دستور العمل استفاده از تاریخ. . . . . . . .

دستور العمل استفاده از تاریخ. . . . . . . .
by Ari Siletz

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Kaveh V


by Kaveh V on


Yes, very much so.

To begin with, I'd argue for establishing the historic facts first, without bias, propaganda, or deceite. Then we may discuss what they meant and how they influenced other events, and what we should learn from them.

Given the 2500 years, or longer, history of the region, just establishing the existence of important historical events will be a challenge by itself.

Ari Siletz

Kaveh V

by Ari Siletz on

Yes, there are so many positive ways we could use history. Maybe as much as history lessons we need lessons in how to use it properly.

Sad, like knowing all about airplanes except how to fly one. 

Kaveh V


by Kaveh V on



Very insightful!

This confirms my long time observation of many Iranians, from IRI officials to diaspora, who 'wear their pride on their sleeves'. Inheritors of a history they can not relate to, nor connected with, and know nothing about. Nevertheless, they are compelled to distract any personal, or public, engagement to establish a false sense of credibility for their audience by boasting about their history.