Interview Today on the Successes of Iranians

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy


HardTalk Today was very informative.  Enlightening for some and common knowledge for others.  I learned alot of new issues that were absolutely shocking and thought the Iranian Community would like to know.  I can not list them all, because they were too many, some of the info was new to me personally and parts were somewhat shocking.  Like the USA had plans to carpet bomb the southern half of Iran across the Zagross Mountains with Nuclear Bombs during the time that shah was in power and the USA was our friend and cared for our human rights and democracy.  You can view todays Hard Talk on this link.



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Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


  • I am fine with being paranoid and suspicious it is good. But use common sense in it. A theory must include a motive. I grant that America may have drawn plans to all kinds of insane things. But it would have been against their own interest to bomb Iran in the Pahlavi days. In particular southern Iran using nukes. I mean to destroy the oil fields their own companies were drilling? Or to make the planet uninhabitable is not really a good idea.
  • I agree that no other nation cares about Iran. And extend that to no nation cares about any other nation. In fact the elite of the world do not care about anyone including their "own" people. Other than as livestock to milk.
  • Maybe some elderly are pretending but senility is a reality. It happens and it is not always pretense.

Tiger Lily

VPK & Apfsm

by Tiger Lily on

Apfsm, I didn't intend to say that there aren't any victims, but that we need to get out of that mentality, not only to survive but to overcome and live, on both personal and national levels.(It's one of the reasons I cannot stand that word 'martyr'...)


VPK, me go easy? pffft. I intend to be even more of an absolute, disgraceful, scandalous nuisance in my old age. ;) (Btw, it really is true that oftenthe elderly and others pretend they've lost it, cause they're bloody well bored! lol)


Personally I agree much more with older people.

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

It seems that Ala's comment is right on, based on results No country has really cared about Iran.


He was using it to explain the difference in responsibilities

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

He was answering a question regarding responsibilities and that while he had certain things to deal with the Shah had other things to deal with.  For me it was interesting because I had no idea that the USA had plans to Nuke Iran to prevent it being usuable for 100 years by the Soviets and to protect the Arab Territories and all the Oil the west depended on.  In a Gutless way it makes perfect sense.  It is either true or a lie, not in between.  If true, it is not what I would describe a Mole Hill, but that is my way of thinking. 

If TRUE it also goes against false victimhood and points towards true victimhood. We all know in life there are real victims, ie people who do get raped, people who do get robbed, people who are attacked etc.  If his point is true, it points away from delusion too.  Clearly the mention of it, which I have never heard before has some people strongly resisting the message.  I think because if it is true 40 years later to know about it, it has very important implications for Today.  it makes me think that the speeches that Baktiyar gave in exile before he was executed (real victimhood) were more correct than I originally believed regarding Wests view of Iran and their lack of desire for Human rights, freedom and democracy for Iranians.

The capability to be suspicious isn't harmful, if it's based on reality.  Of course there is always the chance it is delusional.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Re: typical deluded elderly man with a victim card and

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Dear TL 

Please go easy on people. My great aunt died a while ago in her late 90s. She used to be a brilliant woman. Raised her kids by herself after the tragic death of her husband long ago. But towards the end she pretty much lost it.

She got filled with conspiracy theories. She told me she knew secrets  about British but was not able to remember. Things about oil and WWII. I am sure she did know things because in her youth she was very connected. 

But due to her age all got jumbled up. Masjed Soliman got mixed up with Abadan; north with south and British with Russian. I really had no idea what she meant. Being a good Iranian I listened politely. 

Tiger Lily

typical deluded elderly man with a victim card and

by Tiger Lily on

conspiracy theories with tiny ounces of truths - mountains turned out of molehills.

Poor man, totally deluded. Apparently this happens a lot with the elderly everywhere; a sort of justification of one's life with selective memory to evaluate. 

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

amirparviz Jan

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I'm sure you realize the importance of the distinction between the two.

Still not sure what the point of the bombing was. But yes I know the difference. I am sure USA  had plans for nuclear rockets to Mars as well. Maybe if  Russians occupied the region but that would be Northern Iran. Besides they would use tactical bombing.

The plan you mention would have ruined  all the oil fields and screw the Americans. It makes no sense. Other than a science fiction scenario.Which case it is not worth discussing. 


Regarding his comments

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

USA had plans to carpet bomb the southern half of Iran across the
Zagross Mountains with Nuclear Bombs during the time that shah was in

I agree the USA should get its head examined, as that was not a guess, but an actual war plan against Iran that was at one point a secret and when it was discovered and confirmed by US sources a point of stress between the USA and iran.  This is not suspicion but based on an actual copy of US Plans. There is a BIG difference between the two, I'm sure you realize the importance of the distinction between the two.  Very Good Interview. It doesn't look iike Iran really has any friends, nor does anyone else.

Tiger Lily

now I know why

by Tiger Lily on

there are sanctions against importing Persian carpets: they wanted to send their own bombastic creations.



P.S. Thanks. 'Will watch hardTalk later.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I agree it is good to hear different points of view. If nothing it brings out the sane and the insane. For example:

USA had plans to carpet bomb the southern half of Iran across the Zagross Mountains with Nuclear Bombs during the time that shah was in power

Anyone who said the above has got to get their head examined. Because the nuclear and political fallout would have been a disaster. One nuclear accident in Russia sent a cloud that contaminated forests in Finland! Just imagine what above would do.

It is nice to be suspicious but not crazy because it discredits people. America has a great bill of right that lets people say anything they want. But it does not mean they are right!

Maryam Hojjat

All are after their OWN INTERESTS!

by Maryam Hojjat on

That was  what Mr. Shaibani said: there is no GOOD or BAD but all are after their own interests.  Very true.

We must not expect any country to think about our wellfair but ourselves. 

Mohammad Ala

No country has cared about Iran.

by Mohammad Ala on

Good to listen to different views.... no country has cared about Iran (and the majority of its people).