If you notice a particular number popping up in your life repeatedly,
it's a sign that an angel is trying to tell you something.
Soundtrack by Gioachino Rossini
"The Barber of Seville"
دیشب طی گفتگویی در برنامه شباهنگ، بهنود مکری از کتاب آخرم کومولوس پرسید و به تحیل چرایی نویسش شعرهایش پرداختیم.اینجا می توانید این برنامه را ببینید
ایران هم از این صنعت عقب نیست
On the day that Margarita meets the writer, she was determined to kill herself if she didn't find her love to take her away from her boring life.
Majid Rafizadeh is an Iranian/Syrian Fulbright teaching scholar
شوکه شدن زائران بیت الله الحرام