Iqbal Latif
18-Nov-2012 (4 comments)
Yes of-course children and women need security but from the hands of unscrupulous Hamas>>>

No Medicine for Iran,IRI builds FREE Hezbolah Dam

18-Nov-2012 (one comment)
let  see  how  people  react? >>>
Azadeh Azad
18-Nov-2012 (2 comments)
Cartoon >>>
Iqbal Latif
18-Nov-2012 (one comment)
Faithful Muslims Must Destroy The Pyramids and The Sphinx>>>
Orang Gholikhani
18-Nov-2012 (2 comments)
نوازش پرستو

بود خواب قدیمی بید مجنون

از فصلی به دیگر فصل 
We read every day now that "Iran" has supplied a rocket that has hit Tel Aviv. This is true>>>
See someone you like in the distant, smile at them. See someone in the mirror whilst shopping, look again, you might find they will be looking again. Yeah. It works. Have fun.>>>

فلسطینیان؛گوشت دم توپ وحوش

همنشین بهار
18-Nov-2012 (one comment)
درخت آلو را نمی‌شه به شمشاد پیوند زد>>>


Part 2: Why I think Reza Shah was an idiot

Not much difference in essence between monarchists and Islamic Republic

18-Nov-2012 (88 comments)
Going back to our beloved self-proclaimed king, no doubt Reza Pahlavi meant well for his country and he chose the method that made most sense to HIM but my argument is that in the process of making major physical infrastructural changes he got in the way of substantially greater evolutionary change in a deeply rooted tradition which Iran is still suffering from. And that tradition is patriarchal rule>>>

He also denied Sattar was tortured


Iran denies supplying Fajr-5 rockets to Gaza militants

recommended by Fred


Good cinema, bad history

Argo director treads on shaky historical ground

18-Nov-2012 (13 comments)
It is to Ben Affleck’s credit that although we know things will go as planned in the film as they did in reality, we are kept on the edge of our seat as one setback follows another. Where the director treads on more shaky ground is the history behind the story. Is this important? Does it matter? It certainly does, if only to avoid snap judgments and paint historical figures with a simplistic brush>>>


The End of An Era

I urge my words to preserve a slice of that life

18-Nov-2012 (2 comments)
Everyone is dying. Lately I have attended too many funerals, burials and memorial services. “What’s going on?” I asked my husband. “We haven’t seen a wedding in more than a year, but there seems to be a funeral every single month!” My wise man nodded. “You’re right, but there’s a good reason for that. Our generation is at the age when our elders leave us, most of our kids are married or live far away, and with their graduations behind us, there’s little excitement left.”>>>
18-Nov-2012 (6 comments)
تا هفتم آذرماه به دستگاه‌های امنیتی و انتظامی مراجعه کند >>>