Don't tell the world what we are doing to Iranians



You are an inspiration

One American Jew's solidarity with Iranian people

05-Feb-2010 (21 comments)
As an American who is living openly in freedom, I feel utterly unqualified to address the Iranian people. After all, I don’t have to fear that the Basij will arrest me and torture me and rape me in Evin Prison. I don’t have to fear that I will be beaten or murdered for attending or organizing a demonstration on February 11, 2010, the 31st anniversary of the Islamic revolution in Iran, or any other day. I don’t have to fear that my phone is being tapped, my email is being watched>>>

"Stop quoting my grandfathr out of context"

نوآور بومی ایران

Anonymous Observer
05-Feb-2010 (51 comments)
Two simple questions for our resident IRI cheerleaders who do the happy dance every time the IRI sends a firecracker into the sky. >>>

Middle class in the US is disappearing !

Middle Class No More, Families Struggle to Fight off Homelessness

Yahoo / Yahoo
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شروع فاز دیگری از تحریم

سایت عصر ایران / روزنامه کویتی القبس
recommended by KamRan201
05-Feb-2010 (2 comments)

این آسیاب فقط با خون میچرخد

05-Feb-2010 (29 comments)
The patient is a 10 years old boy suffers from a mid-brain tumor since last year... >>>
Darius Kadivar
Romantic Footage from film "Deshneh" starring Behrooz Vosooghi, Foroozan and the song "dastaye to" by Darioush. Enjoy ;0)  >>>
05-Feb-2010 (7 comments)
مصاحبه آقای پرویز قریب افشار با مهندس بیلی >>>
Darius Kadivar
A Funny Scene with Fardin who starts Flirting with a bunch of pretty girls by pretending to have a rich uncle. When suddenly the supposed Uncle Shows Up. From the Movie "Yaghout Seh Chesm" aka "Three Eyed Ruby". Watch Here >>>

Waiting for D-DAY !

Darius Kadivar

Iran Green Movement promising big February protests

CS Monitor / Iason Athanasiadis Correspondent
recommended by Darius Kadivar
05-Feb-2010 (4 comments)