Is this True regarding Islam?

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy

Can anyone tell how truthful this video is?  Its from an activist website, implying Islam insults Iranian culture.


Is there any evidence to support his theory?



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You are probably right on this one.

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

It sounds impossible to me that something could occur on the scale that this video says and then for there to be no historical records.  The problem today is the corruption of the islamic authorities in Iran, somehow this has to be resolved. For now they deny their mistakes and cover up with murder, terror, torture.

salman farsi

Why I defend Islam

by salman farsi on



Brother Amr

This video is a total distortion of facts. Nothing can be further from the truth. This video is equivalent of a video made by Marxist aginst Ameircan secular democracy.

I defend Islam because I know for facts that ALL the point shown in your video are the acts of those who MISREPRESENT ISLAM. Now you want to insist and believe in these then be my guest brother.

For an Islamic democracy



by amirkabear4u on

islam done this to us, can not imagine what jews done to us so far;




Site says for supporters of secular democracy and human rights

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

for iran.  Is Islam opposed to these ideas?  Or must religion govern?