NeoCons, what can you say now?

by Abarmard

I would like to ask the Neocons in this site to explain their behavior about bombing Iran. Many Iranians and some Zionist in this site have been blaming Iranian regime, based on fox news, that Iran has been supplying weapons that kills American soldiers. Now that you know the truth, aren't you ashamed to have fallen into yet another Zionist propaganda?

This by itself should be the proof that many other arguments that you make is based on Zionist propaganda.

If Zionists want a war with Iran, they can support Israel to attack Iran. Let Israelis suffer for their own actions rather than Americans, for once.


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more from Abarmard

Q called it....

by Wondering (not verified) on

If a kid is man handled by his father, according to your logic he should invite the thugs into his family house and let them rip everything off and even rape his mother and sisters if that's what will give him vindication against his father. What kind of logic is that?

You are supporting a group of morally bankrupt con artists that are getting man handled by mullahs morality strategy, of all things. Focus on getting these jokers out of Washington first, then as a matter of obligation to our own heritage, we can figure out ways to rally and deal with the mullahs shortcomings amongst and within our own community. Until then, there is no need to invite the fox in to the hen house.


Neocons must be loosing their touch

by Mehdi on

It is quite surprising to me that they didn't even bother manufacture some fake "evidence." Probably because they were so sure that these weapons were Iranian. In any event, this was great news.

Their "nuclear weapon threat" story isn't selling anymore so now they have started a "Iran is killing Americans" campaign trying to prepare public support for their evil plans. Hopefully people are more intelligent than that.

Manoucher Avaznia


by Manoucher Avaznia on

Well-said Abarmard. Those who seek war look for every kind of excuse to wage it.  As we have seen in our short life-time, they will never abstain from lying and fooling their listeners. History of all agressive wars is the same.  I still look for a shred of evidence that triggered The Second Iraq War.  Awareness of real motives behind these kind of savageries and proper action against them will help the cause of peace that humanity dearly needs.


well said

by IRANdokht on

Keith Olbermann is so passionate about politics. He says it like it is.

I loved it! When he speaks and yells at the idiots delam khonak misheh :0)
