انتخابات آمريکا

Ali P.
by Ali P.

انتخابات آمریکا

انتخابات یو.اس.آ. به تو چه
فرق مک کین و اوباما به تو چه

کهنه سرباز ویتنامست آن
حامل عقده‌ی ایام است آن

آمده از دل تبعیض است این
چون زغال اخته‌ی جالیزست این

تو جهانسومی بیچاره
چه کنی حلق خودت را پاره

هردو یکجور ترا مینگرند
هردو آیند که نفتت ببرند

هردو آیند که بانکت بزنند
گر ندادی تو به تانکت بزنند

هر دو با خامنه‌ای میسازند
متحد بر سر تو میتازند

حکمرانان همه مانند هم‌اند
ضد تو همنفس و همقدمند

هر دو با کشور ما یکجورند
هر دو از خوردن ما مسرورند!

آن یکی قاشق و چنگالش هست
این یکی میخورد اما با دست

سنه نه این که سفید آنکه سیاه
تو همان به که بچسبی به کلاه

تو فقط در جریان باش ولی
نکن امیال خودت را عملی!

نکند رأی تو تأثیر کند
وضع در منطقه تغییر کند!

نه عزیزم سر شوخی دارم
خواستم سر به سرت بگذارم

وضع این منطقه تعیین شده است
اسب چنگیز مغول زین شده است



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Ali P.


by Ali P. on

Khorsandi's view, in this matter , is prevalent among Iranians, especially older Iranians.

 I hope we can prove him wrong.



Ali P.

ebi amirhosseini

Ali Jaan !!

by ebi amirhosseini on

I think Asghar Agha was not in his usual mood when he wrote this piece.Of all poeple,he shouldn't be preaching "Beh maa Cheh"!.

Maybe he is running out of gas due to high gas prices !!.

sepaas for sharing

best wishes

AmirAshkan Pishroo

This is Thirdworldism at

by AmirAshkan Pishroo on

This is Thirdworldism at its worst. If funny were that simple--if funny were that fun--it would not have traded depths for the pits. Only those who deal with life seriously can be funny.

There is one more thing, one more problem. The stupid cannot see themselves. No mirror yet has bee invented in which they might reflect themselves.

Thanks Ali P for sharing, and, as a reminder, none of the above words concerns you.


Khorsandi is right and funny

by MRX1 (not verified) on

If you look at the big picture (exclude none sense speeches by these jokers) you will see that there really isn't much of a difference between these two jokers. the system in U.S has become corrupt, dominated by two parties who are carbon copy of one another. some one said it nicley: with Obama, you are on the express train to socialism. With Mccain you are on the slow train to socialism. in the end the result is the same, question is how fast you want to get there.


Typical advice

by IRANdokht on

I used to like Khorsandi a lot better! This one is the typical advice I have been given about politics all my life: "be quiet", "what's it to you", "do you think you can make a difference", "be to cheh" or more polite one: "beh maa cheh" etc...

all the familiar dismissive, demeaning and discouraging tone.



dear Ali P

by Souri on

Thank you soooo much for this great funny reading from Khorsandi.

This is exactly what I always thought about this election, but of course I am
not in America and don't think expressing my opinion would be useful.
Of course, if I should vote between the bad and the worse, I would
choose the bad one (Obama) like many others.

When I was young, I had little sympathy for Hadi Khorsandi, finding him too "loos o bimazeh"....It's amazing how the event and the time, can transform us.
Now I am a real fan of Khorsandi's opinions.

Thanks again.