What is our initial responsibility as a citizen?
Latest film review and interview of a director and actress of this Diaspora movie
As it prepares to exploit the burning of Khomeini's photo in the name protecting his legacy, the opposition has an ideal counterattack if it reminds Iranians of a past regime crime
Does anyone know of a website that has a good slideshow on Iran or with
the Yalda Night theme that we can use during our family Yalda Night
Turkish band - Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
متن ترجمه نامه عمر خليفه دوم به يزدگرد سوم ساساني و پاسخ يزدگرد به عمر. نسخه اصلي اين نامه ها در موزه لندن نگهداري مي شود
Just as most of Congress is stuck in the narrow mindset of draconian sanctions, two new bills have been introduced that offer a new way forward on Iran
Think about it, with all those demonstrations, do you honestly think that those thousands of pictures have not ended up in street gutters, walked over or ended up in the bin?
Imam Hossein on a par with Imam Khomeini
"Running up that Hill" cover by Placebo (2003, 2007) and original by Kate Bush (1985)
Mosleh Zamani will be executed on Thursday for having had sex with his girlfriend when he was 17. Please sign petition to save him.
Tehran, an Iranian/American tries to determine whether he is half Persian or half Iranian.
سر اومد زمستون به یاد امیر جوادی فر
نشر شعر پاریس درآعاز دور جدید فعالیت های خود اخیرن دو کتاب از
شهریار کاتبان و علی عبدالرضایی را منتشر کرد