Dan Huck
18-Dec-2009 (one comment)
Let's not re-do Iraq>>>
Ali Tizghadam
18-Dec-2009 (one comment)
نکته ای که در صحبتهای آقای براهنی وجود داشت و شدیدا اسباب تعجب بود تاکید ایشان روی این موضوع بود که جنبش سبز شکست خورده است>>>
18-Dec-2009 (2 comments)
If international sanctions do not successfully target Sepah/Revolutionary Guards, but instead mostly impact the populace of Iran, then an economic atmosphere may be created where propaganda scapegoating Jews inside Iran >>>
18-Dec-2009 (6 comments)
Of the year >>>
Temporary Bride
18-Dec-2009 (one comment)
I spent an hour this morning googling and analysing modern Iranian street fashion and soon realised that the interpretation of ‘modest’ is subject to wide fluctuations.>>>
Flash freezing freedom>>>
18-Dec-2009 (179 comments)
debunking another "pillar" of the Iranian diaspora which justifies much bigotry and stupidity. >>>
SCE Campaign
17-Dec-2009 (2 comments)
Benyamin Rasouli has been spared the death penalty and is now released.
SCE Campaign
17-Dec-2009 (one comment)
It is with great sadness that Stop Child Executions announces the execution of juvenile Mosleh Zamani in Iran>>>
17-Dec-2009 (5 comments)
خاطره‌اي از علی باغبان باشی، قهرمان دو ماراتن دنیا و اعجوبه دومیدانی >>>
Multiple Personality Disorder
17-Dec-2009 (2 comments)
A short story of five colleagues having some free drinks. >>>
Ali Abdolrezaei
Joey Cloudy co-edits the poetry magazine Death List Five (Voice of the Lunatic Fringe) with his wife, poet Jolee Davis Cloudy. He is the incendiary Anti-Poet, constantly changing hats according to the needs of surviva...read more >>>
17-Dec-2009 (11 comments)
I don't agree with the so-called Green movement. Part of my viewpoint has been expressed in this video. >>>
Niloufar Parsi
17-Dec-2009 (113 comments)
Both Iran and her opposition – the Security Council, Israel and Germany - are acting as self-serving, manipulative, power-hungry parties that have no real interest in nuclear disarmament at all>>>
17-Dec-2009 (6 comments)
The story of Iranian students during the hostage crisis >>>