Shi'ite Iran's Genocidal Jew Hatred

Amil Imani
by Amil Imani

By Andrew G. Bostom


Earlier this week Professors
Moshe Sharon and Benny Morris both opined solemnly about an inevitable Israeli attack on Iran's nuclear facilities. These two respected Israeli academicians, despite holding very disparate political views, also concurred on the moral justification for such pre-emptive action -- the annihilationist threat to Israel posed by a Shi'ite Iranian regime gripped with an apocalyptic, Jew-hating fervor. The pillars of this continuous modern campaign of annihilationist antisemitism are the motifs from traditional Islamic Jew hatred, including, most significantly, Islamic eschatology. These deep-seated Islamic theological motifs are further conjoined to Holocaust denial, and the development of a nuclear weapons program intended expressly for Israel's eradication.

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more from Amil Imani

Mola Nasredeen wins the best comment award AGAIN

by Mehdi on

You beat me every time! I hate it! :-) Very funny!


I believe my earlier comment

by KavehV (not verified) on

I believe my earlier comment has room for clarification, although, none seems to have complained.

First, about the Shia genocide of the Safavis (Safavids); I mentioned the majority of their victims were Sunnis (read previously converted Iranians) and Zoroastrians and then others. As mentioned before, these Sunnis were the descendants of survivors of an earlier genocide, the initial Arab-Islamic invasion of 7th century A.D, that similarly imposed and converted significant part of Iranian population to Sunni Islam. So, the 7th century sunni converts were also victims/survivors of the first Islamist genocide whose descendents, once again, became the victims of the Shia-Islamist genocide of 15th-16th century A.D. I believe I missed one here; the Mongol genocide/invasion of the 13th century A.D. This makes 3 genocides (2 of them were religious conversions) in the span of 900 years. And in between, you have bands of emigrant invaders, Arabs, Islamists, Mongols, Turks, outlaws and all sorts of thugs, running around raping and pillaging villages, towns and neighborhoods. Often times, they were running regions and sections of the country and sometimes the entire country, as we have today's thugs in IRI. The difference being, that today they have inherited the means and modern administrative concepts of running the country from the previous regime.

Second, and briefly, the premise of Bostom's article is to show the roots of IRI's anti-semitism, or hostility to Israel in the history of Iran. In my opinion, this is just false. Those of us who have lived in Iran know that there is no such precedence in recent history and in most communities we lived in. The Qajar pogroms were the extension of Safavids Shia conversions that showed no tolerance to anything other than "Shii-eh Asna Ashar", or 12 Emam Shia sect, whether Jewish, Christian, Zoroasterian, or anything else. The chaotic and invasion/genocide stricken social order lacked sophistication to even contemplate anti-semitism beyond discrimination against non-believers. This is why, I believe, the roots of Islamic Republic's anti-semitism is not historic, but it is ideological. This hate comes from the ideological core of the regime and not the people. I would suggest to start the search from the Jebel Amel Shia community and the evolution of their interactions with Iranian born Shia's from 1970's and prior. There is evidence and admissions by IRI figures that the seed of the Islamic revolution and ideology grew out of Lebanon, their civil war and particularly Lebanese Amal movement. Israel and is a far more sensitive issue to them than anyone in Iran.

Mola Nasredeen

It's more profitable if Iranians convert to judism because they

by Mola Nasredeen on

get a free piece of land in occupied Palestine plus a good amount of money. Besides Iranians are already circumcised and we don't know if Zoroastrians admit men who are circumcised into their religion. We know jews do.

Thirdly a lot of jews look like Iranians and most Iranians can easily pass as a jew when they move to Israel. I wonder what has happened to our pure Arian race if jews look like us? I'll ask this from my mulla when I go to mosque this Friday, inshallah. 


A mullah in the occupational

by shameoniri (not verified) on

A mullah in the occupational Islamic Republic's state television expresses his anger at the increasing number of conversions out of Islam! The mullah is worried about the growing numbers of Iranians that are beginning to see the chilling truth about islam and its child-molesting "prophet", and are re-discovering/reverting back to their rich pre-islamic history which the muslim clergy had tirelessly tried to hide, deny, and eradicate.

Zoroastrianism is Iran's ancient faith whose tenets are summed up by "Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds", and which many Iranians are now reverting back to after 1400 years of savage Islamic occupation and indoctrination. The end 1400 years of brutal and savage Islamic domination over Iranian people is slowly coming to an end.



Never Again! Never Again!

by Mehdi on

Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again! Never Again!

OK, the world is safe now. Let's go home! 

What a sorry bunch. How many more F-16s do you need to protect your ass? You know, you have no friends. So you better buy LOTS more F-16s.


Thanks Amil

by Zion on

For another very informative article.

Mola Nasredeen

Steps for Amil hooked on hating muslims

by Mola Nasredeen on

It seems like the institution is not doing a good job to cure you from muslim hating affliction. So we, the Ulama of Ghazveen, suggest the following 6 steps for you to follow in order to find your way to recovery and sanity.

1. Admit that you are powerless over your hate of muslims and your life has become unmanageable.

2. Come to believe that a power greater than yourself could restore your sanity.

3. Make a list of all the persons you have harmed and become willing to make amends to them all.

4. Don't write any more blogs to demonize muslims.

5. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, try to carry this message to other muslim haters every where.

6. Find another job to make a living.

God willing you'll be cured and your soul will go to Behesht, Vasalam.


As a person who has read

by KavehV (not verified) on

As a person who has read many of your articles, with deep satisfaction, exposing Islam's barbarism, I find this article (by A.G. Bostom) with a bit of political twist, or bias.

Bostom has used the Shia-genocide historical context (of Shah Ismail-e Safavi, if I recall correctly) and has focused on the atrocities on the small Jewish-Iranian community. Lets not forget that this genocide was committed against ALL Iranians; Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians and sunni muslims. This was a bloody, bloody conversion to Shia Islam by sword, or any gruesome means. Safavid Turks wanted total conversion and submission of the population to Shia Islam. They did not care about Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians, or Sunnis. They were all "najes" and infidels (with the exception of the Sunni muslims perhaps), unless converted to Shia Islam.

If anything, the believers of the book (Christians and Jews) were probably spared much of the blood letting because they were people of the book. It was mostly the Sunnis, Zoroastrians and other non-believers that became the victims of Safavid and their (Lebanese) Jebel Amel Islamist accomplices. To underline the gravity of the Islamic atrocities which had been going on and off since the initial Arab invasion, the victims of this genocide were also the descendants of an earlier genocide that was made possible by Islamic invasion of 7th century A.D. At the end, Safavids importing Arab (Jebel Amel) Islamists, planned on ruling Iran, and they succeeded. People of Jewish faith were certainly among the victims of Islamic barbarism throughout this history, but they were not the only ones, neither were they the focus of it.