About a month ago, there was a post on IC about Texas Representative, and the perennial Republican presidential candidate, Ron Paul voicing his opposition to the latest round of sanctions against the Islamic Republic. Immediately after the post appeared on this page, an IC member posted a comment describing Mr. Paul as a “good American,” and another U.S. representative as a “bad American.” The commenter’s sole criterion for making those determinations was Paul’s stance on the issue of sanctions against Iran, and nothing else.
This post is not about that specific commenter, but rather about the larger picture and many other Iranians who think like him. I am sure that you all have met Iranians who blindly support Ron Paul because of his foreign policy positions and nothing else. And that, in and of itself, speaks great volumes as to why the Iranian American community lacks political power in the U.S. despite its large, educated and comparatively wealthy ranks.
Ron Paul, as POTUS, will be an absolute disaster for the United States—and especially for minorities in the United States, such as (if you haven’t figured it out) Iranians. The man has confirmed connections to white supremacist groups. This means that if he ever becomes president, Iranians will be on top of his “target list” of discriminatory practices. He will probably take their citizenships away. Paul is also for no gun control. In a “Paul world” America will turn into the Wild West, with people packing AK-47s on the streets (and [hopefully for his supporters] targeting those brown skinned A-Rabs]). He also had other ideas, such as getting rid of the Department of Education, which will cause disparate and substandard education across the country, and most importantly for Iranian immigrants, he is against birthright citizenship for U.S. born children of immigrants. This, in and of itself, should give pause to any immigrant. This means that under a Ron Paul presidency, many Iranian Americans who were born in the United States will lose their citizenship. This will include those who have possibly never been to Iran. But Mr. Paul will deport them back to Eye-Ran, just to maintain his vision of a pristine white America.
But none of the above facts, and Ron Paul’s scary vision for America seems to bother his Iranian supporters. They have no issues with America being run by a racist and for their children losing their citizenship. Their only concern in the “old country” and the ability of mullahs to have access to the latest technology, free trade and lots of lots of petrodollars. And this, my friends, is the single most important reason why the Iranian American community will never advance.
Iranian Americans are too attached to the old country. The umbilical cord has not yet been cut. Their main focus should be the United States, but it’s not. It’s Iran. Learn from Sen. Daniel Inouye, who served in the United States military when it was at war with Japan, and when his own parents were being held at a Japanese internment camp. He went on to receive five medals, including the Medal of Honor and a Bronze Star. That’s how he showed his loyalty to the United States, and that’s how his community gained influence by him becoming a United States senator. Can you imagine an Iranian American in a similar situation?!!! He would have probably suicide bombed a few places to show his “disapproval” of the war with Iran.
Remember: your American passport is not only for ease of travel to Dubai of your way to Iran for your annual chelo-kabab feasts. You took a loyalty oath to this country that should not be dismissed as “alaki.” And you’re not “zerang” for becoming U.S. citizens. This country trusted you. Don’t betray that trust. Also, remember this: you don’t know more than an average American just because you had a “revolution” back in 1979. Look at what that fiasco did to your homeland. If anything, your 1979 devolution is proof positive that you know absolutely nothing about running a country.
In sum, you cannot gain power and influence in this country by being a perpetual immigrant who psychologically lives out of a suitcase with the hopes of one day going back to your “own country” (as if the country that you’re supposedly a citizen of is not your own country). You cannot secretly (and sometimes not so secretly) hope for the demise for the demise of this country by supporting a nut like Ron Paul. You have to first show your loyalty to your adopted country, and once you have proven that loyalty and gained political influence, you can advocate for balanced policy that will benefit both the United States and the people (not the tyrannical government) of your country of origin. In the alternative, you can enjoy your kabab and torshi in Iran and complain about how you’re discriminated against in the land of the Great Satan.
Blog photo courtesy of Fesenjoon. It has been used in another one of my blogs. But I found it quite appropriate for this one as well.
Recently by Anonymous Observer | Comments | Date |
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Bring Dr. Mohandes & Vildemose Back!!! | 31 | Nov 08, 2012 |
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Ali Mostofi
by Anonymous Observer on Tue Sep 11, 2012 08:58 AM PDTPrinceton?!!! Why did you make that mistake? You should have gone to a real school. :-)) Sorry - but a bit of rivalry ribbing. I'm an alumnus of a rival school.
Anyway, you have some very valid points. I was pretty much an infant when the revolution was happening. But after reading so much about the events of the time, listening to parents, friends and relatives who were adults at the time, and watching news and other footage about the devolution of 1979, I have to say that I grudglingly agree with Zendanian when he says that Shah's greatest enemy was himself. From trying to appease the clergy in the hopes of being left alone, to abandoning power too easily, Shah brought this misery upon himself--and us by extension.
I am always of the opinion that had Shah transferred power to his son (knowing that he was ill)--or at least some form of a council until his son was older--the new king would have been FORCED into submitting to some form of a constitutional monarchy. It would have been inevitabe. Iran's political atmosphere would not have allowed anything else.
But there were other factors at work. There were way too many interests who wanted the Shah out of the way. Add to that the ultra-religious nature of our society and culture and Shah's own shortcomings and you will end up with the Islamic Republic. It was the perfect storm that Shah never saw coming. Too bad...
Forgive me if I don't respond further, but I'm trying to take some time off from IC to catch up with work.
Excellent points though. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Two corrections
by Divest from War pledge ca... on Mon Sep 10, 2012 01:22 AM PDTFirst, to correct a factual error. Automatic "birthright" citizenship was enshrined in the US constitution after the civil war. So even with Ron Paul as president, US-born children of immigrants will not lose their citizenship, even if AO's comment about Ron Paul's intentions could be taken at face value.
Also, it is wrong to conclude that you can never have influence in this country if you are perpetually waiting to go back to your homeland. No better proof of that than the Cuban exile Mafia in Miami. They set US policy towards Cuba, and they do measure everything in terms of whether it helps or hurts the current government there.
A long but important post
by alimostofi on Sat Sep 08, 2012 01:40 PM PDTAO: I do not know how old you are, but I am 55. I was at Princeton when all this was unraveling. As you can imagine, we had pretty high level discussions at the time about all the permutations.
At the time we needed two very important pieces of information that was not made apparent soon enough, that could have helped to save Iran.
The first piece of information.
The Shahanshah decided to not tell people that he was seriously ill. He left Iran not because he was ill, but because Bakhtiar asked him to, so that it might calm people down.
The Shah had to capture the hearts and mind of the people towards the culture of Iran. The Royal Institution of Iran has one objective. It is to preserve the culture of Iran. People had been mesmerized by the very thought of Democracy and were about to throw out the baby with the bath water.
All the Shah had to do to was to go to a hospital in Iran and give put the Prince in his place. The media would be watching him more than Khomeini. He would have won the hearts and minds of all Iranians.
The second piece of information
Once the Shahanshah had left Iran, the armed forces were told that Iran's security was not threatened. Fact is that the internal security of Iran was lost by the civilian police, and the armed forces were about to establish military rule under the statutes of the Iranian Constitution.
Now this is the tricky bit. The head of Iranian Armed Forces was told by Fardoost that Iran's security situation only applied in circumstances when the borders were threatened. This was a lie.
So what happened was that Khomeini decided that he will cooperate with the Army. The Army stepped aside. Khomeini and the PLO took over the streets. Later all the Generals were shot.
That is the true story. US Generals were are very instrumental in all this. The Shah was later poisoned and the mayhem destroyed Iran.
FB: astrologer.alimostofi
Ali Mostofi
by Anonymous Observer on Sat Sep 08, 2012 01:19 PM PDTGood observations. But I'm not suggesting that military service should be the objective. I'm suggesting it as the vehicle through which Iranian political candidates can gain credibility in a hostile environment, just like Se, Inouye did in a post WWII anti-Japanese environment.
My own counsin is a U.S. Marine. He is on his third tour of duty. One in Iraq and two in Afghanistan. While He doesn't seem to have political aspirations, I am constantly urging him to run for office at some point, once he finishes his education.
And you pose a very interesting question: would there have been a more intense opposition to the IR if the intelligentsia had remianed in Iran post 1979 devolution? First, we have to assume that there was, in fact, a meaningful and substantial intelligentsia class in Iran that left post 1979. Assuming, for the sake of the argument that was indeed the fact, I do not believe that it would have made a difference had they remained in Iran for two reasons:
1) most of the Iranian intelligentsia class at the time was pro revolution and had thrown in its lot with the Khmeinist, and it would have been extremely difficult for them to gain credibility with the people as independent entities.
2) the Islamic Republic had--and still has--as its enforcement arm, a hardcore "lumpen" hoodlum base / security aparatus that would have brutally and violenetly crushed any kind of a dissent and pressure on the system (as it did with other opposition). Think of the 1930's and the Nazis. Thinnk about what happened to German intellectuals who challenged The Nazis.
IMHO, it would not have worked.
Back to the Future
by alimostofi on Sat Sep 08, 2012 03:58 AM PDTAO: I do not mean to blow your proposition totally out of the water, but we have Iranian Americans who served in the Korean war and recently in Iraq.
As I have written in my previous articles, The United States is an easy refuge for all intelligensia. The brain and monetary drain in Iran, has been particularly acute.
Ironically if there was a particular place for the Ayatollah clans to seek refuge, we probably would get a regime change in Iran fairly swiftly.
My personal view is that once the regimes in North Africa get rubbed the wrong way by a more radical policy in US, then the Ayatollah clans Seyyeds etc will all go and settle there. In fact many of them have a lot vested interests in holy places in Iraq and Syria. That is why they are supporting the regimes there tooth and nail.
Now flip it all this the other way round and flash back to 1979. Imagine there was no way for people to get out Iran in droves as they did. The intelligencia would then not sell out of Iran and go and set up in US. The result would have been a more pronounced resistance to the madmen.
FB: astrologer.alimostofi
I'm getting to know
by SnakeCharmer on Fri Sep 07, 2012 03:26 PM PDTthe personalities here. It's been an interesting social study.
Anyway, AO, in light of your post, I would like to hear your perspective on this-- why so much fervent political talk here on IC? Does this have concomitant behavior in local and national public spheres?
Do you think "political engagement" in the likes of IC leads to anything beyond?
Thank goodness you're here "SnakeCharmer"
by Anonymous Observer on Fri Sep 07, 2012 03:20 PM PDTThere is a snake here that I need you to get rid off for me. It goes by various names including, but not limited to: MaryamJoon and Frashogar. You know him, right? :-)) (wink, wink).
Back to the "disconnect" comment
by SnakeCharmer on Fri Sep 07, 2012 02:25 PM PDThi,
I'm new here. I've been reading this thread for the last few days with fascination.
The level of political talk and discourse (and to be sure lots of dissent and argumention) offered here at IC far outpaces what I observe in the "real world" among Iranians in the diaspora.
What gives?
DM jaan
by Anonymous Observer on Fri Sep 07, 2012 08:36 AM PDTLet these fossils be. They are consonant West hating, yet West residing & West benifiting "revolutionaries." This particular sample hails from Denmark, where he once claimed to be a member of an "opposition group," (whoop-di-doo). :-)))
These people ignore, justify, remian silet on, or even support this:
They are the reaon why our homeland is where it is today, not America, not Israel, not Russia nor any other country on this planet. These people put --and have been putting for the past 33 years- ideology over the interest of Iran and Iranians. The good thing is that they are out of Iran. They were the first once to pack up with their tails between their legs and flee the "paradise" that they created. And now his main concern is Palestine. Have you ever seen him write anything about the oppression in Iran, or the execution of thousands there? Never! But here he is crying his eyes out for Palestine:
Let them be. They're not worth your (or my) time.
Be good.
AO jan
by Dr. Mohandes on Fri Sep 07, 2012 07:04 AM PDTBaba please, the next time you plan on writing something up, put up a disclaimer with letters in bold so our precious or maybe some "precocious" ones know right off the bat, thay can not be DRUNK and write comments at the same time!
Do not Drink and Write. Please people. Wrinting while you are drunk is a sin!
But just to show my honorable intentions and that i am in no way trying display any vile ambitions I hereby suggest a domain name:
Boro-jelo-boogh-bezan.com or .ir.
by Anonymous Observer on Fri Sep 07, 2012 06:14 AM PDTLet's see...
"corporate slaves"
"Japanese jackass"
"brown shirts"
What a wonderful comment. Thanks for sharing your worldview. :-)
What a fossil and a relic of the past...
PS- you may want to remove that poor baby's photo from your avatar. S/he will sue you when s/he grows up for abuse and defamation.
Thanks DM jaan -
by Anonymous Observer on Fri Sep 07, 2012 05:46 AM PDTSee you soon.
Another proposal for your site's title
by MeyBokhor_Manbarbesuzan on Fri Sep 07, 2012 04:49 AM PDTBrown-Shirts.org
A couple of false assumptions
by MeyBokhor_Manbarbesuzan on Fri Sep 07, 2012 04:41 AM PDT1) Using one's constitution given rights to vote for Ron Paul is not un-American. Ron Paul is as much American as the other two corporate slaves.
2) The stupid cartoon you are so found of, just shows how low some Iranians get to gain approval from their "massa." Depicting Iranians as suicide bombers or playing Iranian terrorist mothers to attain a B-rated movie carrier will never make you more American. Pay the rent, maybe!
3) If this regime the Japanese jackass was so loyal to was worth serving, how come it sent Japanese-Americans to concentration camps? Is that how loyalty is rewarded?
At that point he was only American. And if that is what you are promoting, why are you here on this site anyway? Start a site called something like:
former-iranian.com or
persian-speaking.com or
doogh-drinker.com ... you catch the drift.
Ananymous Observer khan
by Dr. Mohandes on Fri Sep 07, 2012 01:25 AM PDTyou can rest-assured that even if she does not come back in her original form and shape! there will be others who will keep her seat warm for you and continue to concoct all kinds of slights for you right behind your back. By the looks of it, they may even visit you in your sleep.
You could poignantly see that in the comments of Mr. fault finder in and around the blogs, immediately posted after your own comments.
Hey i think I heard someone who sounded just like him at the DNC last night. He kept sending subliminal messages...My fellow democrats...we have gathered here today to honor..."iranian.com is run by zionists" a man who has been one the greates presidents since JFK, "iranian.com and AO and DM are Israel lobbyists".
Best of luck to you on your time off. You know you and your materials will be missed. Get'er done man!:)
"Hope she returns..."
by Frashogar on Fri Sep 07, 2012 01:03 AM PDTso that I can beat up on her a bit, and then "enjoy" the beat down that I get in return from her.
Sounds kinky.
Rea - you're right
by Anonymous Observer on Thu Sep 06, 2012 08:02 PM PDTI was referring to her own suggestion before she left that she may return under another username. But she's not here, and we shouldn't speak ill of her. So, I went ahead and edited my comment. I alwyas liked NP despite my differences with her positions. Hope she returns so that I can beat up on her a bit, and then "enjoy" the beat down that I get in return from her.
Thanks for the reminder.
Before Admin
by مآمور on Thu Sep 06, 2012 07:26 PM PDTI have more faith on you, AO. In a real life, the judgment is 'reserved' for God, here in virtual world, we got Admin!!
If I have another user ID the Admin's wrath would come down on me and he would block my mamor account!!! deal!!??
U know better!! u r not a 5 years old 'boy'!! generating propaganda at what cost?? honesty!!
I wear an Omega watch
مردم چرا نشستین ایران شده فلسطین؟
ZendanianThu Sep 06, 2012 07:12 PM PDT
For those IC readers that can't read Persian, the line above is a popular street protest chant of people in Iran, that asks the question:
People why have you sat down, Iran has become Palestine?
This is the question that IR and its agents, on this site and outside of here, should ask themselves.
So the question becomes, what degree of violence and corruption, what degree of military occupation and hatred have Iranian people felt from Islamic Republic of Hell, to compare Iran, our own country, to occupied Palestine?
Perhaps this is a query that IR's apologists in here will never have a response to. Because they know all too well what an honest answer to that would mean.
Incidentally, one moral conclusion to draw from all of this would be: IR's agents have zero credibility, repeat: ZERO CREDIBILITY, condemning Israel or any other country other than Islamic Republic of Hell, for IR in about three decades has made all those other countries look so good, its truly beyond imagination.
AO n @Dr Mohandes
by Rea on Thu Sep 06, 2012 06:28 PM PDTCherish your enemies as you cherish your friends.
NP was a mighty opponent, doubt she's hiding among "so n so". For so n so have no arguments, s/he had.
by Anonymous Observer on Thu Sep 06, 2012 08:37 PM PDTFirst, I'm not sure if NIAC is the proper vehicle by which Iranian-American interests can advance. That organization has a lot of baggae, and let's face it, a lot of suspecious ties to the Islamic Republic, which a lot of Iranians find to be the root of the problem. There are other Iranians organizations. I think that most progress will come from professional Iranian associations and youth oriented ones. Please also bear in mind that the IR's sophisticated countr-intelligence oerations for the past 33.5 have intentionally caused division and animosity among the Iranian diaspora. That has been their greatest accomplishment.
Second, as far as your attending the NIAC event, I have my own opinions, which I will keep to myself.
Third, I commend you for your efforts to publicize Dr. Milad Pooran's candidacy. Your blog about him is how I found out about it. Good job on that front, and please keep it up. That's exactly the type of effort we need from the Iranian community.
Fourth, about the blog photo: lighten up please! The first order of business is for us to be able to laugh at our flaws.
next generation
by Hafez for Beginners on Thu Sep 06, 2012 05:41 PM PDTAnonymous Observer: I agree that the proportion of individual accomplishment doesn't match political represenation. Look - I attended one NIAC event and went through hell for it, and chose to cease my membership. No community will survive like that and have a real voice, if they can't put up with differences.
Better luck to the next generation - I guess - and I do think those born in the US don't have the baggage and can learn to listen and put up with differences better.
But the art work here, was a little offensive - if you don't mind me saying - our individual achievement in the US has been sensational - this isn't what those success stories walking through American malls, look like.
and besides
by Fesenjoon2 on Thu Sep 06, 2012 01:02 PM PDTTo add to AO, the "top most educated successful minority" status of Iranian-Americans is contested:
The fact that we have almost no presence in American politics actually puts Iranian-Americans at the very bottom of the minority success chain.
by Anonymous Observer on Thu Sep 06, 2012 01:09 PM PDTvery simple. Despite our accomplishments in the areas mentioned, we have no influence on policy in the U.S. Hence: the disconnect. Communities which may not be ranked as high have better representation in the American political system.
This seems "silly"
by Hafez for Beginners on Thu Sep 06, 2012 12:30 PM PDTLast time I checked - from among 66 ethnic communities in the US - Iranian-Americans were ranked the most educated and accomplished.
From the first female space tourist - to Ebay - to some of the best US surgeouns - to CNN anchors and beyond.
Maybe it's me - but I didn't get this.
DM jaan - as you know
by Anonymous Observer on Thu Sep 06, 2012 01:11 PM PDTI do not eat chicken, or even fish or eggs. But as you also know, we need those items for our upcoming neighborhood party, where we will be featuring our regional cooking--ours, of course, being from Tel Aviv itself. So, yes, please buy the chickens (make sure they're from a cage free organic farm though), and also some noon-khaameii and ash reshteh from the Iranian restaurant around the corner. I've just been craving those since Shaul Mofaz's mother made them for us last month at her "welcome Israel lobbyists" home party.
Thanks roomie..
khamenei toilet paper
by Fesenjoon2 on Thu Sep 06, 2012 09:48 AM PDTThat's actually a pretty good marketing idea.
But here's something similar:
AO jan
by Dr. Mohandes on Thu Sep 06, 2012 09:47 AM PDTSure thing bro. The guy said they were out of fish, but had some imported chicken from iran! should i get that one?
Hey, you think we should call over the two sisters that just moved next door to us? I saw one of them chanting some anti-zionist slogans on the streets this morning and kinda winked at me and said, hey you! wanna get me drunk tonight? i told her, lemme consult with my roomated and will get back to you.
One of them covers her whole entire face and the other just the part from nose down. i don't know man. up to you. let me know alright?:)) oh and she said she is familiar with all available relaxation methods and knows how to satisfy our physiological needs. i was like WTF are you talking about?:))
Mamoor joon
It is an established anatomical fact that the creatures with tails, have it stuck to their back already. the expression my dear mamooriii googoori is as follows: "put their tails between their legs and got the hell out".
God gives some money to me and some thinking power to mamoor.
by Anonymous Observer on Thu Sep 06, 2012 07:56 PM PDTI miss NP. She was a good blogger. Hope she returns.
As I have said before
by Anonymous Observer on Thu Sep 06, 2012 09:38 AM PDTDr. Mohandes and I are roommates in an apartment in Tel Aviv that is built on confiscated Palestinian land.
BTW, DM jaan, don't forget when you go to the supermarket today: we need eggs, matza balls and some Gefilte fish. And pick up some of that Khamenei toilet paper that you got the other day. It's very soft and soothing.