According to American Interrogation Reports


Hezbollah trains Iraqis in Iran, officials say

International Herald Tribune / Michael Gordon
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He Who Controls Energy Controls the World


The New Geopolitics of Energy

The Nation / Michael T. Klare
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05-May-2008 (4 comments)

New method of deportation

Niki Tehranchi

For Immigrants who died in U.S. Custody, few details provided

New York Times / Nine Bernstein
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USA Butchering Iraqi Civilians


Iran suspends talks with U.S. on security in Iraq

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05-May-2008 (2 comments)

Moving right along...

News Goffer

Secret Bush "Finding" Widens War on Iran

Counter Punch / Andrew Cockburn
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Talking about a strike on Iran

News Goffer

United States is drawing up plans to strike on Iranian insurgency camp

The Sunday Times / Michael Smith
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05-May-2008 (one comment)