نکته ای که در صحبتهای آقای براهنی وجود داشت و شدیدا اسباب تعجب بود تاکید ایشان روی این موضوع بود که جنبش سبز شکست خورده است
If international sanctions do not successfully target Sepah/Revolutionary Guards, but instead mostly impact the populace of Iran, then an economic atmosphere may be created where propaganda scapegoating Jews inside Iran
I spent an hour this morning googling and analysing modern Iranian street fashion and soon realised that the interpretation of ‘modest’ is subject to wide fluctuations.
debunking another "pillar" of the Iranian diaspora which justifies much bigotry and stupidity.
Benyamin Rasouli has been
spared the death penalty and is now released.
It is with great sadness that Stop Child Executions announces the execution of juvenile Mosleh Zamani in Iran
خاطرهاي از علی باغبان باشی، قهرمان دو ماراتن دنیا و اعجوبه دومیدانی
A short story of five colleagues having some free drinks.
Joey Cloudy co-edits the poetry magazine Death List
Five (Voice of the Lunatic Fringe) with his wife, poet Jolee Davis
Cloudy. He is the incendiary Anti-Poet, constantly changing hats
according to the needs of surviva...
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I don't agree with the so-called Green movement. Part of my viewpoint has been expressed in this video.
Both Iran and her opposition – the Security Council, Israel and Germany - are acting as self-serving, manipulative, power-hungry parties that have no real interest in nuclear disarmament at all
The story of Iranian students during the hostage crisis