Foaad Khosmood
26-Aug-2007 (4 comments)
Well, let's get this party started, shall we? The site is officially in Beta which means, it still has problems. But that's what I get paid the big (har har) bux for... >>>
26-Aug-2007 (one comment)
To the author of this article:


?????????????? ?????????????? ?????? ????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????? ?????????? ?????????

25-Aug-2007 (9 comments)
Given the nature and the history of the National Endowmanet for Democracy anyone, in any country who has had any ties with NED and its affiliate organisations deserves to be charged and fairly and justly prosecuted. >>>
25-Aug-2007 (13 comments)
Thing is, by now, Iranians have lived for enough of a time in the US that trying to link their behavior to anything as banal as the place of their parents' origin is just a stupid exercise. Perhaps for the first generation immigrants these questions are still questions, but for people of my generation who were born and raised in all parts of the US, we get our culture from so many different parts that to say "you're a slut cause you're Iranian" or the opposite just doesn't hold.>>>
Nazy Kaviani
I feel Iranians must also speak to others in the world to tell them stories about Iran, themselves, their thoughts, their values, and their hopes and fears. There is also a growing number of Iranians who were born and raised outside of Iran and unfortunately cannot read Farsi. This shouldn’t discount them as Iranians. They should still be able to find other Iranians with whom they can communicate.>>>
Phantom of
To All viewers: This is my lovely abode. I expect my income to be 180K a year and be deposited in a 10-year CD with a minimum of 5% APY. A modest 10% raise per year will suit me. At the end of ten years term, I will send you a lovely note with a rose and with instructions for collection. >>>
Siamack Baniameri
24-Aug-2007 (3 comments)
I saw in CNN that a call center in Iranian city of Ghome answers calls from folks who want to contact Imam Mehdi. "Hello?...." >>>

Khaton Khanom writes to Marina Nemat, author of  Prisoner of TehranMy dear Marina, I read your book while traveling to Tehran. It was a long, tiring trip, but I used every minuet of it to read the book. I have to admit, It had been such a long time since a book moved me like that and made my soul fly. In Tehran, everything I saw, everywhere I went , I found something that took me in to your world and your book. I visited your old neighborhood , but it looks very different than what you had described so beautifully.

Alahazrat Hajagha
زندگي زيباستִ زندگي بي نظير است ִ زندگي سخت استִ زندگي ياوه استִ زندگي يك موجود زيبا اندام استִ زندگي يك موجود زيبا صورت استִ زندگي اخلاقي مرموز داردִ زندگي از همان ابتدا كه با چشماني گريان از رحم مادرخارج مي شوي بهت مي گويد وفا ندارد, بهت مي گويد كه روزي تو را رها خواهد كرد ولي نمي گويد چگونه, كي و كجاִ. >>>
22-Aug-2007 (5 comments)
How the designation of the IRGC as a terrorist organization will alienate the Iranian people from the US even further: The New York Times articulated the following statement upon news that the Revolutionary Guard Corps in Iran may be designated as a terrorist organization: "Labeling Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps as a foreign terrorist organization — as the State Department now proposes — is another distraction when what the Bush administration needs to be doing is opening comprehensive negotiations with Tehran..." >>>
22-Aug-2007 (2 comments)

Right behind the eternal questions of which came first, the chicken or the egg, and why did the chicken really cross the road, stands the sexuality of Stephen Patrick Morrissey, aka lead singer of the Smiths. Was he a repressed homosexual as many like to believe or asexual and celibate as he repeatedly claimed? Many more informed than I have pondered this question, both in print and in late night drunken sessions as his glorious music blasts into a dimly lit room.

Soheil Samouhi
It is a bit complicated. When I moved to US, we lived in Long Island, New York. I went to high school there and then college and then grad school. I was working on a cool project when the whole dot com era tanked and I had to take on a contract job in Downtown, Los Angeles (big move ey!) So I packed everything into my car on a Friday and drove to LA to start the job that following Monday. >>>
22-Aug-2007 (one comment)
Fuck analysts, experts, sources not wanting to be identified, sources close to Pentagon, anonymous western officials at the IAEA, military sources in Iraq, and the like. In fact fuck the journalists, reporters, correspondents that use these sources, and fuck the news agencies and the media they work for. >>>
21-Aug-2007 (9 comments)
I have recently taken a vow of celibacy. By recent, I mean REALLy recent. Like two days ago. This blog will be a chronicle of this new and perhaps fascinating (both for myself and for the readers) stage of my young tender life. No, I am not some kind of Iranian nun: My body does not belong to god. And nope, I don't think the body is a temple. I am also not, what is called an "incel," an involuntary celibate. Believe you me, this is all voluntary.>>>
Sheema Kalbasi
اگرکلمه «تواب» را با بهایی، مجاهد، کمونیست، ساواکی و یا هر چیز دیگری عوض کنیم باز با اعتراضی مشابه روبرو خواهیم شد، گیرم که از گوشه ای دیگر و به وسیله جمعی دیگر. یکی از ویژگی های ذهن بسته و مستبد همین است که در رفتار فکری خود بسیط است و وابسته به چند محرک مشخص و از پیش تعیین شده. ذهن استبدادی فردیت نمی شناسد. دیدش سنگی است و واکنشش سنگی. نه تعادل می فهمد و نه تکامل. مثل سنگ بسیط است و فقط یک چیز! فعال حقوق بشر بودن یعنی آدم از حق فردی که با او موافق نیست دفاع کند. و اگر نه سنگ ایده ئولوژی خود را به سینه زدن از کسی فعال مدنی و حقوق بشری نمی سازد!>>>