"The Good American:" Why The Iranian-American Community Will Never Advance


"The Good American:" Why The Iranian-American Community Will Never Advance
by Anonymous Observer

About a month ago, there was a post on IC about Texas Representative, and the perennial Republican presidential candidate, Ron Paul voicing his opposition to the latest round of sanctions against the Islamic Republic.  Immediately after the post appeared on this page, an IC member posted a comment describing Mr. Paul as a “good American,” and another U.S. representative as a “bad American.”  The commenter’s sole criterion for making those determinations was Paul’s stance on the issue of sanctions against Iran, and nothing else.

This post is not about that specific commenter, but rather about the larger picture and many other Iranians who think like him.  I am sure that you all have met Iranians who blindly support Ron Paul because of his foreign policy positions and nothing else.  And that, in and of itself, speaks great volumes as to why the Iranian American community lacks political power in the U.S. despite its large, educated and comparatively wealthy ranks.

Ron Paul, as POTUS, will be an absolute disaster for the United States—and especially for minorities in the United States, such as (if you haven’t figured it out) Iranians.  The man has confirmed connections to white supremacist groups.  This means that if he ever becomes president, Iranians will be on top of his “target list” of discriminatory practices.  He will probably take their citizenships away.  Paul is also for no gun control.  In a “Paul world” America will turn into the Wild West, with people packing AK-47s on the streets (and [hopefully for his supporters] targeting those brown skinned A-Rabs]).  He also had other ideas, such as getting rid of the Department of Education, which will cause disparate and substandard education across the country, and most importantly for Iranian immigrants, he is against birthright citizenship for U.S. born children of immigrants.  This, in and of itself, should give pause to any immigrant.  This means that under a Ron Paul presidency, many Iranian Americans who were born in the United States will lose their citizenship.  This will include those who have possibly never been to Iran.  But Mr. Paul will deport them back to Eye-Ran, just to maintain his vision of a pristine white America.

But none of the above facts, and Ron Paul’s scary vision for America seems to bother his Iranian supporters.  They have no issues with America being run by a racist and for their children losing their citizenship.  Their only concern in the “old country” and the ability of mullahs to have access to the latest technology, free trade and lots of lots of petrodollars.  And this, my friends, is the single most important reason why the Iranian American community will never advance.

Iranian Americans are too attached to the old country.  The umbilical cord has not yet been cut.  Their main focus should be the United States, but it’s not.  It’s Iran.  Learn from Sen. Daniel Inouye, who served in the United States military when it was at war with Japan, and when his own parents were being held at a Japanese internment camp.  He went on to receive five medals, including the Medal of Honor and a Bronze Star.  That’s how he showed his loyalty to the United States, and that’s how his community gained influence by him becoming a United States senator.  Can you imagine an Iranian American in a similar situation?!!!  He would have probably suicide bombed a few places to show his “disapproval” of the war with Iran.

Remember: your American passport is not only for ease of travel to Dubai of your way to Iran for your annual chelo-kabab feasts.  You took a loyalty oath to this country that should not be dismissed as “alaki.”  And you’re not “zerang” for becoming U.S. citizens.  This country trusted you.  Don’t betray that trust.  Also, remember this: you don’t know more than an average American just because you had a “revolution” back in 1979.  Look at what that fiasco did to your homeland.  If anything, your 1979 devolution is proof positive that you know absolutely nothing about running a country. 

In sum, you cannot gain power and influence in this country by being a perpetual immigrant who psychologically lives out of a suitcase with the hopes of one day going back to your “own country” (as if the country that you’re supposedly a citizen of is not your own country).  You cannot secretly (and sometimes not so secretly) hope for the demise for the demise of this country by supporting a nut like Ron Paul.  You have to first show your loyalty to your adopted country, and once you have proven that loyalty and gained political influence, you can advocate for balanced policy that will benefit both the United States and the people (not the tyrannical government) of your country of origin.  In the alternative, you can enjoy your kabab and torshi in Iran and complain about how you’re discriminated against in the land of the Great Satan.

Blog photo courtesy of Fesenjoon.  It has been used in another one of my blogs.  But I found it quite appropriate for this one as well.


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Dr. Mohandes


by Dr. Mohandes on

Denial? LOL I know! And you seem to be sinking all the way to the bottom. wanna towel?

 i see what you are doing here. Who taught you how to do that? one of the members  on president GW bushes debate team?


Soosan Khanoom

Exactly and back to the square one.

by Soosan Khanoom on

Either you are with us or with the terrorists. 

Oh well... What a waste of time!!!



Dr Mohandes jaan-i- 'aziz

by Frashogar on

Denial is not a river in Egypt.

Dr. Mohandes


by Dr. Mohandes on

Why do you have to resort to nonsensical, baseless charges just so you can make a point?

On what basis would you make that claim? Here you are running outta gas , not knowing what button to push, and what tactic to employ and all of a sudden it hits you that  reminiding iranians of their legal and official duties as citizens of USA or any other country is tantamount to advocating MURDER?

You must have lost it completely. Under so much pressure?

Just for the record, i have seen both AO And fesenjoon2 doing their fare share criticizing the sh... out of the american system of government and you can bet they have been as trasnparent as anyone can be and then some. What is there to be hiding behind? It all out there in the open!

Come on comrade. Be honest with yourself. The american empire you so despise is the one who is still ruling the world and is the envy of so many around the world, yet incidentally happens to be the one embassy and consulate which has not honored your request your petition for GC or even a visa and i have a feeling that is where all these unfounded resentment come from. right buddy? am i right? ha? ha? come on... you can tell me.

Please. indulge us all and do tell us how you LEGALLY define hate speech and how do you CLEARLY identify that? Tell us so we can discuss your definitions with any, oh i don't know, third year law student and see how he laughts at these assertions and then we will have it on tape and send it to you, so you will make the proper adjustments to your views and deefeeeneeetions!

 As the great Dr. cox (a character on the hilarious and hard -hitting show Scrubs) would say: Help me help you! help me help you! yes you... always you! a thousands times you!  

Okay now. gotta let you go. dinner is getting cold there. so long cowboy. 

duck soup with kashke bademjoon anyone?:)) it walks and quacks too. quack! quack! ok  ducky. that is enough. back in the soup bowl now... 


مامور عزیز


شرح حال علامه در ویکی پیدیا است (شوری و بی نمکی این شرح حالهای کامپیوتری و درستی و غلط آنها هم تقصیر کامپیوتر)٠ بالحق و درست گفتی که زبان قرآن مجید ساده است و چون شعر روان. پند گیری از آن آسان ولی بکار بستن آنها مشکل. ادعای به اعتقاد به دین آسان ولی معتقد بودن نه یک ادعا بلکه طلب باید گردد از خدا.  



by Frashogar on

Ignore all you like. It doesn't change the fact that you and your friends on this website are engaging in clearly identifiable and legally definable hate-speech against the entire Iranian community, where you and your friends here have even crossed lines into incitement and advocacy of murder countless times. Wrap yourself all you like under transparent criticisms and the flag of the American Empire. When it walks like a duck, quacks like a quack, by golly it is a duck. In any case, I understand you may know a fair bit about ducks too ;-)


 ببخشید من نه


 ببخشید من نه انگلیسیم خوب است نه فارسی!! علامه طباطبائی کدام یک از این یوزیر ایدی هست؟؟
فهم قران مجید که به سبک شعر بر رسول خدا نازل شد بسیار ساده است! عمل کردن به دستورات آن مشکل است!! مسلمان واقعی بودن مشکل است!!

I wear an Omega watch


فسنجون گرامی


لَا يَأْتُونَكَ بِمَثَلٍ إِلَّا جِئْنَاكَ بِالْحَقِّ وَأَحْسَنَ تَفْسِيرًا
آنها هيچ مثلي براي تو نمي‏آورند مگر اينكه ما حق را براي تو مي‏آوريم و تفسيري بهتر (قرآن ٢٥:٣٣)
با تشکر عزیز جان. غیر قابل باور است که با این کلام زیبا و استدلال قویتان شما همان فسنجونی باشید که از ازدواج محّمد با عایشه ٩ ساله ایراد میگرفت. بهرحال هرکس مسئول گفتار و اعمال خود. عصبانیتی در کار نبود فقط قدری آزردگی خاطر بود که آنهم با نوشته آخرتان برطرف شد.  ادعایی هم از برتری علمی بر علامه طباطبایی نشده بود. ولی بطور کلی ایشان و امثال ایشان در سخت سازی دین نقش بسزایی داشته و دارند. حتی در حوزه هاشان رساله نویسی که وظیفه پیامبران است را هم انجام میدهند و از خدا هم نمیترسند. غافلند که خدا در قرآن میگوید که ما دین را آسان کردیم و آنرا بزبان ساده بر زبان پیامبر جاری کردیم که آنرا فقط ابلاغ و ذکر کند که بیان آنهم با او نیست و بلکه با ماست. بله عزیز جان شما قرآن را بخوان و در آن تفکر و تعقل و تدّبُر کن. اینکار وظیفه هر فرد با ایمان است.  تفسیرش را خداوند در قلبت جا میدهد که کلید قلبها فقط در دست اوست. ولی اگر ایمان نباشد حتی اگر امروز هم روز قیامت اتفاق افتد و ماه ٢ تکه شده و کهکشان هم چون لوحه ای از کاغد در هم پیچیده شود بازهم خواهی گفت که سحر و جادویی بیش نیست. وبه انگلیسی و یا به فارسی گفتن آنهم فرق نمیکند که خداوند به همه زبانهای زنده آگاه و از درون و بیرون همه با خبر. خیر پیش برای همه و با عرض معذرت از لحو سخنهای قبلی.


Demo claims to know more than Allameh Tabatabaei!

by Fesenjoon2 on

دمو جون حالا چرا عصبانی میشی؟

در صدر اسلام هم آدمهایی داشتیم که ادعا می کردند که قرآن احتیاج به مفسر ندارد. آخرش هم قرآن به نیزه سر کردند و به جنگ با امیرالمومنین رفتند! آنها هم فکر میکردند قدرت درکشان از قرآن از علی بیشتر است. درست مثل شما که به علامه طباطبایی میگی "غلط کرده"! (بابا ایوالله چقدر به خودت غره ای! منی که شاگرد محمد تقی جعفری خدابیامرز بودم هنوزم که هنوزه اینجوری ازش یاد نمیکنم، چه خداباور باشم چه نباشم)

وانگهی...خودِ قرآن شرح و تفسیر و تبیین کلام الله را به پیامبر سفارش کرده:

«و انزلنا الیک الذکر لتبین للناس ما نزل الیهم و لعلهم یتفکرون: قرآن را بر تو فروفرستادیم تا آنچه را براى مردم نازل کردیم، برایشان توضیح دهى، باشد که بیندیشند.»

پس مسلمه که قرآن به تفسیر نیازمنده! وگرنه هر بی سروپایی بلند میشه میره هر جور که دلش خواست قرآن را واسه خودش معنی میکنه! البته شما را عرض نمیکنم. اما بیا از خود شما هم مثالی بزنیم:

همون آیه اول سوره قمر را در نظر بگیر: اگر منظور از آیه اول روز قیامت بود اونوقت آیه دوم بر نمیگشت بگه "حتى اگر دو نيم شدن قمر را هـم بـبـينند مى گويند سحرى است پشت سر هم". چرا؟ چون روز قيامت روز پرده پوشى نـيـسـت که! روزیه كـه هـمـه حـقـايـق (بقول خود قرآن) ظـهـور مـى كـنـه. معنا ندارد در چنين روزى باز بعد از ديـدن شـق القـمـر، ملت باز زر بزنند و بـگـويند "اين سحرى است مستمر"! متوجهی چی میگم جناب من-بیشتر-از-علامه-قرآن-میفهمم؟ مفسرین قرآن هم به همین نکته اشاره کردند.

اگر باز متوجه نشدید (و میل به نفرین کردنم نداشتید) بگویید به انگلیسی توضیح دهم. 

دوستدار شما

فسنجون امریکایی 


from demo-(nic) devotee's link:

by vildemose on

The term "hyphenated American" was published by 1889,[2] and was common as a derogatory term by 1904. During World War I the issue arose of the primary political loyalty of ethnic groups with close ties to Europe, especially German Americans and also Irish Americans. Former President Theodore Roosevelt in speaking to the largely Irish Catholic Knights of Columbus at Carnegie Hall on Columbus Day 1915, asserted that,[3]

There is no room in this country for hyphenated Americanism. When I refer to hyphenated Americans, I do not refer to naturalized Americans. Some of the very best Americans I have ever known were naturalized Americans, Americans born abroad. But a hyphenated American is not an American at all... The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing to be a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities, an intricate knot of German-Americans, Irish-Americans, English-Americans, French-Americans, Scandinavian-Americans or Italian-Americans, each preserving its separate nationality, each at heart feeling more sympathy with Europeans of that nationality, than with the other citizens of the American Republic... There is no such thing as a hyphenated American who is a good American. The only man who is a good American is the man who is an American and nothing else. 



All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir


فسنجون آمریکایی شماره ٢:


علامه طباطبایی غلط  فرمودند و شیکر هم میل نمودند که از برای کتاب ساده و مبین (واضح) قرآن، که یک عرب بیسواد اُمّی آنرا میفهمید و مفسری هم در کنار نداشت، ١٥ جلد کتاب تفسیر مرقوم نمودند! اگر قرآن تفسیر لازم داشت خداوند قطعأ خود آنرا نازل میکرد! لطفأ سخت از این لحظه دعا بفرمایید برای خودتان که این آمریکایی پرستیتان شما را همجوار ایشان در آتش جهنم ننماید! آتشی که بعد از شکافته شدن ماه در روز قیامت و بعد از حضور در درگاه خالق خود و قضاوت نهایی او ممکن است در انتظار هر دو یتان باشد انشالله! فسنجون نوش جون!



by Fesenjoon2 on

Nothing drags out the Islamist from the closet better than confronting people with this question.

If people are too stupid to distinguish the difference between IRI and Iran, then so be it. Let them be bombed with the Sepahi rapists they will be defending. It will help raise the average IQ of Iran back to where it should be.

Bombs away! 

Anonymous Observer

Rea and RG

by Anonymous Observer on

- I only ask the tough questions that no one else is willing to ask.  Someone has to do the hard work around here. :-)  Thanks as always for your valuable input.

- that BBQ better have been vegan. :-)  Dude these guys are worse than Uncle Toms.  They're more like the Fifth Column.  On lighter note, perhpas I'll visit you in South Cal. soon.  I may be headed that way for work.  I'll give you a heads up so that we can go out for a run, a beer and a veggie burger.   

Anonymous Observer

F.A and Zendanian

by Anonymous Observer on

F.A.:  The issue should be framed this way: once you become a citizen of this country, your intent should always be to vote for the person whom you believe will act in the best interest of the United States.  Your country of origin should be secondary in that equation.  Sure it's nice to have it work for both.  But sometimes that option is just not there.  

Zendanian: interesting that you talk about all the positive aspects of the Iranian American community.  But how do you reconcile all those positives with the fact that Iranian Americans have zero political power (look at other immigrant communities).  What do you have to say about that disconnect? 

Anonymous Observer

Fesenjoon - I'm right there with you dude

by Anonymous Observer on

I took an oath to this country, and I'm ready to stand by my oath.  My cousin has been fighting for this country for the past three years as a U.S. Marine, one year in Iraq, and two now in Afghanistan.  We're very proud of him.

Anonymous Observer

So, toilet jaan, are you calling yourself a liar?

by Anonymous Observer on

Are you lying now or when you took your citizenship oath?  If your allegiance is only to Iran, why did you become a U.S. citizen?  Did you tell the immigration officer who was interviewing you that you wanted to eventually go back home, and you were only doing this to stay here temporarily?  Why not stay here with your green card, do whatever it is that you need to do to get Iran where it needs to be for you to return home?  Why did you lie to become a citizen?

And take that giant chip off your shoulders.  America is a welcoming country to all races and nationalities.  That's why we have the son of a Kenyan Muslim on a student visa as our president.  Oh, wait...there must be a conspiracy theory somewhere that only Iranians such as yourself are aware of, and the rest of us are just too dumb to realize it.

Seriously, people like you are the perfect example of what this blog is about.  You're the biggest obstacle to the advancement of Iranian Americans. 



by Fesenjoon2 on

You defend your beloved IRI, and I will defend my American flag, then :-)


Demo joonam, you dont know the Quran

by Fesenjoon2 on

ببینم جناب دمو...شما از علامه طباطبایی هم بیشتر میدونی؟ چون تفسیر المیران خلاف حرفت نوشته:


"...و ايـن آيـه بـه مـعـجـزه شـق القـمـر كـه خـداى تـعـالى بـه دسـت رسـول خـدا (صـلى اللّه عـليـه و آله وسـلم) در مـكـّه و قـبـل از هـجـرت و بـه دنـبـال پـيـشنهاد مشركين مكّه جاريش ساخت اشاره مى كند. روايات اين داسـتـان هـم بـسـيـار زيـاد اسـت، و بـه طـورى كـه مـى گـويـنـد هـمـه اهل حديث و مفسرين بر قبول آن احاديث اتفاق دارند، و كسى از ايشان مخالفت نكرده جز حسن، عطاء و بلخى كه گفته اند: معناى اين كه فرمود: (انشق القمر) اين است كه به زودى در هنگام قيام قيامت قمر دو نيم مى شود، و اگر فرموده : دو نيم شده، از باب اين است كه بفهماند حتما واقع مى شود. ليكن اين معنا بسيار بى پايه است..."



Soosan Khanoom

Ahh. Fesenjoonam. ... please do not wrap yourself around

by Soosan Khanoom on

the American flag.   You can still be a good American boy by being an anti war advocate ... No need to join CIA or Mossad for that.   The first thing CIA does after using an agent especially a forgein ones is  to mysteriously get rid of them.   Stay away from that job.  Come on is business that bad??? ...open a coffee shop for living.  Still pays for your American dreams.  

I am against any war of aggression and yes if U.S invades Iran I rather die than to join anything that has anything to do with the killing of the innocent people.  let me tell you this, should God forbid any war starts I rather die on the street of  Tehran by American bombs than contribute to their killing machine.   I Thought you once tasted the devastation of war now I know you were just kidding.  

I am for reform not war ..  Overnight change makes Savak and Savama and CIA and Mossad to join  together in beating the hell out of the people.  

If you still have difficulty understanding me then that is your problem.   


Anonymous Observer

Fesenjoon is asking the right question

by Anonymous Observer on

Becoming a citizen of the U.S. is a CHOICE.  Once you CHOOSE to become a U.S. citizen, you must take RESPONSIBILITY for that choice.  You read your application for citizenship, right?  It asks you if you would take arms on behalf of the U.S., and I'm sure you all responded in the positive.  So, be a real man / woman and stand up--for once in your safsateh infused lives--for your own word.  Just like Senator Inouye did.  The choice may not be a palatable one, but you should have thought about that when you filed your citizenship applications.  

More responses later.  Gotta go for a run. 


American Fesenjoon!

by Demo on

The 'Fesenjoon' is a tradational Iranian delicacy & no one except an experienced Iranian cook could make it the way it supposed to be! Sorry, 'American' in front of it just do not fit, no matter how hard one tries!

As for splitting the moon (Shagh'el Ghamar) into half, that is a future event & figurative of the last day, as mentioned clearly in Quran (54:1) ! Whoever claims that Mohammed did such, has not read Quran & is not a believer!

As for Uncle Tom, it was a reference to Ron Paul's oppression by both the Romney's & Obama's groups, the same way that some Iranians Americans are trying to advance their positions in love of America! 


Ooups, forgot to say

by Rea on

Thx for R. Paul's profile, you did a great job.

There's a lot of talk here about Romney vs Obama, none mentioning that Paul guy anymore.


I have an Iranian Dream - Not an American Dream

by ayatoilet1 on

I have been here for 26 years and I still harbor an Iranian Dream - NOT an American Dream.

I do want to go back, and help Iran become a better place. My dream is to help Iran and Iranians advance. I dream of an Iran that can one day host the olympics or the world cup. An Iran that is associated with other nations in central asia and a major economic hub. An Iran I can be proud of. An Iran that is a full - worthy citizen of the world. I do not want to be embarrased to be Iranian or associated with Iran.

As for America - there are big numbers of people here that hate us. There is no American dream for any Iranian here. They hate muslims. They hate anything to do with Iran. That is why all Iranians call themselves - Mo, Fred, Sam etc. and hide behind some baseball hat to look more American that Americans themselves.

Why write an article about advancing in America - with NO Iranian basically wants to do that in the long-run. America is simply an escapte for the oppression and theocracy in Iran (imposed by the West) on us. No one REALLY wants to be here, they just have to. There is no choice.

The only advancement Iranians want is in the situation in Iran - so they can go back. Why be part of something that doesn't want you to be part of it (i.e. America). I really don't blame Americans - its just the propaganda, and I really think this is a great country and the best place to sit it out - until Iran gets better. Americans are better than Europeans, more decent, less xenopobic etc. But ultimately don't want Iranians here.

We just have to be realistic and honest with ourselves and our communities. I for one - have an Iranian Dream, NOT an American One.


AO Jan, You should had attended my labor day BBQ party....

by Roozbeh_Gilani on


It was my turn this year. I invited all the neighbours. We have a nice mix in our block. so I had Jewish, Indian, anglo american and a few i could not quite pin down their ethnicity. I was representing the "muslim community"!!!

after a few beers, we talked about politics , and inevitably, the butt of all political Jokes "Ron Paul". For the first time I learnt what americans call a "coloured" supporter of Ron Paul: an "uncle Tom"

Looks like we have  a few Uncle toms on this site :)


Tough cookie you are, AO,

by Rea on

.... when it comes to hitting a nerve, politically speaking. ;o)

As to how you'd react in case the worst scenario ever comes true, don't be so sure. You'd probably find out that things are never white or black and that despite political and/or ideological differences you may have they're all your people, good or bad.

True to yourself, you've caused another uproar in the IC community. ;o)

PS. my 2 outsider's cents. 




by Fesenjoon2 on

Since your post refers to me by name, then I'll answer:       Did you even read the link you posted? It says:       "the term [was] commonly used from 1890 to 1920 to disparage Americans who were of foreign birth..."   If you dont want to be an American, that's different than not being able to be an American, because you can be a full American, if you want. I do, and I am. And proud of it too.   Instead of posting re-regurgitated arguments out of Jalal Al-Ahmad's westoxification book, I suggest you busy yourself with the question that how is it that Mohammad splits the Moon in half (shaqqol qamar), and yet there is no credible historical document or physical evidence to back that up. No tide marks, no observed surface features, no field perturbation effects, ...nothing. Another case of delusional Mohammadan beliefs perhaps?


Another War In Middle East? You Should Have Your Head Examined

by Zendanian on

Defense Secretary Robert Gates: "In my opinion, any future Defense Secretary who advises the President to again send a big American land army into Asia or into the Middle East or Africa should have his head examined."

Gates: Another War In Middle East? You Should Have Your Head Examined


This advice is coming from a person who was in charge of CIA, was responsible for  US military during two wars, and is respected by both Republicans and Democratrs.

Thus the question becomes: When our chicken-hawks flame the "virtual fires" for another military conflict in M.E. what part of their anatomy shall be examined? 


Alexander Hamilton

by vildemose on

 Childhood in the Caribbean

Alexander Hamilton was born in Charlestown, the capital of the island of Nevis, in the Leeward Islands; Nevis was then one of the British West Indies. Hamilton was born out of wedlock to Rachel Faucette Buck, a married woman of partial French Huguenot descent, and James A. Hamilton, the fourth son of the Scottish laird Alexander Hamilton of Grange, Ayrshire





All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir


Real & substantial citizenship,or otherwise depends on how much

by Zendanian on

one appreciates, understands and contributes to her/his host country. Not some asinine definiton on internet.

There are many, many Iranians in Europe, and North America that have a much deeper appreciation, love and understanding of the culture and history of their second country than "original" residents. Over achivers is one name to describe this segment!

Also keep in mind that in early 21st century all this nation-state mambo-jumbo is pretty much horse manure. The world is becoming increasingly, one global unit, for all.

We're all going to sink or swim together.


SK joon

by Fesenjoon2 on

You mis-rephrased me.

The question is simple:

Should war break out between Iran and USA (for whatever reason), which side will you be on? 

My allegiance is clear: I support the US of A. And I will help the FBI, CIA, and DHS identify Iranians inside the US that may be a threat to the security of America.  

Your turn: I take it you will be joining the anti-war IRI flag waving crowd then? Remember: when there is war, you have to pick one side, or it will be picked for you. You cant say "I'm with neither", because that's a BS answer. There is no middle ground in war. War doesnt understand that kind of language. And that's what I'm asking you to choose: Which side will you be on: IRI or USA?