DON'T Come By Busses, Planes, Trains, Or Automobiles!

DON'T Come By Busses, Planes, Trains, Or Automobiles!
by AK69

Back in June when all this current election aftermath started and the original rallies in support of the protesting Iranians and eventually regime change were being held internationally, this idea of fake unity was first debated. In my research it seems to have originated with the 99.9% trash on Tehrangeles (Los Angeles, CA) television and factions of French Iranian activists. By fake unity I mean forcing or coercing Iranians to unite under one flag or no flag at these so called “Freedom” rallies.

Unfortunately, these organizers do not understand the basic principles of Freedom. A clear example was recently posted on

“We ask that you please not bring nation flags. We all love our countries and their symbols but at this action we strive for a united event with a message that doesn’t appear factional. We offer people the option of a green-white-red flag with no emblem in the middle or with a positive text.”

(On a tangent WTF does this mean: “We all love our countries”; I thought this was about Iran, a country)

Do you see the inherent problem with us Iranians? We have never had real Freedom so no one knows what it is. Asinine! I can read a book and understand a concept or ideology; maybe these so-called organizers should first understand what they are advocating before they advocate it. That is if they are actually advocating Freedom for Iran.

As an Iranian, I hereby invite every human being that believes in the struggle for Human Rights and Liberties to attend the UN rally; and everyone attending may voice their beliefs as they deem fit.





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Dear IR Supporters
Sep 13, 2009
Peaceful Legal Reforms Are Illegal Under The islamic Constitution
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Why I Hate You.
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babak pirouzian

For IRI supporters: Portion of an open letter to Khamenei

by babak pirouzian on

جشن زوال استبداد دينی، نامه عبدالکريم سروش به آيت الله

خامنه ای

Portion of an open letter to Khamenei from Abdoul Karim Soroush:   شما حاضر بوديد آبروی خدا برود اما آبروی شما نرود. مردم به ديانت و نبوت پشت کنند اما به ولايت شما پشت نکنند.  شريعت و طريقت و حقيقت مچاله شوند اما ردای رياست شما چين و چروک نخورد. اما خدا نخواست. دل های سوخته و لب های دوخته و خون های ريخته و دست های بريده و دامان های دريده نخواستند و نگذاشتند. پاکان و پارسايان و پيامبران نخواستند. محرومان و مصلحان و ستم کشيدگان و ستم ستيزان نگذاشتند

بنام خدا

عروسی خونين پايان يافت و داماد دروغين به حجله در آمد.
صندوق ها بر خود لرزيدند و ديوان در تاريکی رقصيدند.
قربانيان در کفن های سپيد به نظاره ايستادند و زندانيان با دست های بريده کف زدند
و جهانيان يک چشم خشم ويک چشم نفرت، داماد را بدرقه کردند.
چشم روزگار فاش گريست و خون از سر ايوان جمهوری گذشت.
شيطان خنديد و آنگاه ستاره ها خاموش شدند و فضيلت به خواب رفت

خيانت و تقلب کم بود دست به قتل و جنايت برديد، خيانت و جنايت بس نبود تجاوز به زندانيان را بر آن افزوديد، قتل و تجاوز و تقلب هنوز کم بود تهمت های جاسوسی و ناموسی را هم بر آن اضافه کرديد. درويشان و روحانيان و نويسندگان و دانشجويان را هم امان نداديد و از دم تيغ گذرانديد. عاقبت هم به جانيان و بانيان جايزه داديد و به ريش همه خنديديد و ريش سرباز بی نوايی را گرفتيد که چرا ماشين ريش تراشی را به سرقت برده است

آقای خامنه ای،

می خواهم به شما بگويم دفتر ايام ورق خورده است و بخت از نظام برگشته است، آبرويش به يغما رفته است و طشت رسوائيس از بام تاريخ افتاده است. کشف عورت شده است. خدا هم از شما رو گردان شده و ستاريت خود را باز گرفته است. آن دليری ها که در کنج خلوت و در پرده تزوير می کرديد فاش شده است. آه جگرسوختگان و جان باختگان و دهان دوختگان کارگر افتاده است و دامان و گريبان شما را سوخته است. خائفم که بگويم باب توبه هم به روی شما بسته شده است. شريعت هم از شما شفاعت نخواهد کرد که مشروعيت از شما گريخته است. ايران سبز از اين پس ديگر آن ايران سياه و ويران نيست. سبزی وسپيدی اين جنبش به عنايت و اجابت الهی بر سياهی جور شما پيشی گرفته است. خاک و آب و آتش و ابر و باد و مه و خورشيد و فلک در کارند تا به فرمان خدا بر عليه شما بشورند.

سالها اعوان و انصار شما زير چتر حمايت و ولايت شما چون شغالان گرسنه در پوستين خلق افتادند و امنيت و عدالت را از مردم ربودند، دهانشان را بستند، عزتشان را ستاندند، راحتشان را گرفتند، گلويشان را فشردند، خون در دل و اشک در چشمشان نشاندند، زهر قساوت را به آنان چشاندند و چون قومی اشغال شده به اسارتشان گرفتند، حقوقشان را پامال کردند، آزاديشان را به تاراج بردند، حرمتشان را شکستند، افکارشان را به سخره گرفتند، دينشان را وارونه کردند، کارخانه مقدس تراشی تراشيدند، و به نام دين خرافه فروختند، کامشان را تلخ و روزشان را شب کردند، دست خيانت در صندوق آراء شان گشودند، و پای اهانت بر کرامتشان نهادند، دانشگاه ها را به دست جهال سپردند، و بيت الاحزانی بنام صدا و سيما را از دروغ و تهمت انباشتند، و درس غلامی و غمناکی به مردم دادند. نظر حرام نمودند و خون خلق حلال، اجتماعات دروغين و گزاف بر پا کردند، و لاف زنان به مردم دنيا فروختند که همگان عاشقان سينه چاک نظام ولايتند. در زندانها و قتلگاه ها از قتل و تجاوز و تعدی و ضرب و شتم و جرح و شکنجه آن کردند که مغولان نکردند، شرع و قانون را زير پا گذاشتند، و علم جهل و تعصب برافراشتند، نادانان را بر کشيدند و دانايان را فروکوفتند، لذت را از جوانان و حرمت را از پيران دريغ داشتند، آيت الله های رنگين ساختند و فتاوای سنگين از آنان گرفتند تا نويسندگان و ناقدان را به طناب توحش خفه کنند و به ساطور سبعيت بند از بند بگشايند، در پی ماليخوليای دشمن ستيزی هر روز مهلکه ای و معرکه ای تراشيدند و جمعی را به بند کشيدند، و اقارير مضحک بر زبانشان نهادند و کيفرهای مهلک بر جانشان.عمله استبدادنظامی و قضايی بيداد را به نهايت رساندند، گويی نظام قسم خورده بود که از صدام و حجاج چيزی کم نياورد.

اين مکرهای سرد و رندی های واژگونه و زيرکی های ابلهانه، و ستم های آشکار و نهان و زور و تزوير های گران و حق کشی ها و آدم کشی ها و تقلب ها و تخلف های پر عفونت ودراز مدت ، آتشی در وجدان رعيت افروخت که کاشانه ولايت را بسوخت. آن اعتراض پس از انتخابات نه "رزمايش" بود، نه" فتنه" و نه" مسجد ضرار" (که دارالضرب شما هر روز مهری بر آن می زند)، بل طغيان و غليان غيرت بود بر عليه غارت. وجدانهای بيدار، بر رای خود، بر انتخاب خود، بر حقوق شهروندی خود، بر آزادی انديشه خود، غيرت ورزيدند و بر غارتگران رای و حقوق و آزادی، آرام و متين شوريدند. دزدان سراسيمه بر خود پيچيدند،ولی ما صدای خنده خدا را شنيديم که در فضا پيچيد. او از ما راضی بود. دعای ما را شنيد و جانيان و بانيان را رسوا کرد. مرگ ترانه (موسوی)، ترانه مرگ استبداد بود.

Mardom Mazloom

Jaleho jaN,

by Mardom Mazloom on

So you're like those who put their head under heavy snow and say, hey everything is OK. Wake up janam, it would be too late when your dear president will be ousted out of the country (I don't know where but it will surely arrive). If for you, Stalinian like trials are nothing, raping Iranians in prisons is nothing, Murdering people in streets is nothing, A.N. who is said to be the most popular president in the history of Iran but goes to the parliament with an helicopter because he's afraid of people in the streets is normal, ... Perhaps you have some problems to see or to understand.

If you count to increase the number of comments on this blog in order that "Don't go with bus,... " hits the first page. Please go on, it reminds your blog "Iranians big won" which was the top first blog and in which you showed what kind of person you are, and the reactions were the opposite of what you expected.

Otherwise, who said that the number is unimportant? The number is important as you'll see when millions of Iranians will oust your regime out of Iran. That time is near. I've already ordered my real champagne for that occasion.


Marodm Mazloom jan, you said

by Jaleho on

" I find it amazing that 24 million people who see their true president in trouble - since three months - stay at home and watch things pass, don't you? "

Not really, because as one of the 24 million who voted for him, I don't see my true president in trouble like you do! I see even his most controversial  cabinet nominee get passed by as amzing a majority as he himself did! Together with the other 24 million, I can sit in the comfort of my home and watch him give the UN address that I LIKE, and follow the foreign policy and nuclear policy that I LIKE.

you also said:" It's not the number here which is important but the fact that in history no one has signed a scroll of 2 km long "

Sorry to break it to you, but that long scroll and a dime can get you a cup of coffee and if you're lucky a spot in the Guinness World Record of the longest scroll ever signed!

But, the numbers you find unimportant, got the right person to come to UN as Iran's president.

Mardom Mazloom


by Mardom Mazloom on

You use your usual contemptuous and coarse language to hide your lack of logic. It's disturbing how radical people  have the same behavior. Your arrogance reminds me Zion on this site. Perhaps you're both stepsisters?

I don't know if illogical statements have an answer, but I'll make a try....

You say The 24 million defeated you once
No one defeated me! I didn't participate in a rigged election. Three among 4 filtered candidates who did, say that the elections were rigged. Don't you find that strange?

You say: you want them to come out and defeat you once a month
Na janam, I find it amazing that 24 million people who see their true president in trouble - since three months - stay at home and watch things pass, don't you?

You say: They beat you when it DID count, now your turn to gather your hundred thousands more signatures

It's not the number here which is important but the fact that in history no one has signed a scroll of 2 km long (and that from 190 different cities.)

What, all these show is that people in Iran and abroad know that A.N. and mullahs are just good for .... nothing (let's remind polite) and they are and will show it till we get a true democracy in Iran, without Sepesh-like murderers killing, raping everyone who disagrees with their opinion.

What will you do then? Have you thought about it?

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

I'm not that impressed by Amnesty International, but at the same time, I'm not an advocate for shutting them up either. Nor anyone else for that matter. 

As far as Moussavi's supposed understanding of democracy being concentrated in his little finger, it must have been in his fingernail, which was clipped. One cannot be a supporter of a theocracy-based government that has been nothing but a dictatorship since day one and call themselves democratic. The two ideologies have less chance of mixing than the combination of oil and water.

Freedom and tolerance, whether you like it or not, includes the freedom to call the mollahs British, or any other "ish", as well the tolerance of those views.

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

عجب روزی خواهد بود زمانی‌ که آخوند‌ها به درک بروند و مردم ایران یکی‌ یکی‌ جاسوسن و نوکران اسلامی‌ها و آخوند‌ها را در آمریکا مجازات کنند و رسوا کنند و بی‌ آبرو !

از این خواب ننگین بیدار شوید... از این منجلاب بیرون ایید و به مردم ایران بپیوندید که وگرنه سرتان بر دار میرود و اقوامتان در لجن زار غوطه خواهند خورد.



Mardom Mazloom, don't be silly now!

by Jaleho on

The 24 million defeated you once; you want them to come out and defeat you once a month?!!

They beat you when it DID count, now your turn to gather your hundrend thousands more signatures, as you say:"but as hundred of thousands expats who signed the green scroll," and when you managed to get anywhere close to 24 million who voted for Ahmadinejad, then start to watch for the 24 million come out again!


IRI's Success

by anonymous111.2 on

One of the biggest accomplishments of the IRI has been the eliminatation all meaningful organized opposition inside and outside of Iran for the past 30 years.  It doing so, it has attempted (with great success) to prevent what happened to Shah to happen to it.  The Shah allowed opposition to organize, whether it was Khomeini in exile, the MKO, the Cherik-Fadaee, etc.  Organization brings with it many tools, such as fundraising, logestics, reach out efforts, propaganda, and most important of all, unity of message.  An opposition effort will not get very far without organization, even if it has a large base of popular support.

The IRI has quite effectively disrupted all efforts at organization for the opposition inside and outside of Iran.  It has done so with many tools, including  assassinations of those it has deemed to be the most capable of uniting people around them (Bakhtiar for example), imprisonment, execution and torture of opposition figures inside Iran, sophisticated infiltration of opposition groups inside and outside of Iran by its intelligence services and using its massive propaganda machine to portray the fragmented opposition as nothing but a bunch of out of touch sore losers who can’t agree on whether or not the sky is blue. 

Some of the individuals who you see here complaining that the opposition has done nothing for the past thirty years are themselves either willing or unwilling tools in that enormous propaganda effort, as that line is one that has been pretty cunningly pushed by the IRI to discredit the opposition.  Much to the contrary, even in its fragmented state, the opposition to the IRI outside of Iran has done much in terms of exposing IRI’s crimes and bringing them to the attention of the world and Iranians inside Iran.   

There is no doubt that there is lack of unity among the litany of opposition groups outside of Iran.  Their biggest obvious challenge is to put their petty differences aside and unite under one message.  This is something that has eluded them in the past, and I am not sure if they can ever going to achieve it.

As far as the green movement inside Iran, while it is most admirable and has been the biggest real challenge to the IRI since taking power, sadly, I personally do not believe that it will get anywhere.  As I have mentioned before, the IRI is a military dictatorship, and military dictatorships do not allow peaceful change from within.  As we can all see, they have rounded up all the key figures of the opposition and have forced them into signing confessions and denouncing their role in the uprising.  This essentially (and once again) brings to an end to organized opposition inside Iran.  As I have always said, I believe that the end of IRI will come in the form of an internal coup, which will bring substantial change to the regime, and which may usher in a path to a new system of governance.   


Mardom Mazloom

Jaleho, shookhi nakon inghadar

by Mardom Mazloom on

Where are these 24 million supporters of your true president? I haven't seen any since three months.

We had 5 to 6 manifestations in which millions of people participated against the illegitimate president, but there was just a single pro-A.N. manifestation after June the 12th in which A.N. called Iranians who disagree with him "Khas 0 Khashak".

If you are proud with such a jerk, that's fine keep it with yourself but as hundred of thousands expats who signed the green scroll, A.N. is and will never ben Iran's president. Don't try to push it, it won't work.

As some doctors from the same party than A.N. said, your president needs a psychiatric treatment, go imagine if he's ok to be the president of 70 million people. How you say it ...

‫نمیشد موش در سوراخ کژدم
‫بیاری جاروئی بست بردم


Mardom Mazloom, becasue 13 million is a lot!

by Jaleho on

And when they lose to 24 million which is a lot more than 13 million, (who BTW had very legitimate pent up frustration as well) and few traitors among their leaders can divert thier frustration for their own agenda, you see what you see (and  want to see of course)

Just imagine if you saw the 24 million in action, of course you should be able to imagine that since in the Islamic Revolution, everyone was pretty much on one side only, and there you saw the REAL revolution, which you seem to have forgotten how it looks and works!

 In the words of a good writer in this site:

درخت گردکان به این بزرگی‌

درخت خربزه الله اکبر !


Mardom Mazloom

The moral of the story ...

by Mardom Mazloom on

Jaleho is the lazy bride.

Some unanswered questions: Why are there SO many protests around an election in which 40 million Iranians voted for their TRUE president? Why are there so many murders, rapes for a cause which is universal ? Why A.N. is so hated ? If in NY you'll see MUCH more than 250 protesters, will you sweep the floor, Jaleho?


This reminds me of a yazdi story

by Jaleho on

A yazdi new traditional bride is living with his inlaws. She's being too lazy and "khanoom" and does not contribute to any chores. So, the inlaws try to teach her a lesson. The mother-in-law takes the broom to sweep the floor, the father-in-law says "why you khanoom?! I'll do it." The mother-in-law say: "eyvay!!! impossible, I'll do it." They go few back and forth and finally the new bride says: "don't fight, you do half, she'll do the other half."

Now, all you Shahis, Mousavi greens, Mujaheds, American neocons, por-sanction but anti-war group......keep on fighting over which flag you must use to protest THE REAL ELECTED PRESIDENT OF IRAN, who will give the talk that MAJORITY of 40 MILLION Iranians wanted him to give, ruining some people's plans I'm affraid! 

All of you claim the Iranian youth protestors as yours! It doesn't matter, the majority of Iranians inside Iran have decided against ALL of you, and the youth who released its frustration over completely other stuff than you imagine, is back to their studies now, and are laughing at the bunch of expats who are "Kaseh daghtar az ash!"

The 250 of you, can stand peacefully at different corners: 200, keep your green flags, 20 can wave their shir-o-khorshid flag, 15 can wave the Mujahedeen slogans, the 15 necons and the Makhmalbaf sympathizers can use their Israeli flag and pretend that it is the Qods day and try to destroy its importance :-)



by AK69 on

- "freedom and democracy is secondary to the word "Islamic" being in the country's name."

What does that mean? If the country is an islamic regime, as Mousavi said, than how can it be democratic. That word"islamic" is important. Why do you IR supporters jump from ramdom statement to statement? Becuase you can't fight the truth, can you?


Bar Labe Goore Man, Avaz Bekhan


Great, AK, you have made your position clear

by Q on

freedom and democracy is secondary to the word "Islamic" being in the country's name. That's fine. It's good to know the people in the Tehran's streets have not much in common with you.

Good luck with your future plans.

PS. I have a terrible singing voice, but I will do my best when duty calls.

Mola Nasredeen

"Fascist, Islamist, Shah olahi, IRI agent, Ommati, ghorbati"

by Mola Nasredeen on

I stopped.

"Are you calling me all that Mola?" asked shotor.

"No I'm getting ready for New York" said I.



by AK69 on

- After he said: ""We have very clear and reasonable demands. We want to preserve the Islamic Republic"" it doesn't matter what other BS he spews. So yes I do have a problem with a bastard like Mousavi talking out of both sides of his ass just like all islamic regime supports always do.

The peaceful reform is impossible just read that damn islamic constitution:




Bar Labe Goore Man, Avaz Bekhan



by Q on

If you don't believe in it, that's your problem. But next time you quote somebody don't quote just part of one sentence!

He explains what he wants here:

Providing political and social rights, eliminating discrimination, legal immunity and equality before the law, the inseparability of the freedom, independence and the territorial integrity of the country from one another, the immunity of dignity, the life and property of people, the illegality ofinquisition, the freedom of the press, the illegality of inspecting letters and wiretapping and spying on individuals, the freedom of political parties and people, the freedom to hold peaceful gatherings, concentration of government revenues in the treasury [as opposed to having them in various governmental and non-governmental treasuries], a [clear] definition for political crime and the presence of a jury in court, the freedom of expression and the right to be heard on state radio and television and the neutrality of this enterprise, … each of these has a specific article dedicated to it in our constitution. Principles which are easily and blatantly trampled and are carried out in ways which go directly against the spirit of this national covenant. This is carried on to a point where personal preference and tastes prevent the enactment of a simple article, like the right to teach local and native languages.

Do you have a problem with these demands?

Mola Nasredeen

"Now we are getting somewhere!"

by Mola Nasredeen on

Said shotor.

" Where is that Hajagha?" I asked excitedly.

"No where!" Said he.


OGH...another flag

by TheMrs on

OGH...another flag complaint. some settings are better without a flag, others with a green flag and yet others are best as free flag events. Just get the heck over it. First you need a country and then you can choose a flag for it. As for NYC, just come, bring whatever flag you want.

Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez

Why Target Amnesty International?

by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on

I don't see the logic in it




by AK69 on

- Here is Mousavi's own words:

"We have very clear and reasonable demands. We want to preserve the Islamic Republic"

If he knows so much about Democracy why does he want an islamic republic?


Bar Labe Goore Man, Avaz Bekhan



by Q on

you want to see what pretentious is? Just watch this:

A bunch of old losers thinking forcefully disrupting a briefing by Amnesty International is "freedom of speech."

Mir Hossein Mousavi has more understanding of democracy in his little finger than these assholes do over their entire lifetime.

That's who will be there with their "Mullahs are British" flags. These idiots are going to talk about freedom and tolerance to anybody? That's the real embarrassment.

babak pirouzian

So, who goes to this demonstration ?

by babak pirouzian on

It seems there is no special request or demand!!



Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez

I'm amazed at how times have changed

by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on

When I was a teenager  (I'm not saying the time period). We would just make our posters and go to whatever area was chosen and just started with the protesting.

We didn't even think of gettting any permits. Jeez! Who knew those were the days.

Hooray for real freedom of speech!



by timothyfloyd on


Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

Embarrassed by the sea of green?

Do you realize how pretentious that sounds?

There can never be a true democracy so long as any group is being excluded in any way for any reason. 

And if the Green Movement is only for Moussavi, who wants to maintain the Islamic Repcblic, then this has absolutely nothing to do with democracy at all. but rather putting a coat of paint on the dictatorship.


Bring whatever flag you want!

by Q on

I really don't care. As I said the instruction by the organizers is to save these people from being embarrassed by the sea of Green but I certainly don't have that desire!

So bring it.

AK69, actually bring a sign that says this:

FUCK the Green Movement

I dare you! IF that's how you feel, why should you be intimidated into hiding it? It's your free speech, lets see you exercise it!

Kaveh Nouraee

Pretty Sad...and Funny as Hell!!

by Kaveh Nouraee on

This is a perfect example of why things are they way they are amongst Iranians, both at home and abroad.

Bring a flag....don't bring a flag. Shir o khorsheed, no shir o khorsheed.

How in the world can anyone perceive any of these "movements' to be a legitimate threat to the IR, when they are even more disjointed than the common enemy they are supposedly trying to undermine?!

Then on top of it, some of you have the audacity to call yourselves "democratic", or advocates for democracy in Iran, while trying to dictate what flag people should or shouldn't carry.

No wonder the IR isn't even breaking a sweat.


No Q, Let Me Tell You What's Happenin' Q!

by AK69 on

- If the Green Movement is about Mousavi and not about a free democratic Iran, then FUCK the Green Movement. Because it is a bunch of lies just like the 1979 islamic movement. We don't need false leaders with good P/R firms behind them.

Here is Mousavi's own words:

"We have very clear and reasonable demands. We want to preserve the Islamic Republic"


Bar Labe Goore Man, Avaz Bekhan


Let me tell you what's happening

by Q on

What's happening is very simple.
The "groups" who insist on bringing giant Lion/Sun flag are in the fringe minority and they can't stand it.

The groups who have been waving this flag (Monarchists, Mojaheds, Jebhe Melli, etc. ) have accomplished exactly jack shit in the past 30 years of "opposition" to the Islamic Republic. Not only have they been unable to make the slightest difference for any Iranians' freedom and democracy, but their bitter and intolerant ideology has kept them busy fighting with many other Iranian groups most of the time.

The Green/Reform movements is the only real opposition that Iranians have had since the revolution. They include insiders and outsiders, religious and secular, young and old.

The rest -- now severely marginalized, bleeding support every day -- "old" (in many more respects than one) opposition spent the last 2 months pretending like it was part of the Green movement. No, it's actually worse than that: it made the ridiculous claim that Green movement was part of IT!. Fortunately the only people who were fooled by this was their own leadership, not even the rank and file anymore.

So, now, in a completely typical and predictable fashion, when faced with a reality that has rejected them for 30 years, they resort to violence and divisive tactics. They show up to these protests and try to take them over, or make them about Monarchy, MEK, whatever else. They object to "green" flags and green clothing. They are still deluded enough to consider themselves the majority. So naturally they attack anything that puts doubt into this (i.e. reality).

When the New York organizers say "don't bring flags", the point is to save these people embarrassment. If it's like any other anti-Ahmadinejad protest around the world they will be drowned out by a sea of Iranians and probalby many non-Iranians who are in Green, and of course they won't like it. It will drive them crazy and they will want to get confrontational.

Indeed they show up to chant "Death to Mousavi!" and they expect to be a part of the movement!!!