Jun-2010 (one comment)

  و شعله عشق انتقامها را در خود میسوزانید و خاکستر میکرد و شعله مهر و حرارت محبت آنرا در خود مسوزانید متاسفانه این بشر همیشه خود خواه بوده و نخواسته که به نور عشق همه بدیها را در وجودش بسوزاند. 


Iran will play the hard ball now!

Will new Iran sanctions work?

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Sahameddin Ghiassi
09-Jun-2010 (one comment)

البته این یک واقعیت است که زنانی توسط مردانی مورد ناراحتی قرار میگیرند و حقشان خورده میشود ولی بطور کلی این مربوط به جنسیت نیست بلکه این یک انسان بد است که حق کشی میکند خواه زن باشد و خواه مرد همانطوریکه زنان زیادی توسط مردان مورد آزار و حق کشی قرار گرفتند همچنین نیز مردانی هم توسط زنان آزار شدند و حتی بیچاره گردیدند.)


Words of Wisdom

Masoud Kazemzadeh

Stephen Hawking on Religion: Science Will Win

ABC News / Diane Sawyer
recommended by Masoud Kazemzadeh
09-Jun-2010 (one comment)

Abbas Milani's take on the Iranian Iron Curtain

Shifteh Ansari

Iran's Hidden Cyberjihad

Foreign Policy / Abbas Milani
recommended by Shifteh Ansari
09-Jun-2010 (95 comments)
Why has Nur-i-Azal been blocked, and numerous other users (including parties associated with the Baha'i organization) engaging in defamation against this person have not?>>>

No wonder these terrorists advertise on IC now....

Another cruise line cancels call in Israel in wake of raid on aid flotilla

USA Today / Gene Sloan
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It is more like a pad on the shoulder.....

US seeks probe as American student hurt in anti-Israel demo

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09-Jun-2010 (one comment)
A tribute to all brave Iranians who seek freedom and justice >>>