رای امروز دادگاه: شکست کامل تریتا پارسی و نایاک


arash Irandoost
by arash Irandoost

قاضی دادگاه با بررسی نوشته ها و اظهارات من، شکایت آنان را بی اساس دانست و کلیه اتهامات وارده به من را باطل کرد. اضافه برآن، نایاک و شخص پارسی را به دلیل پنهانکاری و تقلب در جریان دادگاه و عدم صداقت و ... به پرداخت بخش مهمی از هزینه های وکلای من محکوم نمود


هموطنان عزیز،

امروز پس از چهار سال و نیم که از شکایت تریتا پارسی و نایاک از من میگذرد، پس از یک مبارزه قانونی طاقت فرسا و پرهزینه، سرانجام رای نهائی صادر شد. من همواره گفته ام که آنها لابی رژیم ایران در آمریکا هستند. آنها نیز در شکایت خود، مرا به دروغ گوئی، وابستگی به محافظه کاران و جنگ طلبان متهم کرده بودند.

قاضی دادگاه با بررسی نوشته ها و اظهارات من، شکایت آنان را بی اساس دانست و کلیه اتهامات وارده به من را مردود دانست. اضافه برآن، نایاک و شخص پارسی را به دلیل پنهانکاری و تقلب در جریان دادگاه و عدم صداقت و ... به پرداخت بخش مهمی از هزینه های وکلای من محکوم نمود.

من در گزارشات بعدی جزئیات رای دادگاه را خدمت هموطنان توضیح خواهم داد ولی از این فرصت استفاده کرده و از همه کسانی که در این چهار سال و نیم از من حمایت کرده اند مجددا سپاسگزاری میکنم و این پیروزی را به همه مردم ایران تبریک میگویم. نایاک و متحدانش در مافیای اقتصادی رژیم و همچنین محافل قدرتمند آمریکائی ، سرمایه گذاری کلانی در حمایت از نایاک نموده و برای پیروزی اش در دادگاه، کیسه های گشادی نیز دوخته بودند که با رای امروز دادگاه، شکست سنگینی متحمل شده اند.

در یک فرصت دیگر، از فشارهائی که نایاک و متحدان آمریکائی اش در این چهار سال و نیم برای خرد کردن و شکستن من و وکلای من کرده بودند سخن خواهم گفت و حامیان پشت پرده این کارزار دروغ را معرفی خواهم کرد.

امیدوارم که این اولین گام برای منزوی کردن شبکه لابی رژیم ایران در آمریکا باشد.

با درود به همه هموطنان و آرزوی سرنگونی رژیم ولایت فقیه

حسن داعی

23 شهریور 1391

13 سپتامبر


more from arash Irandoost

NIAC Press release about federal court decision

by Fesenjoon2 on

بسمه رب الشهدا والصدیقین! امت همیشه در فیس بوک اپوزیسیون!  بار دیگر دست های پلید صیهونیست جهانی از آستین آمریکای نامسلمان بیرون آمد.این بار بیدادگاه آمریکا در حکمی ناعادلانه و غیراسلامی فرزند رشید ایران برادر بزرگوار تریتا پارسی را قربانی سیاست های غیر انسانی خود نمود و چهره ی شیطانی خود را به جهانیان نشان داد. اما این پایان ماجرا نیست. این جنایت پیشه گان جنگ افروز باید بدانند که "  فان حزبالله هم الغالبون ". مزدوران خدانشناس بدانند که فرزند رشید انقلاب اسلامی تنها نیست و در راه مجاهدات خود کوتاه نخواهد آمد و خسته نخواهد شد. تمام علمای اعلام، فقها و مهمتر از همه نایب برحق ولی امر مسلمین حضرت امام خامنه ای و یادگار امام حضرت آیت الله هاشمی رفسنجای بهرمانی به این فرزند خلف خود افتخار میکنند. بیگانه گان جنگ افروز و اعیادی خارج نشین شان بدانند که حقوق اسلامی همیشه پیروز است. ما از جنگی که موجب سقوط انقلاب اسلامی گردد بیزاریم و از تلاش خود برای تلطیف نمودن چهره مظلوم حکومت اسلامی و نظام خدایی مان دست نخواهیم کشید. لابی گری را جهاد در راه خدا و ولایت او می دانیم و همچنان همراه تریتای عزیزمان در راهروها و سالن های مجالس آمریکا هروله خواهیم نمود و به نمایندگان آمریکایی حکومت اسلامی را بشارت خواهیم داد. 

Shazde Asdola Mirza

NIAC is an IRI friendly lobby ... period.

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

And the Americans have tried in the past to use NIAC to open doors with IRI ... but all of that is ancient history now.



I would appeal this case

by kevin on

I would appeal it. I think the judge made it easy by being so very one sided. I know libel is hard to prove in the US but not this hard!  

I think the standard of malice is being abused here. There's no way it can be interpreted this narrowly. The entire opinion comes down to basically this:

Sure the defendant has lied, but he really believed it (according to only the defendent himself), so that's not malice.

Sure the defendent has misrepresented the writings, left out quotes and facts etc., but it wasn't his fault, he was just "sloppy"! 

Sure the defendant has had motive and opportunity, and political incentive, but that's not malice.

At some point, it's like saying Bin Laden had no malice because he really believed infidels must die! Whatever world is constructed inside the head of the defendant seems to be good enough defense of malice. That makes sense in an insanity plea, but hardly here.

I find it also very strange that almost all the evidence of what the defendent really believed is the defendant's own claims. As if someone is going to say "No, I really didn't believe this and I was just lying the whole time."

This explains why the journalism experts were dismissed. They are the ones who could have testified as to what a reasonable standard is for any investigative reporter. That and the opinion being so one sided makes it a good candidate for appeal. I'm not sure when the last time I read a brief that gave every single point to one side. On a case that has lasted 4 years, that smells heavily of bias. 

my 2 cents.

long live Iran

Thanks Maryam joon,

by long live Iran on

I knew that this Mr Daee al-Islam which now shortened his surname is a member of MKO/MEK. But thanks for informing about 
PDMI. Good to know these pupet groups.

Long Live IRAN for Ever. 

hamsade ghadimi

jj, when you were sipping

by hamsade ghadimi on

jj, when you were sipping wine in sidewalk cafes in nyc and drumming up business for iri (as you've stated previously in a blog or two), did you consider yourself an iri agent? 

now, do you think that trita and company (including comrades tied to iri's atieh bahar and those tied to american oil interests) are doing what you were doing on a larger scale?  if so, is that the part you like about trita or the part that you don't like about him?


Good news...   All

by vildemose on

Good news... 

 All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir


Trita Parsi must have done some egregious things

by Onlyiran on

to be forced to pay lawyer's fees for the other side.  That doesn't happen too often in the U.S. judicial system.  


First Lesson on Being an Iranian-American

by Faramarz on


I hope that Trita and the gang at NIAC have now learned a valuable lesson about the Freedom of Speech and what is the cornerstone of being an American and an Iranian - American.

Now, you NIACis go climb some walls and burn some embassies to cool off!


I strongly recommend that you invite Hassan Daii back to Iranian.com. I have read many of his blogs and he always backs what he says with sufficient supporting material.


NIAC MUST be investigated!

by Liberty on

Now that Parsi and IRI lobbyist firm (NIAC) have lost the legal lawsuit, It has to be investigated by US Department of Justice for violating FARA (Foreign Agents Registration Act) and failing to register  NIAC as a LOBBY organization under section 4 of Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 and for possible Tax Evasion.


NIAC has received federal funds but essentially has acted as a LOBBY organization for the murderous IRI regime. NIAC lobbyists must have registered within 45 days with the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House of Representatives after they made a lobbying contact!


Congratulations to Hassan Dai for fighting IRI stooges and prove them WRONG in DC District court. Indeed NIAC's tactic of silencing its critics has turned against this IRI Lobby organization! Shame on IRI stooges!

areyo barzan

Free Speach???

by areyo barzan on



I is very strange and rich to hear about free speech when in the past few months all my comments and blogs have been removed from this site and none of the articles that I have posted been published.

This was in spite of the fact that these writing were in no way discriminatory or even offensive to any individual or any ideology. Just stating the facts.

Furthermore all my correspondents to find out the reason for such blanket blockage of all my postings have fallen of deaf ears, with no reply or explanation of the reason for me being blocked out.

In fact to be honest I am not even sure if this posting will stay here for any foreseeable time or will it meet the fait of my other postings by being deleted.

I have been a dedicated member of this firm  for more than eight years now and I expected much more from people running it.

But then again!

Payabndeh Iran


JJ Jaan

by anglophile on

Would you have written the same if the judge had held in favour of Trita?

Just wondered :)

ps - I love your take on Free Speech. IranianDotCom is a living manifestation of this assertion:

"Free speech would be meaningless if it does not provide room for the widest possible expression, including bullshit. "



Dismissal doesn't mean PDMI or Timmerman are good

by MaryamJoon on

People can see what your group is about ... you can't hide facts with me.  

And I don't support NIAC's approach, but PDMI is an Israeli Lobby joke.  


Soosan Khanoom

WoW ... 1640 signatures... Very impressive Arash ...

by Soosan Khanoom on

Didn't know they have Internet access at Camp Ashraf yet alone Facebook account!!! !! Yes that is indeed the beauty of the states!!

Say hi to Daee and kiss khaleh Maryam for me.. 

Be omid e zohoore Imam Masud !  


arash Irandoost


by arash Irandoost on

There has been two causes on Facebook with over 2500 once (BEOFRE niac CYBER ARYM BROUGHT IT DOWN) and now at 1640 Iranians who have signed a petition believing that Trita Parsi is and was lobbyist for the criminal regime-but people like you were in denial.  If you believd that the IRI is a criminal regime that raped its own citizens, then this is indeed a victory against those who tried to push regime's crimes and pursuit of nuclear weapons under the rug!  Now go fly a kite!

arash Irandoost

If you love free speech?

by arash Irandoost on

Then why do you keep deleting my English posting?

Dear Jahan Shah, it is quite understandable that you and your ilk are disappointed.  Not only did the judge dismissed the case, but asked Trita to pay for legal expenses incurred by Mr. Dai.  You can attempt to do damage control all you want - but there was plenty of documentation that proved Trita Parsi was indeed shilling for the criminal regime in Iran. You even once referred to Trita as the lobbyist.   Trita could not provide a single document linking Hassan Dai to MEK.  That is the beauty of living in the United States, finally stooges like Trita Parsi saw their day in the court- Hassan Dai was proven right that Trita Parsi is a lobbyist for the Islamic Republic and now the counter suit begins!

Artificial Intelligence

Great News!

by Artificial Intelligence on

This just shows what kind of people are running NIAC. Very bad decision makers.

Even assuming that they (NIAC) do not directly support the IRI, their policies seem to always indirectly support the IRI which is reprehensible.

Trita & his IRI supporting NIAC will be in full damage control. Lets see how they spin this now. 

Jahanshah Javid

Free speech

by Jahanshah Javid on

Bottomline: It is extremely hard to win a libel/slander case, especially if you are a public figure. And for good reason. Free speech would be meaningless if it does not provide room for the widest possible expression, including bullshit. You have to prove that an accusation is not only false, but also malicious.

US political discourse is full of false accusations. Count the ones against Obama alone. When was the last time an American politician took a newspaper or reporter or another politician to court over some allegation or opinion? It almost never happens because it will most likely be thrown out by the judge and, worse, leave the impression that the politician has thin skin and wants to muzzle his critics.

I like Trita. I think he's a brilliant guy, I don't agree with everything he says or whatever NIAC does or doesn't do. But I consider them a great asset to the Iranian American community.There's no evidence that Trita is working for the Islamic Republic and there never will be. Those who hate him for opposing war and crippling sanctions should understand that there are plenty of Iranians who oppose the same but are not agents of the mollas.

But as much as I like Trita and NIAC, I love free speech more.

Michelin man

we don't need you guys.

by Michelin man on

Why are you congratulating the Iranian people? No one that I know gives a hoot about you or NIAC. Who are you?

Soosan Khanoom

Congratulation to you, to Mr. Daee , and khaleh Maryam(Rajavi)..

by Soosan Khanoom on
