Has anyone else noticed this trend in Iranian music?

Anahid Hojjati
by Anahid Hojjati

Today I was listening to the song 'Taghsir' which is on Iranian.com. The singer seems to be another Angry Iranian male. But he is not angry about IRI and its atrocities. He is angry about some woman who has done injustice to him. Then it dawned on me that I am starting to hear more and more songs from Iranian male singers which are songs against women and all the wrongs that  they have done to our men. Meanwhile, our women are singing about the eyes of the lover and we are writing poetry about candle and butterfly.

Iranian men, be it in Iran or Diaspora are writing against Iranian women in their poetry and music and their facebook postings more than one would expect. After all, Iran is a "maardsalari" society. So when in this society, the men are still complaining about the women, what does that say? Surely, these men are not going to bring this mardsalari regime down. They probably don't even recognize it as maardsalari. 

Decades ago, we had songs in setayesh of women by singers like Vigen, and Andy and others. But, the new generation's music treats the women as people who have betrayed the men, it is their "taghsir", they should "vardar bebar".  On the contrary, women are still singing the praise of the men. Something is not right in this equation. We need young women in our music to have a voice like "Ziba Shirazi" who is assertive, and we also need our men to realize who the real enemy is and foucus their energy on the real enemy. Afterall, art has a special place in motivating people into actions, and what kind of actions do you think men who hear music against women will be motivated to take?


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Anahid Hojjati

Ari, thanks for your comment

by Anahid Hojjati on

My blog is not just about one song. I am just curious to find out more about how our male and famale musicians; specifically song writers, approach issues like love, breakup, etc.

Ari Siletz


by Ari Siletz on

The artist will have to respect your take on his work. If that's what the music does for you, then that's the end of it as far as this particular listener is concerned. For me, the realization that the anger was directed at himself for doing something that caused her to "dar ro roo  man basti," was a turning point in understanding why the singer is so upset. At 2:00-2:05 he says, "aslan nist taghsir e to; taghsir e maneh, chon kardam khiaanat." 

How often have we blamed the world or others for problems caused by our own errors? In a recent conversation a friend insightfully commented that as students in Iran we always used to say, "I got a beest," but also always, "the teacher gave me a davaazdah."

To get a bit more analytical, I feel the lyrics should have made it harder to consciously know who the taghseer really refers to; letting us sense it rather than being told explicitly. For this I deduct 3 of points from an otherwise close to hejdah work (video work not included in this assessment). 

Anahid Hojjati

I watched "taghsir" video again. Video is very angry

by Anahid Hojjati on

Ari jan, I watched the video for "taghsir" again. The music, video, the way the singer has his finger pointing and how he makes angry faces, it all amounts to one huge angry video against someone whom he likes or used to like. Does not appeal to me and if it appeals to young girls, it is sad since it has the message that women in general can do such actions to make a guy this angry. Not a good message for a music video. I can't even get the lyrics in the middle and it does not matter much because all we hear is 'taghsir toost", his angry face and gestures.

Anahid Hojjati

Dear Soosan Khanoom, Red Wine and Divaneh jan, and Ari

by Anahid Hojjati on

Thanks for the links to all the great music. I enjoyed each one in a little different way. The link from Soosan Khanoom was interesting and I liked it. Link from Red Wine with Delkash singing was very touching. About the links from Divaneh, In my opinion the lady sounded like Gogoosh in 1970s, similar voice and similar type of lyrics. The guy was good too/

Thanks friends for all the great links. Ari, I will listen to Taghsir again and pay special attention to where the singer puts the blame on himself. As far as metal having negative lyrics which are self reflective, thanks for the info.

Ari Siletz


by Ari Siletz on

Try listening to "Taghsir" again, and note that in the middle of the song, the singer confesses that it was his fault for cheating on her; he asks for forgiveness. This is not atypical of "metal' where the negative feelings expressed are actually self-reflective.

As an example, here's the highly controversial Marilyn Manson: 

"In my work I examine the America we live in, and I've always tried to
show people that the devil we blame our atrocities on is really just
each one of us. So don't expect the end of the world to come one day out
of the blue -- it's been happening every day for a long time."


I do see your point about "taghsir" expanding the sentiments to social issues. "Metal" carries heavy armament when it comes to energizing and motivating.


Never mind the Damboli Dimbo music

by divaneh on

That song Taghsir and a lot of damboli dimbo trash that we get out of the LA are not made by musicians. Here is one song that is made and performed by real musicians. A woman who has no love and no hate. Iran's very own I WILL SURVIVE.

And here is a man in love. Another piece of good Persian music.


Red Wine


by Red Wine on

تقدیم به شما :


Anahid Hojjati

Thanks Faramarz for the fun clip

by Anahid Hojjati on

these two are great dancers. they make it look so effortless, thanks for the link.. 

Soosan Khanoom

Anahid check this metal band

by Soosan Khanoom on

I hope you are going to change your mind after listening to the metal band group " Nightwish"  i am a fan actually 

Especsially their amazing and unbelievable performance of the Phantom of the Opera 


Nightwish "The Phantom Of The Opera" with lyrics

Anahid Hojjati

Thanks Soosan khanoom and Faramarz

by Anahid Hojjati on

Soosan jan, maybe the fact that he is singing in style of industrial metal has something to do with it. I never liked this style of singing be it American metal or hard core rap. I can take playful rap but nothing this angry. If they sing angry, I like it when it is against a regime or corporations, etc. not against a boyfriend or girlfriend. Playful angry and witty, I like (may be these lines belong to Bavafa's thread :))

Faramarz, I will listen to your link later so I guess good mood has to wait :).



by Faramarz on

Here is a clip to get you in good mood!



Soosan Khanoom


by Soosan Khanoom on

I actually liked the lyrics to Taqsir song....  I had fun listening to it .... I do no see it as a man against woman thingy but rather a lover who is mad and upset or probably has left broken heart by the beloved .   It just happens that the one who sings is a man but the lyrics  is unisex to me ..... 

But you brought up some valid points as well. ANd what you mentioned can be see in Rap music more than any other type. Younger Iranians are clearly drawn to rap.  While some of these rap music are very harsh and indiscriminately against women using explicit and outrages languages. It is better to call them PORN rather than any type of music.  Thanks to these types of music kids ( girls and boys ) these days are more into sex rather than love making and that is something that should not be overlooked. 

Anahid Hojjati

Bavafa jan, some Iranian men get what is going on when

by Anahid Hojjati on

their daughters become older like teen-agers or even pre-teen.

As far as men tasting what it would be like to live in Iran as a woman, some of them probably have an idea from listening to their loved ones' talks.  That is why the guys I went to school with in Iran, when their daughters get to be teenagers, or even before that, if it is possible for them, many leave Iran and comment that the fact that they had young girls influenced their decision to leave Iran.

Thanks for reading and also for your comment.


Anahid jaan, these song and singers are not my cuppa tea

by Bavafa on

And as such I avoid them as much as possible but I agree with your observation, sadly.

Wouldn't be funny if god had enough sense of humor to put some of these men in Iranian women's shoe for one day and let them taste what it would be like to live in Iran as a woman.

'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 
