Astrology of Sun in Aban or Scorpio and Moon in Ordibehesht or Taurus 2012.

Astrology of Sun in Aban or Scorpio and Moon in Ordibehesht or Taurus 2012.
by alimostofi


The Moon will move into Ordibehesht or Taurus in about six hours. Time to take care of your own and other people's money.

A lot of planets are moving into new signs so it is a period when a lot of changes will be coming your way.

Venus moved into Libra about 12 hours ago. So a lot of good trusting relatinships will be formed now. But for the next few days it is out with old and in with the new.

Mercury is moving into Sagittarius. So a good time to go exploring. Find some new idea. Make it uniquely radical as it is making great angle to Uranus.

All of this is happening with the Moon going into Full Moon. So focus on looking for meaningful relationships. You will need to look quite far and wide to find it. Your focus should be on the philosophy you use, and not the logic you use. Find the moral attitude and you will find the truth.


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