جبهه ملی ایران

Congratulations Sarah Shroud and Shane Bauer


Sarah Shourd and Shane Bauer, US hikers jailed for spying Iran, marry in California

Global Post / News Desk
recommended by Simorgh5555
06-May-2012 (3 comments)

Terrorism and Truth

Afshin Ehx

Not Explaining the Why of Terrorism

Middle East Online / Ray McGovern
recommended by Afshin Ehx

The Empire & the Israel-Oil-Emirates-Turkey Aaxis

Afshin Ehx

The Empire vs. Iran (and Syria): A New World War for a New World Order?

Rabble / Jooneed Khan
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Lies! Lies! Lies!

Afshin Ehx

David Horowitz and the Art of Slander

The Progressive Mind / Lawrence Davidson
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Remembering a Tragedy

Afshin Ehx

Deir Yassin Remembered

Deir Yassin. Org / Felicity Arbuthnot
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Video: Palestinians Are the Real Jews

Afshin Ehx

Challenging Notions of a Jewish People

youtube / Shlomo Sand
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Hypocrisy of American Liberals

Afshin Ehx

Celebrating our “Warrior President”

Salon / Glenn Greenwald
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Short Video

Afshin Ehx

"The Real Terrorist Was Me"

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The Coup Against Netanyahu’s Government

Afshin Ehx

Intelligence Rupture Over Iran: Israeli Apparat Falling Apart

Veterans Today / Ismail Salami
recommended by Afshin Ehx
06-May-2012 (3 comments)

Israel Is Polluting the Holly Land

Afshin Ehx

The Radical Transformation of Palestine's Environment

Aljazeera /
recommended by Afshin Ehx

Video: "A Disgusting Self-Hating Jew"

Afshin Ehx

American Radical: The Trials of Jewish-American Political Scientist Norman Finkelstein.

recommended by Afshin Ehx

children of political prisoners of Islamic Regime.

poverty in Iran. No meat for ordinary Iranians