The Islamic Republic of Iran held on to power based on three principles:
1388/4/18امروز در بيست و هفتمين روز قيام سراسری مردم ايران و دهمين سالگرد قيام 18تير78، تهران و بسياری از شهرهای ميهنمان در يك قيام عظيم و سراسری بپا خاست و يك روز تاريخی ديگر به ثبت رسيد
One of the interesting features of the Iranian demonstrations in London is the division which has occurred between the vast majority of the people and a much smaller group
I am sure that many of you feel the same frustration as I in term of seeing and hearing what is happening in Iran and not being able to do anything meaningful to help
This is absolutely chilling!
Ahmadi and his friend talking about the problems of Iran.
It is a bloodbath in Iran
For over 30 years the Islamic Republic of Iran has managed to hold on to and consolidate its power through a combination of repression, brutality, spreading of fear and remaining united in the face of their enemies