من از همه عاشق ترم

Anahid Hojjati
by Anahid Hojjati



چنین گفت عاشقِ شهر:
«من  منم
من منم

من من عاشق ترم
از همه عاشقان , من بهترم
چون عاشقم
پس من منم
مگه دیگه کسی عاشق میشه
عشق فقط مالِ منه
عشقمو باید فریاد بزنم
جار بزنم , هی داد بزنم
شاید فریاد من بقیه رو ساکت کنه
مگه دیگه کسی عاشق میشه
عشق فقط مالِ منه
من از همه عاشق ترم
پس من منم»

آناهید حجتی


Recently by Anahid HojjatiCommentsDate
This is how it happened
Jul 24, 2012
یک نهر در شهر
Jul 23, 2012
Legendary Patience
Jul 18, 2012
more from Anahid Hojjati
Anahid Hojjati

Dear Anonymouse, yes, technology can be exhausting.

by Anahid Hojjati on

Yes, I actually have couple gadgets that I have bought and I have not even had time to learn how to use them. Because there is more to life than learning newest of these items but one that I have come to really appreciate is BlackBerry. I was in a cellular provider store few days ago and as I was asking a question about my Blackberry, the saleswoman had to open the newest one which has touch screen. She said that she just wanted to look where some feature (Applications Store) is located on the phone which is weird because in that csae, she should have opened a similar phone. Any way, that was a sales pitch but the phone looked great. I am not due for an upgrade until June 2011. I think I will get this. She noted that  she used to have BlackBerry, then bought iphone and now she plans to go back to Blackberry. "darharhal", I recommend BlackBerry to you.


I may be into "conventional" technology!

by Anonymouse on

I may be able to hook up a TV with a laptop or work with Windows or Microsoft Office in general but nothing special about the latest and the greatests like smartphones or blackberry,  3G or 4G or other stuff!  Not yet anyway!  Although I like to get an i-pad one day. 

As much as I hate buying into "brands" and the advertisement they feed us, I also may buy or not buy into some brands.  But overall I'm not that much into technology and think it is or can be exhausting! 

Everything is sacred

Anahid Hojjati

Anonymouse jan, reminding you of Molana, this is nice.

by Anahid Hojjati on

Anonymouse jan, first thanks for reading my poem and commenting. I am glad you liked it and reminded you of Molana's poem. Actually, I was reading some of persian westender poetry on IC, particularly I was reading one in which he had written informally and that is when I got the idea for this poem, or at least I got the idea for informal structure of the poem. But then the Molana poem that you refer to is probably somewhere in back of my mind.

About your question, I think from some of your blogs or may be comments, If I even remember right, you are good with technology  but then I may be wrong. You tell me, are you into technology?


Anahid jaan why do you think I'm into technology?!

by Anonymouse on

Nice poem by the way.  Reminds me of that Molana poem; I'm neither me nor I

من نه منم نه من منم! 

Everything is sacred

Anahid Hojjati

Dear MM, thanks for your words of encouragement.

by Anahid Hojjati on

MM jan, thanks for your comment. By the way, if you were into writing poems, then you would have less time to answer my facebook and other technology questions. Even though I am the engineer one, many times, you know more about some of these technical issues. And a shout out to Anonymouse too (if he is reading this) since he is another person on IC who is good with technology.


Very touching Anahid

by MM on

I wish I had a tenth of you poetic talent.

Anahid Hojjati

لادن جان , مرسی نظر نوشتی .

Anahid Hojjati


لادن جان , لطف داری. چقدر بامزه نوشتی که شاید شاعر آن تک بیتی را برای من نوشته است .

Ladan Farhangi

آناهید جون

Ladan Farhangi

آناهید جون : شعر تو مثل همیشه عالی است، گل گفتی. اینهم یک شعر دیگر در همین مایه، فکر می کنم شاعر(که نمیدانم کیست) آن را برای تو گفته :
خدایا عاشقم عاشقترم کن
سراپا آتشم خاکسترم کن