Who is Mansour Arbabsiar?


by All-Iranians

1. "Wednesday, in Manhattan's federal courthouse, the southern district of New York, an Iranian-American citizen – Mansour Arbabsiar – was indicted on terrorism and related charges. According to authorities, Arbabsiar's arrest was the culmination of an FBI sting operation focused on the Iranian-born, 56-year-old US citizen who, according to the criminal complaint, conspired with individuals in Iran, including members of the Quds Force (an arm of the Iranian revolutionary guard), to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to Washington":  More //www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/cifamerica/2011/oct/13/fbi-sting-saudi-ambassador-assassination-plot

2. "His nickname was Scarface, the legacy of a brutal knife attack on a dark Houston street three decades ago that left his left cheek permanently marred. Friends and neighbors in Texas said that he could be gruff and intimidating, and that he often stood outside his house at night smoking and talking on his cellphone in a language they did not understand.  But Mansour J. Arbabsiar, 56, the man at the center of an alleged Iranian plot to kill a Saudi diplomat in Washington, seems to have been more a stumbling opportunist than a calculating killer. Over the 30-odd years he lived in Texas, he left a string of failed businesses and angry creditors in his wake, and an embittered ex-wife who sought a protective order against him. He was perennially disheveled, friends and acquaintances said, and hopelessly disorganized. Mr. Arbabsiar, now in custody in New York, stands accused by federal prosecutors of running a global terrorist plot that stretched from Mexico to Tehran, and that was directed by the Quds Force of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards. Many of his old friends and associates in Texas seemed stunned at the news, not merely because he was not a zealot, but because he seemed too incompetent to pull it off. “His socks would not match,” said Tom Hosseini, a former college roommate and friend. “He was always losing his keys and his cellphone. He was not capable of carrying out this plan.” On Wednesday, American officials, who say the plot was endorsed by top Iranian authorities, were exploring why the sophisticated Quds Force might have chosen to rely on so amateurish an agent as Mr. Arbabsiar. Some of Mr. Arbabsiar’s former friends and acquaintances had a few kind words for him, saying that he was friendly and good-humored, and that his flaws were more a matter of carelessness than malevolence. Others were less charitable, saying he was hopelessly unreliable. Sam Ragsdale, who runs his own wholesale car business in Corpus Christi, had one word for Mr. Arbabsiar, Worthless” : More //www.nytimes.com/2011/10/13/us/odd-turn-for-mansour-arbabsiar-suspect-in-iranian-plot.html

3. Wife of Mansoor Arbabsiar, says she is “sure he is innocent”: More //barenakedislam.wordpress.com/2011/10/12/wife-of-saudi-embassy-terror-plot-suspect-mansoor-arbabsiar-says-she-is-sure-he-is-innocent/

4. All Recent Findings: //www.google.com/webhp?hl=en#sclient=psy-ab&hl=en&site=webhp&source=hp&q=Mansoor%20Arbabsiar&pbx=1&oq=&aq=&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=bc10a23150ae866b&biw=783&bih=395&pf=p&pdl=3000




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منصور ارباب سير و غلام شکوری



A Set up?

by All-Iranians on


Dear Framarz

by All-Iranians on

Thanks for your great observations.


حکم رسمی خامنه ای به ارباب سیاردرمورد تروروانفجاردرآمریکآ



Dear All-Iranians

by Faramarz on

I have been following the link that you have provided here for the past day or so. Here is my take.

Although, I appreciate the factual details that he provides, I am not in agreement with his conclusions. I believe that the case was a simple assassination case that once the FBI got involved got much bigger.

Arbabsiar goes to Iran in the spring of 2011 and sees his cousin who is a Ghods commander, they talk about the US and how Bahraini uprising has been put down by the Saudis. They agree that they could do something about it and Arbabsiar says that he could arrange for a Mexican hit on the Saudi Ambassador like the hits by the Regime in Europe. The cousin says that they would pay for it as long as it could not be traced back to the Regime. Arbabsiar says that he goes to Mexico all the time, his two ex-wives are Mexican-Americans and he could arrange for it with no problem.

He comes back to the States, gets the word out through his drug dealer that they could score big with him. The word gets to DEA. They turn a convicted dealer loose as an informant on him. The informant agrees to the deal but keeps adding to the scope. He adds a car bombing, embassy bombings, international drug dealing, and more activities in Argentina. And Arbabsiar goes along with it. It is like when you go to a Chelo-Kabobi and the waiter says, “Would you like some appetizers, and you say yes, and he says how about extra Gojeh, and you say yes, and he says how about a pitcher of Doogh, and you say sure!”

And so the story goes. The guy will spend the rest of his life in jail. The Iranian-American community has to deal with this and Obama will be under pressure to show some muscle. We will see!


The Iranian Plot: Bank Transfers of Mass Destruction

by All-Iranians on


Dears Faramarz and Oon Yaroo

by All-Iranians on

Very good points. Thank you.

Oon Yaroo

Faramarz, the sad part of this story and the only victim

by Oon Yaroo on

is Arbabsiar's young son who is a college student.

I hope he doesn't get harassed by the red necks down there!



by Faramarz on

The issue of cooperation between the Mexican human smugglers (coyotes) and drug traffickers with the terrorists is an interesting one. Fran Townsend who was a Homeland Security Official under W. Bush addressed it yesterday. She said that in the early days after 9/11 they were extremely concerned about the porous borders with Mexico, but it turned out that al-Qaeda was focused on recruiting Muslim-Americans who are already here and can blend in rather than smuggling new people from the outside that might raise suspicion.

Also, I am of the opinion that the drug and human traffickers, unlike the terrorists are business people and are dealing with commodities that there is a demand for them in the US. They may score big once or twice by bringing a few people in, but then they have to deal with the full force of the US government and military. So as good business people they stay away from the terrorism!

Or as the Godfather said, “I believe this drug business is gonna destroy us in the years to come. I mean, it's not like gambling or liquor, even women, which is something that most people want nowadays and it's forbidden to them – by the church. Even the police departments have helped us in the past with gambling and other things. They're gonna refuse to help us when it comes to narcotics. And I believe that then, and I believe that now.”


Claim of Iran drug cartel link confounds US

by All-Iranians on

In an opinion piece this week, José Cárdenas, a contributor to the American Enterprise Institute, wrote: “It would be more surprising if there was no co-operation between Iran-Hizbollah and Mexican cartels.” //www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/201a61d0-f5b1-11e0-824e-00144feab49a.html#axzz1aiFYPEmB


Dear Fanoos: You Got it Right

by All-Iranians on


All I.! This guy is a Kallash and Hoghehbaz!

by fanoos on

Va Salam!


منصور ارباب سیر کیست؟



Thanks Dear Mehrdad

by All-Iranians on

Glad you liked it.


interesting read... thanks for sharing it

by Bavafa on


'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 
