بمباران ايران


Alahazrat Hajagha
by Alahazrat Hajagha

آقاي بوش چند ماه مانده به پايان دوره رياست جمهوري اش ايران را بد جوري بمب باران خواهد كردִ

اولا چون دولت ايشون به پايان راهش داره نزديك مي شه و احتياجي به راي و نظر رسانه هاي عمومي ندارهִ به همين دليل بدون در نظر گرفتن هيچ گونه ملاحظه اي مي تواند اين كار را انجام بدهد

دوما آقاي بوش در نظر هاي عمومي يكي از بدترين رئيس جمهور هاي آمريكا شناخته شدهִ ايشون شديدا نگران بد افتادن اسم شان در تاريخ آمريكا هستִ از طرفي ديگركاملا مشهود است كه بازداشتن ايران از فعاليت هاي اتمي اش دارد غير ممكن مي شود پس بهترين گزينه براي ايشان بمباران سنگين ايران خواهد بودִ اينطوري عواقب بعد از جنگ به عهده رييس جمهور بعدي خواهد بود و هم بعدش ايشون مي توانند بعد ها ادعا كنند كه در زمان دولت ايشون خطر ايران را درك كردند و منافع نظامي اش را بمباران كردندִ درست همان كاري را كه كلينتون در آخرين روزهاي رياست جمهوري اش كردִ بمباران افغانستان براي مثلا دفع بن لادن

سوما آمريكا با رهبري نچندان هوشمندانه آقاي بوش در بدجور باتلاقي در عراق گير كرده است كه يكي از بزرگترين عوامل آن گروه هاي شيعه مخالف حضور آمريكا در عراق هستنִ به همين علت بمباران ايران مي تواند يك زهر چشمي براي اين گروهاي شيعه باشد كه آره اگر فضولي زيادي بكنيد باباتون هم مي زنيم

پس بايد خيلي مواظب بودִ اين چند ماه مانده به پايان دولت نئوكان آمريكا هيچ گونه بهانه اي نبايد دست آمريكا دادִ به قول معروف" آقا موشه آهسته برو آهسته بيا كه گربه شاخت نزنه"

اين حرف ها رو زدم چون من مهندسم و مسايل رو تحليل و استدلال مي كنمִ و به قول آقاي بوش" تلاش براي صلح جهاني رو وظيفه الهي خودم مي دونم"


Recently by Alahazrat HajaghaCommentsDate
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more from Alahazrat Hajagha

bush felan bere teri ke to

by ff1347 (not verified) on

bush felan bere teri ke to iraq zade ro dorost kone baad.moshkelat iran bayad be dast khod iraniha hall beshe,amrika be fekr khodeshe fekr nakonid delesh be hal iran sookhte.


Aghay abrmard shoma agr

by me (not verified) on

Aghay abrmard shoma agr torshi zyad nakhorid yek karyi mishavid


Bush is crazy man with some dtupid ideas

by hajiagha on

Iranian artist

he seat in warm an safe place and he send people women and children to die.....for no reasion....he bring racism....he mad man need to be like Hitler bring him in national court...for his crime against humanity



montazer bashid ta etefagh

by poya (not verified) on

montazer bashid ta etefagh biofte
bebinam nakone yade2n rafte in keshvar 1 senat va 1 house of representatives dare va aksariate ghoeveye moghanash ra democrta ha tashkil midehand . Man inja dar amrica ahastam . Moshkelate jange iraq baes shode ke bahse sarbazi ejbari matrah she va mar2m hame mokhalef jangand . chi migid baba?
mokhalefe hokomatid chera bara khode2n khial pardazi mikone
ma 8 9 saale dare behemoon hamle mishe , Hamishe dar halate nezamim


خمينی فقط شايد يه حرف اساسی زد


يادتان نرود...آمريكا هيچ غلطی نمی تواند بكند.
همين و بس


Fire up the B-52's

by NeoPersian (not verified) on

Nothing wrong with some precision bombing that would vaporize some Akhoond-infested parts of the country.


War and Treasure

by afshin on

The US entered the second world war in the height of the depression.  In case you didn't know, war is a MONEY MAKING enterprise.  Wars are started to jump start economies.


Prospect of a Second Middle East War

by afshin on

I'm afraid the prospect of opening another front in the middle east is very likely.  The issue of the national debt is secondary to the national security of the United States.  No amount of debt will be able to offset a clear and present danger to this country's national security and future interests.  Having said that, I have to add that I personally believe these threats are both real and perceived.  The real aspect of this threat is the open acknowledgment of the Iranian authorities that the US is "unable" to confront Iran because they believe the US is bogged down in Iraq.  This has led to overt and covert interference in the affairs of Iraq in order to hasten a US defeat.  What the authorities in Iran do not realize that the internal turmoil in Iraq can easily involve Iran.  Granted some would say Iran is backing the Shia in Iraq in a proxy war with the Saudis who are arming the Sunnis.  All the same, Iran should take a clear look at it's own national interests before it decides on the gambit of backing Arabs that only a decade or so ago were clearly behind Saddam in the Iran-Iraq war.  Nationalism always trumps religion.  The other threat is that through essentially eliminating Iran's two regional nemeses, the US has stregthened Iran.  This shift in the balance of power has not gone un-noticed both thanks to the saber rattling of the Iranian authorities ad their open interference in Iraq.

Iran would be better served for now and posterity if it backed down from its nuclear ambitions (for now) and gaining the confidence needed in the international community.  It should join in the international community and basically adhere to the status quo.  War may help consolidate the grip on power of those in charge in Tehran, however in the process they will still be ousted and over a million Iranians will die.  Not to say that country's infrastructure will be destroyed and sent back even further towards the stone age.

Soheil Samouhi

In order to start a war

by Soheil Samouhi on

In order to start a war with Iran, U.S needs some cash which we are currently short on.

However with the recent arm sale to middle east countries, hopefully someone else will take care of this much needed action.

People of Iran can not and will not change this regime, as always, they need someone else to do it for them.


هیچ چیز جلو دارش نیست


با نظرتون کاملآ موافقم اعلیحضرت. نیوکانها این زهر آخر رو هم میریزند قبل از اینکه از اریکه قدرت کاملآ دور شوند. البته فکر میکنم این کار بیشتر به ابتکار و تحریک دیک چینی انجام بشه. قبل از خالی کردن کاخ سفید اینها رییس جمهور بعدی را در مقابل یک عمل انجام شده قرار میدهند. و متاسفانه فکر میکنم بهانه کافی را امثال احمدی نژاد قبلآ دست اینها داده اند!