by alia

I was born as a moslem in Iran but have spent most of my life here in united states.I dont practice religion on a daily basis but believe in god and respect other people religious beliefs. I dont enter in religious arguments.

I have a baisc comment/question .

Why are we calling Iran The Islamic Republic of Iran? I wish we could pose this question to the people of Iran under united nation supervision and see how many people prefer the name "IRAN" rtaher than..... Some of you may say I dont want to be bugged down on this question because I believe our country has other major problems than just problem with a name.

This name change is Symbolic. It seprates the religon and state and the more progress and less oppression will/h as to start from there. Islam is not the probelm but people that are mis using it are. Just like a Gun and the famous saying. People kill people not guns.

We should respect other people's religion even the religion of non-religion. Dont tell me my country is ISLAMIC. You want to be moslem go practice it at home. Go read history books and learn from your ancestors whom they used to gather in Baghdad and learned from each other and other religions in peace while most of the europeans

were living in dark ages under the "christian republic".

lets see if the authorities in Iran dare to pose the question to the people for the name change!



Islam is not the probelm

by alia on

History has shown islamic countries did not suffer the oppresion and backwardness most of the islamic counties are facing today during the dark ages of christianity in the west. It was the People(non-arabs )under so called islamic rules  in the east who were responsile for advances in science ,art,.......not islam .

So you see my friend Islam does not have to be a problem if used correctly. So quit blaming the religion and focus on the idiots who are mis using it.


The name of the country is

by alia on

I dont want to change the subject to Guns but I have to ask you this question.

If you use a gun and kill someone then are you blaming the maker of the gun? when do you want to accept responsibilty and quit blaming other people for your mistakes? This is also true for misusing religion for evil purposes.



by alia on

Sepaartion of religion and state is a must. The name change must occur as a symbolic move and the rest shall follow.I dare the authorities to pose this question to the people and we will know what people (whom by the way did not choose this name) really want from thier government. What people want will ultimately happen. If they want Islamic Republic the they desrve what they get.


A Rose

by IraniValiAzad (not verified) on

"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet" .. Shakespeare. It means "What matters is what something is, not what it is called."

This Islamic crap will stink to high heaven even if you called it Sweat Roses of Iran.


Reply: Missing the point !!

by alborz on

Hardly!!  The type of governance in Iran is part of the name of the country.  There are countries that include this in their formal names and others that don't.  As an example, the word Republic is part of the official name of the Czech Republic.  France and the US are both republics and they don't include it.  Iran has its own version of a Republic which it has chosen to call Islamic.  This ofcourse is a misnomer as governance in Islam is absolute and tied to a single individual ruler, like a Caliph.  So IRI, in reality, tries to have both by calling itself an Islamic Republic, while still having a Supreme Leader.  So, there is a lot to this name, and IRI appears to the best descriptor of the country as it is today. 


As for whether it is right or wrong for a country's name  to be tied to a religion or tribe, is not the issue. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, is indeed a Kingdom in Arabia and ruled by a single family, namely the Saudi family.  This reality is reflected in its name, just the governance of other countries can be reflected in their names (Do you remember the Democratic Repulic of Germany? That was, incidently, East Germany, the least democratic of the two Germany's).


 If anyone does not like the governance in a country, complaining about a name or suggesting a name change is not exactly the right starting point!!




Missing the point !!

by masoudA on

I think the main point is being missed here. IS it even right for the name of a country to be tied to a race, religion, tribe, ...........or a family - like Saudi Arabia!!! What's next; the fars republic? or the republic of whites?


Name Change

by alborz on

Religion is a like a seed that is planted into a child.  So what Alia has said is correct.  Just like every child is given a name at birth, they are also born into a faith. They are incapable of choosing an ideology.




Our country is still "Iran"

by Koozehgar (not verified) on

Dear Alia,

The name of our country has not changed. We and the rest of the world know it as "Iran" or "Persia".Islamic Republic is the type of government in Iran.Again everyone knows that fact unless they are ignorant. Those people in that government may describe it as "Islamic" or "sacred" or other things,but again everyone is aware of their lies and "Doe-rooiha" and backwardedness. Be patient,you will see that "Iran" will wash away this "fowl smelling mud" off of Her face soon.



by Raoul (not verified) on

"Alia" you write "I was born as a moslem in Iran..." Islam is an idealogy and no child is "born with an ideology." So it is impossible for any child to be born as a moslem, or Christian, or Jew, or whatever.


IRI is not just a name...

by alborz on it indicates that the entire system of governance in Iran, including its constitution, laws, judiciary, body politic, all, and in unison, comply with Islamic Shari'a Law and jurisprudence as interpreted by the Imams and Mujtahids within the leadership body of revoltionary Iran .


The rights accorded to the Iranians that are not Muslims are also determined not by adherence to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which Iran is a signator, but rather by what the clerical founders of IRI deemed to be compliant with Islamic principles.  In this regard, changing the name to anything other than IRI would be misleading. 


As an example, IRI has and continues to conduct a systematic and open campaign against it largest religious minority, the Baha'is.  It does this with impunity, as it simply relies on its constitution, which by omission rather than exclusion, does not recognize the Baha'is as a religious minority, and goes further to treat them as persona non grata (unwelcomed person).  As such, the mistreatment of Baha'is indvidually and collectively continues with impunity as there are no means for them to seek redress, as they are not entitled to any rights as Iranian nationals. 


For those that wish for just a name change, I say, don't be timid.




The name of the country is

by Anonymous3434344 (not verified) on

The name of the country is Islmic Republic of Iran. That is the official name. Wether you and I like the islamic part is irrelevant. You can't descide to call Ameica the Sometimes Unites States of America because the states are not always united. You can't change the name of a country because you don't like it.

"People kill people not guns": the most ridicoulous statement. People made gunes. People use guns. Guns are used to kill. With your logic, no weapon is dangeous unless in the hands of a human. Guess what, humans run the world so gun DO kill


"Islam is not the probelm

by Gilani (not verified) on

"Islam is not the probelm but people that are mis using it are."

Oh, really. How come all Islamic countries are deep in sh*t in all aspcets fo life. And, olaaghs like F.M.M.D. and the rest of his ilk are so afraid to live in their crappy islamic utopia.


what is in a name?

by . (not verified) on

The name was decided in a refrandum right after the revolution. This was Khomeini's favoriate, there were few others that did not win.



by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

i think how the others think and act is not so much of relevance. the question is better asked the officials of the Islamic republic of Iran. As far as i know - I never visit them - mqny officials of Islamic republic of iran have websites. And again as far as I know in the years 1978/79 that nation made the islamic revolution and decided to name the country the islamic Republic of Iran. sure , in the privacy some like to call the country axis of evil, some more liberates call it Mullahhstate and likewise. the official name is and it will be till to etenity: ISLAMIC REPZBLIC of IRAN. I hope i could answer this one question of yours in a for you satisfactorily manner. In general i am not so well informed about daily happenings in the world, so that better you ask some officials of the Islamic republic of Iran. they must know! Otherwise they loose at least thier jobs as a minimal punishment. Greeting