I always knew that the sheikhak Hafez was into little boys. Here’s the best confirmation. It’s from this site. Here, judge for yourselves. It’s his Gazal No. 10 from his Divan.
His mop of hair tangled, sweating, laughing and drunk, Shirt torn, singing poems, flask in hand,
His eyes spoiling for a fight, his lips mouthing “Alas!”
Last night at midnight he came and sat by my pillow.
He bent his head to my ear and said, sadly,
“O, my ancient lover, are you sleeping?” The seeker to whom they give such a cup at dawn
Is an infidel to love if he will not worship the wine.
O hermit, go and do not quibble with those who drink the dregs,
For on the eve of creation this was all they gave to us.
What he poured in our cup we drank,
Whether the mead of Heaven, or the wine of drunkenness.
The cup’s smile and the wine boy’s knotted curl
Have broken many vows of chastity, like that of Hafiz.
Recently by Anonymous Observer | Comments | Date |
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Bring Dr. Mohandes & Vildemose Back!!! | 31 | Nov 08, 2012 |
Iranian.com, David Duke or "Storm Front?" | 66 | Oct 12, 2012 |
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Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
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Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
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Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
Anonymous Hateseekers911
by Demo on Tue Aug 21, 2012 06:24 AM PDTThe hatred feelings toward the people of 'faith' on this site are making new turns every single day. Even in using of the Quran as a reference, for instance, the hateful crowd misuse it as they please so. Like of 'Truthseeker9' below who did not quote the 'truth remainder' when speaking of the 'truth' in that book (Notice the key word of EXCEPT regarding the said poets in the preceding verse:
"and that they say what they practise not?- EXCEPT those who believe, work righteousness, engage much in the remembrance of GOD, and defend themselves only after they are unjustly attacked. and soon will the unjust assailants know what vicissitudes their affairs will take!" (Quran 226-27)
by Truthseeker9 on Tue Aug 21, 2012 05:09 AM PDTRegarding "young boys serving wine", you may want to read two interpretations of Isamic Paradise from Quran, the second being a response to the first ("The X-Rated Paradise of Islam" - google this article, it is hilarious). It may explain why the mere suggestion of a hero figure being gay or paedophile is "hate" to some ...
Quranic Description of The Paradise, by Dr. Israr Ahmad Khan...
"... Islamic nations consider in the light of the Quran and the Prophet's statements, it (Homosexuality) inhuman, unnatural, unethical, criminal, and divinely cursed act, hence the evil forces did not in the past, and do not now have any chance to prosper in Muslim lands. The reason, therefore, foresees that the true Islamic people are the only people in the world to survive the anger of Allah who does not like those given to the approach of transgression. " Also Quran says:
Please post the Farsi version of this controversial poem. Thnks.
by MM on Tue Aug 21, 2012 03:50 AM PDT.
Love it love it love it!!!
by Fesenjoon2 on Mon Aug 20, 2012 11:49 PM PDTExcellent topic, AO.
"Boy love flourished spectacularly" in Persia:
Pederasty: "The Persian vice"?
انحرافات جنسی: بچه بازی
All-IraniansMon Aug 20, 2012 11:00 PM PDT
A Must Read.... Seriously
Thanks AO, and, a goodnight present to all friends:)
by Roozbeh_Gilani on Mon Aug 20, 2012 10:38 PM PDTامام نقی در خطبه های نماز عید فطر: عزیزان من، بدانید که رومیان دشمنان امت اسلامی هستند، اگر آنها در جهتی قرار گرفتند بدانیم که آن مسیر غلط است.
اینجا بود که نمازگزاران خشتک ها بدریدند و کلنگ ها برگرفتند و نقی نقی گویان به سمت تاسیسات اتمی سامرا بتاختند تا با نابودی آن تاسیسات، امت اسلامی را از رفتن به یک مسیر غلط نجات دهند.
امام نقی رو به دوربین: اوپس!
(قاف های نقی)
تا ابد بوى محبت به مشامش نرسد
NabaatMon Aug 20, 2012 10:30 PM PDT
صبحدم مرغ چمن با گل نو خاسته گفت
نازكم كن كه درين باغ بسى چون تو شكفت
گل بخنديد كه از راست نرنجيم ولى
هيچ عاشق سخن سخت به معشوق نگفت
گر طمع دارى از آن جام مرصع مى لعل
اى بسا در كه به نوك مژه ات بايد سفت
تا ابد بوى محبت به مشامش نرسد
هر كه خاك در ميخانه بر خساره نرفت
در گلستان ارم دوش چو از لطف هوا
زلف سنبل بنسيم سحرى مى آشفت
گفتم اى مسند جم جام جهان بينت كو
گفت افسوس كه آن دولت بيدار بخفت
سخن عشق نه آنست كه آيد بزبان
ساقيا مى ده و كوتاه كن اين گفت و شنفت
اشك حافظ خرد و صبر به دريا انداخت
چكند سوز غم عشق نيارست نهفت
It Is All About Hafez's Religion!
by Demo on Mon Aug 20, 2012 10:30 PM PDTAll these nonsense is not about whether or not Hafez was into Boys but is about endless wondering of why in the world he was a Muslim & not let's say a fire worshipper or an atheist! Everybody got it now?
RG and Jason
by Anonymous Observer on Mon Aug 20, 2012 10:17 PM PDTRG jaan - thanks man. I noticed the site was getting a bit boring too. So, I jumped in. :-) Can't have ommat-e-hezbollah take over. Glad you enjoyed.
Jason - Mehrban posted the Persian version. I think it's the first comment on the thread.
اسرائیل نه جان میگیرد و نه فرشته است
DemoMon Aug 20, 2012 10:09 PM PDT
غرض عزراییل (اسراییل را به انگلیسی ایزراییل صدا میزنند) بود و نه اسراییل که نام یکی از پیامبران است ولی در کشور ما بدون رودروایسی مرگش را میخواهند!!
HFB- does Hafez say anything about NOT being hysterical?
by Anonymous Observer on Mon Aug 20, 2012 10:18 PM PDTIf so, you should read--and benefit from it. I don't hate Hafez. But he is subject to criticism just like anyone else. Even more so because he IS a historical figure. So, please stop the trademark hysterics. And yes, young boys had long hair. Look at the paintings from that period.
I swear...this Iranian person worship thing...no one's allowed to criticize a person who gets the collective cultural stamp of "sacred." Absolutely insane...that's how we end up with 12 imams and a velayat faghih...
اسرائیل هم جان میگیرد هم فرشته است
مآمورMon Aug 20, 2012 09:49 PM PDT
وقضینا الی بنی اسرائیل فی الکتاب لتفسدن فی الارض مرتین و لتعلن علوا کبیرا
ولی ادامه دارد
فاذا جاء وعد الاخره لیسوءا وجوهکم و لیدخلوا المسجد کما دخلوه اول مره و لیتبروا ما علوا تتبیرا
تا ۲ نشود بازی نشود
I wear an Omega watch
Anonymous observer
by jasonrobardas on Mon Aug 20, 2012 09:43 PM PDTWould you please post the persian version of this poem ? instead of the English translation? Thanks
این به خوبی حافظ نیست، ولی بدم نیست، به سبک ایرج میرزا...
Roozbeh_GilaniMon Aug 20, 2012 09:04 PM PDT
این شعر در حال مستی وحی شده
منم پیروز و وحی ام آسمانی است
کنارم یک عدد داف مامانی است
چنان می خورده و مست و پاتیلم
که یک دست بر آلت و دیگر شلیلم...
هم اکنون با خدا در حال تماسم
بیا ای دخترک تن کن لباسم
ز سوی او کلامی تازه دارم
کمی کوچک ولی اندازه دارم
کلام او آب زندگانی است
که ریزد بر سر و دست جوانی است
به من آیات خود داده نشانم
من این آیات را در تو کشانم
بریزم قطره قطره واژه ها را
چپ و راست می کنم این اژدها را
به نام آن خدایی که جوان است
همیشه زخم او در استخوان است
بیا ای خوشگله قرعان من ؛ تو
دلیل و علت و برهان من؛ تو
چنان مستم که پایم سست سست است
همه آنچه نوشتم نیز درست است
بیا ای دلربا چه وقت خواب است
بیا که قدرتم اندر شهاب است
هر آنکس که به من شک دارد امشب
مریض است و کمی تب دارد امشب
صدق الپیروز النعیم
ما از همه پیامبران خوشحال تریم
پس ک... لق دیگر پیامبران
خودمان را عشق است
بطور کلی هرکس
Jeesh DaramMon Aug 20, 2012 08:47 PM PDT
دوش رفتم به در میکده خواب آلوده
خرقه تردامن و سجاده شراب آلوده
آمد افسوس کنان مغبچه باده فروش
گفت بیدار شو ای ره رو خواب آلوده
شست و شویی کن و آن گه به خرابات خرام
تا نگردد ز تو این دیر خراب آلوده
حالا هی مرتب هر کس میاید فلسفه بافی میکند و فرضیه ای ارائه میدهد که گویی حافظ نیازی به وکیل مدافع دارد. دیگری پای دولت انگلیس خار جنده را وسط میکشد و شخصی دیگر خامنه ای را مثال میزند. بجای این بدر بزن تا دیوار بشنود ها اگر از خود آن مرحوم سوال میکردند، شما مطمئن باشید پاسخ ایشان بمانند نگارش سعدی سهل و ممتنع و چنین میبود: " هرکس اختیار کون خودش را دارد". فاتح مع الصلوات. شیعه هستیم باید پای همه چیزش هم واسیم. تشکر از این فرصت تاریخی و سیری در ادب اثنی عشری
خواب و خورت ز مرتبه خویش دور کرد
NabaatMon Aug 20, 2012 08:07 PM PDT
ای بیخبر بکوش که صاحب خبر شوی
تا راهرو نباشی کی راهبر شوی
در مکتب حقایق پیش ادیب عشق
هان ای پسر بکوش که روزی پدر شوی
دست از مس وجود چو مردان ره بشوی
تا کیمیای عشق بیابی و زر شوی
خواب و خورت ز مرتبه خویش دور کرد
آن گه رسی به خویش که بی خواب و خور شوی
گر نور عشق حق به دل و جانت اوفتد
بالله کز آفتاب فلک خوبتر شوی
یک دم غریق بحر خدا شو گمان مبر
کز آب هفت بحر به یک موی تر شوی
از پای تا سرت همه نور خدا شود
در راه ذوالجلال چو بی پا و سر شوی
وجه خدا اگر شودت منظر نظر
زین پس شکی نماند که صاحب نظر شوی
بنیاد هستی تو چو زیر و زبر شود
در دل مدار هیچ که زیر و زبر شوی
گر در سرت هوای وصال است حافظا
باید که خاک درگه اهل هنر شوی
"hate" is a waste
by Hafez for Beginners on Mon Aug 20, 2012 08:41 PM PDTAnonymous Observer: the young boys didn't have long hair - the long chains Hafez would regularly get entangled in, not to mention the bright ruby red lips, and big gazing eyes. Perhaps you can find documents on young boys with long chains of wavey, flowing hair? Every single miniature of Persian women fits that same image of the "Zolf"/Hair that Hafez speaks of all the time, inlcuding in your poem. In Persian there is no "he" or "she" and many of the translations of this exact same poem, use "she."
Lesson not learnt: Most importantly the one thing Hafez teaches the most basic student - is to not create anything from a place of hate. If you hate something, move away from it. He doesn't have a single poem dedicated to pure hate, without dissecting some loving truth from even the worst experiences.
If you hate Hafez and it seems almost cruelly, the entire Middle East, that is your personal leaning. But dedicating a Blog and purely writing about how much you hate something - according to what I've learned from Hafez, is silly and a waste of time.
GOETHE (Germany) , Ralph Waldo EMERSON (USA) , Deepak CHOPRA (India/USA), MEHER BABA (India), Mohsen NAMJOO (Iran/USA): etc. etc. From across the globe and across centuries, thinkers and artists and philosophers have revered Hafez. I guess they were all paedophile worshipers too, according to this Blog's narrative? And my guess is, those listed in this paragraph knew him a little better than you, with due respect.
At last, a Hafez blog worth reading:)
by Roozbeh_Gilani on Mon Aug 20, 2012 07:03 PM PDTHis poetry, is of course the talk of the town. As for the other stuff, I'd blame the Islam...no, I mean the shiat cult.
Thank you dear AO, and good to see you back. Without the good writers like yourself, Divaneh, Majid.....This site is begining to look a bit like a bad version of shariatmadari's keyhan!
Dark secret of Iranian and greater Middle Eastern cultures
by Anonymous Observer on Mon Aug 20, 2012 06:50 PM PDTExtremely odd that pedophilia is so widely practiced, and to the same extent ignored, in Middle Eastern cultures. Often swept under the rug with the abuser just going about his business as if this is somethig that is "normal." A serious, honest and open discussion of the issue is needed.
Gotta go and get back to my book. Reading The Night Circus. Great book. Highly recoomend it:
Fun Fact
by Anonymous Observer on Mon Aug 20, 2012 06:43 PM PDTI was going to call this blog: HAFEZ: Sir Mix A Lot and connect Hafez's love of the rump to that of Sir Mix A Lot's--albeit the two differ in their choice of gender--and age--of the owners of the rump. But I didn't have the time to do it. It would have been a good one though. Perhaps next time. Anyway, enjoy this classic that reminds me of middle school...or was it the first years of high school? Middle school, I think. Enjoy:
HFB, Souri & Rea
by Anonymous Observer on Mon Aug 20, 2012 06:36 PM PDTHFB: we know that he's referring to boys for two reasons: 1) young boys were the traditional wine bearers in Hafez's time; and 2) given his religious tendencies, Hafez [- Qura'n] would have never dared speak about women in such ways in his poems (wine was still OK). Weirdly though --and that's the root of the problem here--speaking of young boys in that manner seems to have been perfectly acceptable in the strict Muslim society.
Souri: I think you're right about the whole dynamic here. Hafez was a creature of its [bacheh bazi infatuated] time.
Rea: no effect on his poetry. He has been elevated to an exalted position though. So, criticism is proper.
Israel's Love 4 All!
by Demo on Mon Aug 20, 2012 06:30 PM PDTNo matter who Hafez was & what he did, Israel (the angel of death in Farsi) loved to meet him & to take him away as the same angel meets all sooner or later & takes us away whether we like it or not!
FYI: THe IraniansIsraelLovers should know that nowhere in the Holy Quran, the angel of death has been identified as Israel & that is a pure Iranians' invention! No offence to our Kosher brothers & sisters!
~We~ all love that little boy ...
by Joubin on Mon Aug 20, 2012 06:27 PM PDTour ancient lover ...
He is in fact, Adorable.
Think Clearly, Speak Straight, and Act Decisively. Only then will you be an Iranian.
PHEPH! Hafez was named Hafez because he had memorized Qor'ann!
by IRANLOVESISRAEL on Mon Aug 20, 2012 06:13 PM PDTQor'ann was/is/will be a book of pedophiles (bache bazi) written by on one than the most famous pedophile of all times, Mohammad!
Therefore, Hafez was a bachebaz!
PHEPH = Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc = After this therefore because of this!
Shlomo loves Ferdosi the great Persian poet!
Into little boys ?
by Rea on Mon Aug 20, 2012 05:57 PM PDTSo what, how does that diminish his poetry ?
From the ancient Greeks to our era, nothing new under the sky (or so they say in English).
Plato, da Vinci, O. Wilde, Rimbaud, and the list is long.
by First Amendment on Mon Aug 20, 2012 03:03 PM PDTInteresting site, you linked.... Thanks*******
Everyone, Hafez was neither gay nor pedophile
by Soosan Khanoom on Mon Aug 20, 2012 02:57 PM PDTGet that into your system and move on. OK !!
Starting a rumor based on the limitation of English language which has nothing to do with Hafez and everything to do with the translator's choice of ' he ' rather than ' She '.
Dear AO , don't tell me that you are clueless!! You are way more smarter than that.
As I said Hafez was in love and he wrote from the depth of his heart and that is why after centuries his poetry touches hearts. I love him, I love him and I, oh, so love him.
: )
What some other people think
by All-Iranians on Mon Aug 20, 2012 03:00 PM PDTNo kidding! Jenab-e Frashogar is absolutely right. "You will find plenty of explicitly casted "boy love" in 17th-19th century English literature". Bacheh Baazi has been a part of British culture and has been introduced to Iran by British agent
شواهد بسیاری در اسناد وزارت امور خارجه موجود است که
انگلستان همیشه فواحش و بی ناموسان را بعنوان سیاستمدار به ایران فرستاده است برای توسعه و اشاعه فساد
Comment section
Please do not blame Iranians, Hafez, and the culture. Just blame the Brits and their agents in Iran
Demo, Need not to mention that those handsome young men
by Soosan Khanoom on Mon Aug 20, 2012 02:43 PM PDTare going to be enjoyed by women who are there. Not everything is written for the male's pleasure. Duh !!!
What I think.....
by Souri on Mon Aug 20, 2012 02:19 PM PDTAs we know little about Hafez private life, we can only trust what we understand from his poems. They say Hafez has been married once and he even had a son who died at 26. So, for sure he was not only into boys. But, yes I think the "bache bazi" was common in that era, and it was not considered so bad, given the strict nature of the Shia's rules.
So I believe that Hafez (like many others) has been drowned in that, but strangely, this doesn't change anything in my respect and the admiration that I have for him.
As he would say : Who cares?