Iranian AIPAC


by Abarmard

(I am just a member and NIAC might not agree with my position) 

Iranians must get united behind NIAC to form an strong political movement to better our position in the American politics. I have visited AIPAC web site. After a full review of their contents I have come to understand that they are working against Iran.

AIPAC is against Iran and Iranians, not just the regime. You may fool yourselves to believe otherwise, but McCain's comments was not directed towards the Islamic Republic but you and I, the Iranians. That's AIPAC!

The oil companies and powerful military of the United States and Israel are one, and they are taking over the politics and laws of this nation. It's happening slowly, behind it, AIPAC is playing an important role.

I don't expect all Iranians to stand up or support our nation and nationality. I hope that some of you who have not yet joint NIAC, would read, investigate and finally join our group. It is an Iranian group and organization for us Iranians.

To have IR removed, makes Iran a powerful country. For now, the west is satisfied with the current regime that has kept Iran isolated. The TOTAL plan to leave Iranian Gas field development was handled by AIPAC policy makers. In this case, most of the Iranian Gas would not be developed. This directly translates to weakening Iran and giving many of the Iranian natural Gas to the neighboring countries! That happens when a country is next to Iran and draws the natural Gas, which comes from the same source. You could blame the IR, I blame the source, the United States and ultimately AIPAC, which is Israel.

With our power, which is our education and wealth, we need to get involved and begin to influence our policy makers. If one Jewish individual enters my city, there are many channels for him/her to get settled and put to work/education. They then joing their local AIPAC group located in most cities in almost all States. I believe this is a good strategy that has worked for many Jewish people. It can work for us.

This is one thing that we can do for our country. This will give us results. The first step is to have everyone involved in one spot: NIAC. From there we can drive to know and communicate our issues. If you disagree then present your solution and not just slogans.

Please join today.


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more from Abarmard

You Are Welcome

by Zion on


Mehdi Mazloom

Again - it is reality, not fiction.

by Mehdi Mazloom on

Agha e Abramard. I am glad you call for the Iranians to form their own NIAC. It is not so simple as one might think.

Shomah Khai-ly be-baghshid. Much like anywhere else, the average American looks at the list below, then respond in kind. Just look how much Jews have contributed to this great nation in all facet of life. Science, Medicine, theater, Architecture, Business, economy, politics (10 Senators), Nuclear technology (Yes, it was Jews who helped with the development of the first atomic & Hydrogen bombs). Per capita, Jews massive and profound contributions have surpassed any other ethnic or religious group. 

At the same time, look how in mere 60 years, Israelis have transformed their country from almost nothing to one of the most advanced societies on earth - that despite being constantly threatened.

With all due respect to you and the rest of the Iranians living here in US. What are Iranians doing for others in this country to merit their support of a Iranian) regime which opposes their form of social values, and democracy.

(Notwithstanding, I can assure you my friend that, after a very bad and terrible experience with two dishonest Iranian born doctors, I will  NEVER EVER let any Iranian trained doctor to come near me).,

Off course this accomplishment provide ample credibility and force behind their representatives which includes AIPAC .

Anyway, the following list pretty much speaks for itself.




1957 Albert Camus

1988  Najib Mahfooz


- Mohamed Anwar El-Sadat

- Yaser Arafat (Co-Winner with Israeli Leaders)

- Shirin Ebadi


Elias James Corey

- Ahmed Zewail


Peter Brian Medawar

Ferid Mourad


0.02%of World population. (14M)


- Paul Heyse

- Henri Bergson

- Boris Pasternak

- Shmuel Yosef Agnon

- Nelly Sachs

- Saul Bellow

- Isaac Bashevis Singer

- Elias Canetti

- Joseph Brodsky

- Nadine Gordimer


- Alfred Fried

- Tobias Michael Carel Asser

- Rene Cassin

- Henry Kissinger

- Menachem Begin

- Elie Wiesel

- Shimon Peres

- Yitzhak Rabin


- Adolph Von Baeyer

- Henri Moissan

- Otto Wallach

- Richard Willstaetter

- Fritz Haber

- George Charles de Hevesy

- Melvin Calvin

- Max Ferdinand Perutz

- William Howard Stein

- Ilya Prigogine

- Herbert Charles Brown

- Paul Berg

- Walter Gilbert

- Roald Hoffmann

- Aaron Klug

- Albert A. Hauptman

- Jerome Karle

- Dudley R. Herschbach

- Robert Huber

- Sidney Altman

- Rudolph Marcus

- Alan J. Heeger


- Paul Anthony Samuelson

- Simon Kuznets

- Kenneth Joseph Arrow

- Leonid Kantorovich

- Milton Friedman

- Herbert A. Simon

- Lawrence Robert Klein

- Franco Modigliani

- Robert M. Solow

- Harry Markowitz

- Merton Miller

- Gary Becker

Rober Fogel


- Elie Metchnikoff

- Paul Erlich

- Robert Barany

- Otto Meyerhof

- Karl Landsteiner

- Otto Warburg

- Otto Loewi

- Joseph Erlanger

- Herbert Spencer Gasser

- Ernst Boris Chain

- Hermann Joseph Muller

- Tadeus Reichstein

- Selman Abraham Waksman

- Hans Krebs

- Fritz Albert Lipmann

- Joshua Lederberg

- Arthur Kornberg

- Konrad Bloch

- Francois Jacob

- Andre Lwoff

- George Wald

- Marshall W. Nirenberg

- Salvador Luria

- Julius Axelrod

- Sir Bernard Katz

- Gerald Maurice Edelman

- David Baltimore

- Howard Martin Temin

- Baruch S. Blumberg

- Rosalyn Sussman Yalow

- Daniel Nathans

- Baruj Benacerraf

- Cesar Milstein

- Michael Stuart Brown

- Joseph L. Goldstein

- Stanley Cohen [& Rita Levi-Montalcini]

- Gertrude Elion

- Harold Varmus

- Erwin Neher

- Bert Sakmann

- Richard J. Roberts

- Phillip Sharp

- Alfred Gilman

- Edward B. Lewis


- Albert Abraham Michelson

- Gabriel Lippmann

- Albert Einstein

- Niels Bohr

- James Franck

- Gustav Hertz

- Gustav Stern

- Isidor Issac Rabi

- Felix Bloch

- Max Born

- Igor Tamm

- Emilio Segre

- Donald A. Glaser

- Robert Hofstadter

- Lev Davidovich Landau

- Richard Phillips Feynman

- Julian Schwinger

- Murray Gell-Mann

- Dennis Gabor

- Brian David Josephson

- Benjamin Mottleson

- Burton Richter

- Arno Allan Penzias

- Peter L Kapitza

- Stephen Weinberg

- Sheldon Glashow

- Leon Lederman

- Melvin Schwartz

- Jack Steinberger

- Jerome Friedman

- Martin Perl


Mr. (I assume) Zion

by Abarmard on

Unlike some Iranians here at the, I have no patience to get in an loop style arguments...The concerns that you may have about the NIAC can be found in the Internet. Your accusations and logic is baseless. I certainly won't argue AIPAC with you, you also should not argue NIAC. There is a site that you may check and if you have any questions, there are people that would be more that happy to answer you, eventhough you are not an Iranian.

Those who are lazy to find info for themselves, I can't help. I don't need to argue. Don't like them, good for you. Thanks for your input.



by Zion on

'I am a proud member of NIAC.'

I'm sure you are. That is why your clear statement here about the way you see the world and the agenda for which you want people to join your group is revealing.


dear Zion no need to hide

by Abarmard on

Time that your country and the officials speak openly about bombing my country, you don't need to play innocent. I have always stayed my ground. No shame in that. I did not help create Al qaeda, your party did. As far as I know, Iran under this same regime has fought against those who US calls the enemy!

Your propaganda is useless for those who are politically aware.

You seem frightened for Iranians to unite, yet feel nice when there is talk of war. Coming from an Israeli, I am not surprised. Yes, it's always nice to see people's intentions.


toofantheoncesogreat nicely said

by Abarmard on

toofantheoncesogreat thanks.


Why not us Iranian/Americans learn to behave democratically through channels that already exists so the Iranians inside may learn and follow. What we can gain as a nation by these kind of experience is something that no country or wars or government can bring.

This way we will earn it. Last 30 years is a pure example that certain style-old Iranian style- doesn't work. It just doesn't work.

K.Warrior, your ideas has been praised and tried. It doesn't work. Democracy and Republic and laws won't just come to Iran. Let's prasctice what we have learned in where we have lived.

NOTE: Dialog is good. War is bad!! (Just a note)

Zion, I am a proud member of NIAC.


Great Article

by Zion on

Thanks Abarmard. It is always good and helpful to see some honesty.
It is very important that more and more such statements be heard and brought to the attention of US politicians, congressmen and senators.
To see what lies behind the nice talks, that the member base of an advocacy group operating inside the united states shares the same conspiracy theories and views with Al-Qaeda, the regime in Iran and all that the US and the West is faced with. Conspiracy theories and views about Israel, Jewish hand behind events, AIPAC and the same politician's real loyalties.

I hope more people will come out of the closet like you and say what their agenda is.


will join NIAC

by Elika (not verified) on

Yes! I will join NIAC! and for those of you who claim they don't oppose IRI - you are WRONG! See their conference on the abysmal human rights situation in Iran, or their condemnation of arrests of Iranians by the regime:




RE: Kurdish Warrior, Eyeranian

by toofantheoncesogreat (not verified) on

Kurdish Warrior:
Well why dont you join NIAC or go to their meetings and voice your opinion, and make other Iranians like yourself join or go along and push them to change their opinion? AIPAC Is not one fluent group, there are many ideas, but they discuss and there is a majority rule, NIAC or IAPAC is the same really.

And as far as I am concerned, NIAC wants dialogue because the alternative is war and sanctions, that wont help no Iranian, not kurdish iranians (you), azeri iranians (me) arab iranians, persian iranians, turkmen iranians etc.. I DESPISE and HATE the IRI regime, their time will be a footnote in history, but the progress of our country must not stop and fall back yet again as it did in the 80's war, we must continue marching forward, being under the IRI or a Shah or a Kurdish king, politicians and puppets come and go, if iranians unite, ecpesially abroad, they can influence IRI policy even inside Iran as AIPAC does with Israel, the possibilities are endless.

Eyeranian: baradar, I love your comics, but sometimes you think to much for your own good. Abarmard is asking for a joint front of Iranians, if you dont want to, your not any less iranian in my view, or his view I figure.


Thanks Mr. Nasiri

by Abarmard on

Informative comment.



by toofantheoncesogreat (not verified) on

Beautifully written baradar, I have also heard that there is a new Iranian interest group in the making which consists of two older iranian interest groups, www. iranianamericanpac .org CHECK IT OUT ALL OF YOU

"With our power, which is our education and wealth, we need to get involved and begin to influence our policy makers. If one Jewish individual enters my city, there are many channels for him/her to get settled and put to work/education. They then joing their local AIPAC group located in most cities in almost all States. I believe this is a good strategy that has worked for many Jewish people. It can work for us.

This is one thing that we can do for our country. This will give us results. The first step is to have everyone involved in one spot: NIAC. From there we can drive to know and communicate our issues. If you disagree then present your solution and not just slogans."

Fantastic, NIAC should push your rank in the group upwards


KristallNacht American Style

by Amir Nasiri (not verified) on

In 1938 Hitler made fun of Jews and depicted them as pigs. Then the Jugend Hitler started issuing hatred and propaganda to come up with ways to humiliate and belittle Jews.

John MCain the American version of Hitler is doing the same thing. First by making fun of a group of people then start joking about it, then start blaming them for everything bad is happening then start killing them.

Actually this war of hatred against Iranian has started after 9/11. More Iranians are been discriminated at their school, universities and workplaces. Studies have shown people from Middle East have been more subject to racism at work place by co-workers and managers than anyone else. Employers are more reluctant to hire people from Middle East.

This psychological war started by the Bush Administration and the forefathers were Mr. Paul Wolfowitz a strong supporter of the Jewish fascist and Nazi group called AIPAC and his KKK friend Mr. Ashcroft who is an Evangelical fanatic. This psychological war, humiliation, dehumanization and character assassination by American public and its politician against Iranians is getting out of hand.

Why aren’t' they just putting us in concentration camps and gas us to death? The answer it is to easy. Studies have shown the psychological warfare has more degrading effect on one's mental and psychological state of mind. Therefore, they continue their propaganda and dehumanization our proud and hardworking people and they continue to degrade us because that is how wars have been won.

It is our fault that we are not together. You the fathers, brothers and son's and daughters of Iran unite against these racist pigs and do not let yourself be humiliated as the Nazis did to the Jews.

You are Iranian, and proud, hardworking and intelligent.

Please get together and unite.

I plead with the Iranian agencies and communities, radio shows and TV shows please unite our people so we go on the streets of this so called cvilized nation and show them our top 10 way that we will piss on every racist pig that tries to destroy us.

This is United States of America no the land of Christians or white men it is the land of everyone.

You are n ot different and don't let those white supremacy tell you other wise.

500 years ago was the aboriginal people and the black people of African the in the 1930's were the Jews, and then in 1940's were the German, Italian and the Japanese now they have turned on us.

The only way you can fight it is by uniting.

I am a father and a husband and I refuse to be humiliated.


No to NIAC

by Kurdish Warrior (not verified) on

I was totally upset regarding Mccain's remark on Iranians however I still won't support NIAC. Not only human right issue is not part of their agenda but they also want USA government to have dialog with that regime. So the answer of the Kurdish-Iranian community is def a NO to NIAC unless they change their behavior.
ABARMARD; You are ab right that the Persian-Jewish community should write a letter to Mccain in order to get his attention however I don't think the NIAC is the answer.


what i've learned today...

by eyeranian on

You are with us or you are a pawn!



NIAC: A voice for people

by Mehdi on

As a member, I hope NIAC never becomes another one of those groups "fighting" something (usually a shadow). We need a group like NIAC that builds on the positive, works towards peace, understanding and improved relations. They MUST defend themselves against those who try to quash them but only to the extent that is truly necessary. I hope they will not allow fighting to become their main focus. Direct talk with AIPAC is also very valuable. It is all about informing everyone that people are people and that except for a few bad apples who need to be isolated, maority of people are trying to live peacefully if they know how. Although AIPAC currently acts like an enemy of Iran, I don't believe that this is because they are all evil monsters, but because they are a people mainly motivated by extreme terror (of a fancied threat of annihilation) and also because they have some power (military and otherwise). Talks and establishing relations with AIPAC could be quite fruitful, if possible at all.

I believe if we don't strongly support NIAC as well as involving ourselves in the process, we have indirectly given IRI more power to go ahead with their suicidal tendencies (they call it martyr philosophy, I think).  Pro-Israelis should not oppose NIAC. Wars have NEVER brought about a better condition - it is only advertised by some that this is the case (because they are weapons manufacturers and the likes.


Dear kourosh-e-kabir

by Abarmard on

You are mistaking. NIAC has stood up at times for Iran, some mistake that for IR. If NIAC wants to present a positive image and a possible solution rather than war to the American congress to name one, they have to do it tactfully. Many mistake that with pro IR. It's not. It's actually very simple.

If you believe that there should be no war against Iran, then you can go research and find all your answers in the NIAC. What they have done in such a short time has been impressive. More can be done with more members and involvements.

If you believe that war is not necessarily a bad thing for Iran or the Iranians, then don't bother. I can't argue anymore, NIAC is not for you and you may search your solutions with McCain and neo cons. That's fine. Just know what you want.

This is targeted at those individuals who fall in the first category, only. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, but just know what is being said here.


only zionists...

by Anonymous8 (not verified) on

Only Zionists are so arrogant and close minded to make an argument that basically says:

If you want stop AIPAC, just do what they want.

AIPAC and Zionist allies are spending $Millions paying off terrorists and "chaghoo kesh" to kill Iranians and "topple" the regime.

If we want this to stop, we have to topple the regime ourselves? They are saying: "Please do the work for us so we don't have to spend the money, and then we will leave you alone."


IRI will NEVER BE TOPPLED by Iranians so long as there are threats like this looming on Iran. IRANIAN PEOPLE will naturally prefer IRI OVER FOREIGN ATTEMPT AT REGIME CHANGE.

It is AIPAC and Zionists that is keeping IRI in power and keeping it hardline.

Sorry Zionists, we won't do your dirty work for you. It is clear many Iranian Americans have realized ATTACKING Iran and KILLING IRANI CHILDREN is not good for the country. That's what AIPAC wants.



by kourosh-e-kabir (not verified) on

Let's not fool ourselves Trita Parsi and Talebi and the gang are pawns of the islamic regime dressed in suits and ties. I have actually met members of Aipac and addresed them the difference between the Iranian people and the Islamic regime. Abarmard, the solution should be a powerfull lobby group that advocates the difference between the people and regime and call for change of regime thru self-determination and not war.



by Abarmard on

That can be done once Iranians have a legitimate voice. Who is going to be that voice is my point here. What you are saying is not an unaccepted argument. But the channels to do what you suggest are not present. We need to enhance the channels such as NIAC.


You may become a member and try to put this very same argument so that would be an option when dealing with the politicians in the US from the Iranian American community. What do you think AIPAC is? 



by Abarmard on

As we have had in the past thirty years....too many noises that takes away the focus and direction.

I have always said that we get what we are and deserve what we work for. Here we go.

Sometimes I dream that we might have learned, then comes Fred. Who seems to be a nice person, but see how he wants to "liberate" Iran. Historically we had many people that thought the same. Are you still wondering why we have IR as a system?


Dear Anonymous 500

by my2cents1 (not verified) on


then one could join it if one wnats to fight AIPAC or whatever.

We don't need to fight the AIPAC or anyone else for that matter. We need to educate them; make friends among their ranks; have them hear out our side; I'm sure we can find common grounds to remove the IRI in a peaceful manner if we are really interested in Iranians or Iran. You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar!

This is my previous comment on this thread:

"AIPAC is against Iranian interests because of the Islamic Republican's foreign policies of trying wipe Israel ("stinking corpse") off the map.

Why can't the Islamic revolutionaries grasp this simple fact? Israel perceives Iran as an existential threat, period and it is incumbant upon them to remove this threat. Any other country would have done the same.

You want to stop AIPAC, then try to educate them on how they can help Iranians to remove the IRI instead of making AIPAC the enemy of Iranian-Americans in the US. We should resolve our issues directly with AIPAC instead of going about it in a round about way; that is if we are truly interested in the welfare of Iranians (inside and outside) rather than the interests' of the Islamic Republic."


There is a 600 pound gorilla in the room!!

by Anonymous500 (not verified) on

In my humble opinion, before becoming a memebr of NIAC one should wait to see the outcome of Trita Parsi's Defemation suit against Hassan Dailalislm. The argument of the plaintiff is that he has been defamed by defendant's claims that he is a paid IRI lobbyist. Let us see what the court's decision is. if the verdict is that this org is legit and is not a lobby of the IRI, then one could join it if one wnats to fight AIPAC or whatever. However, since there is this six hundred pound gorilla in the room, logic dictates that one should not jump the band wagon of joing xyz if one aint' sure about xyz's true nature.

Has any one ever seen NIAC condemning any of the IRI's anti-Iranian people policies? Any one?
Sokoout alamate Rezast!!

;-)) "Dadash" Moderator: khasteh nabasi, wali al haqgh wal ensaf, ma chizi negoftim keh be terish ghabaye in NIAC haa bar bokoreh!! Joone Emam Khomeini in o gheychi nakon


Frst step liberation, then ..

by Fred on

Wasting time and joining NIAC are synonymous. Any move short of working to topple this Islamist regime is also a waste of time, energy and resources never mind childish ones to shore it up. It is as though one is suffering from cancerous tumors that have spread to all the lymph nodes and for total healing goes to a pedicurist.


Dear Fred Please pay attention

by Abarmard on

We have had slogans and so called "opposition" to the current Islamic Regime for thirty years. As I have mentioned "If you disagree then present your solution and not just slogans."

It's enough to sit and yawn freedom for Iran...Do something. That's why I am asking you to join NIAC so you will be linked with Iranians all over the United States to speak our voices. If you care, if not then why are you waisting your and my time?


AIPAC is against Iranian

by my2cents1 (not verified) on

AIPAC is against Iranian interests because of the Islamic Republican's foreign policies of trying wipe Israel ("stinking corpse") off the map.

Why can't the Islamic revolutionaries grasp this simple fact? Israel perceives Iran as an existential threat, period and it is incumbant upon them to remove this threat. Any other country would have done the same.

You want to stop AIPAC, then try to educate them on how they can help Iranians to remove the IRI instead of making AIPAC the enemy of Iranian-Americans in the US. We should resolve our issues directly with AIPAC instead of going about it in a round about way; that is if we are truly interested in the welfare of Iranians (inside and outside) rather than the interests' of the Islamic Republic.


AIPAC & Iran

by Fred on

To equate Iran and the people of Iran's interest as those of the Islamist republic and the Islamists is to fall into the trap set up by the Islamist republic’s lobbies. Nothing could be further from the historical and strategic realities. True the Islamist republic and its supporters’ interest does not and will not ever align with those of U.S or Israel, however that is not the case for Iran and Iranians. And that is why as soon as this Islamist regime is done away with AIPAC will be a natural ally of any Iranian nation based lobbying entity. Till then other lobbies will be as effective as the Photoshop enhanced Islamist missiles.


Friends or Interest

by PedramMoallemian on

Many Iranians forget the primary lesson in politics that nations don't have friends, they have "interests". AIPAC/Israel and USA (regardless of the administration in power or how temporary political landscape is shaped) have little love for Iran or Iranians, they are just looking after their own interest which in both short and long term will not be the same as the interest of Iranians. Whatever our goal is, it won't happen unless by our own hands and by coming together.

iraj khan

I agree, we need to get involved in the political process here,

by iraj khan on

1. I am not a member of NIAC but I agree with you. We need to join an organization that represents us. I'll join today. I know that I don't have to agree with everything that they say but they do represent the general approach that I agree with.

2. Every week we see hundreds of comments about the Iran-US conflict on this website alone. We need to extend ourselves. We need to send our comments to US newspapers, TV editorials and other non-Iranian websites. "We" means "you" and "I" and "US". We are the ones who advocate diplomacy to solve the problems between Iran and USA/Israel.

3. The majority of American people are receptive to our message of a peacefull resulotion of the Iran/USA conflict. People are sick and tired of war. People here are worried about their economical survival and this includes the vast majority of American people. War to them means more recession and economical hardship.

4.We are mostly US college graduates/students and understand this society. We need to be more creative and get involved in the political process here.